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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 116

by Amira Bradford

  I thought that she was pissed. "I did what she wanted." "So you did. She's rounding out quite nicely. I'm impressed. I don't suppose that you handle more than one client at a time, do you?" She handed me a beer.

  I hadn't expected that. It's not like this was a business. "Well, I suppose, as long as you don't think that Sam would mind."

  "Nah, we talked about it, she was impressed with your work too, and recommended you highly." I laughed nervously. What the hell was I getting into?

  Again, I was taken by the hand upstairs, this time into Deidre's room. She put on some music, and lit up a joint. "I won't be able to do this anymore, so here goes one more time." Out of character for me, I joined her in the smoke. I started undressing her, and she me. Her boobs were pretty average, but she was as skinny as a rail. I figured that if she did get pregnant from this, she'd look like a snake having swallowed a duck.

  "Are you ovulating?" I sounded like a doctor. I suppose that in a way, I was!

  "I think so. I'm really glad you're here in prime time. I've wanted to do this for a long time, just didn't have the 'contacts' you might say. Sam's boobs have gotten huge. I've always wanted huge boobs. Her tummy's beginning to round out nicely. I've always wanted to be something more than a stick. Besides, being a mom should suit me, don't you think?"

  "I guess, I stammered. "Well, let's see what we can do about rounding you out a little. As I recall, this is the right procedure..." I got on top of her, as she grasped my sides to pull me into position.

  "I hope that you brought a lot of that baby potion with you," she said as she worked with me to get every drop out. We collapsed on the bed. Actually, I collapsed, she just laid down next to me. We fell asleep pretty quickly.

  A light knock at the door woke us up a few minutes later. "Knock, knock! I see that you took my recommendation, Deidre, a fine choice." Samantha sat on the bed beside Deidre as they both looked at me. "I'm glad to see that you're helping out my friends too!"

  Samantha removed her jacket, blouse and bra. She had a different bra this time, it seemed bigger. When the bra was away, it was clear why, her boobs were much bigger, and her nipples were much darker. Deidre said, "I can't wait until mine are round and full like this," as she suckled up to Samantha's left boob.

  "Neither can I," I said. I felt Samantha's right boob, remembering its old size with my head while my hand measured up the new size. It was quite a lot bigger and fuller than I recalled.

  I removed her boots, and then went to remove her jeans.

  She stroked my dick, "Here's our man." Her jeans were elastic waist jeans. I put my hands on the jeans to feel the shape of her belly. It was definitely rounding out and firm. I untied the tie and pulled them down over her belly, which was indeed much more substantial that I had imagined. I removed her panties, and rubbed her belly round and round.

  "I don't want you making love to her right now. If you want to do that, you come squirt your juice this way. Besides, she doesn't need it! You gave her enough to last nine months! Look how big she's getting!" We all laughed, but I was really into making love to Samantha, since she was far sexier with her enhanced breasts and rounding belly. Samantha released my dick as Deidre pulled me back to her side of the bed and directed me to top her off. I pushed my dick into her slick opening, and gave her another dose.

  Samantha got up from the bed as we finished. I watched while Deidre was getting her underwear on. Samantha's pregnancy was clear to see. Just beneath her belly button a small round protrusion showed. It was especially prominent when she leaned back a little, which she did because her back was a little sort. "How many weeks are you now?" I asked.

  "Ten, I think." She put her hands onto her slightly rounded belly. I went over to her from behind, and put mine on too. "I can't believe that I'm growing a new little one in here. It's always been a dream of mine."

  "Mine too," said Deidre, as she put her arms around Samantha, rubbing her belly from behind. "Mmmmm," she said, as she moved her hands up to Samantha's large breasts. Samantha tilted her head back, enjoying the sensation.

  I went to get my camera.

  Chapter 6

  I knocked on the door of the house early on Saturday morning. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted from the house. Deidre had called me a couple of weeks earlier to tell me that once again, my powerful semen had impregnated someone on the first try! When she opened the door, she was wearing pajama shorts that were a little low on her abdomen, and a short top that stopped just beneath her boobs, which had grown from their earlier small size into nicely rounded breasts.

  "Hey Daddy, how's it going?"

  I'd never been called Daddy before. That was a bit of a head drain! "Great, how's my little one?" She let me in and closed the door behind me.

  "Fine, getting bigger every day." She picked up her shirt to show her small belly. Her thin body let the belly show earlier than it might otherwise. A small bulge below her bellybutton gave away the secret. "Seven weeks now, a sixth of the way there. I hope that I get frickin' huge. If I've got to get big anyway, it might as well be over the top!"

  "Me too, the bigger the better, I figure. I brought my camera, I was hoping that we could get some shots of you and Samantha together."

  "Sure, but I think that Samantha's going down to the beach this morning." As soon as her name was mentioned, Samantha came down the stairs, clearly ready for the beach, and clearly pregnant.

  "Hi there." As she reached the bottom of the stairs, her belly came into full view. There she was, with a full round fifteen week belly pushing her bikini bottom down and a little out of place. She wagged her belly side to side to show it off. I went over. Clearly, she wasn't the kind of woman to hide her pregnancy ­­ as a matter of fact, she was a little on the exhibitionist side. I wondered how many guys at the beach would be watching her closely. I sure would be.

  "Hi. Well, you've certainly rounded out since I saw you last."

  "Ya, the girls love it. As a matter of fact, Cassandra wanted to chat with you a while." She was cradling her belly with her hands.

  "You're kidding, another?"

  "Sure, lesbians want kids too, and this is a good arrangement."

  "OK, but I'm not going to leave here without having some time with you."

  "You're a brat, did you know that?" she said as she pulled me up the stairs.

  I hadn't expected that. She must sort of like this.

  We went into her room. I came up behind her and put my hands on her belly. I moved my right hand down to her bikini bottom and pulled it down. She turned to unzip me and take off my jeans. As she did, she grabbed my dick and said, "look what this bad boy's done to me!" I took off her bikini top, letting her full breasts free. The threw me onto the bed, and was on top of me in a second. "Let's do this," she said as she aimed herself at my dick, and slowly pushed us together. As we made love, I caressed her belly and boobs, not knowing which I should spend more time with. She leaned into me, and I sucked her right breast. "There's nothing there yet, you naughty boy, but just you wait a couple of months" She wouldn't let me cum more than once. "That's enough, you want enough for Cassandra, don't you?"

  "I guess so, as I got up." There was a light knock on the door, as Deidre came in.

  "Well, we didn't waste any time did we? Did you save any for me?"

  "Well, I guess so," I said as I sat back down on the bed. "Do you mind?" Deidre asked of Samantha.

  "No, that's fine, I'm heading off to tan my big round belly!"

  Having sex with Deidre wasn't as fun as Samantha, since her boobs and belly were smaller, but what she lacked in size, made up for in energy.

  We went downstairs afterward. As we came into the living room, Cassandra was coming in the door with a boogie board and wearing a wetsuit. Her short blond hair was still wet and wild from the surf and from the short ride from the beach in her jeep. "Hey," she said as she put the boogie board in the corner and threw her keys onto the coffee table. "I'd wanted to talk to you about your 'business'".

>   "It's not a business," I countered, "it's a hobby."

  "I see," she said, unimpressed with the distinction. "When can we start?"

  "Umm, today, I guess. How do you feel about," I had to think, "a May baby?"

  "That works for me." She was all business as we went about doing the deed.

  "Thanks," she said afterward, "I'll let you know if we need to do this again. This was a bit faster and less fun than I had anticipated.

  Later, I went to the beach to see Samantha. As I was walking along the beach, I saw a few pregnant women, at various stages of their pregnancy. I was amused because soon I'd have my own library of women at various stages of pregnancy. I did the math. In two months, I'd have one woman at twenty­four weeks, one at sixteen weeks, and one at eleven weeks. That would make for an interesting collection. I only hoped that I wouldn't drown in their hormones!

  Chapter 7

  It was a cold Saturday evening in September when I arrived at the house. I brought two half­gallons of ice cream for the girls. Cassandra had called two weeks ago with news that she too was with child. Wow, I now had three pregnant women to take care of. It was hard to get used to the idea. I let myself in. "Hello!"

  "Hi!" chimed three women from the kitchen. I went in, where they were sitting around the table with Cassandra comparing notes. On the table was a tape measure.

  "So how are things measuring up?"

  Samantha got up from the table with a little effort. Her belly was beginning to impede her mobility! She was wearing a white stretch top with black maternity pants. She wasn't wearing a bra! Her boobs looked fabulous, neatly wrapped by the shirt. Her nipples were big, and her aureole were clearly visible even through the tight shirt. "Hey, your belly button popped!"

  "Ya, it does that sometimes now! As a matter of fact, it's like that most of the time, isn't is Deidre?"

  "Ya, I think so." Deidre got up. "Hey, check this out!" She pulled up her t­shirt, and showed me the top of her jeans, which didn't stand much of a chance of buttoning, and her zipper was only half­way up.

  "Wow, you're coming along too!" I put my hand on her belly, then a little but down her unzipped jeans. She giggled a little and squirmed away some.

  "And you," I said to Sam, you're getting really big!" I went up to her, and put my right hand on her back, and my left hand on her belly. "How big around are you now?"

  "Let's see," she said as she went for the measuring tape. She put it around her belly. "Umm, looks like forty­two inches!"

  "Wow." I put my arms around her from the back to feel what forty­two inches of pregnancy felt like. I took the tape over to Deidre. "Let's see where you are!" I wrapped the tape around. "Looks like thirty-­four inches. Not bad! You're, what,twelve weeks now?"

  "Ya, twelve weeks. It's fun to look at Samantha to see what two months will do for me!"

  "Everyone's differentthough,you'llprobably end up looking bigger!"

  Cassandra said, "I've got a belly now too, let's measure mine."

  "No you don't, you can't, you're only seven weeks pregnant," said Deidre.

  "I do. I started at a twenty­-seven inch waist, and I know I've gotten bigger. Give me that measuring tape." She pulled up her blouse to her boobs (she wasn't wearing a bra, so the view was great) and put the tape around her waist. As soon as she pulled up her blouse, I knew that she had a tummy. It looked even bigger than Deidre's!

  She had hidden it for a while now. None of us thought much of it when she complained about her wetsuit not fitting anymore, but wow, she had really blossomed. "Thirty-­eight inches. So there. I do have a belly. It's bigger than Deidre's! What are you, thirty­-four?"

  "Umm, ya, and I'm five weeks ahead of you," said Deidre.

  "Do you think that you're going to have twins?" asked Samantha.

  "I don't know, do you think?"

  "Well, you're bigger than anyone else was at this point," I said. There was a moment of awe as the idea sank in.

  I'm feeling like crap, so I'll see you guys later." I went over gave her slightly over sized belly a little rub, and said, let me know if you want anything." She sighed, and went upstairs to bed.

  After a nice dinner of lentils (yecch), we went into the living room to chat for a while. "Mind if I take some pictures," I asked.

  "No, we think it's been a little too long," Samantha said, pushing her belly toward me as a hint.

  The two girls stood in front of the fireplace to start. They had hands on each others bellies. Deidre went behind Samantha and put her arms around her, pulling her shirt up and putting her hands on the sides of her belly. They swapped positions, and Samantha got as close as her belly would let her to Deidre, and we did the same shot. I got a few close­ups of the profile of Samantha's pregnant swollen boobs through her tight white shirt. Deidre kept interfering by playing with Samantha's nipples, which would triple in size! I eventually gave up.

  "I may be going out on a limb here, but could we, you know, um, have a threesome?" I asked.

  "We've talked about that, and we thought it'd be fun, we just didn't know if you'd be into it," Deidre answered.

  "Uhh, I've never done it before, but heck, I'm into it. Making love to pregnant women is what I do best!"

  The girls came up to me. Samantha pressed her belly against my side while she blew into my ear, nibbled my earlobe, and then started licking my neck. Deidre unzipped my jeans, put her hands down my pants, then pulled the jeans right off. She rubbed her belly against mine. I lost track of who took the rest of my clothes off, but before I knew it, Samantha was on top of me rubbing her breasts while I rubbed her belly. Deidre was at my head with her breasts dangling in my face while she was trying to kiss Samantha. It was nearly more than I could handle. That was a night that I won't forget.

  Chapter 8

  When I went into the house on that morning, Cassandra was coming down the stairs wearing a bathrobe. "Hi, how's my third mom doing?"

  "I'm fine, and so are BOTH babies." I was awestruck.

  "You're kidding."

  "Nope, I went to the doctor yesterday, and she did an ultrasound. There are two little tykes in here," she said, pulling the robe away from her belly and holding it like a basketball.

  I went up to her and held her belly. "So how big it it now?"

  "I just measured, it's up to thirty-­seven inches." "Wow, that's huge. How are the other girls?"

  "They're fine, they're both getting round too, but not as fast as I am!"

  "I'll bet. You going for a shower or something?"

  "Ya, I just got back from windsurfing. Want to join me?"

  "Sure." I followed her into the bathroom. I pulled her robe off to size her up. Her ten weeks of pregnancy was starting to show not only in her belly, but in her boobs too. Her nipples were getting larger and darker. Her breasts were full and round, and I had the urge to suckle a little. Of course, there was nothing there to drink, but it was another way to enjoy her changing body. We jumped into the shower. I watched as the water dripped from her excited nipples. She soaped up my dick, rubbing it nearly to the point of cumming, but stopped before I did.

  "I'll leave this for someone else," she giggled. We finished the shower and got dressed. She put on jeans that were too tight to button, and a sweatshirt. She skipped the bra.

  I went knocked on Samantha's door. "Come in."

  "Hi, want some company?"

  "Sure." She pulled the sheets back, exposing her 23 week belly. She wasn't wearing anything but some slight black panties. I quickly undressed again and jumped in with her. I was more than a little surprised to find that Deidre was sharing a little bed space with Samantha too!

  "Well, hey girls, how are you feeling? Oh wait, I can feel you myself!" They laughed as Deidre rubbed Samantha's belly from behind. I put my hand on Samantha's breasts to feel them. They were only a little larger, having reached their full pregnancy size. Her veins were showing under the skin a little, which made them seem even a little bigger. Her belly was quite a bit bigger than before, and
her linea nigra, the dark line down her belly, was beginning to show. I rolled her onto her back and got on top of her. Making love to her was a challenge! Her belly was beginning to get in the way, but we made it work. It just meant that I couldn't lean over her so much. Afterward we measured her belly at 45 inches!

  Chapter 9

  It was Thanksgiving day, and I showed up early with a couple of cans of cranberry sauce to go with my frozen turkey dinner. I went into the kitchen to say hi and to check out the girls. Samantha and Deidre were in hysterics, and at first I didn't know why, but there in the corner was Cassandra, trying to fit into her wetsuit. She could get the bottom on OK, it was the abdomen that was having a hard time getting over her 15 week twin belly! She could put it all on, but couldn't zip it up. She tried a few more times, and finally did it, but the stress on the suit was obvious! Her belly was plain to see, and the zipper was straining to keep things together! She took it off, right there in the kitchen and kicked it under the table as she straightened her grey cotton panties. "I guess that's it for windsurfing."

  "Couldn't you just use a swimsuit," I asked.

  "It'd be too cold, and I don't think that I'd fit into my speedo anymore either. These twins have me busting out of all my clothes!!

  "Let's see," Samantha said. "Let's have him judge a preggo swimsuit contest! I'll get mine."

  "Hah, that'll be a laugh," said Deidre. "I'll get mine too."

  My dick was as hard as a rock at this prospect. My three girls cavorting around in their swimsuits at 28, 20 and 15 weeks. I got my camera. Deidre was first, in a yellow bikini. Her belly pushed the bikini down below where it should be, but she insisted on pulling it up. As soon as she'd pull it up, stretching it along the way, it'd fall back down, until she resigned herself to the fact that she was just too big for it now. Her slender body now looked like she had a basketball in her stomach! Her belly was distinctly round. Halfway through her pregnancy, it looked as though her belly would only go out and up! Deidre rotated once or twice, put her hands under her newly enhanced boobs, then to her belly, and then she put her hands to her crotch, and pulled them up around her belly.


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