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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 146

by Amira Bradford

  "Hey Josh," Tommy Silverman said, he was Joshua's best friend and lived in the apartment upstairs, an athletic and competitive pair they were, Joshua stood at 4'8 and Tommy at 4'9. Josh was light brown with a gold complexion never in need of a tan, soft curly hair, straight nose, stubborn mouth and green eyes. Tommy was milk white with red curly hair, a crooked nose, thin lips and just about the bluest eyes ever seen, just like the most beautiful summer's day sky. "Can I blow the candles with you?" Tommy asked.

  "Yeah Josh!" Greg Wright, the father of another of Josh's friends shouted "blow out those candles cause I can't wait to have a piece of that cake!" they all shouted their agreements.

  "Sure Tommy!" Josh replied still goggle eyed, "you can help me blow em out, then we'll see who blows em out faster. Watch us mom!"

  'OK hun," Grace said "I'll count you down, ready, seeeeettttttt, go!"

  Both boys began blowing as if their lives depended on it, it all ended as quickly as it began, Josh held up his hand victorious.

  "I won," he snickered to Tommy "even if I didn't, because it's my birthday!"

  "I got you a cool present Josh, wanna open it now or later?" Tommy asked.

  Josh looked around and saw everyone eying him and the cake, "You know what, maybe we can wait til later, everyone's really looking at the cake." He confided to Tommy, whose eyes swept the crowd as well and nodded his head in agreement.

  Grace stepped in from there and began distributing generous amounts of the cake to the party goers, the party was smooth sailing from there, the kids danced and song out loud to the latest Radio Disney CD, they knew all the Hannah Montana lyrics.

  Later that evening after seeing the last parents out, which happened to be Chris and Marcy Silverman, Josh and Grace collapsed in the sofa.

  "Where did the time go, bud?"Grace asked after several moments of silence. "Your nine now, half way to 18 and half way to leaving me alone."

  Josh hated when his mom got emotional whenever she thought too far into the future, he knew he'd always be there for his mom and even made up his mind to go to the state university just so he could live at home, but that was years from now, "Oh come on mom, you know I'd never leave you when I'm 18," he rose and bent to kiss her cheeks "instead I'm gonna leave as soon as I hit 16." He whispered then sped off to his room laughing. She threw a pillow to his retreating back, "brat!" she yelled at his back, but he didn't hear. Clean up had to begin now, she told herself and rose to get to it.

  "We've found her Mr. Tate." Investigator John O'Neal said to Paul Tate, but said nothing more than that, Paul sat there staring at John, waiting for the expected report, he sat behind his rosewood office desk, his laptop closed, leaning back in his executive chair, the air around him was potent, and you knew you were in the presence of the boss. His blond hair cut layered to frame his face blue eyes cool and calculating and his stubborn mouth set. After moments of silence it was obvious that prompting was needed.

  "Well?" he asked impatiently, eager to get the information he desired.

  "Well she's changed her first name from Laura to Grace, she has a son with the same last name 'Miller', and she's living in California now." John stated as if he memorized cue cards.

  Paul got up and went to his mini cooler and retrieved an Evian bottle inclining his head to John and John shook his head to the unspoken offer of something to drink. Contemplating he began to speak as he walked back to his seat 'Name change, a kid, OK, no husband, no boyfriend?" Paul asked digesting the information.

  "No, doesn't have any record of them here, just a few dates but nothing solid, the last report is that her son celebrated his ninth birthday a couple weeks ago" John replied, but this had Paul coughing and gasping for air as the water he swallowed went down the wrong pipe.

  "Nine years old? Are you sure?"

  "Yeah I'm sure, from what I gathered it was the nicest little party," he began taking his voice a bit lower and softening his deep baritone as if speaking to the children themselves, "she had it in her apartment, all the kids in the neighborhood went and the music was good and she made them some Jamaican style food, I heard the kids talked about it for days on end."

  "Did you get any pictures, John?"

  "Of the party? No, but I know the party store that they bought this great one foot..."

  "Not the damn party John, the kid, do you have photos?"

  "The kid is Joshua, Paul and no I haven't got any pictures"

  "Why the hell did I hire you if you can't get basic information!" Paul erupted.

  "There's two things wrongs with that statement Pauly partner" John stated, calling him the nickname he knew Paul hated, "one I'm not on your stinking payroll and two, you wanted me to find out where she is and I did, so quit acting up on me!" he continued coolly watching Paul get his temper back under control.

  "I'm sorry bro, it's just that at every turn I feel confused and betrayed and I know I shouldn't take it out on you cause you've done nothing but help, look I'm really sorry about that and I'm really thankful for your help here." Paul leaned over his desk and apologized, he realized that he'd have to get used to doing it a lot if he chose to pursue this. "But think of this John, she left almost 10 years ago and her son is now 9, since I know now that she was faithful only to me, then there's a huge possibility that Joshua could be my son."

  "Yeah, I thought about that too when I found out last night and I'm waiting for information to get back to me about the birth certificate, which I'm expecting won't have any name's on there in the father's slot, just like she gave him her last name."

  "God, what a fool I was to hang on every word of my family, jeez and they went so far to make it all believable," Paul said, anger and depression evident in his voice, while he gazed out the window looking out at the busy New York street "do you know she cried, begging me to believe her, God she cried," he turned around facing John now, water still in his hand, "and I yelled at her called her a whore, a slut, a gold digger and a whole bunch of other nasty names, I did that. All that time she knew," he paused and took a sip of water because his throat went so dry all of a sudden "she knew she was carrying my child, and she kept it. God I'm such a fool!" he said and collapsed right back into his chair sulked and feeling sorry for himself and his situation. John just sat and stared unsure what words could be used to comfort his friend. Jeez, he thought, how could a family be so cruel?

  Paul emerged from the California airport clutching the paper that had her address on it in one hand and a small traveling bag in the other. He was going to try to find her after all this time and what, what would he do when he saw her, apologize? Would she even recognize him? Would she even talk to him? He headed out front to meet the associate that would be picking him up from the airport and take him to his hotel, he tried hard to put any negative reception that could be had out of his mind.

  He sat outside her apartment building in his vehicle staring up at her apartment since 6 in the morning, that was an hour and half ago. He knew they were buzzing in her apartment, what wonderful morning rituals was he left out of, he wondered. 7:35 he saw her emerge from her building in a white 2010 Acadia, even though she was behind the wheels he knew then that she hadn't changed a bit and if she had, she was a lot lovelier than before. He switched his car into drive and followed her, had he really been reduced to stalking? Her car pulled over right at the entrance of Monte Clare Prep and the back doors of the car opened and a red haired boy emerged on one side and a boy with gold complexion on the other. Was that his son? He wondered still too far away to see or hear much. The boys started off to the school's gate then turned to the Acadia, the boy he assumed could only be Josh grinned at the red head and walked to the Acadia, and bent at the waist towards the driver's side, the red head them followed suite, then the boys were off obviously engaged in a hearty discussion. 'Oh my, they kissed her goodbye' he thought, remembering when he had access to such simple treasures.

  She drove off; he followed till she drove into the Police Station, 'did she know she was be
ing followed?' He wondered 'was that the reason she pulled into the station' He pulled over just outside the station and watched her alight from the vehicle, legs first, 4 inch heels, 'wow she must be working out' he thought. A black skirt that stopped at the knee but ridden up during the drive to reveal a pair of brown sexy thighs, he watched her yank the skirt down, putting it back in place. Almost as if she forgot something she bent over by the waist, ass stuck out and prominent in the air. She leaned back into the vehicle to retrieve whatever it was that she left. "Holy shit." He muttered to himself telling his dick to behave, he ran a hand over it. He glanced around and realized that he wasn't the only male in the vicinity appreciative of the view and that stirred up a bout of anger. Finally, she retreated holding an insulated cup, briefcase in one hand, cup in the other and ID around her neck she headed towards the building. 'My baby's in law' he thought and watched her disappear. He needed a strategy.

  The End.

  Bring Me Lunch

  Sometimes I fantasize about you. How you are at work and I secretly show up at your office to surprise you.

  The day would start off in the morning with me preparing myself. I would take a shower, taking care to use some vanilla scented soap, wanting to smell yummy for you. Stepping out of the shower and, wrapping the towel gently around my cleansed body, I fix my hair. I smile at the mirror, pinning my hair loosely behind then drying with the hairdryer to curl it a bit, knowing that you like my hair down. After finishing my hair and satisfied with how it looks, I start on my makeup. Tired of clasping the towel with one hand I let it fall to the floor.

  Standing at the mirror naked, I apply just a touch of blush, and then cover up; not completely done up but enough to be naturally pretty. One last look over myself and I step to the bedroom where I have the 'planned' outfit laid on the bed. Sitting to run lotion over my legs, the stockings follow, running smoothly up to my thighs then leaving at my waist. Putting on the push-up bra and clasping it, I plump the girls up and grab the tight white t-shirt. I carefully lower it over my head to not mess up my hair. I grab my skirt off the bed and pull it up over my legs, a nice pleated short skirt, and add heels as the final touch. One last look over my entire body in the full length mirror on the way out of the bedroom puts a satisfied smile on my face. I grab my keys and purse, then head to the car.

  Sliding into the driver's seat of the fairly new Mercedes I start the car and drive the 20 minutes to your office. The whole way my stomach is full of butterflies anticipating what your reaction will be. I know that I am taking a risk just showing up but it adds to the excitement. My nipples grow taut when I think of me on my knees before you as you sit in your chair. I pull into a parking spot close to the door of the building, flip open the visor mirror, and double check that all is in place. I close the visor, get out of the car, and almost skip to the door. I am so giddy with excitement and I am so turned on my face is flushed. Thankfully I only used a dab of blush.

  I reach the lobby door and have to take in a deep breath, mustering all the courage I can to continue on with this little surprise of mine. Finally opening the door, swaying my hips in a sexy way, I not quite saunter but not quite run to the elevators. A smile crosses my lips as I see the men in the lobby look at me as I pass by them. Pressing the 'up' button, I wait to hear the ding of the elevator, walk on and push the number 9 to get to your floor. My heart picks up its pace, and I can hear it thumping in my ear, almost like it'll hop from my chest any minute. I exit the elevator, walk to the front desk to say hello to the receptionist.

  "Hi Jessie, how are you today," I politely inquire and add, "Is my guy busy with clients or a meeting at the moment?"

  She looks slightly busy but smiles at me saying, "Oh no Mrs. Sinclair he is just eating his lunch in his office," she reaches for the phone, "I will let him know you're here!"

  "Oh no, please don't Jessie. I wish to surprise Mr. Sinclair today." I exclaim quickly so she doesn't have the chance to announce that I am here.

  She replaces the receiver then says with a knowing grin, "Okay Mrs. Sinclair please just continue down the hall to his office."

  At this point also thinking to myself that a lunch bag would have been a nice distraction, something surprise you with. Guessing that Jessie now knew my intentions. I was glad that you didn't know I was coming, that wasn't part of my plan. I walk down the hall to your office, seeing your door closed means that you are expecting to be left alone. I move my hand into a fist and rap on the door gently, eyes and lips formed to smile with excitement.

  "Yes hello, come in," I hear his very rough, manly voice say with confusion.

  I slowly open the door, first I step one leg through, my stocking and skirt showing my thigh, then bring the rest of me through. Closing the door and leaning against it, I trail my finger from my belly button to my mouth. I gently suck on it, my grin apparent around it and mischief dancing in my eyes. My eyes meet yours as I see a smile sparkle in your eyes, tugging at your lips.

  "Hey Babe. Brought me lunch.... - or are you lunch?" You say playfully, adding a wink.

  I slowly shake my head, my eyes cast down at the desk. Removing my finger with force to have it make POP sound. Giggling as I stride sensuously to your chair, I place a hand at the top of your chair, firmly pushing at it, so you face me. Guiding my palm down your chest, to your waist, I capture your already aroused bulge, groaning at the fabric between my hand and your cock.

  Excited, I turn, wiggling my ass at you, then gyrate in the air for effect, going lower to meet your bulge. I see your hands grip the arms of your chair, ready to pounce on me. I reach for them, still swaying my hips as I move backwards to bring my ass just above your bulge. Placing my palms over your tightly gripped hands I use that as leverage to move further down, feeling the fabric covering your hard cock, tickle the bare part of my ass the thong doesn't hide. I remove one of your hands with mine over it, replacing it atop my breast, holding it there until you get my message to massage. Gently at first then firmer, I moan as I grind my ass into you with more passion and power.

  "Oh yeah, baby! Grab my tits harder! Yeah, like that," I moan breathlessly.

  I hear how excited you are in your reply, "Oh god, sweetheart if you don't take my cock out of these pants soon, it may bust out on it's own. I am so hot for you right now."

  That was all the encouragement I needed to casually stand, your hands slipping from my breasts. Once upright, I turn to face you and sway my hips with smooth motions, my eyes catching yours, holding you with my stare. My hands roam over my body as you follow my every move.

  Holding my hand at my aroused pussy, a finger slips in. "I am so wet," I exclaim in a whispered, sensuous voice.

  "Please let me have you, I want you so bad. Your pussy is wet for me." You say with nothing but want.

  I nod at you as I look straight at your crotch, "Let it out him out baby, I want him to come out and play!" I whisper while my tongue traces my lips.

  Your hand undoes your button and zipper. I see your cock spring free, already poised hard and ready for me. Not wasting anytime I turn my spiraling hips and sway with urgency as my backside gets closer to your hard cock. One of my hands lowers to my pussy, taking the thong and holding it to the side. You're so close that you can see my glistening wetness. I hear you gasp then swallow hard, and I feel your cock pulse just outside of me. A whimper and heavy breathing is the only thing that can be heard in the air. Suddenly I am shocked as I feel two of your fingers enter me, and not gently. They are forceful and urgent. "I want my cock in this tight pussy of yours, it's so wet. Are you ready for my cock, sweetheart?" Your voice echoes softly in my ear.

  I can't muster up any words, just a nod, followed by another whimper. Your fingers leave me empty, but your hands on my hips push me down to meet your cock, and my hand still holds onto my thong so you can enter without the fabric to hinder you. I loudly moan as you penetrate me with force; my pussy is taken and completely filled with your size. You stay buried in me while I adjust to you and my p
ussy grips tight to your hardness. You moan as I look at you and see you biting down on your lip wanting to move inside me. I take control, rotating so my pussy is rolling over your cock. I let my thong go now that your cock obstructs it from snapping back into place.

  I bend touching my palms flat on the floor, pumping you inside of me over and over. Leaning forward, your thrusts meeting mine, and your thumb now over my clit. Rubbing, then pinching me. Pure ecstasy coursing through me, I warn you, " I am so close baby, I am going to cum soon."

  "Yes cum for me, cum all over my cock." You pant in my ear.

  I shout out through gritted teeth, "Yes! Feels so good."

  My cum drenching both of us, your cock and body tense as the sensation of it gets to you. I feel your release spurt deep inside me as your hands grip my hips tighter and one last hard thrust, "You make me cum so hard, yes!" You groan with your husky pleasured tone that I love so much.

  I stay put for a minute to recover, you growl and nip at my shoulder since we have both relaxed and sunk back into your chair. Pleasure shown by our smug grins. Then a rap at the door; jars us from our afterglow.

  "Mr. Sinclair, sir. Sorry to bother you but your one o'clock is here and he seems perturbed that it's 15 minutes after the hour," Jessie says through the closed door, panic apparent in her voice.

  We look at each other and giggle, knowing what we just did. As if we have our own inside joke. "Okay Jessie, just tell them I will walk Mrs. Sinclair down to the lobby and be right with them, please," he manages without any indication of what we did.


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