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Flesh Series: The Complete Box Set (Flesh, Skin, Flesh Series: Shorts)

Page 10

by Kylie Scott

  Once, twice, three times and done. He put the shooter down. One of the assholes he had missed at the supermarket, something he really fucking regretted.

  His heart hammered loud. Job done.

  The body toppled to the ground in a contortion of limbs. Blood-soaked clothes and gun falling from limp hands. Everything seemed slow, his focus tight.

  Getting shot was well overrated. Blood oozed from his shoulder. It fucking hurt. Al wouldn’t be the only one investing in some of the painkillers in his pack.

  Finn moved over to the body, pocketing the man’s weapon. He gave him a quick frisk, took anything of use. An expensive-looking pocket knife and some ammunition. A battered Zippo lighter, mostly full. He didn’t have time to search for more.

  His pack slumped to one side, the weight of it pulling at him. The strap, torn by the bullet’s passing, had given way.

  He dropped the pack over the fence, then followed, awkward and slow.

  Daniel pulled Al out of the way.

  The fall jarred his wound, and he cursed more than once. Steady pain bore a noxious beat, turning him inside out. He peeled back the neck of his bloody t-shirt. Every nerve in his shoulder screamed bloody murder, but he had only been winged.

  It should have been more spectacular for the amount of pain.

  “Have you got something we can tie that off with?” Daniel kept an arm around Al, propping her up. Chances weren’t high she would remain upright much longer.

  By the sound of the roar, he knew the bikes were closing in fast. How they could tell a firefight over the bedlam was beyond Finn. Very in keeping with their current shit luck.

  “Later.” He tipped his chin at Al and Daniel nodded.

  Finn doubted the woman even knew what was going on. She pressed her face into the big guy’s shirt, hands clutching him to keep upright. Without comment Daniel set his shoulder to her middle and up she went, draped over his back in a fireman’s hold.

  “Hey.” Startled, her feet kicked out, but Daniel slapped a hand down over her ass.

  “Hush, woman. Phase two of the plan?” The big man asked, hand settling on her rear with a final, affectionate pat.



  They had found a hovel to hide beneath for the night. Daniel knew it was a hovel. Bone deep. No debate. He lay on his back in the dirt, staring at the shadowy wooden floorboards a bare meter above his head. When he was a kid they’d lived in a similar place. A small two-bedroom cottage with walls so thin they’d shake. His father would stomp about, rattling the panes of glass in the window frames. The old man loved to intimidate with his size. Prime perfect example of everything Daniel never wanted to be. No, he’d only wanted to protect Ali and he’d ballsed that up royally. Guilt smothered him like lead-lining. It was amazing he could breathe.

  He saw Finn crawling around in the near darkness, patrolling, watching the street. A machine had nothing on the kid as he went about his duty. Daniel didn’t know whether to be jealous or grateful or what. Mostly, he just felt tired. He could feel himself sinking into the ground, wanting to give in to it. A yawn cracked his jaw and he opened his eyes wide, trying to stay with it. They needed to be on the alert. Ramshackle fence palings hung on all sides of the cottage, little protection against anything, should anything manage to find them. The situation was well and truly fucked.

  His girl was out cold, a lovely load strewn across his chest because he beat the dirt floor, comfort-wise. And because he needed her close. If he were some cynical, sorry son of a bitch, he might have had a moment. He might have figured playing mattress was the most he was good for. There was no sugar coating it, he had failed her. He had lured her out of her hidey-hole, and then been too high on life and love to protect her. It couldn’t happen again. For the last couple of hours he’d been picking their problems apart, trying to come up with a solution.

  If Finn hadn’t turned up, then he or both of them would be dead. Or worse, because there was worse. Her trust issues began to make sense. What those fuckers wanted her for would be a living nightmare, guaranteed. His stomach roiled at the thought of them hurting his girl. Scrubbing the inside of his head out to purge those pictures would be a mercy. There weren’t any limits to how far he’d go to keep her from such a fate. He’d do anything.

  The bastards riding up and down the streets intermittently blocked off their lone escape route, a rickety old railway bridge. It didn’t seem to bother them that infected roamed the night. Because of their patrols, the only pissy footpath to freedom wasn’t an option. No one was getting across the river tonight.


  Smoke remained thick, but the flames hadn’t reached them yet. No more fires had been lit close by. Even the bastards had to have deduced they risked being caught between the fires and all the infected.

  Finn crawled over on hands and knees, favoring one side. His arm was tucked up against his chest. Daniel added that to his list of worries. But Finn could take care of himself.

  “There are less infected on the streets than there were a month back,” the kid commented, dropping onto his belly with gritted teeth. “Noticed that while you were out and about?”

  Daniel nodded, traced a hand over his girl’s back. She slumbered on, on top of him. He slid his hand beneath her shirt, pressed his palm to her back. Feeling her breathe, taking in the warmth of her skin soothed him. “Yeah. They’re running low on food.”

  “Fine. How is she? Woken her up recently?”

  “About an hour ago. She threatened me.” Dan grinned, heart swelling with love. He was just beginning to understand the things a man would do for love. “She has such a creative mind.”

  Finn chuckled, casting an eye over his sleeping beauty. His gaze glommed onto the side of her breast where it pressed against Daniel’s chest.

  After a hell of a long moment, wherein he was certain the guy had stopped breathing and quite possibly swallowed his own tongue, the kid’s gaze shot back to Daniel’s face. Hungry-looking eyes turned guilty in an instant. “Shit. Sorry, man.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know what it’s like.” Yeah, he knew what it was like. He still wanted to hit the pretty asshole, but he did know what it was like.

  Therein lay the root of the problem.

  Sharing was not in his nature, but nature would have to adapt. Ali needed this kid. Finn was a modern day gunslinger. Deep down he fucking hated it, but his girl needed this one nice and close. Preferably wrapped around her finger and deeply concerned about her health and happiness.

  Every goddamn minute of every goddamn day would be best.

  Daniel did not want to share her. Not with the kid, not with anyone, not even a little. He knew it would work, this insane idea of going halves, he just didn’t want it to. He had only recently found her and she was his. But he couldn’t keep her safe on his own, a fact that bit deep and hard and hung on as a pit bull would. How the hell to convince her? What Ali wanted and what would keep her safe and alive would likely be at odds in this case. She’d accused him of being pushy a time or two. His girl had no real idea how far he’d go to protect her.

  The kid hung his head, shoulders rising awkwardly with a deep breath. “I’ll go do another lap.”

  “No.” Daniel sealed his eyelids tight, then opened them. Belief that he was actually about to take this step was a long, long way off. “You’ve been at it for hours. It’s my turn at guard duty. You be the pillow.”

  There was a moment of relief followed by a flash of “what the fuck?” on the kid’s face. “What? Whoa, aah … I don’t think she would be okay with that. Let’s not upset her.”

  Funnily enough, the thought of his girl upset at Finn didn’t bother Dan. Still, it wasn’t a step in the required direction. “I think she would be less keen about having the hard ground beneath her when she’s feeling tender.”

  “I can get my towel from my pack, roll it up for her. You know, like a pillow.”


  Even in t
he low light, he could see the emotion playing out over the kid’s face, wary and want going to war. Desperation lit his eyes and he licked his lips before locking them tight. There was a certain satisfaction in making Mister Cool and Calm squirm. He didn’t hesitate to lie to the dick. “She has nightmares sometimes, loud ones. You need to be close. We can’t afford the noise. Lie down on her other side.”

  Finn’s eyes flared in panic.

  Sweet baby Jesus, the man could go all urban guerrilla warfare but was too shy to snuggle up to Ali. And he knew the kid wanted to.

  “Dan, it’s been a while, and … Man, I…”

  “Like her?”

  The kid nodded. Emphatically. “Yes, I like her. Uninfected female, how could I not? And we’ve got enough on our plate.”

  “Yeah, she’s very likeable. Especially when she’s asleep, all soft and cuddly.”

  “Sort of my point. I don’t want to cause any trouble here.”

  “I appreciate that, really, I do. But take in the big picture here, buddy. World gone mad, chaos, carnage, we all nearly died today. That we’ve survived this long is pretty wild when you stop and think.”

  The kid groaned. “So you’re saying you won’t shoot me in the back if I’m jonesing for your girlfriend?”

  Tempting, but no. Dan shook his head. “Nah. You’re more use to her alive than dead.”

  “Right. Thanks. I think.” The kid shot him a wary glance but lay down, setting his gun close by.

  Daniel rolled Ali over, shuffled and rearranged her so she splayed out across the kid instead of him. It hurt.

  His girl grumbled something beyond comprehension. Actually, it was a direct assault on his familial line, but she’d had a really hard day, so he let it slide. “Easy, baby. Go back to sleep.”

  “What’s going on?” Her eyes drifted open. She blinked up at him, knocking him for six without even trying, bruised and dusty or no. His girl. “Are we making a move?”

  “No. I’m swapping guard duty with Finn. Go back to sleep.”

  “Finn?” She raised her head and peered down at the face in question, rearing back in surprise when she registered his proximity. “Oh, hey.”

  “Hi, Al. I’m your stand-in pillow,” the kid explained, shrugging, then flinched when he remembered his shoulder too late.

  “My pillow?” Her voice sounded slurred from sleep. She couldn’t be badly hurt. He wouldn’t allow it. They’d dosed her up on some super strength aspirin. Knocking her out for hours with something stronger was out of the question in case they needed to move.

  “Is that okay?” The kid’s voice held a boatload of tension, like this girl could make him or break him. Daniel would have found it cute if it had been about any other girl than his. “Or not? Your call.”

  “Sure. How’s your wound?”

  “Fine, thanks.”


  She was fine. Finn was good. Hell, the kid had those lush breasts pressed nice and tight against him. Daniel wanted to gouge the jerk’s heart out with his fingernails. Bathe in his blood and howl at the moon. Shit like that.

  But no.

  He forced himself to crawl away as Ali mumbled something to her brand new very best friend. Some something that made Finn chuckle all low and rough and reeking of sexual interest.

  Slutty bastard.

  It was like giving candy to a baby.

  He didn’t hear any noise for a long time. Just as well. A man could only stomach so much in the name of true love and the survival of same. He peeked out front through the guardrail, watching the street for a while. Gunshots fractured the silence farther down the lane, and a couple more infected ambled past, drawn by the noise.

  Same old, same old.

  When the view from the front got dull he meandered over to the side, followed soon thereafter by the back. He skulked about, not letting himself catch too much of the two bodies entwined.

  Yep, he didn’t see Finn’s hand kneading the muscles of his girl’s neck. He also didn’t see her sleeping like a baby, curled up and draped over him, out like a light.

  And he especially didn’t need to see what the kid was packing behind his zipper. No matter how pronounced it might be.

  “I hate you, man,” Finn bitched, somehow making everything better.

  Daniel smiled.


  “Al? Al. You have to wake up.”

  Problem was she didn’t want to. Really, honest to God, did not want to.

  And they couldn’t make her.

  Screw them.

  Her face pounded, and her brain ached like a rusty nail had been embedded deep. The worst of hangovers didn’t measure up to this.


  Despite it all, he had a really nice voice. Low, smooth, and … earnest, that was what it was. Earnest was the word for the day, earnest and sleep. Besides, her bed smelt nice. The sort of warm, male scent her hormones cried out to curl up to. No way she’d move.

  “Come on, Al. Time to make a move.” Earnest turned edgy, not at all in keeping with her mellow, no-moving frame of mind. Best if she ignored it. But a hand gripped her chin, tilting it upward, and the voice went all hard-assed and demanding. “Al, wake up. Now.”

  She huffed, but did as directed. Pale green eyes set in a breathtaking face watched her determinedly in the pre-dawn light. Holy shit.


  The hows and wheres of her situation took a moment to hit home. When they did, the embarrassment floored her. She stopped breathing for a moment. No morning after walk of shame could measure up to this.

  “Hey,” he said calmly.

  “Hi,” she croaked.

  “You had me worried, I couldn’t rouse you. Come on, we’re making a move.” He sat up, taking her with him on account of her being wrapped around him like melted plastic. “We think they drank themselves unconscious. There hasn’t been any noise for over an hour. The infected have dispersed with dawn coming. Streets are clear.”

  “Okay.” Business. Right. She could talk business and peel herself off him at the same time. Hurrah for multi-tasking.

  “Could it be a trap?” she asked, hand fumbling on the ground for her gun. Her gun. Shit. Her shotgun had been lost yesterday. She had loved her gun, stupidly enough. The rabbity heart squirmed in her chest.

  “Here.” Daniel pressed a pistol into her hand before planting a kiss on her forehead. Reading her right. He was magic. “Good to go?”

  “Absolutely.” She grabbed onto him, the human rock that he was. Used his greater weight to pull herself onto her knees and off Finn, whom she had no business being plastered over. “What’s the plan?”

  “We run.” Daniel informed her with all due sincerity.

  “Huh. One day soon can the plan involve a touch more complexity? Not that I’m complaining or anything.”

  “Complain, you? Never. You’re a constant delight.”

  Right before she could tell him how full of it he was Daniel grinned and slid his hand behind her head. He drew her forward and sealed his lips to hers.

  Firm lips and a wet warm mouth setting her head to spinning. The best medicine in the world.

  He really was magic. And he still wanted her, his hunger right there, open and honest. A part of her had forgotten in all the confusion and fear of yesterday, but he was giving it back to her in spades, right when she needed it most.

  God, I needed that.

  “Anytime, anyplace,” Daniel murmured before letting her go, smirk firm on his face.

  “I said that out loud?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Finn confirmed. “You did.”

  The man pulled on his pack, carefully setting the mended strap on his shoulder alongside the dressing covering his wound. The ripped neck of his t-shirt hung caked with dried blood.

  He was a sublime mess. Sandy hair all untidy and stubble lining his elegant jaw took her breath away. Women attempting to cozy up to him would be no new thing, but she hadn’t woken up smeared over a stranger for years. />
  Or at least a couple of days.

  Looking at him, it was easy to forget what he was capable of. The killing he had done had saved their lives. The debt she owed him was massive.

  “I can take it for you.” She pointed at his backpack, tried for a smile of competence, though it probably fell short. “You should be careful with your shoulder.”

  “Thanks, no. Pack’s pretty heavy. You keep yourself upright and moving. We’ll do great.” Finn made no eye contact, checked over his gun, tone curt, professional.

  That told her. She pushed back her shoulders and drew a deep breath. Embarrassment oozed out of her pores.

  “Finn, I’m really sorry I was all over you.”

  “Relax, Al. I knew I was signing on as third wheel.”

  Good. Great. So long as he wasn’t feeling used and abused because of her treating him like a couch. How had that come about anyway? The events of last night were fuzzy and distant in her battered head.

  He glanced up, found her watching. His blank facial expression never changed. There was no chance of reading his thoughts. “How’s your headache?”

  “It’s fine,” she replied coolly.

  One brow rose. Perfectly.

  She gave him a double thumbs-up, full of exuberance. Also jam-packed full of bullshit. “Upright and moving, no problem.”

  “Really? Because you look like Tokyo after going a few rounds with Godzilla.” The lovely jawline tensed, cop eyes staring her down. “No offense intended.”

  “None taken.” Her face throbbed and tingled and was numb all at once. Managing a smile was an exercise in slow and awkward. “Interesting reference though with Godzilla and … I don’t think we can be friends, after all.”

  A brow rose again in query. It was a neat trick. “You always run from a challenge?”

  “Really? You failed to notice that?”

  A beatific grin split his face and her belly tumbled, the traitor. He was heavenly. Angels wished they could be so cool. “Why don’t we both make use of some of those pain killers?”


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