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Thoughts & Stuff Volume 1: 2010 to 2011

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by Graham Hall

  Thoughts & Stuff Volume 1: 2010 to 2011

  By Graham Hall

  Copyright 2011 by Graham Hall

  Dear Reader,

  Hello, my name is Graham Hall, writer and editor (guess which job I suck at more) of the random blog Thoughts & Stuff (formally known as Grahamtastic). I have been blogging on and off since I was in middle school, and I have ran blogs on sites like Angelfire and BlogSpot, as well as hosted my own blogs using WordPress. After all these years I finally drifted to Tumblr in 2010, and this eBook is a compilation of the results.

  I have decided to take some of (what I think is) my best work so far on Thoughts & Stuff, and compile it into a single, portable eBook file so that in case something happens to my Tumblr blog (like what has happened to my blogs in the past). I have lost so many years of writing to my own stupidity and the frail nature of technology that I think it’s wise to preserve what I write. Furthermore, I want to make it easy for new readers, and old readers alike, to be able to read my work from the past 2 years.

  Everything is presented in chronological order. In order to maintain compatibility with as many eReaders as possible, any important links are written in parenthesis within each piece.

  As always, I do this for fun. I don’t ever expect any compensation for my writing, except I do ask my readers that if they feel the need they can donate to the Child’s Play Charity ( ), a charity founded by gamers to provide toys and games for sick children in hospitals.

  If you do like what you read in this eBook, you can always find my latest work on my blog ( ). You can also follow me on Twitter ( ) if you’re so inclined.

  Please enjoy.

  Graham Hall

  Hello, I’m a Mac

  I’ve always been a Mac user, I literally grew up with Macs. Some of my earliest memories was playing Kid Pix on an SE/30. For a good portion of my life ‘Macintosh’ meant ‘computer’. I didn’t know about Windows, and I certainly had no knowledge of Linux. You might say I was blissfully ignorant.

  I have to say I wouldn’t be so passionate about computers if it weren’t for the Macintosh. Something about them was so magical (much like the iPad) that it just drew me in. Sure a majority of my time early in life was dominated by various games, but I was still mesmerized by the awesome power that a computer put right at your finger-tips.

  The Mac has always been at the center of my self-discoveries. My interest in web design stemmed from my early experiences with the internet on a Mac (I’ve been coding in HTML since I was 8). My interest in film production came from fiddling with iMovie. My love of music was sparked by the iPod my mom gave me. My passion for design was inspired by the wonderful icons, graphics, and typography present in the Mac, and the rest of Apple’s products. And finally, as I mentioned before, Macs are the reason I love computers, and technology in general.

  So yeah, Macs are much more than just computers to me, they represent a life of discovery and wonder. It’s no wonder every time I turn on my MacBook Pro and hear that distinctive start-up chime (“bonnnng!”) I get a warm feeling in me that I just can’t describe. Mac’s are everything computers should be: they’re simple, secure, and magical.

  Oh and about that iPad thing…

  Random Musings

  I never feel like there’s enough time in a day. I get up at 7AM and before I know it, it’s 12:30AM the next morning. Where did the time go? All I really did was go to work, come home, make dinner, play video games, talk my my girlfriend on the phone and then browse the web. 

  Sometimes I think it would be so great to not need sleep. When you think about it, we waste 6-8 hours of every day being unconscious. That’s time that could be spent doing other things, either fun or work. 

  Maybe I’m crazy (actually thats probably it), but that’s how I feel about life. I guess the only thing to do is to do as much as possible each and every day. 


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