Book Read Free

The Wing Spell

Page 2

by Emily Bliss

  Flash’s eyes widened. “Suddenly I feel nervous,” she said. She looked at Feather. “Will you go first?”

  “Of course,” Feather said. The heart-shaped ruby on Feather’s necklace shimmered, and pink glittery light poured from her horn. With Cressida on her back, Feather galloped, faster and faster, and then rose into the air. She flew in a circle and hovered five feet off the ground. “I was about to do a somersault, but then I remembered that might not be the best idea while you’re on my back,” she said to Cressida.

  Cressida giggled.

  Feather looked down toward Flash. “Now you try,” she said with an encouraging smile. “I have a feeling you’re going to be a natural.”

  Flash grinned with nervousness and excitement. The diamond on her necklace shimmered and silver, glittery light poured from her horn. Flash ran faster and faster, until lightning crackled around her horn and hooves. She extended her wings and flapped them, first slowly, and then more quickly. Cressida sucked in her breath, hoping Flash would be able to fly. She exhaled with joy and relief when Flash lifted into the air.

  “They work! My wings work!” Flash exclaimed.

  “Amazing,” Feather said. “I had a feeling they would.”

  Flash flew upward and did a somersault. She soared in a giant loop. She rolled upside down, so her legs reached toward the sun, and glided backward in the air. She flipped right side up, dived until she nearly touched the ground with her hooves, and shot back up into the air. “These wings are incredible,” she called out. “Which way is the Wing Realm? I’m ready to go.”

  Feather laughed. “I thought you would need to spend at least an hour practicing flying before we left. You are a natural!” She pointed her horn upward and in the opposite direction from Spiral Palace. “The Wing Realm is this way. I studied my map before we left, and I’ve got the route memorized.”

  Side by side in the air, Flash and Feather bolted upward, climbing higher and higher into the sky. Cressida, with her arms wrapped around Feather’s neck, looked down as the trees in the forest grew smaller and smaller. Soon, she could see the entire Rainbow Realm: the sparkling purple ravine that was the Glitter Canyon, the metallic Thunder Peaks jutting upward, the emerald rectangle that was the Enchanted Garden, the rainbow-colored Valley of Light, the spring green Windy Meadows, the pitch-black patch she knew to be the Night Forest, a bright orange dot that was the door to the Shimmering Caves, and the pink Sky Castle nestled in the clouds.

  In another moment, Flash and Feather were so high up that all Cressida could see was a thick blanket of clouds below. The unicorns flew faster and faster—much faster, Cressida thought, than a car, and maybe even faster than an airplane. She smiled at the feeling of the wind riffling through her hair and blowing against her skin. As they soared higher, the sky lightened to an iridescent lavender. Strands of silver mist hung in the air, and small pink and yellow stars twinkled all around them.

  “This is incredible,” Flash whispered. “Maybe we’ll see some of Ernest’s rockets up here.”

  Cressida giggled.

  “Keep your eyes peeled for stars arranged in the shape of a wing,” Feather said. “That’s how we’ll know we’re above the Wing Realm and it’s time to start flying downward.”

  “I’ll be on the lookout,” Cressida said. She noticed they were flying past stars arranged in the outline of a giant grinning mermaid.

  “That’s the sign for the Aqua Realm,” Feather explained. “We’re right above it.” She pointed her horn to the left. “And if you look that way, you can just make out the star-picture above the Reptile Realm.”

  Cressida squinted as she looked off into the distance. She smiled as she caught a glimpse of a twinkling pink and yellow star-picture of an iguana.

  “Is there a star-picture above the Rainbow Realm too?” Flash asked.

  “There sure is,” Feather said. “The stars are arranged in the shape of a rainbow.”

  “Prism would love to see that,” Cressida said.

  Feather nodded. “I can’t wait to show it to her when we all go on vacation together.”

  Just then, Flash pointed her horn straight ahead and exclaimed, “Look! I see it! We’re almost there!”

  Sure enough, Cressida could barely make out the glittering pink and yellow outline of a wing in the distance.

  “Good eye,” Feather said. “Let’s get closer, and then we can starting flying downward.”

  In a burst of energy, Feather and Flash bolted forward, and Cressida squealed with delight and tightened her grip on Feather’s mane. When they were right next to the star-picture of the wing, Feather said, “Let’s head down to the Wing Realm!”

  The two unicorns began to glide downward. The sky changed from lavender to blue, and soon Cressida could no longer see the stars or the strands of mist. They flew through a thick layer of white clouds, and when they emerged, Cressida gasped. Flying creatures filled the sky. Dragons soared by with open wings and smoke puffing from their nostrils. Red phoenixes swooped and dived. Fairies laughed and sang as they jetted around in groups of three and four. Winged dogs, panting and barking, flew in packs. Three brown rabbits with gold wings whizzed by Cressida, sniffing as they passed. Cressida even saw a pair of winged frogs rocketing through the air.

  “We’re finally here,” Feather said.

  “I can hardly believe my eyes,” Flash said.

  “Incredible,” Cressida whispered as three winged mermaids flew by, their shell necklaces clicking in the breeze.

  Cressida noticed a large silver cat with wings flying straight toward them. When the cat reached them, she did a flip in the air, twitched her tail, blinked her enormous emerald-green eyes, and purred, “Welcome to the Wing Realm. My name is Lucinda.” She fluttered her wings, twitched her tail again, and grinned.

  “Hello, Lucinda,” Cressida said. “I’m Cressida Jenkins. And these are my unicorn friends, Princess Feather and Princess Flash.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you,” Lucinda said, flying alongside Feather. “You won’t believe this, but I knew you were coming. I’ve been so excited to greet you that I couldn’t even take my morning nap.”

  Cressida giggled.

  “How did you know we were coming?” Feather asked.

  “Well,” Lucinda said, “I found a crystal ball in Princess Dash’s room this morning, and I was batting it around with my paws. When I got tired and was about to take a nap, I looked in it and saw two flying unicorns and a girl soaring through the sky. And I thought to myself, ‘I sure would like to meet them.’ I’ve been flying around for an hour looking for you. I’m excited you’re here.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you,” Cressida said.

  “So,” Lucinda asked, “what brings you to the Wing Realm?”

  “We’re visiting for the day from the Rainbow Realm,” Feather explained.

  “We’re hoping to meet our cousins, the pegasus princesses,” Flash added.

  Lucinda’s eyes widened and she meowed with delight. “Not only do I know the pegasus princesses, but I live with them. I am their pet cat.”

  “What perfect luck!” Flash said.

  “Will you show us the way to their palace?” Feather asked.

  “Absolutely,” Lucinda purred. “Come this way.”

  Feather, Flash, and Cressida flew alongside Lucinda as she wove through groups of fairies, flying rabbits, flying deer, and flying turtles. Below them, Cressida saw a forest that reminded her of the woods surrounding Spiral Palace. “While we’re on our way, who wants to play a guessing game?” Lucinda asked, flashing a hopeful grin at Cressida.

  “I do!” Cressida blurted out.

  “I love guessing games more than just about anything else in the world,” Lucinda said. “I like them even as much as catnaps. And that’s saying a lot. How about if I guess your favorite magical creature?”

  “Okay,” Cressida said. She glanced at her unicorn leggings, unicorn sneakers, and unicorn shirt. It was hard to imagine Lucinda would have an
y trouble guessing the right answer.

  “How many guesses can I have?” Lucinda asked.

  “How about three?” Cressida suggested.

  “Perfect,” Lucinda agreed.

  Flash and Feather looked at each other. “I know the answer,” Flash whispered.

  “Me too,” Feather whispered back.

  “Don’t tell me,” Lucinda said. “That would ruin all the fun.” She carefully studied Cressida’s shirt. “My first guess,” she said slowly, “is a dragon.”

  Cressida shook her head.

  “Rats!” Lucinda said. “Well, I have two more guesses.” She looked at Cressida’s leggings and twitched her tail. “How about a fairy?”

  Cressida shook her head again.

  “Double rats!” Lucinda said, flying lower so she could examine Cressida’s sneakers. “Well, the third time must be the charm. I’ve got it! How about a mermaid?”

  “I’m afraid that isn’t it,” Cressida said.

  “Triple rats!” Lucinda said, shaking her head. “I give up. What’s the answer?”

  “Unicorns,” Cressida, Flash, and Feather all said at the same time.

  “Really?” Lucinda said, surprised. Then she shrugged. “Oh well. You win some and you lose some. We have time for one more guessing game before we get to the palace. Want to play again?”

  “Sure,” Cressida said.

  “This time, I’m going to guess your middle name,” Lucinda said. “I think that should be much easier. Can I have three guesses again?”

  “Okay,” Cressida said, thinking that guessing her middle name sounded almost impossible. “Would you like a hint?”

  “Definitely not,” Lucinda said. She looked hard at Cressida and squinted her eyes. “Is it Robertaline?”

  Cressida shook her head.

  “Rats!” Lucinda said. “How about Alexandralinalona?”

  “Nope,” Cressida said.

  “I’m sure I’ll get it this time,” Lucinda said, twitching her tail and purring. “How about Oliviariasephine?”

  “I’m sorry,” Cressida said. “The answer is Erin.”

  “Well,” Lucinda sniffed, “I was close, wasn’t I?”

  “Definitely,” Feather said. “You almost got it.”

  “One more guess and you would have nailed it,” Flash said.

  Lucinda smiled. “Thank you,” she said.

  Cressida’s eye caught something glittering and metallic in the distance. “What’s that?” she asked.

  Lucinda followed Cressida’s gaze and grinned. “That’s Feather Palace, where the pegasus princesses and I live.”

  “Feather Palace?” Feather said, smiling.

  “Maybe on our next trip there will be a Flash Palace,” Flash said.

  As they flew closer, Cressida saw that the palace looked like two enormous gold pegasus wings. It floated in the air above the treetops, sparkling in the sunshine. All the windows looked like wings, and the palace’s front entrance had double, wing-shaped doors.

  “Wow,” Feather said, her eyes widening.

  “I can’t wait to see the inside,” Flash said.

  “Come on in,” Lucinda said, and she swooped downward, pushed open the palace doors, and bolted inside.

  Flash, Feather, and Cressida exchanged excited smiles. “I can’t believe we’re finally going to meet our cousins,” Flash whispered.

  “Me too,” Feather whispered back.

  And then, Feather, with Cressida on her back, and Flash flew through the double doors and into Feather Palace.

  Cressida thought the front hall of Feather Palace was every bit as beautiful as the front hall of Spiral Palace. Shiny black stone tiles covered the floor. Filmy silver curtains hung over the windows. Chandeliers made of gold feathers lit the room. Cressida counted eight light green and light blue velvet arm chairs. On the walls, painted bright magenta, were portraits of the pegasus princesses: their coats were every color of the rainbow, and they each wore a unique gemstone tiara.

  “What an amazing front hall,” Feather said, kneeling as Cressida slid off her back.

  “It’s incredible,” Flash agreed.

  “Thank you,” Lucinda said, looking around and furrowing her brow. “I’m not sure where the pegasus princesses are. They were here when I left this morning.” She turned and called out, “Is anyone home?”

  Cressida heard the clatter of hooves. And then, a lavender pegasus with gold-feathered wings galloped into the room. On her head, she wore a tiara with purple gemstones arranged in the shapes of arrows pointing in every direction. The pegasus smiled as she studied Cressida, Feather, and Flash. “Welcome to Feather Palace,” she said. “I’m Princess Dash.”

  “I’m Princess Feather,” Feather said.

  “And I’m Princess Flash,” Flash said.

  “I’m Cressida Jenkins,” Cressida said. With a shrug and a smile, she added, “I’m not a princess.”

  Princess Dash’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. “Wait a minute,” she gasped. “You’re not the unicorn princesses I’ve been hearing about my whole life, are you? The ones who live way out in the Rainbow Realm?”

  Feather and Flash nodded. “We sure are,” Feather said. “And Cressida is our favorite human girl.”

  Dash reared up and whinnied. She flapped her wings with excitement, so that for a moment she hovered in the air. “My sisters are all out at a flying competition. I decided to stay here because I wanted to spend the morning reading. But meeting you is a hundred times better than my book. And that’s saying a lot!”

  “We’re thrilled to finally meet you,” Flash said, and Feather nodded enthusiastically.

  Just then, Cressida heard a loud yawning noise. She turned around and saw Lucinda rubbing her eyes. “I feel a catnap coming on,” she said, yawning four times in a row. “Don’t mind me,” she added as she wobbled over to a sofa, curled up in a ball on one of the cushions, and began to snore.

  Cressida, Flash, Feather, and Dash all looked at each other. And then they laughed. “Lucinda is a very silly cat,” Dash said. “She loves naps and guessing games and getting into things. She spent most of this morning pretending my crystal ball was a cat toy.”

  Cressida giggled.

  “So,” Dash said, “would you like to see more of the palace?”

  “Absolutely,” Feather said.

  “We’d love a tour,” Flash said.

  “Yes,” Cressida said, hopping from one foot to the other with excitement.

  “Fantastic,” Dash said. “I just finished redecorating my bedroom with the help of Stitch,” Dash said. “I’m very proud of it. Can I show you?”

  “We’d love that,” Cressida said. And then she asked, “Who is Stitch?”

  “She’s one of my sisters. If she weren’t at the flying competition, you could meet her,” Dash explained. “Her magic power is that she can sew, knit, weave, and crochet almost anything. She made me a new bedspread, new curtains, and a new rug. I can’t wait to show you,” Dash said. “In fact, I’m so excited I wish we could dash there.”

  “Dash there?” Cressida asked.

  “Dashing is my magic power,” Dash said. “I can instantly transport myself from one place to another anywhere in the Wing Realm.” She smiled. “Come right this way.”

  Feather, Flash, and Cressida followed Dash up a gold and black spiral staircase, down a hallway, and up to a closed door decorated with a glittery lavender arrow design. Just when Dash was about to push the door open, she froze. Coming from the room on the other side of the door was a strange snorting and sniffing sound.

  Cressida, Flash, Feather, and Dash all looked at each other.

  “What is that noise?” Flash asked.

  “I have no idea,” Dash said. “I’ve been downstairs in our library all morning.”

  The snorting and sniffing grew louder. Then, there was a loud crash that sounded like a piece of furniture had been knocked over.

  “Oh no,” Dash said. “What could be in there?”

sp; “Should we open the door and see?” Feather asked.

  “I don’t think so,” Flash said. “What if whatever it is runs out into the rest of the palace? Or what if it’s something dangerous?”

  Even more snorting and sniffing came from Dash’s bedroom, followed by what sounded like an animal running in circles. “What if it’s a monster?” Dash asked, biting her bottom lip.

  Cressida took a deep breath. She had a feeling whatever was in the bedroom wasn’t dangerous or a monster—there was something about the snorting noises that sounded friendly. But she agreed with Flash that they shouldn’t just open the bedroom door without knowing what was inside. She looked at Dash. “Could you dash into your room and then dash back out right away if whatever is in there is scary or dangerous?” she asked.

  Dash paused, looking uncertain. Finally, she said, “I guess I could. I just feel scared to go alone.”

  “I completely understand that,” Cressida said. “I don’t like being alone when I’m scared, either. If I were sitting on your back, could I go with you?”

  “I’ve never tried bringing another creature on my back when I dash, so I don’t know if it would work,” Dash said slowly. She took a deep breath. Then she nodded. “Let’s try it.”

  Dash kneeled, and Cressida climbed onto her back, right between her wings. The gemstone arrows on Dash’s tiara flashed and sparkled. And in the blink of an eye, Cressida and Dash were hovering in the air, just below the ceiling of Dash’s bedroom. A glittery plum-colored woven rug covered the floor. Grape-colored velvet drapes hung over the windows. A wooden bed, painted violet, had a white bedspread with a lavender-sequined arrow design. And in the middle of the rug, right next to an overturned bookshelf and a messy pile of spilled books, was a gigantic wild pig. It had dark bristles all over its body and two white tusks. It looked exactly like the picture Cressida had seen in her library book that morning.


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