Page 10
Caleb nuzzled her neck, causing goose bumps to rise on her skin. “I could use some comfort right now.”
Heat rose to her face and her heart thumped loud enough for him to hear. Despite her best intentions, under his ministrations, her body relaxed against him. He nibbled at the sensitive skin under her ear as his hand crept up to her breast. When she didn’t stop his movement, he cupped the plump mound and circled his palm over the nipple. She drew in a deep breath as warm, tingling sensations flooded her body. With nimble fingers, he unbuttoned her shirtwaist, spreading the flaps apart.
He took her mouth in a burning kiss while his hands pushed her shirtwaist off her shoulders, his thumbs taking the straps of her chemise with it. Naked from the waist up, the cool air felt good on her heated flesh.
Caleb released her lips and slid his hands under her arms to lift her up so he could take her breast in his mouth. How he could do that with his injuries amazed her, but she was too caught up in the sensations he was causing to dwell on it for long.
His tongue did wicked things to her nipple, before he gave a strong suckle. It wasn’t long before she began to shift on his lap, restless for something more. The area between her legs grew warm, wet, and almost painful as her woman parts swelled.
“That’s it, baby, just relax, I’ll make you feel so good.” His hands were busy running over her skin. He pulled the shirtwaist and chemise free of her skirt and tossed it aside. Before she could object, he covered her mouth, teasing her lips until they parted.
He swept in, tangling his tongue with hers. Never had she been so out of control of her own body. Her clothes felt restrictive, she wanted to free herself of her skirt, to feel her skin next to his.
“Sit up, sweetheart.” His whispered words against her ear increased her excitement. She wanted more, wanted to end the throbbing between her legs. Somehow he’d gotten her skirt unbuttoned and was shoving it down her hips, along with her drawers.
“Hello. Anybody home?”
Lily drew back and stared at Caleb, both of their eyes wide. Footsteps sounded outside the bedroom door, tapping across the main room.
“Oh my God.” Lily rolled off the bed, the sound of Caleb’s groan a reminder that she probably hurt his ribs in an effort to dress as quickly as possible.
“Just a minute, Ma, I’m not dressed.” Caleb threw the blanket over his lap to hide his very obvious erection as Lily scrambled into her clothes.
With a bright smile, and a heated face, Lily opened the bedroom door. “Good afternoon, Mrs. Fraser.”
Mrs. Fraser took in Lily’s appearance, and Caleb sitting on the bed, and her lips twitched. “I wanted to check on Caleb. Make sure his gash is healing nicely, and to see if you have enough tea.”
Caleb ran his palm down his face. “I feel fine. I’ll be getting up to return to work tomorrow.”
“No,” both women said at the same time.
“You’ll be ripping those stitches out, and your ribs will not heal properly unless you give your body a rest for at least a week.” Mrs. Fraser headed toward the bed, patting Lily on the cheek as she passed.
“Would you like some tea, Mrs. Fraser?” Lily wanted nothing more than to escape from the room. Her drawers were in a tangle and in her haste, she’d incorrectly buttoned her shirtwaist. No doubt her hair was in disarray as well.
“Please, Lily, I would love for you to call me Mama Fraser. Everyone does.”
Having no affection for the woman, Lily had no intention of addressing her that way, but nevertheless, she dipped her head in acknowledgment of her request.
“Yes. I would enjoy a nice cup of tea. Unless I’m mistaken, I detect the smell of apple pie?”
Lily nodded. “I made two pies and baked several loaves of bread.”
“I’m so happy to have at least one daughter-in-law who already knew how to cook before she arrived.”
Lily made her escape and took a deep breath. She scurried over to the small mirror that hung over the kitchen sink that Caleb used to shave in the mornings. She was a mess. Her hair hung down, her face was flushed, and her clothing was wrinkled and disheveled.
She raised her palms to her face and blushed even more. What must the woman think of her behavior, with Caleb in bed with injuries, and it being the middle of the day? Decent women waited until dark and lay in their beds complacent until their husbands finished their business with them.
But then, all those women who had spent time in Caleb’s bed must have been getting something worthwhile out of his attentions to make them want to return. And based on the stream of women visiting ‘poor Caleb,’ his skills in the bedroom must indeed be something.
She glanced down at herself and smirked. Given the condition she greeted her mother-in-law in, Caleb’s skills at getting a woman to forget herself were flawless.
If there was ever a time Caleb wished he had a lock on his front door it was when he watched Lily scoot off the bed, tug her clothes on over her luscious body, and open the bedroom door to admit his mother.
Goddamn. Would the woman ever leave him be? She’d saddled him with a wife, and when he tries to get friendly with said wife, Mama pops up to check his injuries. Just like having the women arrive while he had Desiree warming his bed, Mama’s timing left a lot to be desired.
They both watched Lily escape the room, Mama with a glint in her eye, and Caleb with a deflated erection. Nothing cooled a man’s ardor faster than having his mama arrive unexpectedly.
Mama turned back. “Let me take a look at those stitches.”
“Mama, Lily’s been taking care of me. You don’t need to trouble yourself coming all the way out here.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Indeed? It appears to me your house isn’t so ‘way out here’ what with all the carriages and wagons I’ve been watching stream past the main house. I’m assuming you’ve had a few visitors?”
Aw, shit.
“Yes, a few people stopped by to say hello and meet my new wife.”
Mama snorted and pushed his shirt off his chest.
“Ouch. Careful, that hurts.”
She glanced over her shoulder, then leaned in close. “Don’t you do anything to hurt that girl out there.” She spoke softly and waved in the direction of the kitchen. “She came here to marry an upstanding, honorable man, which is what I know you to be.”
Anger raced through him once again at being forced to take the wife his mama had chosen like he was a young boy. “And perhaps this upstanding, honorable man would have liked to choose his own wife.”
“Maybe so. But I’ve been waiting for the four of you to settle down and do just that. All I ever heard were promises.”
“That still didn’t give you the right to meddle in our affairs.”
She waved away his comments. “You will see, Caleb Fraser. The day will come when you thank me for what I did. As will your brothers.”
Damn, he’d like nothing more than to prove her wrong, but that would make for a miserable life for him. Truth be known, aside from his wife’s virginal sensibilities, he had no objection to the woman, aside from the fact she had been forced on him.
Lily was certainly easy to look at, had a gorgeous body he’d almost gotten a glimpse of, and cooked and baked as good as his mama. She was pleasant—most times—when she wasn’t railing about the women he’d been friendly with. Lily was a lady, through and through, and would be a fine mother to their children.
Providing he ever got her into his bed.
Mama finished her inspection of his stitches and re-wrapped his ribs. “You still need to keep those ribs still for another five days, at least. But the stitches look good.”
“I have the tea ready.” Lily entered the bedroom looking quite a bit better than when she’d left. She’d fixed her hair and re-buttoned her shirtwaist. Back to her pure self, but he knew what was underneath those tidy clothes. And had every intention of getting her naked soon.
Several hours later Caleb placed his spoon alongside his plate and sighed. “Th
at was a wonderful supper, Lily.”
“Thank you.” Her slight blush was endearing. He was beginning to think that perhaps this marriage thing might just work out.
After Mama had left that afternoon, he had fallen asleep but awoke feeling restless, eager to get out of bed. Despite Lily’s objections, he insisted on her helping him stand and then walk to the kitchen for supper. The fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy she’d made were better than anything he’d ever gotten from the bunkhouse cook.
Two pieces of dried apple pie and a cup of strong coffee left him feeling content. Except for one thing. The last two nights Lily had slept on the floor in the main room, claiming her tossing and turning would hurt his ribs. Hell, the only thing hurting right now was between his legs and feeling sorely neglected. Virgin or no, he needed to start his campaign to get Lily warm and willing. And that wasn’t happening with them in separate sleeping quarters.
Caleb stretched as much as he could without pulling his stitches or straining his ribs. “Even though I had that nap, I’m feeling tired. Must be all that good food.” He grinned at her, happy to see her blush once again. “How about I help you with the dishes, and then you can tuck me into bed?”
That might have been a little bit too fast, for the look in Lily’s eyes told him she knew what he was up to. Damn, she was smart.
He had to shift her thoughts into a different direction. Trying another tactic, he asked, “Have you ever played chess?”
She sniffed. “Of course. I am very, very good at chess.”
He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. Nobody was as good at chess as he was. He’d beaten his brothers and all the cow hands he could wangle into a game for years. He’d just found the way to get Lily naked. “I play once in a while myself. Why don’t we get this cleaned up and we can play a few games?”
“All right.” The glow in her cheeks told him she thought she could best him in the game. Not likely. There was too much riding on him winning quite a few rounds.
He was stunned to discover he actually enjoyed helping Lily clean up from supper. As she handed him clean dishes for him to dry, she told him funny stories from her childhood that gave him a better idea of the type of woman she was.
From what she’d said, her early years had been full of love and laughter. When she’d been a girl of only sixteen, her parents had been killed in a carriage accident. She took over the care of her fourteen year old sister, Patty, and obtained a job at the township library to support the both of them. She told him about raising a young girl when being not much older herself. She laughed at Patty’s antics, and grew teary-eyed when she spoke of her sister’s wedding. When questioned, she blithely skipped over his questions about any of her beaux.
Once the work had been completed, she followed him into the bedroom where he kept the chess board. “Shouldn’t we play at the table?” Lily looked askance at him setting up the board on the bed.
Thinking quickly, he winced and touched his ribs. “I’m a little sore from sitting in the chair, I think a pillow behind me on the bed would work best.”
“Oh, yes. I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that.”
He whistled as he toed off his shoes and eased himself into the bed. He was actually a little sore, but he dismissed it with the anticipation of the game. He patted a spot alongside him and Lily climbed up next to him.
“So you think you are a good chess player?” He managed to portray a skeptical look that he hoped would raise her hackles.
“I’m a very good player. I always win,” she said smugly.
“Is that right?” He cupped his chin as if in heavy thought. “Since I believe I’m a fairly good player myself, how about a little bet?”
“Bet? I don’t have any money.”
“Hmm. Yes there is that.” He snapped his fingers. “I have an idea. Let’s play strip chess.”
“We play chess and whoever loses the game must take off an article of clothing.”
“I’ve never heard of such a thing. That’s scandalous!”
If he had a nickel for every time he’d played the game using chess, checkers, poker and even some stupid kids’ game called ‘go fish’ that the former schoolmarm had taught him, he would be a rich man by now. However, this was not the time, nor the person, to whom he should reveal that information.
“Well, we are husband and wife. And you did tell me you were a good player.” He sighed and fiddled with the chess pieces. “I guess if you’re not as good as you think you are. . .”
She narrowed her eyes. Maybe he had overplayed his hand. Damn, was he losing his touch?
Lily raised her chin. “Very well. I know I’m a good player.”
He had to refrain from rubbing his hands together in glee. Memories of her glorious breasts freed from her stiff-necked dress, as he’d seen her right before his mother ruined it all had him almost drooling. He had to rein himself in. He was beginning to feel like a youth with his first glimpse of the dairy maid’s tits.
Sadly, this was what marriage had driven him to.
It turned out she was a better player than Caleb had expected. After six games she was down to her chemise, petticoat, drawers, and stockings. He had been forced to remove his shirt and both socks. It appeared they were evenly matched.
They set the board up for another game. He had to concentrate. He really wanted her naked, and they’d agreed the challenge would end when either one of them lost the last article of clothing. He didn’t intend for it to be him.
An observer would have thought a high stakes poker game was in play. No words were spoken as pieces were pushed around the board, a squeal every time Lily took a piece, and ‘aha!’ with each piece Caleb captured. So focused on the game were the two of them that they both jumped when a branch from the tree outside the bedroom window brushed against the glass.
Caleb moved his queen into position. “Checkmate. Remove something else.”
Smiling shyly, she slowly rolled up the hem of her petticoat, revealing a slim leg, then untied the pink ribbon holding up her stocking and peeled the article off. Damn if he wasn’t panting by the time she tossed it over her shoulder.
He quickly set up the next game, his hands shaking as he laid the pieces on the board. Silence reigned again while they both concentrated on the game. Once the round ended, Lily removed another stocking. The following set took his suspenders. Then went Lily’s petticoat, leaving her in her chemise and drawers. Caleb was breathing so hard he thought he was about to have a heart attack.
Lily leaned over the board, studying potential moves as if her life depended on it. He was certain she did that so the creamy globes of her breasts within reach distracted him. Despite his craving to reach out and squeeze the mounds, he kept his concentration.
Her fingers hovered over the remaining pieces. She slowly moved her remaining pawn, the only piece she could. Caleb slid his knight into place and fisted her king. He raised his eyes to hers, a slight smile hiding his pounding heart. “Top or bottom, sweetheart. Take it off.”
He’d really thought at this point she’d back off, but with her nose in the air, the minx unbuttoned her chemise, slow enough to have him swallowing hard as his eyes remained glued to her fingers. She spread the garment open and shrugged out of it, her plump breasts swaying as she moved. He stifled a moan, and quickly set up the next game.
Halfway through the set, when Caleb was sure her drawers would be coming off next, leaving her in all her naked glory, Lily wiggled around, then frowned and reached underneath her bottom. She glared at him as she pulled out a gold chain with something dangling from it. She held it up, her lips tightened.
“It appears I’ve found Desiree’s missing necklace.”
Chapter Ten
Lily scrambled off the bed and grabbed her clothes. She’d never been so humiliated in her life. Sitting here with Caleb, allowing this stupid game to go so far, was the most brainless and outrageous thing she’d ever do
ne. Would she never learn that men were not to be trusted, that their likes and needs would always come first?
Game over, mister.
Why had she forgotten she was no more than just another doxy to him? Someone to lure into his bed until he could resume his philandering. Which most likely would commence once he was healed.
Caleb watched her, then dropped his head in his hands and groaned.
Her heart pounding, this time in anger, certainly not the passion she’d felt during the game, she swung the necklace back and forth in front of his eyes. “What shall I do with this?”
He looked up, misery on his face. “Just leave it. It’s not important.”
“Not important? The woman spent time this bed with you the night before our wedding.”
He grabbed the necklace and tossed it across the room. “Yes. She spent the night in this bed. But I was not in it with her.”
She fisted her hands on her hips. “Oh, you must think I’m stupid. All these women traipsing through this house the last couple of days did not come all this way from town because they had nothing else to do. You are a . . . a . . .”
“A what? Until a couple of weeks ago, I was simply an unmarried man, living the life I chose, and having a damn good time of it, too”
That stung. She was tired of hearing how her arrival here—with good intentions—had cause him such grief and misery. “Well, I’m very sorry I messed up your life. It just so happens I had a nice life, as well. I had friends, and a job, and I went to church, and did other things.” She swiped at her cheeks. “People liked me.”
Yes, people liked her, and pitied her as well. Much like she was doing right now. She fumbled with her skirt. She might even go to the front door and remove her coat from the hook and put that on. There would never be enough layers of clothing between her and Caleb Fraser.
“Lily. I’m telling you the truth. I will admit I brought Desiree out here to have a little fun—“
She snorted.
“—but before we got to spend any time together, you and the other girls arrived. When my brothers learned I had Desiree stashed here, they made me sleep in the main room, on the floor, with the rest of them. She slept in this bed—alone. I didn’t get so much as a kiss from her.”