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The Billionaire’s Second Chance: A Small Town Romance

Page 25

by Weston Parker

  The atmosphere was light and merry, and I was filled with gratitude and pride as I watched the guests explore. Later on in the evening, when only our close friends and family were still present, I realized I’d done it. The history room was open for business, and it was all because of me.

  Jessie and I sat in the dining room, our feet bare as we sagged into our chairs and clinked our glasses of wine together. She grinned, and even though we were both beat, she still looked excited.

  “You guys should just stay here tonight,” she said, her smile morphing into a knowing smirk. “I had them ready the master suite for you.”

  “What?” I frowned. “Why? It’s not that far to walk home. My feet are sore, but it’s not that bad.”

  Before she could respond, Will stole my attention away from his sister. He came to stand in front of me, reaching for my hand and pulling me up and to him.

  “Have I told you yet how proud I am of you?” he murmured, emerald eyes shining with so much emotion that I frowned. He told me all the time these days how he felt about me, but there was something else going on here.

  “You have,” I said slowly, narrowing my eyes. “What’s going on?”

  “I love you, Anna Holland. I know it’s been a busy, long day, but I have an important question for you.”

  Suddenly becoming aware that everyone was staring at us, my frown deepened when I saw my father wearing a smile much bigger than I’d ever seen from him before. I folded my arms across my chest. Suspicious didn’t even begin to describe it, especially when I saw Jessie tearing up in my periphery.

  It all clicked into place when William lowered himself down on one knee. I was so shocked I could only stare at him, my arms dropping like numb logs back to my sides. We’d talked about getting married, of course, but still…

  “Remember that night I was late to dinner with Jessie and Dave?” he began, tilting his head and smiling when I nodded. “I was late because I was asking for your father’s blessing.”

  I blinked about sixteen times. I couldn’t believe this was happening, and yet it was every romantic dream I’d ever had come true.

  “You’re everything to me, Anna. My first love, my only true love, my forever love. I know we got derailed for a while there, but you’ve always been my guiding light, and without you, I was so lost and I didn’t even know it. If these past few months have taught me anything, it’s that I was stupid to have wanted to leave here. Stupid to have thought I could ever leave you or that anything was or could be more important to me than you.”

  He reached for my hand with one of his, sliding the other into his pocket and coming back with the ring he’d bought for me in Traverse City. “When I first gave you this, I asked you to pretend to be mine, but even then, seeing my ring on your finger felt right. Tonight, I’m asking you to really be mine. To take me as yours. Will you marry me, Anna?”

  “Of course I will. Yes!” Tears flowed freely down my cheeks, and I didn’t wipe them away as I nodded and watched in utter disbelief as he slid the ring into place on my finger. He brushed the pad of his thumb over it once before getting back to his feet and pulling me into his arms.

  The kiss he gave me was everything, filled with promises, regret about the past, and hope for the future. I kissed him back just as passionately, my arms looping around his neck as I melted into him.

  Everyone was celebrating around us, whooping and clapping while William kissed me like he was drowning and I was air. I faintly registered the sounds of champagne corks popping, and when we finally separated, I saw Jessie passing flutes of bubbly around.

  She winked when she saw me looking at her, shrugging her shoulders as she lifted her glass in my direction. “I like to be prepared for the big moments. I knew this would be coming soon. I even had a feeling it would be tonight. Welcome to the family, sister.”

  “She’s always been part of the family,” William murmured, lowering his head to bring his forehead to mine. His fingers stroked my cheeks, my neck, my jaw. Pretty much everywhere he could touch me without it being inappropriate for public consumption.

  “True.” Jessie shrugged again, then giggled as she flounced away to fetch more champagne.

  Will’s gaze was glued to mine, and he smiled against my lips. “Time to start planning our honeymoon.”

  “You mean wedding, don’t you?”

  He shrugged. “As long as it’s soon and I get to whisk you away afterward for a few months of alone time, I’ll be happy.”

  I looked into his eyes, warmth sparking in every fiber of my being. “How do you feel about getting married right here next weekend? I happen to have an in with the owner, and I know the venue is available. We’ll keep it simple. I don’t need anything fancy. All I need is you.”

  “Next weekend?” Relief softened his features, and a grin so wide it took over his entire face appeared on his lips. “Fuck yes. Let’s do it.”

  “It would’ve been nice if you two would’ve asked me,” Jessie piped up, but I heard the laughter in her voice. “But fine. Let’s do it.”

  “One more thing.” William lifted his head away from mine, but his arm around my waist kept me tucked close to his side as his gaze landed on my father. “I’m paying off whatever remains of your debts, and I won’t hear a word about it. We’re family now. There’s no reason to say no.”

  Dad opened his mouth—presumably to protest—but I shook my head at him. “Just say yes, Daddy.

  He locked his gaze with William’s, and when it darted to meet mine, I knew we had him. Slowly, reluctantly, he nodded. “I accept your offer.”

  I squeezed William so hard I was afraid I might’ve bruised him, then released him as I threw my arms around my father and hugged him tight. I felt like a massive weight had been lifted from my chest, so elated that I thought I might float up to the clouds if someone wasn’t holding on to me.

  Afterward, once everyone had left and the B&B was quiet in slumber, Will led me to the room Jessie had readied for us, and he made love to me until he had completely obliterated any last shred of doubt I might’ve had about whether he would ever be truly happy here forever.

  We’d had to wait a little longer than I used to think we would, but we were finally getting our happily ever after. Nothing would ever separate us again, and it didn’t get any more happily in an ever after than that.

  The boy I’d fallen in love with as a child was going to be my husband. I guessed what I thought about puppy love was wrong. It could turn into big-dog love, and it was pretty darn special when it did.

  The End.

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  About the Author

  Hey there. I'm Weston.

  Have we met? No? Well, it’s time to end that tragedy.

  I'm a former firefighter/EMS guy who's picked up the proverbial pen and started writing bad boy romance stories. I co-write with my sister, Ali Parker, but live in Texas with my wife, my two little boys, a dog, and a turtle.

  Yep. A turtle. You read that right. Don’t be jealous.

  You're going to find Billionaires, Bad Boys, Military Guys, and loads of sexiness. Something for everyone hopefully. I'd love to connect with you. Check out the links below and come find me.

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  The Parker’s Wicked Playground

  The Billionaire’s Second Chance

  A Small Town Romance

  Copyright © 2021 by Weston Parker

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatso
ever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and plot are all either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons – living or dead – is purely coincidental.

  First Edition.

  Editor: Eric Martinez

  Cover Designer: Ryn Katryn Digital Art




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