by Peter Harris
Chapter Forty-eight
The Narrator’s Postscript
There was a handwritten note from the Narrator at the end of the manuscript:
Currently in hiding. If anything should happen to me, please try to publish this first part which I have managed to get written down. As you can see, there is much more to tell, but as usual, I am a little behind. But the present account will at least give an idea of the nature of the enemy we are up against, and reveal the hope of a new dawn for all the Nine Worlds, if Shelley succeeds in becoming the Kortana and finding the Heartstone of Aeden.
Beware of Phagrapag; he may already have used the Ouvron to cross over to Earth. And beware the Athmadites; we now know they are here among us, and have been this past age.
We apologise for the uncertainty. We anxiously await further word from the narrator.