by Peter Harris
Appendix 1
English Glossary.
Use in conjunction with the Aedenese lexicon which follows.
Aeden the isle/world of Aeden. C.f. Kor Aedenya, the world of Aeden.
Aedenese The language of Aeden.
Aedenites Inhabitants of Aeden, humans, Travellers, and others.
Aedenyan The language of Aeden. A mixture of dialects, with influences via the Templars and other Crossers from Edartha.
Ainenia – She of the Nine Lives. Name for the Lady of Aeden.
amber (As it is not fossilised, it is really gum or copal). Agathra, the golden or silvery clear solidified resin of the Jeweltree. Highest grade is the bright-amber, xanagathra, mostly found at Lake Avalon, where it floats from the island and is washed up on the shores. Used for lamps, as it glows when light is called forth from it by a ratan. This light comes in a mysterious way from the lightning which enters the trees of the Tor Enyása. C.f. Blood-amber.
anklebiter Small burrowing creature. Nips at ankles, hoards crystals. Domesticated by the Boy Raiders.
Antipodes Opposite side of the world.
Apples of Aeden. Related to the common Earth apple but of many more nutritious (some say magically life-renewing)varieties than on present-day Earth, and containing sometimes the seed of the Jeweltree. (C.f. Star-key). Like Earth apples, if cut crosswise they reveal a ‘star’ of five seeds. If you look closely at the cross-section you will see five clear spots in between the five seeds. These are said to represent the Ten Worlds – hence the notion of the Tenth World, not officially part of the ancient nine-world Order of the Makers. C.f. Apples of Peace.
Apples of Peace or of Forgetfulness. The poisoned apples of the Aghmaath, from trees injected with the drug of the thornsap by means of a Rakhir, or thorndagger.
Arcratíne Firesword of Korman, Defender of the Arcra. Made in the Fire World. When struck into the ground, able to amplify the cyclic flow of the Wouivre or Zagonamara energies between heaven and earth.
Arms of the Starfish Isle, Aeden. Five, called (going clockwise from the top of the map)the Northern, the Northeast, the Southeast, the Southwest, and the Northwest arms. Each has a high rocky ridge leading down from the High Plateau, the Tor Enyása, to the seaward end where it ends in a smaller echo of the whole – a five-armed mountain.
ascetics Religious zealots, often recluses or hermits, who seek enlightenment and holiness by denying (even being revolted by) the body’s natural desires, and trying to only desire the unseen and spiritual. Leads to a death-wish. The Aghmaath are the extreme of this tendency, and seek to force it on all creatures.
Athmad Adam, said to be the First Man in Genesis. Ewana, or Eve, was his wife.
Athmaddites, Athmadites Secret society on Earth dedicated to getting the Heartstone of Aeden and completing the work of Athmad (Adam, who sought to make Earth the Hub).
Avalon Island of Apples. Known in Celtic times as the western isle where all ills would be healed. Located on Aeden, on a lake, but said to appear in other worlds off the coast. Some have been known to cross over to it – e.g., Calibur of Cornwall.
Balance, The. Happy and powerful state in which opposite dynamics are in harmony and one does not dominate the other – e.g., male and female, intuitive and rational, love and truth, freedom and order.
Birdmen Boy Raider slang for the Aghmaath, who do have some bird-like features – including some feathers, which the boys prize as trophies.
black fire connected with the worship of the Void, unknown mechanism but highly dangerous, consuming the mind.
black hornet large (inch-long or more) shiny black swarming hornets which hunt. Used by the Trackers like sniffer dogs, using scents shown them by their keepers. Usually kept in a basket. Flesh-eating. The sting causes temporary paralysis.
blood-amber Agragathra. Amber from jeweltrees that were bled for their sap in the time of the Tenth-Worlders and the Bleeders, and later died. The Blood-amber diggers came and retrieved lost hoards of it where the bleeders had buried it for maturing and safe-keeping. Glows with a reddish light. Much used by the Aghmaath for lamps, as it encourages thoughts of relinquishment and death.
Blue Moon Aeden’s second moon, of uncertain period of appearance, bluish tinted light, about as strong as our full moonlight. Aeden also has a ‘normal’ moon, silvery as ours.
Boy Raiders, the Band of rebel boys and girls who have crossed over from Earth through portals. Like all Aedenites, they do not grow into adults unless they fall in love and kiss. If they do this, however, they are banished.
Chosen One the hoped-for deliverer of Aeden, foretold by the prophetic poets. Known as the Kortana, the one who calls the Heartstone.
cicadas some are like Earth’s, winged insects about an inch long, feeding on the sap of trees and singing through the summer. Others are very different; see Makers.
Code, the Boy Raiders’ rulebook, started by Coder the Wise.
Concept, the Guardian term for the Truth by which all things operate; Logic, Underlying Order; the Logos.
continuum of possibility Infinite, possibly absolutely infinite, set of all possible patterns, worlds and entities.
Crossers, the Young children (usually around 12-13) whose desire for a better world led them to portals to Aeden, where they crossed over from Earth or other worlds. Sometimes they would go back; usually not.
Crystal World one of the Nine. One of the three elder worlds with the Makers and Travellers
Crystalline Entities inhabitants of the Crystal World, intelligent crystals that receive signals from all places. Some were taken by the Makers and fused with the Green World trees to make the Jeweltrees.
cupola a domed roof
Dark Entities Inhabitants of deep space, unknown form of life or energy, apparently hostile to life. The Aghmaath were influenced by them, and became endarkened
Dark Labyrinth of Chartres-like layout, unicursal, formerly used by the Order for initiation into wisdom and knowledge, now used for endarkenment by the Aghmaath
Dark Travellers The Aghmaath.
Dreamweb, Dream Network, Astral Network The ‘collective unconscious’ of Jung, accessed through dreams, and forming a link potentially between all minds. The Aghmaath are especially adept at using it for communication between distant places – even between worlds.
With practice humans, especially on Aeden, may contact one another and pass on information in their sleep. Shelley even contacted Worriette that way and comforted her.
Dreamcasters Aghmaath deceivers, sending false dreams
Edartha the world of Earth
Elder Worlds the three first worlds of the Order – Travellers, Makers, and Crystals.
Emerglim A great pioneer of the ancient Good Travellers, he who brought the first Crystal to the Green World, and the Tree to Aeden.
endarkenment Aghmaath term for the realization that all life is hateful, and that the Void as Nothingness and no return to the Wheel of existence, is the only Good.
enlightenment Some say, the joyful realization that all things are already in Faery, and that they are unfolding perfectly into it despite appearances to the contrary; and that therefore Life and the life principle (Goddess, now often called on Edartha Gaia) is to be embraced and trusted as good.
Ennead (of Aeden) literally, Book of Nine – nine works of history and lore going back thousands of years to the beginning of the Order.
everchild the property of not automatically growing into an adult but remaining physically as a child. Some say the cause of this is in the soil of Aeden – it happens to all children who visit.
Evergirls, the Breakaway group from the Boy Raiders, started by Jessie the Jilter. They live in the marshes beyond the Lakelands. Use poisoned blowpipes, bow and arrow, and sickle-like throwing swords; often they ride the Ürxura, as well as horses.
Faery the level or mode of the world, from the actual past or part of the Continuum of Possibility, beyond present sight. A parallel, more beautiful reality which weaves in and out
of this visible unfolding we call The World. Some can see it and even walk in it, disappearing from mortal sight. Others can walk in both at once, like the Lady.
Fairies, the Makers who decided to stay in Aeden and live in the forest as tiny people.
Fire World one of the three hidden worlds, said to be accessed from Earth. The Air and Water Worlds are the others.
fireswords weapons as well as tools for invigorating the lands, made from crystals which focus subtle and light energies like lasers. C.f. Arcratíne.
Garden of Eden (properly, Aeden, usually pronounced ee-den, but in learned circles like the ae in aeroplane) A mythic place of innocence – a paradise – in the book of Genesis in the Edarthan Hebrew sacred scripture, where Adam and Eve were put to tend it and live in bliss. In fact (if the Narrator is right), it was the island of Aeden in the Golden Age of the Order of the Makers, and Athmad and Ewana were the rebels who sought to set up Edartha as the Hub World.
Golden World the world on which the isle of Aeden is located. So called for the golden Arcra, the Heartstone.
Great Sphere/Bubble, Magisphere the magical realm of Faery-woven beauty that once was much stronger and enveloped all the nine worlds of the ancient Order, magnifying the effect of thoughts and beliefs on the ‘Unfolding’ (q.v.). Its effect now waning on Edartha, still strong on Aeden, making it easier to ‘walk in Faery’ (q.v.) there. A cosmic womb for the growth of all beautiful forms of life within the borders of the Nine Worlds; or a great Tree (the Tree of Life writ large in the galaxy) whose branches were the paths of Beauty and whose flowering, leafy crowns the Worlds. Also like a great River of the Unfolding whose tributaries were the Paths and whose confluences the Worlds.
Great Dance the magical beautiful Unfolding (q.v.) of the web of Life, and all process, as seen from the perspective of Faery. In Aeden this is more rapidly affected by thoughts and beliefs than is now the case on Edartha.
Great Paths the links between the worlds made by the Jeweltrees
Great Vigil of Korman his seventy-three year wait for the Kortana in the Portal Hills
Green World The world where the Cicada-like ancestors of the Makers lived, in great forests
Guardian a human, usually male, from the Guardian World, who lives to protect the Order and the Tree of Life. Some say all are descended from the Templars who crossed over, but there were others there before that.
Heartstone of Aeden the golden crystal Jewel of the Tree of Life. Stolen from it and lost to Aeden.
High Plateau the Tor Enyása
hishma Waverider saying, meaning to ride the crest, balanced in the moment, Ride the living Moment!
hopeflower A small waxy flower that opens in the Blue Moon’s light, or when the Kortana or the Lady pass over them.
icon an image, usually painted in exquisite detail on smooth wood, of a saint or holy person – often the Mother and Child. Said to have powers to heal and bless, and protect.
inquisitor one who seeks to probe the minds of others and turn them to his own beliefs, by terror, torture, hope, reason, or whatever means he can, thinking that the ‘end justifies the means’
Jewel of Knowledge said to have been taken by Athmad and Ewana for the setting up of Earth as the rival Hub. The Emerald Grail of legend.
Jewel of Life the Heartstone
It had great powers to open up paths between the worlds, and to heal and bless Aeden and all the Order – but only in union with its Tree.
jeweltree originally from the Green World of the Makers, a kind of tall, five-trunked tree which was fused with a Crystal in the centre of its five main branches, to open paths through the void between worlds. The Tazürasha, the Tree of Life, was the greatest of these. Also sometimes called Stardoor, or Lightningate trees, as they draw down the energy of the lightning through their twigs filled with silver sap.
Jilters the Girls led by Jessie the Jilter, who left the Boy Raiders to set up as the Evergirls.
Job’s tears the seeds of a grass which look like grey and brown beads, almost round, very shiny and hard, about a third of an inch long. Good for stringing into necklaces. Also found on Earth.
Keeper, Glimtrak, Thornfoot The Third-lifer who befriended Shelley.
Keeper, The an entity of unknown powers living in deep space, an enemy of the Dark Entities and friend to the first Wizards.
Kortana (she who calls the Heartstone), c.f. Chosen one
Labyrinth of Initiation see Dark Labyrinth
lightningtree see Jeweltree
Limnakorites see Tenth-Worlders
Magisphere cf Great Sphere.
Makers Original founders of the ancient Order. Cicada-like but with hands, about six inches long and highly intelligent as well as having powers of manipulation of matter down to molecules, and ‘shapeshifting’ their own or others’ bodily form. Said to have departed the Nine Worlds to fight the Dark Entities.See Cicada
mindbolt a form of psychic attack of unknown mechanism, wielded by the Aghmaath emanating from their Third Eyes.
mindfields mindtraps set by the Dreamcasters.
Mindprober Aghmaath specialising in mindreading and control from afar. See Dreamcaster
Mindscouts a variety of Mindprober, specialising in finding new subjects
mindshields objects of silver normally, which screen the user from mindprobes. Often in form of a helmet.
mindstone intelligent object in form like a stone, made by the Makers to interpret languages between receptive minds, and for other uses
Mindweavers variety of Dreamcaster who remoulds the thoughts of subjects to his own will. See Dreamcasters, Mindprobers
mindweb Spell which weaves a mindfield of invisibility about a place. Guardians like Korman have learnt this art; the Aghmaath know it also.
missionary one sent forth to convert people to another belief, by example, persuasion, or fear.
Mother Thorn a great thorn with six great branches spreading an hexagonal network of thorn hedges for miles around it.
Nered factories places of manufacture of new weapons for the Aghmaath. Said to be staffed by boys from Edartha (nered = nerd?) who loved to learn of weapons and devices of power when on Earth.
Nine Worlds the worlds of the Order of the Makers
Old Man of Avalon the ancient guardian of the isle of Avalon, some say one man who forever renews himself at the springs of the Wouivre; others say he is many, a succession of wise men born of Avalon and schooled in its mysteries.
Old Order the way it was in the Golden Age of the Order of the Makers.
One, the Term used by the Neoplatonist philosopher Plotinus to refer to God as the real but non-actual Source of all things, the sum of all platonic Forms; the form of the Good; the uncreated Reality before all actualities, in which they live and move and have being. That than which nothing greater can be conceived, as Anselm of Canterbury defined it.
Order of the Keeper A Wizard order of the good Travellers. Some Guardians are said to belong to it also. See The Keeper
Order of the Makers a utopian alliance of Nine worlds linked by World Trees, Jeweltrees which hold open the Great Paths between them. A republic of love, beauty, truth and freedom, where all were trained in wisdom through the Labyrinths of Initiation, and the Balance was honoured, and war was unknown. The Makers were the chief movers in this great alliance, and so it was named after them, though the Travellers and Crystals were partners.
Order of the Red Dragon Guardian order to from which Korman was expelled.
Ouvron (French) Templar name; called the Vapáglim in Aedenese.
Pale Moon the other moon of Aeden, similar to the Edarthan
Paths of Beauty the Great Paths between worlds
Rakmad Present ruler of the Aghmaath on Aeden. Also, title for a series of important Aghmaath, often followed by a number, e.g. Rakmad the Thirteenth who led Athmad and Ewana to rebel.
singing bowl Small bowl-shaped bell of bronze or silver which Guardians carry as an aid to meditation. When struck it is
said to echo the tone of the Music of the spheres, the tone of Creation.
silver helmet see mindshield
Silver World Edartha
skybeams the faint beams of energy seen emanating from the Tree of Life and leading to the five arms and thence to the five other worlds linked to Aeden
spinning scythes spidery hexagon made up of six white scythes, red-edged, on a black background, spinning around a black centre in which a white snake made a circle by biting its own tail, as if to devour itself.
Star-key Vapastra the golden or silver ‘tenth seed’ occasionally found in apples of Aeden. It is the seed of the Jeweltree, the ‘key’ to opening pathways to the other worlds.
teaching mindweb an Aghmaath ‘mindfield’ which enables them to indoctrinate more easily, as it provides grooves for the mind the mind to run in, and makes it hard to think any other way.
Templar enclosures, farming and defence in one, villages and gardens walled against tyrants and bandits, both on Edartha and Aeden.
Templar Knights (Knights Templar) Medieval order of warrior monks whose mission was said to be the protection of pilgrims to the Holy Land, but whose brief was far wider and deeper. Said to be heretics, they came to wield great power, and had perhaps secret servants of the Divine Feminine – Sophia, or the Goddess. Some crossed over to Aeden.
tendrils thorn feelers and growing tips, armed with tiny points which inject paralysing sap.
Tenth World Said to exist as the esoteric source of the Nine Worlds, of unknown significance to the Order, but said to be home of the ultimate source of its power and knowledge, in the form of a great world-sized core of diamond or other crystal.
Tenth-Worlders (Limnakorites) those who seek the heaven of the Tenth World for its eternal life, purity from the biological, and transcendence of all lower worlds and power over all worlds.
third homunculus the final possible regeneration of the Traveller body, which is forbidden because usually the result is madness and a snake-like form – the so-called ‘Third-lifers’ – the Taralak. Thornfoot is one of these.
Third-lifer see third homunculus
thorndens another term for the regions occupied by the Mother Thorns and the Aghmaath.
thorn-fields. Hexagonal fields between the Mother Thorn branches which form high impenetrable hedges
Thornfoot see Keeper
Thornmen Boy Raider term for the Aghmaath
Tidak, Tidak Nama Guardians of the Starfish, i.e. isle of Aeden
Tímathian Native of the Guardian World, Kor-Tinnama. Note: while Tímathians may often be referred to as ‘Guardians,’ strictly speaking a Guardian is one of the elite Order of the Red Dragon, protectors, in particular, of the Tor Enyása.
Tracker kiraglim, Aghmaath hunters, who use Dagraath (wardogs) and their own sharp eyes to track down fugitives.
Traders a scattered clan of gypsy-like folk who travel between the villages of Aeden, buying and selling goods, information and gossip.
Tree of Life the central Jeweltree of Aeden.
up Fire Mountain Boy Raider slang: in love
Unfolding, the (Rathvala) The Unfolding – lit., the ‘Tree of Five’, which grows in five aspects, Opening (Love), Crystalizing (Beauty), Reacting (Truth), Acting (Freedom), and consolidation (Life; The Tree of Life as it presently is, ring upon ring of growth that has been). The Pagrathvala is the mystical Tree of the Unfolding within a person (c.f. the Tree of Life in the Cabala) Some see it in vision as silver, with five great main branches but endless interconnecting twigs woven like a tapestry. And by conscious and unconscious thought feeling and actions, we affect the way it branches and grows.
Vapáglim Medallion of Opening. see Ouvron
Void, the This is the central concept of the Aghmaath. Manifesting as a kind of dark vortex, it seems to suck all life out of the mind and leave an emptiness which its worshippers say is the true peace which passes all understanding. Yet it is not life, or joy, only an absence of suffering. Whether it is to be identified with the Nirvana of the Edarthan eastern mystics, is unclear. There is some similarity on the surface, but underneath there is a difference between the Void of the Aghmaath and the Void, the OVO or cosmic Egg or Womb from which all life came, according to the ancient teachings of Aeden. That Void is obviously fertile and life-giving, not life-denying. And Korman saw the Lady in the Void where the Aghmaath see only death and cessation.
walking in Faery see Faery
wardog fierce fighting dog of the Aghmaath. Unknown provenance; but probably a descendant of pets brought from Edartha, and bred for extreme ferocity.
werewurrier See Wurrier, Rogavala
world-tree the main Jeweltrees that linked each world. See Edarthan legends, e.g. Yggdrasil of the Norsemen, the Tree of Life of the Hebrews and others, the Apple of the Celts,
Wouivre winding paths of subtle energy, interweaving masculine and feminine, which flow through earth and sky, on Aeden and also on Edartha. Some places are strong in its energy and are often sacred places, such as Chartres on Edartha, and Baldrock on Aeden. Related to ‘ley lines’ and may be doused for with forked sticks or bent-over wires. Connected with underground streams. C.f. Zagonamara
wurrier (official Aedenyan name: gagavala, apple-eater). Small, tameable but very timid monkey-like creature. Descendants of the ill-fated genetic experiment which gave rise to the rogue wurriers, rogavala or Werewurriers, which were finally hunted and destroyed – or so it was thought.
Appendix 2
Aedenyan to English lexicon
(Revised by the editor 080908, 15 05 09 Still a work in progress in consultation with Narrator.)