by Peter Harris
CHAPTER 5: Each of the nine Trees had within it a jewel of a different light: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet, all the colours of the visible rainbow, and gold and silver. The last of the planets to receive a Tree was Kor-Edartha, which revolves around a young star they call the Sun, and there was planted the Silver tree, in their Aeden before it fell. Just before the destruction of Atlantis, a silver seed of the apple trees of Aeden was borne over the seas to a far southern land, where it was planted in a forest still called Silverwood though the Trees, and the true memory of them, have long since perished from the Earth. He who planted it died there, or so it is thought.
And the places where these Trees were planted were called the Gardens of the Makers, Sacred Groves, or World Woods. There were nine of these groves, each on a different planet in a different solar system, linked by the precious Jewels of the Makers, set in the hollow of the Trees, and they sang each in a different tone which together made a music that linked the Nine planets in a beautiful symphony, and grew the Great Sphere or Bubble of space-time, in which ‘magic,’ as it is now called, was commonplace, including the crossing from world to world.
Ennead of Aeden, ‘Of the creation of the Nine Trees and the Great Sphere.’