by Peter Harris
– e 1: -er, with lengthening of last vowel in word it is added to, and/or doubling of last consonant, e.g., tin: defend; tine: defender. 2: causer; e.g. zurglim, flight; zurglime/zurglimmé one who causes to fly.)
- i suffix of abstraction (a contraction of plural of abstraction)
– male
- O Thing, entity, possession oi: things, possessions, entities
A O, vocative prefix, as in O God.
Achrha (lit.: outflow). Stolen, dissipated, lost
Aeden short form of Kor-Aedenya, the World of Aeden, the hub of the Nine Worlds which were linked in the time of the Order of the Makers
Aedenyan the language of Aeden
ag(o), ak, agh, ax Big, large (C.f. ax, from)
Agathi, Ajathi, Urathi Gold = Rajathi
Agathra, argathra, argathagra (palindrome form) Amber or golden gum or resin of the Jeweltree. Has the property of emitting light when awakened by a Ratan, or light-caller. Many Aedenese knew this art, and so could use the agathra-lamps. But the light dimmed after the theft of the Heartstone and the passing of the lightning from the Tor Enyása. Some miners and Traders chewed it in gum form as a stimulant. Or-agathra – the lamplight or glow of the amber.
Agh, Gha, Gh’ alt form: Sha, Sh’ n. fem. Goddess of life; Life-force (parallel to edarthan ‘Shakti’ = Aedenite Shaktha from sha – ka – ta, child of the life-goddess) etymology uncertain;
Aghinax Empty, from ajinag = emptyhanded Phangür Aghinax: Brotherhood of emptiness/the Void
Aghitti n. Thorn spore (lit, small bits of life-force).
Aghmaath, Aagmaath, Ágmaath (lit, life-smotherers) – shortened from Aghmagath; the Dark Travellers.
Aghmaath; life smotherers
Aghrak, agrak, agrach, agrax, grax Blood ie, life of the thorn/living. C.f. rharagh, flow/water of the thorn, ie sap or blood
Aghrake pl. aghrakeim the Bleeders, those who bled the Jeweltrees for their amber, and afterwards when the tree had died, claimed the wood as well.
Agolav, aglav, aglab, aklav, axlab distant (lit, big leap) opp.: ovlav, close lit, not a leap.
Agragathra, Agrak-agathra Blood Amber, so called because it came from trees that were bled for their sap, and later died.
Agzaghon Hall, lit., big house
–ah suffix: female
Ah, Oa – Oh that! If only! Let it be!
Ainênía or Ainë Ennia,
a palindrome, meaning Lady of the Nine (Worlds; or some say, nine lives). Representative of the Life of the world of Aeden, and of the Goddess, (q.v.) In the earliest days, some say, Ainênía was given (by the Makers) the power to regenerate for nine lives, each longer than the lives of mortals, and corresponding to epochs in the history of Aeden. And for each life she chose a mortal consort, who shared her life until his end. C.f. also Enneasha
Ak, Ax, ach From
Akpaglab n. Explosion (of the homunculus from the body of a traveller)
-am imperative
Aman Knowledge, knowhow, wisdom, as in Aman-arcra
Apad, apith, apid on, upon, by means of (C.f. also pagyoka)
Arc, Ach, Arx n. Lightning
ArcRa, n. The lightning of Ra, the Uncreated. The Heartstone of the Tree of Life. Written as a Palindrome, showing its balance & power.
Synonyms: Züratikor, Kor, Padrakor, Arcranama. (The Diamond World is also called a Heartstone – the Cosmic Heartstone, Arcrazaglonë.)
Arcra-Achrha The Lost Heartstone
Arcra-Namaglimmé, or Arcranama n. Alternative name for the Heartstone of Aeden.
Arcratana n. She who speaks for the Heartstone; alt form of Kortana
Arcratíne Firesword of Korman, Defender of the Arcra. Made in the Fireworld. When struck into the ground, able to amplify the cyclic flow of the Wouivre energies between heaven and earth
Arcrazaglonë the cosmic Arcra or Heartstone of the Rathzaglonë; i.e., the Diamond World.
Arovora, Arovóra (Palindrome: ),
The Divine ‘hermaphrodite’ – the union of OVO the divine feminine and RA the divine masculine. C.f. Ürpama, the marriage of Opposites
Arxpharé Orbalax lightning/fire unquenchable (old forms: orba -not, lax, death). Wielded by those of the old order who knew how to divert the flow of the Wouivre. Some say also, to tap into the very power of the Void.
Astara, astra star. C.f. also estara
Astr’ëlavathi-agolavya, shortened to Astr’ëlavathi Star-like love-from-afar. From the poetess Monë Amanya of Kor-Aedenya.
Avala apple. Ancient word, from the Makers’ first creation of the appletree from the thorn. Poss etymology: the exclamation or prayer O Valä! C.f. Valä, Valë The apple was implanted with the recessive seed of the Jeweltree, so that the seed of the jeweltrees would spread with the apple and never die out completely. The appletree was a sacred tree of life to the Celts of Earth, and to the ancient Order of the Makers before that.
Avalastra apple-star; the star seen in the apple cut across the kore. Also C.f. Korastra, Korestra Core-star,
Avalazüra the Blue Apples, blue diamonds of Aeden, found only in Baz Apédnapath. Also known as Avlastrabel, blue applestar, because of the five-facetted cut often used.
Avalestare = Valestra = vestra star-maker, epithet for Avalon as the enchanted apple which (when cut) produces the fivepointed star; ie, causes utopias such as Camelot which when they pass from the earth are translated into the heavens to form new stars
Avalon island of the lake of Namaglimmë, the starfish isle of the World of Aeden
Avalonë or long form Avalalonë Archaic for Avalon, from avala-lonë, that which enchants apples. Nara Avalonë: isle of Avalon. Ancient form: Ngarha Avala-lonë
Avlastrabel see Avalazüra
Axpag from out of
Azüra (sea)blue, C.f. Bel also
Ba, ban 1 to go; general term for any movement. 2 as prefix, a going. Cf bath
Badra, badara drum. C.f. rabadra, lightning, ie Drum of Ra
Bath – a going, path, travel. Prefix bat-, ba- Cf Galem
baz adj. deep; sometimes also high eg Bazelra (qv)
bazrak, bazragh, bazrax 1 Deep, high thorn thicket or hill 2 City of the Aghmaath, capital of Phangkor
bazelra deep/high/clear blue sky
Baz Apédnapath the Bottomless Canyon
Bel blue
Bela gograth Hallucinogenic blue fungus, which grows on dead branches and glows in the dark
Belerion Ancient name for a land roughly corresponding to present-day Cornwall. Poss. Etymology: Belerayon from belelenon, beleleon = place of the blue moon, said to be seen when Avalon approaches from the West
Belra, elra day, daylit dome of the sky cf bazelra, deep/high/clear blue sky
Bind, Bindrak/-rax n. pattern of the thorn(fields)
Bindagh, bindach extended Aghmaath village; city
Dagraatha (war)dog/s. sing.: Dagra.
Dagraath-Gaghmad; killerdogs, lit. eat-man; wardogs
Dagraath-nazglim: sniffer dogs
dak, dach, dax n. thorn-nest, village, garrison; any village; sacred grove settlement.
dakmad n. villager, warrior
Dama six
Damarath, Damrath willow tree or wood. Lit., Weeping-tree, from Damariti and rath. Said to weep because of its hanging branch form. Its bitter bark is a cure for the bitterness of pain. Cf Pagrath
Damarha, Damara-Kirith, Tamara-kirith flow/diamonds of the eye, i.e. tear/s, weeping.
Damariti, or Tamaritti, tamarith diamond, lit., child of the drop of water, from the belief that raindrops in sunshowers falling to earth make diamonds
Damaritti-pagma stars, ie diamonds of the night, C.f. also Astra
Damarivelrha, damarivelya rainbow, lit., rain-diamonds
Ea I, me, myself
Eaím, éim we, us
Ealav, ëlav you (singular) C.f. Elavi you (plural)
Ëalaváman love of wisdom (aman) philosophy. Short form Evathaman
Eaya mine
Edartha 1 Earth, the soil of any world
as a whole 2 the World of Earth.
Edartha n. Short form of Kor-Edartha, the World of Earth
Edarthan adj, of Earth
Éimya our
El he
Elaväi, ëlavathi, evathi, Ëalaväi, ëalavathi; (from Ealavva, ealava and –i of abstraction) as prefix evath- ‘Openness to You’ ie what is called in the philosophy of the Rathvala, Love.
Ëlavathi-agolavya Love-from-afar
Elavi you (plural)
élén moon in general; satellite
élénas silver moon
Elenázüra Blue moon
Elra day. C.f. also Belra
Elrápa causing day, ie, shining
Elrapagra night and day; ie continuously
Elrapath, from elra-padra, sky-stone C.f. Padraphar fiery rock, meteor
emer, plural emim, as prep.: en- or em- n. 1 wing, winged, transcendent 2 protection
emerenkirith 1 sacred icon, lit., transcendent face 2 image, tapestry 3 destiny (woven like a tapestry)
Emimta, Emíta child of wings, ie Bird
Émragir short for Emer-ragir, Winged Dagger. Quickblade in Aedenese
en, na- 1 To, towards 2 For (usually the ‘na’ form)
enbaz below, in the depths
enkirith face
ennaya nine
Enneasha, Ennyasha, Enyashka, Enneashka alt name of the Lady, Ainenia: ennaya nine; sha, life. short for Enneashaka, nine lifespans
enpag, napag into
Enrath one hundred corit, about one US dollar. (From ennya-rath, nine Trees)
Entanifer short for emertannipher, Dragonwing. Father of Korman
Enyása mountain of the nine worlds. Tor Enyása or Tar Enyása: the high (central) mountain of Nine Worlds, even though it has only five peaks. Alt. Tor Valáza, high mountain of five peaks
Enzür above; in the heavens
Eras desire
Est fragment containing the essence; atom, particle, nanite unit
Esta hope, from eras-ta, child of desire, sometimes corrupted to eraspa, espa
Esta Padma, (estafer, estafar estarpha estapha) or padmaësta (qv) hopeflower
Estamonë, estamon ‘Love’s hope’; a bird of Aeden which sings during the Blue Moon. Also called a lovebird
Estanam Soul-hope, name of the shepherd who helped Calibur
Estaraesta hopestar, star that gives hope
Estra star. C.f. also Namastra, astra, Damaritti-pagma
Evath- (prefix form of Elavathi) love-of
Evathamanya love of wisdom
Evathovë love of the Void
Gag or gog n. eating, swallowing.
Gag- or gog- v. to eat, swallow C.f. limmtan
Gagavala Wurrier. Lit., Apple-eater c.f. Rogavala, werewurrier.
Gagglim, gaggla alt term for limtanglim, anklebiter.
Galagog common term for limtanglim, anklebiter. Cf also Gathragog
Galaman Rathvalya the science or philosophy of the Unfolding
Galaman, Galemman short for galem-aman the Way of Wisdom – philosophy, science. C.f. ëalavaman. Compare Galëalavya, the Way of Love
Galëalavya, gallevya, allevya the Way of Love Allevya v’alevalya The Way of love and of Faery
Galem = glim sometimes shortened as prefix to Gal, gael, gul, or even al-, ul- n. 1 foot 2 travel, path = that which allows travel
Galmaath, galemaath, galemagath War, deliberate devastation. lit., the Path of causing a Ghath, or devastation.
Galemovë, galovë the Way of the Void
Galparithia, (usually more literal than Galtevalya) fairy-path, path made by fairies
Galevalya, alevalya, Galtevalya, Galterath, Gaeltemrath, Galtemnarath, Galem temna-rathvala The Faery Path or Way; walking in Faery. Cf Galparithia, alparithia usually more literal fairy-path the cry, ‘Galevalya, Galparithiaor’ or ‘ alevalya, alparithia, ’ meant ‘walk in faery, on the Fairy path!’ cf Galëalavya.
Gathragog, gathrag (amber-eater) Traders’ and diggers’ term for Anklebiter (they not only sniff it out and dig for it, but also eat it, which makes them hyperactive, and in the case of the blood-amber, depressive and moody – and fearsome fighters. Feeding the fighting anklebiters amber is against the rules).
gereth, greth 1 tail, tendril; related to Rakget, thorn finger, ie tendril 2 rope
get n. finger
geth headland
Gethastra comet – tailed star. Gethasra Kortana Comet of the Kortana
Gha, Gh’ = Agh = Sha, Sh’ n. life-force (parallel to Shakti) C.f. main article under agh
Ghath, gath, gat twilight under the thorn-thickets where nothing grows. C.f. Magath, to birth, ie cause, a gath
Ghathdak – village in the twilight under the thorns
Ghrax 1 (blood-) red 2 alt form of Aghrak, blood
Glim, ghalem, galem n. 1 foot 2 travel, walking, path = that which allows travel
Glimtarak, glimtar Tree-staff, lit., walking-tree; ancient Tidak staff eg Korman’s staff with five branches and a crystal between them.
Gograth fungus, lit., tree-eater
Greth wool
Grethélénias (thread of the silver moon) silk
Grethitti thread, of silk or spiderweb
He/th, fem. Hea/th the definite article, the
Heth Krithür Guardian term for the Nous, mind, Concept. Lit, eye of the One
Heth Shaktha Guardian term. sha – ka – ta, very child of the life-goddess; ie The Psyche, the World-soul of the neoplatonists
Heth Ür, Het Ür, Hethür Guardian term: the One; always with the def art.
Hethür Krithür Shaktha! Guardian chant: the One, the Concept and the Soul. This leaves the lower emanations of body and matter unnamed.
Hir Fruit
Hirath fruit of the tree
Hite, hitte to bite (deeply, with fangs)
Hith(rax), Histrax n. 1 thorn point, large, cutting; thorndagger - barbed, shaped like an awl, and pumps poisoned sap into the wound. 2 name of head tracker
Hith, hit fang, large sharp tooth; segment of the aghmaath’s third eye cover. C.f. hite, hitte, to bite
Hithvala alt. term for wurrier, gagavala. Lit, applebiter
-I, -im, or aath reg. Plural suffix – note aath form = softening of last consonant and often lengthening last vowel e.g. phagmad became Phagmaath. Note also that poss etymology of Phagmaath has the Maath from Magath, to smother
Ir, irr 1 to know 2 to see, look
Iri 1 =oera, Or – third eye, higher mind = Kiragh, kirak 2 later, normal eyes, as of humans and animals.
Irkastara stargazer
Irkkara ‘sungazer’ basking lizard, with third eye.
Irrka, irka to gaze, look intently
Iti, -itti, -ati (pl. atim) small
Jinax, jinag empty, from paja-nagget, air-handed. Also syn = Aghinax
–ka, cha intensive; or extensive, as in sha-ka, life span.
–ka, cha, ha intensive when prefixed; comparative when prefixed, as in kara, ‘like Ra’ (hence kara=Four, ie complete, four-square), or extensive, as in sha-ka, life span.
Kaglim, Okaglem, oka galem (archaic) thus, so; lit., in this way/path
Kar, karr to guide, steer, propel. Unknown etymology, possible connection with Kore, Kor. See also Kyb
Kara four
Karaglim four-footed (grazing) animal; cattle or sheep; herds
Karapama eight
Karapamaglim, karapam spider – lit., eight feet.
Karathvala, karavala by conscious and unconscious thought feeling and action, we affect the way the Tree of Five branches and grows. This influence is called the the Steering of the Unfolding, the Karathvala. Some say the Edarthan Kabbala comes from this word.
Karst A landscape shaped by the dissolving action of water on limestone or marble bedrock.
Kindrak n. branching-point of thorns; node
Kiragh, Kirak, chirah, choera, oera n. single (third) eye, higher mind = iri
Kiraglim n. lit, eye-foot. Tracker
Kirapagh, Kirapax, chirahpag
n. mind
Kirith, Chirith, krith from kiritti, little eye = normal eye as opposed to the traveller’s great Third eye.
Kiroyim, chiroyim, pair of eyes
Kor n. 1. homunculus-containing pod, 2. egg, seed (see Koriti), fruit 3. World 4. Heart, Heartstone 5. Gold, golden
Kor-Achmaddi pn. lit, world of the son of lightning, i.e. fire. Fireworld - of burning and purification. The Indigo jewel
Kor-Aedenya, Kor-Nama, Kor-Ránama Kor-Hédana, Koraedenya, Corethana pn. World of Aeden -of Joyful Creating at the Sacred Centre of life. World of the The Gold jewel, or Heartstone.
Korastra, Korestra Core-star, the avalastra seen in the apple cut across the core
Kor-Edartha, Edartha the World of Earth. (C.f. Edartha as = soil, earth)
Kor-estarye, Korestare star-world
Koriti, korith Seed, small. Also Kor sometimes = seed, but larger, ie a pod.
Korman n. Name among Travellers: one who has reached adulthood and has a fully developed Kor inside.
Kor-Marrépag or Manérha pn. World of the womb of the Sea; Waterworld -of descent into the waters beneath the mind. The Blue jewel.
Kor-Ovotannama pn. Airworld -of blissful flight of the spirit, of selfless love. The Violet jewel
Korpa v. to make a seed, body; to incorporate, sow, beget
Kor-Palabrim or Kor-Palabim pn. World that causes leaps, growth. Greenworld- of metamorphosis. The Green jewel. Makers = Paoi, those who create, cause things
Kor-Ramanithi, (Kor-Madditti Kor-Manithi?) pn. Lit, world of the Re-/Ra-born Child. Earth -of Rebirth as the Child. The Silver jewel.
Kor-Tamaríthé, Kor-Tamarith diamond World. Also called the Arcrazaglonë, the cosmic Arcra or Heartstone of the Rathzaglonë.
Kortána she who speaks for/calls to the Kor, the heartstone
Kor-Tinnama pn. lit, world of the defence of the Starfish (Aeden). Guardianworld - of Death, War, Endurance and Protection. The Red jewel.
Kor-Züratimaddi (/Züritirim/züritim) n. lit., world of little crystal mountain men; World of crystal entities Crystalworld -of contemplation. The Yellow jewel
Kor-Zürglim pn. Traveller world-of exploration. The Orange jewel. the Travellers = Zürglimmati, Ovoglimmé; Dark Travellers = aghmaath
Krithür usually Heth Krithür qv, Guardian term for the Nous, mind, the Concept. Lit, eye of the One
Kyb- (pronounced ‘Kyib’ or ‘Kibe’) To steer, use a steering oar. Kybe Avalonyë, the Boatman of Avalon.
Lab- v. to leap
Lab, lav n. leaping, jumping, growth, motion away from, differentiation. pl, labrim
Lablak an ambush, lit., leaping-killing
lag-, lax- v. to speak (more recent form of Tan-)
lak n. death
lak- v. to kill
lake, lakké n. killer
lakethka dead
Lakpach Leather (‘dead skin’)
lekhir n. thorn-sap, blood. poss from sense ‘coma-cutting’ C.f. aghrax, blood
li to weave (etymology uncertain)
lim – root, limb, feeler.
Limna ten
Limnakoriti Limnakorites; Tenth-Worlders; those who seek its esoteric transcendence of the nine ‘lower’ Worlds – a kind of exclusive heaven of the ‘wise.’
Limnath tenth
Limnath tenth
Limnathkor, Limnakor Tenth World
Limnathkor, Limnakor The Tenth (the diamond) World, legendary additional hidden World of the Ancient Order of the Makers.
limrak, limrax, limragh n. 1 thorn-root 2 chewing tooth, teeth (C.f. hith = fang)
Limrath (name) lit., tree-limb
Limrod (name) Limrod the Old: Boatman of Avalon. lit., branch-mast.
limtan, Limmtan (sometimes shortened to lim) To eat, feed, browse, graze. (lit, cause mouth to be like a (feeding) root). C.f. gag, to eat/swallow, wolf down.
Limtanglim, lintanglim, tanglim anklebiter (lit, foot-chewer) alt: gaghlim. Cf galagog, gathragog
Limtantíra leaf-eater; Caterpillar, silkworm
lith loom (from li, to weave)
lon, loon enchanted, sacred, of Faery, poss linked to Elen, moon
lone to enchant
Loonlith, Lonlith 1 the Faery Loom, the Loom of Destiny 2 largest coin of Aeden = $1000
Ma 1 v. to conceive, bear, create in womb 2 n. female energy 3 mother
Madah; madach, Madahim n. Female Aghmaath
Madavalone man of Avalon; Merlin. C.f. Maralonë
maddati, maddat, maddath n. female child (contraction of maddah-itti)
madditi, maddit, maddi n. male child. pl –im
magath to grow over like the mother thorns; smother and kill; deprive of life. To birth, ie cause, a Gath, Ghath, the twilight under/in the thorn-thickets where nothing grows. Shortened to Maath in some compound words Eg Aghmagath became Aghmaath
Magathrha watering; to water
Maghe, magné, mané n. Mother – female cause of life
maglim n. (from mak(smooth) glim) path, in the open country, track (as opposed to thorn-tunnel) C.f. glim
Magné Manama n. the Lady; lit, mother Aeden-Soul-birther
Magnémara Alt name for the Lady (title) lit, mother of the sea.
Magréth, Sheep. fem. Magrétha, ewe
Magrethána, Magretána Keeper of sheep; shepherd. Also a fem. name
mak low, smooth, flat
mak- v. 1 to stab, 2 flatten
mak; n. 1: low, smooth, flat. 2: stabbing, laying low;
make, makke n. assassin
Makers, the See Pharoi
Makorya, makor, makarya She who gives birth to the World, Mother of Worlds; the Goddess. The Divine Feminine which some say is the primeval Matrix of all things, containing within Herself the Divine Masculine; and others say she is equal and complementary to the God; while others again say that both the Divine masculine and the Divine Feminine are but two aspects of the One (q.v.) At least Goddess refers to the nurturing unconditional mother-love of God for all things, a concept which is often buried beneath the concept of ‘His’ justice
Man; Mad, Maddim n. Male Traveller, from arch. Mang, Ma conceive and Ng soil ref to early creation myth where man was soil-born – and later patriarchal belief that first traveller was incarnation of Ra, and formed the race by burying himself alive and becoming the Maraghe, first father of the first Mother thorn
Mana, manga maddah woman pl. mani
Mantir, manti n. feather
Maraghe/Marake n. A Male ‘Mother’ of Mother-thorn (by death & planting, so homunculus becomes thorn sapling)
Maralonë, Marlonë, Maralon, known as Merlin on Edartha; lit.: enchanter of the sea, from the magical power he is said to possess of opening a path for the enchanted isle to move between the sundered seas of different worlds.
Marathë the Lake of the Tree (cf Marith Enyásë)
Marith Damarivelya the lake of the rainbow
Marith Enyásë the Lake of the Tor Enyása; also known as Marenyasë, or Marith türásë, or Martürásë from mar and Türása, Tree of Life
Marithi lake. As prefix: marith- also cf Marré
Marré, Mara n. water, sea (from Magnérha, Manérha mother of flux. Prefix Mar- or mer- as in Marelrapath, sea/lake of the meteor
Meraj fish, from mar sea and arj- silver
Meralav Salmon or trout – lit., leaping fish
Monëlavamanya Wise love – erotic but loving wisdom too. Lit., desire-with-love-of-wisdom, or, ‘philosophical love’
Monë, mon (romantic) Love C.f. more general Ëlaväi
Monëluna enchanted-love; also author of ‘poems of the Kortana’
Na For, for the benefit of; to. Also more rarely en
Naj, maj moonlight
Najithi Arjinithi Arginti, arj- (as descriptive affix) Silver. Dax –Argintya: Silvertown. Gagavalaj: silver-wurrier, a village
Nagog worm, also Ngagog
Nabdaïm, naddaïm, sing. Nabda, nadda Boy Raiders, cf Taddaïm
nam n. arm, strength, power (
hence Nama, soul, Nam-ma, that which gives birth to the power of life
Nama 1 n. Soul (related to Name), 2 starfish, mother of arms i.e., many-armed; or alt., a symbol of the Soul as a star in the heavens. 3 Island of Aeden (starfish shaped) 4 essence therefore Power as in Namovyo 5 eight = karapama
Namaglim n. Aeden: starfish-isle of travel, shortened form of Namaglimmé
Namaglimmë, Namaglimmé n. a name for Aeden; starfish/Soul that makes easy flight. OR, from the old Order, Nama (starfish), or Nama Zürglim, then Namasaglimmé, Namasglimmé, Namaglimmé starfish of easy travel, i.e. transportation by Paths of Beauty
Namanara Starfish-island – isle of Aeden.
Namastra, namasthra star, from nama-est-Ra, soul-fragment of Ra. C.f. Estra, astra
namget n. hand
namglim n. leg
namovyo, namovya, namoyo the power of the Void. An energy greater than that of the nucleus of the atom. It is said the Makers knew how to harness it, and that it powers the Vapaglím and some of the fireswords
nara alt form of Ngarha, island
Narab, narabim, Nab horse. Boy Raider variant of narabadra.Cf Nabdaïm, Boy Raiders
narabadra, narabdra, pl Narabádrim horse, from nga-rabadra, earth-thunderer. cf Narab
Naradenya Isle of Aeden
narlav, naralav ship, from nara-lab, leaping island
Naz nose, esp Traveller nose.
Nazglim, naglim sniffer wardogs, lit, nose-foot short for Dagraath-Nazglim
Nga n. soil, land
Ngagog worm, lit, earth-eater
Ngarha, ngar- nara- 1 island, ie land of the water. 2 Spring of water 3 underground stream. But see more common Rhana, rana, ie water of the earth; spring.
Ngatíra, ngatirim, natira Earth-leaf, ie grass.
Nim, alt. Min New.
Nimmath New man, one who has been reborn, literally or spiritually; initiate, disciple. Also name Korman gave himself.
Nimta newborn baby
O Thing, entity, possession oi: things, possessions, entities
Oblach Avalonyë The Old Man of Avalon. C.f. Maralonë
Oblach, obla Old (person or thing)
Oera, Or Third eye, higher mind = Kirgh, kirak, iri. In the Aghmaath, this eye is visible and highly developed, and its lids are like the segments of a seedpod. In humans it is said it is located in the forehead and associated with the pineal gland in the brain, and gives ‘second sight’ - of things normally unseen.
Oicor, Oikor from oika-kor, seed of all things. Money (see coins of Aeden)
Oika all things; everything (from oi, things, and ka of extension)
Oikorpaggith money-pouch; also name of famous Trader also nicknamed oinkapag, pigsgut
Oinkath pig
Oka this
Okalav There
-on ‘-ing’
Ora light, esp. spiritual or gentle light as from jeweltree amber
Oragáthra, Or-agathra – Amberlight; lamplight. Also fem. name
Orbalax old form of oblach, obla; Old, undying, unquenchable, as in Arxphare Orbalax, undying flame.
Orbel, orvel daytime sky, from ovo-bel, blue expanse or from or-bel, blue eye
Orpadra mind/seeing stone from or, +pad. A device made by the Makers long ago in the First Age
Ortan C.f. Ratan. Light-caller
Orvelrha, Velrha, velya rain, lit. sky-flow/water
Ov, o’ negative; Not
ovka no
Ovkor the Non-World, the World of the Concept, of Truth. See Ovokor
ovlav, olav close lit, not a leap.
ovlek, ovlex n. coma (of enthornment) lit, not speaking
Ovo n. 1 Darkness, absence of all, even light. 2 The void, from Ov, not, and o, thing; lit., not a thing; or, not a possession, i.e., ungraspable. C.f. negative theology. Often with def. art: Heth-Ovo 3 an infinite expanse or gulf, eg the heavens
Ovoglimme, pl. ovoglimmim (rare – normal form is Zürglimmati) Travellers, before the ‘dark’ epithet was added. Lit, Void-traveller, ovopax Matsim, ovopagmaddim, ovomaddim
Ovokor = ovka, ovgha 1 world, ie seedpod of the Void 2 also = Ovkor the Non-World, the World of the Concept, of Truth.
ovopag pitch dark, empty nothingness-dark
ovotan wind
ovotankor windwheel, like a giant tumbleweed
ovozürglim, ovolab spaceflight,
ovvapa shut, lit, not open
Ovzur flatlands, desert
ovzürglim foot-travel, hard slog
Pa, paka, pax v. to cause, make to be – with yang, male energy
pach, ach, agh as prefix pak- 1 out, outside 2 skin (leather: lakpach, lit., dead skin)
Padma mother of stone, i.e. flower; from belief that flowers when they die give birth to gemstones
Padmaddim the Stone People
Padmaësta, or Esta Padma, estafar estarpha estapha?) also Esta Padma, padmë (qv) The hopeflower. Starshaped like the applestar. Sensitive to the flow of subtle energies (of the Wouivre); its waxy white petals open in the blue moonlight, and also at the touch of the Kortana or
others such as the Lady through whom the Wouivre flows.
Padmagrax lit., blood-red flower, ie, the Rose.
Padma-nama starfish-flower/soulflower. The Lady of the Starfish ie the Lady of Aeden
Padmarha, padmara 1 Snow(flake) lit., flower of Water 2 (snow-)white
Padra, pad- stone
Padraglim, padglim rock-walker, ie Mountain goat
Padrakor Heartstone, Worldstone, of Edana or the other eight worlds = Züratikor, heartcrystal
Padraphar fiery rock, meteor. Also Firerock (peninsula) C.f. elrapath, from elra-padra, sky-stone
Padra-raya, padraya the spiritstone of Ürak Tara
pag n. 1 intestines, insides, from pa, to make, and gh life; in confusion of gut with womb, or with ref. to homunculus; 2 Darkness 3 bag, (usually flexible) vessel.
Paggit, pagíth, paggitha 1 small bag, pouch (cf pag) 2 cup
Paghe, pagne, pané n. Father – male cause of life
Paghma, pagma womb
Paghzaghir, Phaghzaghira womb-cutter lit., womb-executioner Woman dedicated to the Void whose task is to remove the wombs of those called to the final initiation, either to leave this life, or if they survive the operation, to serve the Void until death
Paghzaghira, phaghzaghira f., womb-cutter lit., womb-executioner
pagkor - pankor n. homunculus pod when still inside travellers
paglek Food
pagra night, from pag-ra, insides of Ra or darkness of Ra
Pagralak/x, pa’ralagh (= stomach for rebirth; or pa-ralagh = causing of rebirth ) will-to-life
Pagrath 1 wooden or wickerwork container, basket, vessel. 2 a hollow in a tree; hollow tree, hence, 3 alt name for Damarath, Willow (both for its basket-wands and the frequent hollowness of older willows) 4 hence, sad ‘hollow’ old man; fem. pagratha 5 witch; someone who weaves willow wands and casts spells in hollow willows. 6 the Pagrathim, qv.
Pagrathim the Willow People of the marshy valleys of Aeden. They wove and sold baskets, paddled in willow-wicker boats stopped with resin, and prepared from willow bark a herbal remedy for headaches and other pain, similar to aspirin.
Pagrathvala the mystical Tree of the Unfolding within a person (C.f. the Tree of Life in the Cabala) Some see it in vision as silver, with five great main branches but endless interconnecting twigs woven like a tapestry. By conscious and unconscious thought and feeling, we can affect the way it branches and grows. C.f. Rathvala
pagya in, inside
pagyoka in this, herein, by means of this, therefore
pagzürim Valley, lit, inside-of-mountains
Paja air, breath of life, spirit, from pa-gha
paklab Bat. Lit., ‘leatherleaper’
Pama – n. 1 Two, lit. fathering-mothering 2 kinship, brotherhood, order. 3 marriage, cohabitation Pamya - second
Pamäith kinship
pankiti n. (from pag-kor + itti diminutive) baby homunculus, ha
tchling after emerging from the Kor
Paoi, Phaoi n. the Makers (the pa- o- I) C.f. also pharoi
Phagmaath, Phagaath alt. form of Aghmaath, Agmaath sing./pl. Dark Travellers (poss. etymology: Pagmaddim, (Dark men) pagmad, Phaghmath, Phagmat, Phagaath
Phagra n. Blackwater, or Gutwater, harbour of night, Harbour of the Black ships
Phangkor, Pangkor- Dark World – world of the Aghmaath
Phangür Aghinax Order of the Renunciators, who set up convents and monasteries in Aeden
Phangür brotherhood = one stomach/one darkness
Phar fire
Phare, Pharé igniting
Pharha, Phara, Firewater – 1 water which contains the essence of Fire, so representing the union of opposites 2 a river of Aeden
Pharíthí, Perríti, Féyarithi, Phariith, Phariti, Fariti, or Feyetti etc. n. the fairies, lit, the Little Makers, who stayed behind on Aeden when the Makers departed, and chose to forget much of what they had known, and live simply in the trees, taking on the form of little people. C.f. Pharoi
Pharoi, Faroi The Makers, the first race of creatures who formed the Order of the Makers. They were tree-dwellers, shaped like large cicadas, living on the Jewel-trees in the Green World, adept at all crafts, able to see to the tiniest parts of all matter and manipulate it. They were able to shapeshift by changing their own genes, and bred many different creatures, including the Wurriers. It is said that early in the Second Age they departed to do battle with the Dark Entities from beyond the Galaxy, and never returned. Some of the Makers, however chose to stay behind and becoming like tiny people, became the Pharíthí (q.v.) or fairies, living in the forests of Aeden
pi good
Ra n. Sun, light; magical Source within the dark void; parallel to the Jewel in the Lotus; or (in later theology) mystic source of all, parallel to the Concept; Shiva, or (in Dark theology) the unspeakable name for the will-to-life, which came from the Void as its greatest folly, which it is now repenting of, with the Aghmaath as its instrument
rab strong
rabadra lightning (drum of Ra)
rach, rah powerful
Rageth-astra ?
Raj sunlight. C.f. Ra
Rajathi Gold C.f. = Agathi, Ajathi, Urathi
Rak, Ragh, rax (alt Rasha, rash) n. Mother thorn, thorn-kind, life, kin; from Ra- gh, mystic Source of life. The Aghmaath (Travellers) evolved on the Traveller World in symbiosis with the Rak, feeding from its sap, and even their fields were created by the hexagonal growth pattern of their main branches, which created fertile sheltered areas in which all good things grew, and the Rak flowered like the rose. So originally the Rak was good. But in later years, its growth mirrored the darkened minds of the Aghmaath, and the thornfields became evil prisons, and many were enthorned in the living death in the thorns, held fast, drugged and fed by the tendrils wound about their limbs.
Rakaralakka Aghmaath term for the Lady, Ainenia. They may not utter it even backwards, as it is a palindrome.
Rakaralakké (Abusive; exclamation of condemnation in sentencing to death or enthornment) one who is Anathema by being very (ka) like Ra, the incarnation of the will-to-life, who causes endless rebirth and suffering
Rakbindim n. thornfields
Rakget, Raghet n. tendril
Rakhir, raxir n. thorn-fruit
Rakmadah, Rakah; n. Mother Thorn, lit., thorn-woman alt: Paghmad, womb of man
Rakmadah-makorya; Rakah-makorya the great primeval Mother Thorn, Mother of the World
Raknam, raghnam n. thorn-branch
Rakpag, Raghpach n. thorn-tunnel
Rakpin, Rachpin n. thorn-point, small
Raktan, Raghstan n. thorn-gate
ralak rebirth
ralake, ralakké; also pa’ralake (abusive) One who causes/encourages rebirth
Ratan, Ortan lamplighter, one who calls to the light (in the amber of the Jeweltrees)
rath, tree, from Tarath, Tarak, Tarax, tara, Tree
ratharxé, pl ratharxím Lightning tree, ie jeweltree.
Rathtan (-im) Makers (Lit., speaking for the Tree) See paroi
Rathvala, Rathvaya, sometimes, esp. as affix, shortened to Vala, vaya (which is also Five) The Unfolding – lit., the ‘Tree of Five’, which grows in five aspects: Ëlaväi,
Ëlavathi Opening (Love); Züratathi Crystallizing (Beauty); Hithkrithüri, Zakkrithüri also Hithelrapagrathi discriminating, Reacting (Truth); ëaglimmithi Acting, self-expressing (Freedom); and Rathvalathi consolidation (Life; The Tree of Life as it presently is, ring upon ring of growth that has been). Usual listing is ur(1): Ëlavathi, Pama (2): Züratathi, Tara (3): Hithkrithüri, Kara (4): ëaglimmithi, Vaya (5): Rathvalathi. The Pagrathvala is the mystical Tree of the Unfolding within a person (C.f. the Tree of Life in the Cabala) Some see it in vision as silver, with five great main branches but endless interconnecting twigs woven like a tapestry. And by conscious and unconscious thought feeling and action, we affect the way it branches and grows. This influence is called the Karathvala, the Steering of the Unfolding.
Rathzaglonë the Tree of the Magicsphere, the Cosmic Tree (whether galactic or Universal – it is fractal) whose branches are the Paths of Beauty and whose (9 or multiple) Crowns are the Worlds linked by those Paths. The Diamond World is said to be its Heartstone: the Arcrazaglonë.
Rax zür = Raxür Mother Thorn dominating a hill
Rha n. Flux, flow, water; = the Flow, the Unfolding
Rhagha, Raga, Rhaga- rhatha – the flow of life; the life-giving unfolding; ritual goodness (interesting parallels with Indo-european root rta) C.f. Agharh - the opposite flow, the Ebb-tide, the retraction of Life into the Void.
Rhana, rana, spring; lit., water of the earth. Cf Ngarha, island or spring
Rharragh, rharrak, ahgrrax flow/water of the thorn, ie sap or blood. C.f. lekhir, thornsap; aghrak, blood
Rod, roth beam, mast, pillar, staff
rog, rogge, 1 cowardly, retrograde; 2 bad, unfriendly, evil. Lit., causing to return, ie to earlier, worse behaviour.
rogavala, werewurrier, the dangerous (throwback to the hybrid) wurrier.
Rognarak, Raghnarok – 1 the return of a thornman to his first Mother thorn, to die or breed. lit., ‘return for the sake of the Thorn (mother)’. 2 the cosmic Return to the Mother Void. The Day of the Void. C.f. Rogrha.
Rogrha, Rogrhagha the Cosmic Return to the Void; Day of the Void. Lit, Return-Flow of Life C.f. Rognarak. A flow of nihilism and pessimism – and evil - which once it reaches a certain critical point, according to the Aghmaath is irreversible and ends the entire universe as the last consciousness ends. And indeed, when the void is established, it may be irreversible within a world, like a black hole, drawing all things into it, feeding the Dark Entities. Some say this is what happened on Phangkor, world of the Agmaath. They seek always some culminating sacrifice that will tip life into this catastrophic termination; a mass immolation, always involving sacred Wood in some form, on some holy site which focuses the Wouvre of the entire planet. Eg, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross in Jerusalem, Edartha; or the plan to sacrifice all the enthorned prisoners about (and on) the Tree of Life on Aeden. Cf. Rognarak
Rog-tanax ‘big-bad-mouth’ the dangerous type of dragon-snake. C.f. tanaxphare, dragon
Rok, rogh, rog a return, going back.
Sha, Sh’ = Gha, Gh’ = Agh n. life-force (parallel to Shakti) C.f. main article under Agh
Shaktha, Aghta, Ghata Guardian term. sha – ka – ta, very child of the life-goddess; ie Psyche, the World-soul of the neoplatonists. C.f. also Heth Shaktha
Shatan, Sháthan life gate, portal. lit., life-mouth
Ta, da child or ‘kid’ (informal form of madditi)
Tagréth, rare, usually magreth (cf) child of wool, ie, Sheep
Takra seven
Tama, dama inheritance, lineage (lit., child-mother)
Tamaritti, tamarith or Damarítí diamond, lit, child of the drop of water, from belief that raindrops in the sun falling into earth make diamon
Tan Krithür the book of the Sayings of the Concept, the ancient text which the Guardians remember even though it is now lost in its entirety, only fragments remaining
tan n. 1 mouth 2 speech 3 gate
Tanatira ta-natira child of grass, ie grazing animal
tann- tongue-of
tannaxphare, also tannaxpher, tannipher dragon, lit., big igniting mouth
tanné tongue, language
tannedanya the main tongue of Aeden. Of the three original peoples of the Order of the Makers, only the Travellers had a ‘normal’ spoken language; the Makers sang together in woven song, while the Crystal Entities used telepathy. So the first language of the Order for all humanoid peoples was the Traveller’s. But it soon diverged under the influences of humans and Tímathians – and, it is said, even the salamanders and the birds of the airworld. Many of the inflections disappeared. So the tongue of the present-day Aghmaath sounds complex and archaic to the Aedenese. In Apples of Aeden this is hinted at in the English translation of their speech.
Tannipher short form of tannaxphare, dragon
Tara lit, child of Ra. 1adj. High, stately 2.n. Mountain, steep hill (other than a Zür) pl tarim = range of hills, mountain range 3 Three. Tarya third
Tarak, tarax, tarash, tara, rath (lit. Tall Thorn) tree
Taralak, from Tararalakke, tararalake, Third-lifer – lit., one who causes a third birth. Traveller who has defied the prohibition to regrow their homunculus more than twice.
Tarasur, tasura Jeweltree, mother of Korman
Taratin Defender of the Trees/hills ie a Tidak, Guardian in general. For Guardians as a people, see Tímaddim
Tarzüra unicorn, lit tall-horn; or possibly Three-horn. C.f. Ürxura
Tazüra, tasüra; from Tarazüra, tarasüra, taraxüra, also Tarazür, tarasür, taraxür; n. fem., jeweltree, originally from the Green World, a kind of tree which was fused with a Crystal to open paths through the void between Worlds. The Tazürasha, the Tree of Life, was the greatest of these. Their silver seed was hidden in the humble apple, growing in a very small minority of cores, the tenth seed in the core, in addition to the usual nine. Jeweltrees are said to be conscious, but not as we are, able to talk. When fused with a living crystal jewel, they are awakened to a higher level of consciousness in union with the crystal. But, deprived of their jewel, they pine and eventually die. Also called Ratharxé, (q.v.) the Lightning Tree, as they have gold and silver in their sap and bring down the lightning into their branches to energize themselves and power their Jewel. The amber, Agathra (qv), from the sap is precious, having all manner of curative powers, and above all, the light-bearing quality, shining with light from the energy of the lightning which strikes the trees it came from. This light appears only when a human (Ratan or Ortan, Light-caller as they are known) calls it forth.
Tazürasha, Tazürasa Tasürasa, Tazüraja, or Türása (poetic) the Tree of Life, from Tazüra Jeweltree, and sha, life
Tem, temna, shortened to -Te- in compounds such as terath adj. permanent, forever
Teddaïm the everboys, ie the Boy Raiders (also called Nabdaïm, horse-boys)
Teddith, temnadith, temmaddith the state or spell of Everchild, ie, not growing up. Also Temnada, Temnata, teda, tedda
Tedda, Temnada, Temnata Boy Raider variant of temnadith the state or spell of Everchild, ie, not growing up.
Teddathi, Temmaddathi Evergirls, members of the girls-only tribe of the Triangle Marshes and Plateau.
Temnagha, tegha eternal life cf Tertemnagha, land of eternal life; Faery or Limnakor
Terath, Terat, Temnarath, Temnarathvala, Temrath, Faery, lit., Eternal-tree; place where all the stages of the Rathvala, Tree of the Unfolding, are preserved undying. Cf Galterath, galtevalya The path of Faery; walking in Faery
Terga, Tergha, as prefix terg- 1 land of Life; place of life; Faery (cf Temnarath) 2 synonym for Gha (qv), life.
Tergarax = Life-thorn, ‘The Didact of Phagradak’ one of the earliest teachers of the Galemovo, the Way of the Void
terra, torrha, tora n. territory, landmass, poss from Tor-rha, the tallness of Rha, ie land as seen rising tall from the water
Tertemnagha, Tertegha, land of eternal life, or where time is not; ie Faery or sometimes Avalon.
Tidak, Tidak Nama, alt Tindak Grove-Guardians (tin- defend and dak - grove or village)of the Starfish, i.e. isle of Aeden.
Tímathia The Guardian World.
Tímathim, Tímad, Tímaddim, Tímath (from tin, guard and mad, man) the Guardians as a race; inhabitants of Tímathia, the Guardian World
tin n. defence
Tin- v. to defend
tine defender
Tintazürash Guardian of the Tree of Life
Tintazürim, Tintarakim the Tree-Guardians, ie the Tidak.
Tira leaf
tira-rak, tirax n. (thorn-)leaf
Tor Enyása the High Plateau where the Tree of Life grew
Tor, tar adj. Tall
Türása (poetic) Tree of Life. Contraction of Tazürasha (qv)
Ür adj One, single C.f. Heth Ür, the One, ie the Unmanifest God.
ür the number one; ürya first
Ürak Tara Thornhill, lit., one-thorn hill
Ürpama Marriage of Opposites. ‘One-man-woman’. State or process when two lovers of opposite polarities have crossed over to ‘become’ each other, and taken on each others’ polarity, while keeping their own; thereby becoming a unified third being, the divine hermaphrodite (C.f. Arovóra, arovora – the union of RA and OVO)
Ürpax order, brotherhood = to make one. Ürpax pharoi, the order of the makers
Ürpax Pharoï Order of the Makers
ürxura, ürxure, ürxra-narabadra pl. –im unicorn, from ür zür, one horn
Va adj, open
Vala, Vaya 1 five 2 shortened form of Rathvala (qv).
Valä, Valë She who makes (her womb) open, ie gives birth to the universes. Epithet of the Great Goddess OVO, the cosmic womb in pre-Aghmaath cosmology.
Valestra star-maker, epithet for Avalon. C.f. avalestare
Vapa v. to open
Vapáë, vapae opener; ie Key. Also wedge, crowbar etc
Vapáglim Ouivron, medallions of Opening (at least three were made), forged by the renegade Travellers to visit the Forbidden Worlds. They use the Power of the Void, and are perilous.
Vapastra Star-key, Starkey; the fluted golden or silver ‘tenth seed’ occasionally found in apples of Aeden (which normally have only nine seeds each). It is the seed of the Jeweltree, the ‘key’ to opening pathways to the other Worlds.
Vaya five = vala
w, v and, but
Wen, wend crooked, winding.
Wentan portal, wormhole between worlds– lit., winding gate/mouth
Wouivre, the The subtle energy of life in a World, flowing in streams below the earth and through the air C.f. Zagonamara
Xan 1 bright, yellow 2 Beautiful (cf Zürka, xanagath)
Xanagath (bright-amber); golden yellow.
Xanagathra the brightest golden yellow amber
-ya possessive; of. But also, simple association of two words with or without hyphen
Z’Züra? = Shazüra High Plateau
Za a point, location, or centre; hub of wheel, metaphorical hub. C.f. Zakor
Zagh circular, curving, serpentine
Zaghlim Serpent, snake
Zaghon, zagon circle, hut, house. 2 Sphere, as in the Great Sphere.
Zagonxan, Zagonyxan, Zaghonkazan The Great (lit., beautiful) Sphere, the Magisphere
Zaghon-tazüra (circular) sacred grove C.f. also Dak.
Zaghon-Tazürasha Grove of the Tree of Life, the most important of all the sacred groves on Aeden
Zaglizagonamara the (giant) eels of Baz Apédnapath, sacred to the zagonamara.
Zagonamara, Zaghonamarha, the Wouivre, lit, the World- circle flow.
Zaglonë, Zaghonlonë, Zaghonloon the Magicsphere, Great sphere. Lit., the sphere which enchants. Cf Rathzaglonë
Zak- v. to cut
zak, hir, zakim, hirim cutting
Zakehire, Zaghir combination of two synonyms: assassin, executioner
Zakor, Zaakor Centre World – Aeden.
Zark (poss. = short form of Za-rakman, centre of the thornman, ie his seedpod) A ball or projectile, eg, the seedpod of the aghmaath, or a ballista-stone, etc
Zarkor-Zürkabaz Aghmaath curse-word. Meaning dubious; poss. ‘spitting wholeheartedly upon the famous (crystal) mountain’ others sugg. ‘dying and ejecting the seedpod on the famous (crystal) mountain’ C.f. Zürkabaz
Zarks Boy Raider exclamation - ‘projectiles’ – i.e., Spittings. One Boy Raider leader added to the Code his strict prohibition of the habit, though this was reversed by later leaders, allowing for judicious spitting away from the Camp Mother and food.
Zür 1 (Crystal) mountain; peak or massif. Zürak is a very high mountain; C.f. also Tara 2 horn, as in ürzür, ürsür, unicorn 3 Crystal, eg the padrakor. Sometimes the diminutive is used: züritti, zürati (q.v.)
zür zürax, zzürak ?? rare - high plateaü, lit., mount of high mount i.e. second plateau. C.f. Tor Enyása
zürak a very high moüntain
zürati, züritti, or zürata crystal, lit., small crystal moüntain
züratikor, züratakor heartstone, C.f. padrakor
zürbaz rough, mountainous
zürglim, s’glim flight, easy, fast
Zürglimmati the Travellers before their fall, lit, men of crystal-mountain flight. On the Traveller world were great pillar mountains of gravity-altering crystal, from which they could jump into orbit or even into outer space. So they developed extremely tough seedpods (which gestated inside their chests) containing their duplicate ‘homunculus’ which could travel across their world or even through space, and colonise new worlds. Always the homunculus would have with it the memories of its ‘parent’, the ability to contact the race through the Dream Network, and not least, the seed of the Rak, the Mother Thorn, so they would grow up in its shelter. But in the early days the Mother thorn would not overgrow its bounds, and the colonies were not a threat to all other life. C.f. Rak
zürim moüntain range
zürka bright/famous/glorious (cf Xan)
Zürkabaz Aghmaath exclamation. ‘The famous height’, i.e., sacred (crystal) mountain of their home World.
The invention of the Traders (in particular of Oikorpaggith (Money-pouch), the famous Trader also nicknamed oinkapag, (Pigsgut), who got the idea from stories of the Knights Templar. They were not universally used or approved; but as trust broke down they began to replace barter.
The word for money is oicor which means everything-seed, i.e. a seed for whatever you want. The smaller units of currency are the corit (equivalent to about one US cent); and enrath, one hundred oicor = one dollar. Both these are silver. For larger transactions, the gold coins are most often used: the Pharit and the Tazrashti. For the largest purchases, there are the Loonlith.
Coins are:
Corit (little seed) one oikor = one cent. Silver, with appleseed-shaped hole
avapad (short for avalapadma, appleblossom) Five oicor = 5 cents. Silver, with five petals on face
avlit (from avalitti, little apple) crabapple Ten oicor = ten cents. Silver with apple cross-section on face, length-wise to core.
avlast (short for avalastra, applestar) fifty oicor = fifty cents. Silver, with apple cross-section on face, core-wise.
enrath (from enyarath, nine trees) one hundred oicor = one dollar. Silver, with eight trees on face surrounding a central ninth.
pharit (from pharoiitti, little Maker) ten enrath = ten dollars. Small, gold, with image of a Maker on face.
tazrashti or abbrev. Tazzer(from tazürashitti, little Tree of Life) one hundred enrath = one hundred dollars. Large, with Tree of Life on face, in centre with Heartstone shining in the crown, and eight worlds represented as stars about the tree.
All coins originally had the head of the Lady on the reverse, but later coins were minted with a Trader’s head – Oikorpaggith, the inventor of the coin and the first banker of Aeden.
Loonlith (=Loom of Destiny) largest coin, gold, worth one thousand enrath = $1000 face has image of the Loom on the isle of Avalon under the stars, with a flowing bolt of silk coming out of it.
Appendix Three
Extracts from the Enneads of Aeden loosely relating to the Chapters listed
(Narrator’s disclaimer: these are difficult writings to translate, having being written in many periods and locations in many different dialects and styles, some of which this poor linguist found quite opaque.)