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Page 14

by Kaila Patterson

  When she did that, the wind brushed against her face, her feet could outrun her mind. It was distracting, beautifully so.

  Yet, when she was alone at night in the shivering, isolated room, it all changed.

  Figures of shadow formed in the corners of her eye. When she thought of the idea of execution, her world froze, time froze.

  She could see it; walking up to the stake amongst those ugly, mocking people who made her life miserable for seventeen years.

  He would be there, that fool of a king, delighted to see her death.

  With one foot ahead, she tip-toed up the steps into the town. She wore the gold-blue maiden dress and wig, after defrosting her Lucie-persona. The satchel bounced on her hip, full of necessities.

  The town was empty, and for the first time in forever, England was glazed white. The winter air left a soft padding of iced snow, crunching beneath her feet.

  A soft smile graced her, as her eyes were captivated by the wonder. It refreshed her mind with delicate memories she had long forgotten. She chose to block out certain childhood memories, however special or sweet moments she did remember. Moments that were good.

  One fond memory was of the first time she ever saw snow. Her nine-year-old-self hopped up and down, lifting the snow and blowing it into the air merrily, like any other happy child.

  ‘Then you broke your nose.’.

  That was a not-so-fond memory. In a childish giggle, she had thrown a snowball filled with sharp ice at a much older boy.

  He tried throwing multiple back, harder, but she dodged them with an effortless laugh. The boy flushed with embarrassment, and he threw his fist at her.

  It collided with her face, specifically her nose.

  Shaking away the bittersweet memories, Eliza strolled on. The doors of houses had the same barriers, made of forest wood.

  The cobblestone street had a suspicious liquid poured over it, and the uncertainty gave her nausea.

  The commoners lived fearful lives, due to the misfortune of living beside the palace. Still, it never occurred that they would block their doors out of fear.

  She continued her walk, keeping her head low. With the frozen weather nipping at her arms, she scowled into the air. A shuffle came from the distance, as Eliza froze.

  “Morning.” A voice greeted.

  A hand reached her shoulder, as her head whipped around.

  Edward smiled down at her. His grin was short and polite, as he lightly patted her shoulder.

  ‘He appeared from nowhere, didn’t he?’.

  Her mouth fluttered wordlessly. His light chuckling could be heard from above her, and he cleared his throat mannerly.

  “Good morning, Captain.”.

  “And what a fine one it is,” Edward nodded, smiling to the snowy air. “However, it is strange to see you out at this hour.”.

  Eliza hummed a response, unable to work up words. The dainty snowflakes fell over their heads, settling on his deep hair.

  “I like to watch the sun rising, it is a beautiful scene.” Eliza whispered, staring at the tangerine sun’s contrast with the angelic snow.

  “And then?”.

  “On a stroll, before returning to my duties.”.

  Edward’s eyes seemed lighter in the frigid day, and his formal blue knight-wear matched Lucie’s dress. His hands wore white gloves, and the snow separated beneath his boots.

  “Care for me to join you?”.

  Eliza paused, but hesitantly nodded. She was not supposed to be near anyone, but he was fine. He would not notice her change in character; he never spoke to Lucie.

  The two walked side-by-side, as she raised her gown to her knees. The empty town surrounded them, and no one saw the peculiar sight.

  “The town is deserted.” Eliza pointed out, nodding to the barred doors.

  “Indeed, not a face in sight,” Edward mumbled, “And if there is, not a real face.”.

  Eliza paused, stopping dead in the snow. Edward gazed down at her, soft pieces of snowflake drifting past them.

  “What did you say?”.

  Edward chuckled under his breath, narrowing his eyes right at her face.

  “I am not easily fooled,” Edward whispered, leaning close into her face. “Elizabeth.”.

  Her jaw loosened, and she took a quick step back.

  “What did you call me?”.

  The heart inside her chest was screaming, telling her to run. She tried to, her feet wanted to move, but they felt sown to the stone ground.

  ‘The King’s Captain knows, his second-in-command. He knows.’.

  “There is no use denying it,” Edward said, stalking toward her. “While your appearance is convincing, I know mischief like the back of my hand.”.

  Once her mind processed the thought, her feet did move to run. Edward gripped onto her arm, his knuckles turning pale as bone. Her muscles clenched together, and her breath swirled in the winter air.

  She remembered the dagger, hidden inside the satchel on her waist. Her left arm was free, if she could reach it, it would spare her time.

  His face was calm, and his eyes stared into her soul. Still, there was a part of her that wanted to believe he was different. The burning rage that King Richard inherited was not there, instead, Edward seemed more human.

  ‘Focus, Elizabeth,’, A voice said, ‘Satchel. Blade. Strike. Run.’.

  Her fingers slipped into the gap in the opening of the bag, fiddling for the end of the blade. Their eyes met, and his grip tightened.

  “I do not want to hurt you,” He murmured, all light-heartedness gone.

  “That’s what they all say.”.

  “If you comply with me, I will comply with you.”.

  Her hand gripped the blade’s handle, hidden inside the satchel. His plea made her pause, to wonder if she wanted him hurt.

  “It’s instinct to defend yourself,” Eliza replied, “Who else knows about the plan, Captain?”.

  He released her arm. Edward stood with his hands against his head, taking a well-needed breath.

  The wind blew around them, and the strands of her wig blew with it. She had avoided all eye contact with everyone, but with him, it was no use. He knew, there was no denying it.

  “No one knows of your foolhardy plan,” He answered, leaning in with a whisper, “Your friend, however, is aware that I do.”.

  Eliza sucked in a cold breath, turning to the floor. The goosebumps on her arms were livid, as she shivered.

  “Lucie is not at fault, she wanted to help me.” Eliza pleaded, gripping onto the front of his jacket, “I never should have agreed to this, but I needed to see my father again.”.

  Edward pricked her fingers from his clothes, averting his eyes to the ground.

  For a split-second, she could have sworn there was pity in his eyes. A spark flashed into them, but it was dull. He raised his head once more, all pity replaced with a void stare.

  “Come with me.”.

  He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her into a near alley. Eliza wished to protest, but she had a feeling of where he was taking her.

  Her vision was censored by a black shade, and she stared above to see the sky, swirling in circles through her clouded eyes.

  His tight hold yanked her along, and all she could see was the darkness ahead, and the walls surrounding.

  In swift moments, he dragged her from corner to corner. They ran further into town, hidden by housing.

  The streets of the city were unusually dark in the mornings, and the squawking birds were the only sound.

  The tapping of their feet complimented it, his much heavier than hers.

  Coming to a halt, they stopped in a crooked, shady lane. Edward stomped around to meet her. There was no emotion on his face, frighteningly so.

  “If you’re going to hand me in—” She was cut off by his hand flying to her mouth. His gloves rested over her lips, and with his other hand, he placed a finger over his own.

  “That is not my intention,” He whispered, slowly shaki
ng his head, “I will, if you do not tame that voice of yours.”.

  His hand fell from her face, and she nodded in response. The captain took a long, deep breath while fidgeting with his gloved hands. He removed the glove that had sat over her mouth and wiped it down.

  ‘Goodness, the man can’t even bare getting a little saliva on his glove,’.

  He took a breath, rubbing the back of his neck. She could tell that he seemed uneasy, like he was going to vomit or faint into the snow.

  “I hate to sound disloyal, but The King has gone mad. The destruction he caused, what he will cause, is frightening. Rumours are that there is more to your arrest, that it is a far more complicated matter, and I agree.”.

  Eliza gulped. Edward stood with his hands against his hips, sighing aloud.

  “Why tell me this?” Eliza asked. “That does not justify anything.”.

  “Excuse me?”.

  Eliza scoffed, shaking her head. In his eyes, there was a short gleam, reflecting minor fear.

  “You have watched him take countless lives, knowing that all those witches were innocent women who longed for a chance at redemption.” Eliza announced. “I find it hard to believe that you would care for me after all those lost souls.”

  “I never said I cared for you.”.

  There was a part of her that longed to trust him, for that chance. However, there was also the sceptical part, which said he could never be trusted.

  “If you don’t,” Eliza laughed. “Why am I standing here?”.

  Edward said nothing, glaring at her. She knew she was testing him, and that if he wanted to, he could hand her in at any moment.

  ‘He knows more than he’s showing.’.

  “How can you defend The King? Why did you?”.

  “I was naïve, I stood by what he said was right,” Edward mumbled, “I never agreed with it, and now I’m attempting to change what I have done.”.

  Eliza hummed in response, clutching her hands together. Her eyes lit up as an idea dawned, and she suddenly stared at him.

  “You know the truth, don’t you?” Eliza asked, “The truth about The King?”.

  Edward sniffled slightly, raising his chin to meet her eye.


  The two stood silent for a moment, and a mutual atmosphere was in the air. A peace, for a split-second.

  It was difficult to ask for the truth, when she did not know what there was to be true.

  “No, never mind.”.

  “Tell me, Eliza.”.

  She paused. The knight met her eye, with a soft smile. For once, his eyes softened.

  “Did you call me Eliza?”.

  “Ah, sorry.” Edward turned pink. “When you mumble to yourself in the tower, you call yourself Eliza; I hear it when guarding the stairs.”.

  A stifled laugh escaped her mouth. Edward flushed a bright scarlet, rubbing at the back of his neck.

  “Shush.” Edward scolded, awkwardly turning away.

  “You listen to my rambling?”.

  “Don’t test me, Spinner.” Edward murmured. “Make no mistake that I would, could, hand you in.”.

  “You could,” Eliza drawled, giggling mirthlessly. “But you won’t.”.

  He never asked about the ‘truth’ again, and she never pushed it. Edward had gotten too flustered to speak.

  Besides, she had thought of all the possible truths, but there nothing that meant The King would have held a grudge against her, before everything.

  ‘He’s never liked father, what if there was a disagreement there?’.

  “When did you work out our plan?” She asked, folding her arms to her chest. “No one else has, and they shouldn’t.”.

  “I have a good eye for trouble. That day you, dressed as Miss Benson, fell down the steps, I could sense that a lady would not fall so easily.” Edward chuckled.

  Eliza scoffed, turning to the air. She stared up at the sky, watching as small birds flew over them.

  They spiralled and swirled throughout the sky, crying out in their own animal callings. It brought a short smile to her face.

  ‘Why am I so calm? He knows our secret, shouldn’t I run?’.

  “What do I do now?” Eliza asked.

  He stared from her to the wall, like he was deep in thought. White dots reflected in his eyes, as the snow glazed the air.

  “If I kept your secret, it could cost me my reputation, my life.” He explained, “It is absurd for a knight, let alone a captain.”.

  She nodded, her lip quivering. His face was covered with shadow, and all she could see was the outline of his moving lips.

  “That said, I remember when His Majesty refused me leave, to see my father on his death bed.” Edward murmured, speaking to himself. “I felt outraged, but family came first, so I made an escape plan of my own.”.

  “Why? Do your family live afar?”.

  “Spain, which is where my parents live.” Edward replied, “I was raised in this town by my uncle, for a chance at a noble-ranked position here, but my family heritage is Spanish.”.

  Eliza nodded, taking in the background information. It was unclear why he was telling her about his life story, still, she listened.

  As he gazed into the frosted distance, he was reminiscing to himself.

  “The King never liked me in the beginning, I figured why.” Edward continued, “Due to that prejudice, I worked my own way to the top.”.

  “Good for you.” Eliza smiled. Edward shook his head.

  “I worked for every penny, and every title I own; that didn’t make it easy,” Edward rambled on, “To ensure my name was on his list, I had to be the only knight standing, the one who overthrew the privilege he was denied.”.

  “That is admirable, but why were you denied it?”.

  Edward paused, his eyes drifting down to hers. With an all-knowing smirk, he continued.

  “I could ask you the same question,” Edward said. “I was outcasted, insulted for where I came from, but I am proud of who I am. You were outcasted for not fitting their stereotype, for being different, but you are proud of who you are. We are two sides of the same coin.”.

  Eliza took a breath, turning to the ground. She knew she should have run, left the country, but her feet would not move; something longed for her to stay, to listen.

  “Should I be proud of who I am?”.

  “Of course, you should be,” Edward whispered, “It is a grave pity, that the people of our time refuse to accept what is not alike them. Perhaps, the future holds a life where we can have one.”.

  With that, neither said a word. A sweet moment it was, bittered by the drifting snow. She thought, the snow was a cleansing of the air. A renewal of peace, for everyone.

  “Perhaps, I overshared too much there.” Edward mumbled. “What I mean to say is, I want you to know that I understand. If you swear not to share what I just told you, I will not share your plan. Agreed?”.

  The knight reached out a gloved hand, coated in pieces of snow. Eliza carefully took hold of it, and the two shared a prolonged handshake.

  “Then, I know nothing.” Edward lightly laughed. “Nothing at all.”.

  His face remained neutrally stern, but his mouth twinged into a quick grin. Eliza could not explain why, or what, had made her form an alliance with the knight.

  It was an unlawful acquaintance, but a genuine one.

  “Thank you, I—” Eliza was cut off by an echoing crack, the crunch of footsteps from a distance.

  Edward’s head whipped behind him, as he clutched his right hand to his sword inside his belt. Darkness overshadowed them, and all she could feel was Edward’s stance behind her.

  Eliza’s heart skipped a beat, and her eyes darted from Edward to the misty fog. His face was stern, refuelled with the lawful fight we always had.

  “Who is there? Reveal yourself,” He demanded, his voice a threating chill. “Or I shall save you the effort.”.

  His spare arm protected her, holding her back. The freezing mist ahead of them sho
wed no sign of an intruder, but the crunching of snowy footsteps got louder.

  Edward pulled the sword fully from the hold, holding it ahead of them. The silver split through the dark, and Eliza hid behind his shoulder. The two cowered from the shadows, clinging to one another.

  “A final warning; reveal yourself!” Edward yelled.

  The peculiar smoke blew past them, sending a chill down her spine. Cold, frigid air filled the scene, and as she clung to him, she felt Edward’s arm begin to tremble. As uncertainty loomed the air, her grip on him tightened.

  “Stay here,” Edward lowly murmured, shifting his face to hers. “I will investigate, but if I shout for you to run, then you must.”.

  “That’s a promise.”.

  Nodding, Edward stepped away. He put one foot forward, slowly pacing through the lumps of snow. The fog consumed him, until his blue figure disappeared into the abyss.

  Crack. A sharp sound echoed, like a piercing screech in her ears. Eliza’s ears perked up, at that familiar striking sound.

  “Duck!” She screamed, crouching down to her knees. Eliza held her head in her hands, burying her head into her bent legs.


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