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Alpha Men of the Otherworld

Page 5

by L. M. Mountford

  “Yours! Oh, fuck, that’s your pussy! It’s yours...please...don’t stop, don’t stop!” Sounds she’d never known she could make escaped her every time he was fully sheathed inside her. Unable to move, unable to escape, she bore down on him, her every sense zeroing in on the feeling of him thickening within her, throbbing. “Yes! Oh fuck, oh fuck, it’s yours! I’ll be such a good little fuck toy for you, fuck me whenever you want, yes, stir up that little cunt, it’s yours... make me cum again, make me cum all over your big dick!”

  “That’s right. You tried to dominate me, use me like some fucking toy, but you’re my bitch now. This pussy is mine!” he growled through the feeling of her insides as they wrapped around him, squeezing him, sucking him further in. Danny loved the sounds that she made, her throaty guttural moans and high squeaks, the way she called his name as he bottomed out inside her. The sense of primitive conquest was delicious.

  To know he'd done this to her.

  He’d done the impossible.

  He’d made her feel this way.

  He’d torn through her walls, stripped away her control, broken the icy armour she’d encased herself in for so long to reveal the sexual kitten within.

  It was enough to push him over the edge.

  And with black spots suddenly dancing before his eyes, he crushed her to him, forcing her to take him balls deep as he came.

  “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! I can feel your...oh fuck!” Erza gasped out, the throbbing knot in her centre spiralled out of control, igniting in an explosion of white fire that radiated through her, around her, at the feeling of heat flooding her womb.

  This was it. Fuck, he’d cum inside her twice. She’d be pregnant for sure. She knew there would come a time when she would regret this moment, that she would curse her own stupidity for getting so carried away, but that was later. For now, there was nothing she wanted more. “Yes, that’s it, give me all your cum, fill me up, breed me, breed- oh fuck, I’m cumming, I’m cumming! I- “

  With a savage twist, he dragged her head round and his mouth descended on hers, silencing her cries with a hungry kiss. It was their first kiss and the intimacy of it shredded her, tore at her, shattered her into a thousand tiny pieces of starlight right there in his arms. Yet she craved more, needed more.

  Their bodies tumbled together to the sofa. Drunk on the taste of her, Danny kissed Erza until her body stopped trembling. However, it was only when he felt her going limp in his arms did he finally pull back.

  Embarrassed, he looked away, not sure what to say. “Er...sorry.”

  “Idiot” she snapped, panting, the aftershocks of the strongest orgasm of her life doing nothing to lessen her outrage as she twisted out of his arms and to her feet, just managing to catch herself before her knees gave way. At some point, the solid oak legs of the sofa had given way, but she neither cared nor really noticed, as the sensation of him leaving her left her feeling cold and hollow. “Who said you could fucking kiss me?”

  “Well, um...It just seemed like the thing to do...” Danny mumbled, feeling suddenly very warm as he resisted the urge to watch her. “Sorry. Didn’t like it, huh?”

  “You apologise too much,” she snarled, not daring to look at him as she pulled her dress back on, just in case he saw her blush. Oh, she’d liked it alright, but she’d be damned if she let him know it.

  Well, this certainly hadn’t gone according to plan.

  She’d only wanted to talk to him, to convince him into giving her rule of the pack his patronage, something that might help her when dealing with the other pack, but this...

  She touched a hand to her belly, where the warmth of his release still burned inside her, an inescapable reminder of what they’d just done, and the consequences.

  This was so much better.

  “Tell me Danny, did Shane tell you why I wanted to speak with you?”

  “Sort of,” he nodded, suddenly fascinated by the pattern of the tiled floor. “I don’t believe a word of it, but he told me you thought Wyverns were amassing to invade England.”

  “That’s right, but this isn’t about what you believe. You’ll see the truth with your own eyes soon enough. No, this is about just getting the word out.” Turning on her heel, she sat down beside him on the sofa. “I need your help, Danny. I’ve tried to warn the other packs, but they won’t speak with me. I’m a woman of no true birth. But they would listen to you.”

  She said it with such sincerity that Danny was almost tempted to believe her.

  “So you want me to be your messenger boy?” He let out a dry laugh. “That’ll never work. I am a rogue now, remember. A mutt. They’re as likely to kill me as they are to consider a treaty with me.”

  “No Danny, I don’t want you to be my messenger.” She put a hand on his knee. “I want you to rejoin the pack, as it’s Alpha male.”

  Danny’s head snapped up, his eyes wide and disbelieving. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’ve never been more serious. Marry me, bind my name to yours, give my reign the legitimacy of your family name.”

  He brushed her hand from his knee and stood. “You’re mad. I’m out of here.”

  “And where will you go? Back to your human bitch? You think your desires are sated?” She followed him to her feet, but barely rose as high as his shoulders as they stood side by side. “This was only the beginning. They’re only going to grow stronger. You need to learn to control yourself. Do this for me, though, and I’ll teach you how to control your urges,” she insisted. “You need me, and I need you. It’s a fair bargain.”

  Her words followed him as he stormed naked out of the study, and out of his childhood home, hounding him long into the night after the heavy door had slammed shut.

  “That fucking bitch!” Danny growled, running. Running as if his life depended on it.

  The change overtook him as he passed through the wolf gate. His own beast ripped through him to explode through the brush, not noticing as thorns and skeletal twig-fingers snatched at his pelt and the flesh beneath. He no longer cared what lay ahead or where he was going. He didn’t look back.

  He just needed to get away from her, from his past, from this place and just run, and run and-

  Fuck it all. How could he have been so stupid?

  How could he have ever thought coming back would solve anything?

  They were all mad. Mad and crazy and out of their fucking minds.

  So fuck them. Fuck Erza. Fuck Shane. Fuck Bill and Jake and the damn fucking lot of them. Fuck them all!

  So he ran, and kept running, until he found himself standing once more at the gates of the hall, with the great wolves looming over him. Danny bared his fangs, but neither sentinel accepted the challenge.

  He wanted to go, to run far away, but he couldn’t.

  This was his home.

  And they needed him.

  He remembered Shane’s words and the desperate, pleading look in his eyes when he asked him to just listen to Erza. Well, he’d listened. Danny wanted so badly to deny her, but he couldn’t deny his friend.

  Now he had an answer.

  He found her back in the study. She’d redressed and was sitting at his father’s desk. Her laptop was open atop it, next to the noticeably half empty decanter.

  “What are your terms?” In his lupin form, his voice was a low gravely baritone, more of a growl than words, and for several long moments, she almost appeared to have not heard him. Then, slowly, she looked up from the screen.

  Undaunted by the sight of his wolf standing in the doorway, she just fixed him with a cool, unreadable glare. “Our marriage? Exactly as I said. You’ll re-join the pack, marrying me to assume the role of an alpha male. It’ll become a show of unity. I will then be able to talk with the other packs and warn them of the enemy to the west. In return, I’ll teach you to control your wolf.”

  “And your war?” he barked, his nostrils flaring. The room was still rank with the musky aroma of sex. Just the scent of it was enough to bring back visions of her sp
read out beneath him, her tight pussy milking his cock. She’d been a bitch in heat, moaning for more, and the mere memory of it was enough to have his shaft stirring for another round.

  “My war?” Pushing back away from the desk, she got up and walked around the desk. “The war is upon us, Daniel, whether you believe it or not. If, when the time comes, you don’t want to fight, feel free to run and hide back in London.”

  Danny’s eyes narrowed on her. Her taunt rankled him, made his cock throb with a fresh desire to show her what her place should have been. He resisted the urge to bite and instead forced his wolf back into the box. His lupin form dissolved away to reveal the man beneath who stood unashamedly naked before her. “And what about Jackie?”

  “Jackie?” She arched a neat and perfectly curled eyebrow. But then her gaze dropped to where his cock stood rampant between his legs, tall and thick and ready to make her submit once more, and she slowly licked her lips. “Oh, your little human bitch. What about her? I’m talking about a political marriage, Danny, nothing more. Monogamy doesn’t enter into this. If you want to take her as a beta-mate, that’s fine, but make no mistake. Our son will inherit your father’s pack. Understand?” She thrust a hand out to him.

  He just glared at it for a moment, regarding it like a coiled viper, ready to lash out at any moment. Then, slowly, he reached out and took it. They shook hands, binding the agreement with something far more powerful than ink or blood.

  The word and honour of their wolves.

  “Welcome home, Danny,” Erza smiled, her other hand reaching out to wrap around the base of his cock and stroke from root to head. “Or should I say, Alpha?”

  It was time.

  The last light of dusk was slipping into inky black and high overhead. Through the canopy of clouds and pollution, the heavens have come alive with all the magnificence of the celestial sphere. Thousands of sights no human eye could ever see.

  The hour of the wolf, the time of the vampire, had come. The time to hunt, to feed...

  I inhaled the backstreet in a breath and a shiver slithered down my spine at the heavy perfume of things that didn’t bear contemplating. Needless to say, it was rank. Human cities often carried a certain pungency about them. So much waste and body odour, pressed together in such tight quarters, left its mark. They had gotten used to the stink and, given enough time, even a vampire could adjust. But that place...

  Its particular ripeness was absolutely foul.

  I pressed on regardless. Lured by that single overpowering aroma that clung to this place. Beneath the stink of shit. Blood. It leads me like a carrot dangling in front of a donkey, teasing my fangs, my mouth watering.

  Sooner or later, the thirst always won. And I’d left it too long.

  The way was dark, but up above and all around, the city burned bright. False light. Humanity’s instinctive terror of the dark and all that lurked within, cloaked by darkness, had driven them to harness the power of the sun and turn night into day. Edison’s great folly. The old man had sought to create a warm light for all mankind, warmth and safety for every home. Instead, his invention had made them arrogant. Naive.

  Humanity had grown careless, wrapped in their protective cocoon. So they’d forgotten the perils of the night, the hunters in the shadows and all the things that fed on them when the sun went down.

  And had allowed darkness to creep back into their world.

  I paused mid-stride. The trail swung off the beaten path and down the mouth of an alley a few meters ahead and I felt the instinctive thrill. I was getting close.

  Men. Four of them. All in leather and denim. Huddled so close together that to any passers-by, they looked just like any other bunch of dudes out smoking, drinking, and whiling away a night on the town. But the smell was on them. Blood and fear. It was old, maybe weeks dry, but they were rank with it. And their eyes were all fixed on the mouth of the alley, waiting.

  They’d do. A small smirk tugged irresistibly at the corner of my mouth. It would be so easy.

  Though they gave no outward sign of noticing me, their hearts quickened as I walked into the open, the palpitations pulsing through their clothes. Then they all turned and the biggest of the group, a brute of a man with a face like a bulldog and a spiderweb tattoo etched across his shaved pate, stepped forward. “Hey man!”

  Spinning around, I did my best to look surprised as he pushed himself forward and walked towards me. The others fell into step, spreading to his left and right. “H-hi, can I help you?” I said, my voice shaky.

  “Yeah,” SpiderWeb’s stride quickened, moving in for the kill. “Gotta light?” His hand was in his jean’s pocket. No doubt a ploy to make me think he was reaching for his cigarettes. Idiot. He had something there. Its outline was clearly defined against the denim, but it was too long and thin to be anything like a carton of smokes. A flick knife, probably. Knife crimes had been on the rise over the last couple of years. Easier to conceal than a firearm, with a considerably lower criminal sentence for carrying one if caught.

  They were out of the alley and encircling me, closing in. I pivoted right, then left, making a show of trying to watch them all at once, of being afraid to have my back to even one of them. “E-excuse me?”

  Just a few steps closer.

  “Hey, he asked you a question,” the one to my right answered, a lanky black, all smiles and teeth and-

  My eyes narrowed on him. Something was wrong. He smelled wrong, like meat just starting to rot. Corruption. Disease.

  I shifted my focus back to SpiderWeb. Dogs followed the alpha, the biggest and strongest of their pack. Bullies and cowards followed the same logic. He would give them orders. And the corruption was heaviest in him. And that could only mean one thing.

  My hunger promptly dried up. I’m not the fussiest vampire, but I have some standards. Feeding off of scum was all well and good. However, killers and rapists riddled with venereal diseases were about as appetising as mouldy bread.

  Promptly dropping the farce, I turned on my heel and moved on.

  “Hey! I asked if you ‘ave a light!” SpiderWeb shouted, and I half expected him to come after me. “Fucker, I’m talking to you!”

  The pair on my left barred my way. One dark, short, and squat with arms corded in muscle. The other tall and doughy, with lank blonde hair. They looked a right comical sight with their arms crossed, standing in the sort of straight-backed posture a bouncer might adopt to look tough barring a club door. They were more Del and Rodney Trotter than Ronnie and Reggie Kray, and as I closed the distance, Del Boy made to grab my arm.

  “Touch me, and I’ll take your arm and beat you to death with it,” I promised, my voice low and deadly serious, but loud enough for all the group to catch every word.

  The Trotter brothers promptly stepped back.

  “What are you doin’, no- stop, fucker, come back here...” Impotent, SpiderWeb could do little more than hurl obscenities at my back, like a child whose mother had just taken his favourite toy away. Eventually, they’re swallowed by the night, and I went on, all the more famished but with nothing to show for the experience.

  Then I heard it. Low and far away, but unmistakable.

  Unsure of what else I might find lurking amidst the warren of ‘abandoned’ warehouses, I followed it cautiously. At first, it was little more than a thrumming beat in the air, but it grew with every step, leading me down to an old, dilapidated structure sitting just on the river. With its windows bricked over, parts of the roof missing or stolen, and red brick walls well-decorated with layers of graffiti, it would have almost certainly been condemned long ago. No doubt, whatever developer had secured the plot would be chomping at the bit to tear it down and turn it into an extension of the outlet megastore across the water. Demolition notices already adorned most of the surrounding buildings.

  The booming music emanating from within indicated that it was not entirely deserted. Walking around the perimeter, I found the entrance to an old subterranean coal bunker near the edge of t
he water. A padlock dangled off one rusted handle, unlocked and undoubtedly the entrance to whatever party raged inside.

  The door opened smoothly, despite the rust, onto a gentle slope of the bunker’s coal chute. Thick layers of black coal dust lined the walls, so I’m careful not to touch anything as I edged down the slope. It’s a tight fit, just barely wide enough for me to shuffle through. In its day, this would have been filled by river steamers or bargemen selling and shipping coal up and down the water to power the warehouse’s great machines. With the passing of fossil fuels, however, it had obviously been converted into a dumping ground and squatter site.

  Rubbish bags. Shopping trolleys. Drugs and other such paraphernalia. You name it, it had it.

  The only door leading to and from the bunker was all the easier to see by the slivers of light between it and the frame.

  I knocked, and a doorman answered, slowly pulling it open but barring my entry with his impressive bulk. More than six feet of muscle, he had to outweigh me by more than five stone, a mass that his black-and-white striped top struggled to contain.

  He sneered down at me. “Members only.”

  “So I see.” I glanced at the nearest pile of rubbish bags. “Discerning clientele?”

  His sneer twisted. “Very.”

  “And if I want to become a member?”

  “Not accepting new members.” He seemed to be having difficulty keeping the smugness from his voice. “But if you give me thirty quid, I’ll let you in with a guest pass.”

  “Ah, and if I happened to have left my wallet at home?”

  “Then I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave, sir. Where would you like to land?”

  “Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary.” It certainly would have been fun watching this brute try to strong-arm me out, but time was of the essence and that sort of struggle would have drawn too much attention from the denizens within. Instead, I simply looked him in the eye.


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