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Panther Protector: A WILD Security Book

Page 6

by Ruby Forrest

  She wanted more. She wanted it against more than just her arms. She gasped as he pressed against her and she felt the heat of his lips kiss down her skin, down the curve of her neck, brushing against every sensitive nerve and making her head spin, brushing against every sensitive part of her body and leaving her writhing and moaning and arching her body with need, with need and desire and pleasure.

  Isabella- Fae trembled, feeling the sensations move through her body like a fire, like a desperate fire that could not be unlit, like a desperate fire that was threatening her very soul and her sanity. She was not that kind of girl. She did not go to bed with a man who she had only just met. She did not go to bed with a man who she barely knew, and throw herself into it with all the passion that she had. She did not do that, but with Darcy it was different. With Darcy, she could not see straight, with Darcy, she did not have a choice, every part of her body and mind screaming for it.

  She grabbed him, pulling at his shirt, pulling it over his head. He obliged and Isabella- Fae ran her hands down the curve of his body, down every line, scar and tense, tight muscle that was building inside of her, down every curve of his body that was blinding her to everything else.

  He felt amazing beneath her fingers, felt amazing with every breath that she took. She was trembling, shaking, feeling the sweet sensations build inside her, blinding and all consuming. It was perfection and Isabella- Fae was not turning away from it, not for a second. She felt the need clawing at her insides, pulling her closer, leaving her with nothing but the flood, the burning need and desire.

  Darcy's fingers ran down the fabric of her shirt and she shuddered as he pulled it from her skin, lifted it over her head. There was something so gentle about his touch, so gentle and so strong all at the same time. There was something about the way that he was touching her that made her feel dizzy, something about the way he looked at her, his eyes seeming to glow in the dark, that stole her breath and left her aching for more, desperate for more of his touch. Isabella- Fae shivered, feeling the way his hands stroked her skin, run over the bare flesh of her sides.

  His hands were warm and there was a restrained strength to him, a restrained strength, so gentle with her, but she knew that he could be so rough if he wanted to. The thought thrilled her, both the tension in his body, in the lines of his skin, as well as the burning knowledge that he was so close to hurting her, but he never would.

  She knew that, knew that as if it was set in stone. He wouldn't hurt her, he wouldn't let any harm come to her. She knew that. She believed that. Isabella- Fae gasped as Darcy's hands slid around her body, undoing her bra strap with an easy click. His lips were at her throat, pushing and kissing against the side of her neck. She shivered as his breath ghosted her skin, a voice soft in her ear, "More, Isabella- Fae?" There was a barely restrained lust in his voice, in the way that his body shuddered against hers. He wanted this as badly as she did.

  Isabella- Fae felt her breathing catch in her throat and she nodded, "Yes, yes, Darcy, I want you."

  Her bra slid off her skin in an instant and Isabella- Fae was left shivering at the sensation of the air on her skin, rushing over the sensitive curves of her breasts, the tense, tight buds of pleasure that built inside of her and made her moan in pleasure. She bit her lip, feeling the sensations rise inside her, the feeling of his chest against her skin, rubbing lightly against her full breasts. She moaned softly, her head falling backwards, and she shuddered and shivered, "Yes, yes, Darcy...." She gasped his name, breathless and trembling, feeling it catch in her throat, like a mantra, like a prayer. Like something else, something intense and unyielding.

  His hands slid up her skin, brushing the sensitive sides of her body, brushing against the buds of pleasure on her chest, thumbs brushing along her nipples, before he gently pinched her skin, caressing her breasts with broad, strong hands. It felt incredible. It was leaving her breathless with desire and Isabella- Fae could not think straight, could not think past the pleasure that was drowning her, rushing over her skin in absolute waves, rushing and flooding her and leaving her breathless with desire.

  Isabella- Fae moaned, twisting against his skin, feeling the tension in his belt. She slid her hands down, running along the thick leather belt that held his pants together. Her fingers fumbled with the buckle, struggled with it, feeling the lustful desires cloud her mind. Still, she managed to pull it away, managed to pull it away from his skin, undoing it and leaving her breathless. She moaned softly and reached for his zipper. He smirked, she could feel it against her neck.

  "Why in such a rush?" He whispered and it sounded like a purr, a low sound that set fire to her skin that set fire to her body, making her shiver and shudder, tremble as waves of need moved through her, unyielding and deep. She gasped softly, "I want you. I want you now."

  Darcy shuddered and she could feel the arousal burning through his skin just as much as it was burning through her. He bit his lip and before she knew it, his hands were on her pants, undoing them, pulling them down swiftly with so much force that Isabella- Fae was surprised they had not torn right then and there, surprised that they hadn’t given way. She moaned, arching her body so that he could pull everything from her skin, the underwear she had beneath, the fabric of the sheets that had twisted around them, all of it. Isabella- Fae did not want anything to stop them, did not want anything to stop him from touching her, from running his hands all over her skin until she was moaning and squirming and trembling in pleasure.

  She wanted to feel it all, every last drop of it, every last, shuddering moment of pleasure. All of it.

  Isabella- Fae needed him and wanted him and she could not deny the burning passions that were rising up inside of her, that were threatening her very existence, that were threatening the way that she thought, the way that she dreamed, the way that she understood the world, because she thought she had understood passion and want, but this, this with Darcy, was so much more, was so much better, was so much more intense, so much more all-consuming than anything and anyone she had ever been with. It was intense, it was breathtaking, it was mind blowing, and she loved it.

  His fingertips brushed over her skin and Isabella- Fae gasped as he pulled the rest of the clothing off his own skin, leaving him and her as close as they could be, with nothing between them, They were out in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of nowhere and with no one else around them, no one else that she knew of, for miles and miles, and yet, he was right here beside her, his arms around her, the heat of his skin radiating like a furnace, burning her like the strongest rays from the sun.

  They were alone, all alone in this nothingness and for once, Isabella- Fae relished the peace, relished the sensations that flooded her system that made her feel almost giddy. It was perfect, it was too much, and it was everything that she could ever hope for and then some. It was perfection,

  When Darcy's fingers slid down between her legs, his kisses on her neck, his lips pressing into her skin, Isabella- Fae thought that she was going to lose it right then and there. Isabella- Fae shuddered, feeling desire burn between her legs, hot and deep and intense. It was incredible, how on edge he made her, how he made her body hum with pleasure, shudder with desire, a desire that was burning inside her, burning her up in such a way that she feared she might burn out, so intense was the sensation in her body, burning desires between her thighs.

  When his fingertips slid within her, deep and passionate and quick, Isabella- Fae cried out in pleasure, feeling the sweet sensation of pleasure and lust rise up inside her, so strong, so deep, and so overwhelmingly perfect. It was nothing, it was everything, and it was all that Isabella- Fae could think about, all that she could focus on. The pleasure, the rising, rolling pleasure inside of her that built and built and built. It was too much, it was overwhelming, and it was incredible. She never wanted it to stop.

  "Darcy, yes! Oh yes!" She moaned, the words tripping over her tongue, dancing and tumbling down her chest and out into the space between them. Th
ere was nothing more than the raging desire between them and the burning that felt all-consuming,

  "Isabella- Fae, you feel amazing." Darcy's voice sounded strained, like he was losing what control he had. Isabella- Fae thrilled at seeing him, so cool and collected, burning and hot with passion. She longed to undo him, to come undone together, to hold each other until the morning with nothing but aching desire passing between them.

  She clung onto him, holding him so tightly, as tightly as she could. She trembled as he pushed his fingertips deeper inside of her, each thrust delicious and mind-blowing and intense, intense as the river running through this jungle, as intense as the heat of this country, as intense as the feelings of fear and pain she had been feeling only an hour before. Now, all of those feeling were washed away, those feelings had tumbled into nothingness, tumbled into nothing but the sweet sound of panting and gasping and moaning, the sweet sounds of pleasure passing between them.

  "Darcy, Darcy, I need you. I need more, please Darcy!" She was gasping and trembling, her body set on fire. She wanted to be closer, as close as she could be to him. She wanted to feel him beneath her skin, wanting the blissful sensations of pleasure and lust to rise up inside of her and overtake them both, just as she hoped that they would overtake him.

  She bit her lip, feeling the desire twist like a knife, like a delicious knife that flooded her system, and his. She bit her lip and trembled, as he slid his fingers out of her. She whimpered, feeling the loss keenly, feeling the bite and the sting of his hands leaving her body, felt the longing that replaced it, the longing that struck her like a knife edge that burnt her, burnt her body and her mind in the most blissful of ways, the desire that ached inside her.

  "I want you too." Darcy whispered, his voice like silk against her ear, rough and tender all at the same time, leaving her breathless and wanting, aching with a barely-restrained desire that carried her higher and higher and higher.

  He moved between her legs, sliding to press her down against the sheets against the ground beneath them. She bit her lip, feeling the sensations rise inside her, the feeling of his chest against her skin, rubbing lightly against her full breasts. She moaned softly, her head falling backwards, and she shuddered and shivered, "Yes, yes, Darcy...." She gasped his name, breathless and trembling, feeling it catch in her throat, like a mantra, like a prayer. Like something else, something intense and unyielding.

  His hands slid up her skin, brushing the sensitive sides of her body, brushing against the buds of pleasure on her chest, thumbs brushing along her nipples, before he gently pinched her skin, caressing her breasts with broad, strong hands. It felt incredible. It was leaving her breathless with desire and Isabella- Fae could not think straight, could not think past the pleasure that was drowning her, rushing over her skin in absolute waves, rushing and flooding her and leaving her breathless with desire.

  "Please!" She gasped, desperate need for him rising up inside her and leaving her breathless and trembling with lust and desire, shaking with the deep ache that was burning inside of her, burning inside of them both. She arched her body, pleading with every part of her to have him take her and take her deep. She shuddered, the desire inside her like a fever pitch.

  He knew just how to touch her, just how to make her scream and lose her mind, scream and tremble and ache and burn and want. He was perfect, absolutely perfect. Isabella- Fae gasped, feeling the ache in her chest, feeling the desperate burn that shuddered through her. She arched her body, and her back and pleaded for more, begged for more of the sweet pleasure to fill her, to fill her mind, her body and her soul. She begged for more, with her body trembling and aching and needing for him.

  "Darcy, more!"

  Then he was pressing against her, his girth strong and big, pressing and pushing against her entrance, which was aching and hot and wet with desire. She moaned and arched backwards, twisting and trembling and feeling the sweet pleasure blind her and twist in her heart until she could not focus on it anymore, could not focus on anything other than the need and desire and ache that was clouding her mind, flooding her system and leaving her breathless.

  She needed Darcy, needed him inside her deeper and harder and longer. She was desperate for him, for the feeling that flooded her mind and shuddered through her body. She was desperate for him and she ached with longing, ached with desire, a desire that wouldn't quit.

  When he pushed inside her, Isabella- Fae screamed in pleasure, feeling it shudder all the way through her. When he pushed inside her, she gasped for breath, feeling her world tremble and shake, feeling the sensations of pleasure and bliss rise up and overwhelm her mind. It was too much, too much to take, and Isabella- Fae did not have the words.

  He was so big, so huge and overwhelming that she did not know what to say. All that she could focus on was the intensity, the burning, aching intensity that twisted inside of her, that burnt her body and made her moan and tremble and gasp. She whimpered and arched and let the feelings carry her away, let the sensations burn her mind and leave her body aching and shuddering, leave her body begging for more, aching for more, desperate to have more, to feel him deeper and harder and longer inside of her. She moaned softly, arching her body and trembling with pleasure. She gasped and groaned, feeling the tension build inside of her body, feeling the ache increase until she was blinded by the pleasure, blinded by the desire, blinded by everything that flooded her system. It was too much and Isabella- Fae did not know what to say, how to say it or even how to think.

  It was all consuming and the sensation was intense, it was blinding and it shuddered through her system. Darcy thrusted and Isabella- Fae cried out in pleasure, feeling the blinding need building inside of her, the shuddering desire hitting her hard and fast and deep.

  "Yes!" She cried out, breathless and in ecstasy, feeling the need and pleasure and desire reaching a fever pitch inside of her, burning and rising and consuming her, sharp and intense, making her shudder quietly.

  Darcy was groaning, she could feel the sensation of his breathing on her skin, the quiet gasps that betrayed him, let her know how much he wanted and needed, the ache that was building inside of him as badly as it was building inside of her.

  The pleasure was cresting and building and ready to explode. The pleasure was too much, too intense, too overwhelming.

  She could barely breathe past the desire that was aching inside of her. It was too good, too much and she could feel the crest of pleasure growing closer and closer and closer. She was losing herself in the feel of Darcy, of his hands on her skin, of his lips on her neck. She could feel the crest of her climax burning inside of her, rising and rising and rising. Then it hit her and she climaxed, feeling the sensation of pleasure, of being drowned in the need, in the hurt, in the pleasure and pain and everything in between. It was perfect, it was breathtaking, and it was mind-blowing.

  She cried out Darcy's name, whimpering and moaning as it hit her again and again and again in waves and waves and waves of pleasure and sweet, shuddering ecstasy. She moaned and twisted and gripped onto him with all of her strength. It was too good, it was too much, it was all consuming.

  When Darcy climaxed, he gripped her tight, pushing her down onto the bed as he thrusted strongly within her. Isabella- Fae cried out all over again at the sweet pleasure, the crashing waves that drowned them both in bliss and pleasure and everything in between, that drowned her in ways she could not even begin to explain, to understand, or to wrap her head around. It was everything that she had ever wanted and nothing, all at the same time. It was intensity wrapped up and twisted into her heart.

  "Yes! Darcy!" She cried out his name, feeling the sensations of pleasure flood her system. She moaned softly, gasping and trembling with aching need, feeling the need burn inside of her as she held him tight. Everything ached, everything felt fantastic, and everything felt like she was spinning inside her mind.

  It was overwhelming, overwhelming and perfect and she loved it. Darcy held her tight and sh
e could feel his hands on her skin, running over her body, stroking her hair and kissing her skin. His breathing was short and quick and shaky as she held onto him. She could feel the sweat rushing down her skin, down his, beading and twisting down the curves of their bodies. It felt incredible. He was flushed and she felt the sweet mantra run through her head for the last time that day.

  Isabella- Fae swallowed, the ache in her body intense and trembling and perfect as she held him tight. Neither of them said anything but neither of them needed to, not really, not to convey the messages that were passing between them, not to highlight the fireworks that were exploding across their skin, that were burning between them, like her whispered mantra, like the words of longing that had tripped over her tongue and let her know, in no uncertain terms that she needed him and wanted him, that had joined them in the most perfect way, in the most overwhelming way, in the most intense, shuddering way.

  Isabella- Fae shut her eyes tightly, shuddering as the pleasure ran over her. She sighed and snuggled into him, against his chest. She held him near, feeling the warmth of the afterglow. The warmth of the afterglow was intense, was perfect, was incredible. She shut her eyes tight and sighed, feeling the pleasure inside of her.

  It was perfection. It was beautiful. She sighed, loving the flood of pleasure, loving the feel of him close, the feel of his arms around her. For a moment, just for a moment, she felt the comfort twist around her so tight. She felt her worries and stressors drift away, felt the intensity ease, felt nothing but comfort and pleasure and perfection.

  For a moment, there was no fear, there was no worry, and there was no pain. For a moment, there was only pleasure, and the feel of Darcy's arms around her. It was perfect, it was everything she had ever hoped for.

  For the first time in a long time, Isabella- Fae felt like she was home.

  Chapter 5


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