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Kamerrean Page 21

by Karen Binnie

  Chapter 20

  Clarintor had prepared herself over the centuries for the possibility of what she was about to face, her demonic birth. The memories were vague, at first the sense of great loss then joy at her freedom, released from the existence which had held her back for so many years. Life before that day had been erased from her memory, but that day, the beginning, brought forth from the actions of the fallen angel had almost destroyed her but he had failed, the result her creation.

  She had surprising power which allowed her to progress with ease through the underworld, quickly establishing her current standing. With her quick succession came knowledge, a legend amongst the un-dead of the fallen angel named Tadge who had crossed the line, one of gods greatest he committed an unforgivable sin, Tadge had broken the rules and fallen in love, disobeyed the golden sanctity and fathered a child, his punishment to be banished from heaven. Events surrounding this legend echoed in her memories, Tadge had been the one who attacked that day oblivious to her fate. His face, his voice and scent, she remembered, the same scent she had detected within the pulse she craved.

  It had to be the child, his child, the power of that child would be immense, with that power she would stand out and be recognised, her goal a seat beside the Grand Master with whom only the most powerful were granted an audience. She was not alone in her desires, many of her kind sought the same power, Clarintor had the knowledge and vowed one day to thank Tadge before destroying him forever.

  Back in her chamber, the time was growing ever closer and she could taste victory. Clarintor took an old brass key from around her neck and approached a locked door obscured by a large velvet curtain at the rear of the room, behind the door a small ledge carved into the rock and a square object covered by an old dust cloth. She removed the cloth filling the air with a thick acrid smoke, beneath which lay an old plain wooden cabinet, she raised the latch on the cabinet door and creaked it open. Inside an amber globe, the bottom encased in volcanic rock, never before had she the power to re-awaken the globe until now. Clarintor lifted the heavy object from its tomb and took it to the pedestal of her chamber, as the object rested in its new position, she held her hands above the globe and began to speak.

  “Danherem, Phernmentum, Cinatum.”

  Between her hands a re-run of the nights events projected within, her hands shook violently threatening to break apart as the electric pulse began to vibrate throughout the chamber.

  The same pulse had once silenced the All Seeing Eye within the globe, Clarintor was sure the same pulse would re-awaken its powers. As she fought to contain the images, the amber cloud within the globe began to move, slowly at first as a gentle swirl of specks appeared like an autumn wind had breezed by and began whipping up fallen leaves. It became more violent as it gained momentum, a tornado forcing itself around the internal edge, looking for an escape. The powerful force within could not move the object, steadfast upon the pedestal but transferred itself into the chamber, the room rocking from the volcanic seizure, the mannequin the first to fall, smashing into a thousand pieces, its form broken forever. The books above her desk, heavy in their stature shuffled from side to side as they each jumped forward, splitting the shelf in two and crashing down onto her desk. Clarintor stood firm, her cloak whipping around her in the frenzy, it was working and no matter what damage the chamber incurred she would not give in to the power she craved. The vials within the dresser were chinking as they danced behind the door, the dresser lurched forward and fell to the floor just centimetres from her heel, the rush of wind sending clouds of dust into the air. The resounding noise as her precious potions smashed, enough to burst the eardrums of a mortal, Clarintor stood firm as the heady mixtures combined sending a chemical gas seeping from the edges of the broken dresser. The tornado encased in the globe had split into sisters dancing a waltz within, coming together in greeting then with a bow they fizzled at last. The huge ornate mirror, so heavy in its golden casing shifted with the last tremor, the ground groaned as it split open across the chamber, her one weakness, Clarintor released her grip and sprang forward to steady the source of her vanity.

  The mirror rested back into position as calm restored itself, she slid down the frame into an unceremonious heap on the floor. Seconds passed before she regained her composure, lifting herself up and checking her image was intact, she gasped at her reflection and with a wave of her hand, perfected the make-up and re-styled her flaming tresses. Smoothing the creases from her dress she assessed the damage reflected in the mirror, the dresser would need replacing and the magic rebottled. The ancient texts were remarkably heavy and apart from the odd split spine they remained intact, their weight had not forced any damage to the granite table beneath.

  Clarintor’s breathing was a little laboured, picking the splinter of wood embedded at the front of her neck, her throat felt surprising sore, a factor forced from the exertion needed to re-awaken the globe that now stood on the other side of the crater.

  The dispersed cloud revealed the dragons All Seeing Eye at the centre of the globe, awakened at last from its slumber, its pupil a fiery red from the awakening force, blinking several times before the narrow slit returned to the green it once was. As calm descended across the room the huge lid closed, allowing the eye to rest until called by its master, Clarintor smiled, she was the master now. Such force would have alerted others of her kind to the eruption of power, she would have to move fast to avoid detection.

  Dallon tried his best to console Kate, he held her hand tightly and kept smiling, she felt empty and lost, the world before them deathly silent and cold.

  They had stepped into a void between two mamaku trees where the land fell away from their feet, she half expected to fall down into the abyss. It was clear Dallon had already taken this path on his search to find her, more confident than she of the way ahead. Walking the timelines filled them both with vigour, awakening their senses that were slowly dying in their mortal bodies. Kate felt a little scared, the way ahead a long swirling tunnel engulfed in the dullest of grey, it reminded her of back home when the cloud hung low, the incoming weather sweeping down across the hills.

  Up ahead the tunnel seemed to close in, coming to an end but with each step the point moved further away. Kate felt as though she were walking in the clouds, looking for the light to ease the pain of her broken heart, yet Dallon seemed determined to forge on, with each step another smile to quell her fears. He had kind eyes that shined as he smiled, although she didn’t know him, it was a comfort to have him near, holding her hand. The swirling cloud behind them began to darken and rumble, was it him? Was this the demon chasing her soul? Without warning Dallon pulled her through the edge of the cloud to another path which opened onto many others, heading this way and that, which way should they go? He smiled at her again and leading the way, stepped forward once more through the smoky walls of the pathway junction, on the other side just two paths now which crossed each other. Kate looked at him questionably and wondered how many paths they would encounter to escape the demon. She followed Dallon's gaze to where they had just come and watched as the crackle of black headed away from them. It was time for Kate to smile, her silent new friend had eluded the demon, they were safe for now, the feeling of relief washed over her.

  “Where to now Dallon? We can’t keep running, we have to find Tadge.”

  He stood before her and looked her right in the eyes, she was dazzled by the brightness glowing from within him, he took her hand and kissed the back of it. Kate did not know what to do, she was strangely captivated by the young boy and grateful for his company. He looked left, then right as if deciding where to head next, to their right a buzzing cut the silent void growing louder as it approached, he pulled her back into the shadows of the cloud to avoid what was coming.

  They stood hidden from view as a group of people approached chatting animatedly, oblivious to their existence. Kate did not recognise the clothes but thought they looked old fashioned a
s the group passed by they had to be dead right? Then why look so happy about it?

  “Are they dead?” she asked Dallon.

  He nodded his head as they stepped out of the shadows, his smile gone she wondered what he was thinking, perhaps this was the fate that awaited them both, to wander the pathways, these timelines together, forever. Feeling the stone in her pocket she wanted to throw it away and would have done if it were not for Moana’s warning, to her surprise a tear began to well and rolled slowly down her cheek. Dallon watched the tear as it traced the outline of her face, at her chin he reached forward taking the tear on his finger, he tasted the saltiness and smiled again.

  ‘Euew! gross!’ she thought.

  Dallon knew the closer they moved inward the harder it would be for the demon to track them for in the centre of the timelines lay the stairway to heaven, a place where demons would fear to tread. In his mind the warning from Al’ice, stay away from the light for I cannot save you if you stray too far, remember Tadge has fallen from grace and will not go where the demons fear also.

  Kate’s head began to spin, she felt giddy as the light grew brighter “I need to rest” she told him.

  Dallon knew the right place to take her, he had passed it on his way and stood amazed in wonder at its beauty, stepping through another cloud they came across an illusion of a bright sunny day in a well kept park, the obligatory duck pond with mothers and children at the water’s edge, smiling and laughing as they fed the birds. The expanse of grass that stretched in front of them was flanked by great oaks, the park filled with people, ghostly images of many times past. He led her to the centre and the band rotunda, its cast iron ornate frame freshly painted Kate could almost detect the faint smell. They sat upon the steps and watched the spirits enjoying themselves, as if death had not taken them, a very surreal experience. She began to feel better, how was it she felt calm in Dallon’s presence, how was it he knew what she was saying although he didn’t speak? The swelling in her brain reducing as he clasped her hand in his, she rested her head against his shoulder.

  It was the calm before the storm as the clouds across the pond rolled with thunder, the mothers quickly gathering their children and running for cover from the incoming storm, the fear that had been dancing at the fringes of the park thrust itself back towards them.

  “Dallon, is that him?” she asked frantically.

  Clarintor turned the closing mechanism for the wooden blinds adorning the huge window of her beach front apartment. A small extravagance she had bought many years before, now worth a fortune, this was the first time she had set foot in the place among the mortal living. The furniture still covered in dust sheets except for the small round polished table positioned at the centre of the room. As the blinds blocked out the last of the sunlight she flicked the switch, the dimmer affording the dull half light, casting shadows from the walls.

  Clarintor had changed, picking up a few items from an uptown boutique on the way. Her mirror stood proud against the opposing wall allowing her to admire her new purchase. The darkest of midnight blue in crushed velvet, the same figure hugging design she favoured which flared at the knees, she had painted her nails to match. Her long nails now caressed the edge of the table as she circled the amber globe contemplating her next move. She stopped and placed her finger at the top where steam seemed to escape from under her skin.

  “Peter, Peter are you safe child?”

  Pete roused from his sleep, had curled beneath a rock on the far side of the river, close enough to some washed garments laid out to dry on the grassy bank. His alarm at the voice nearly exposed his position as his head sprang up into the daylight, he looked around, it was Clarintor’s voice but he could not see her.

  “I’m here” he whispered, “I cannot see you.”

  Clarintor let out a deep sigh, suppressing her anger at his stupidity, “I am in your head boy, now show me what you can see.”

  The dense throb in his brain alerted his senses to her presence, how could she do that? he wondered.

  “Show me!”

  His tongue flicked out in annoyance at her intrusion but obediently he looked around first at the cottage opposite and then towards the village, knowing that somewhere within his mind she was able to see everything.

  Her eyes bulged as she witnessed the old man perform his magic on the younger mans arm, then she watched transfixed on the sparring between Cooper and Jez. Pete grew bored of the scene and his eyes wandered to the left as Clarintor heard a splash from the river.

  “Turn back you fool, what did I miss?”

  There was a double knock at the door, the thud, thud dulling Pete’s brain, how strange, no one knows I am here, she thought. She covered the globe quickly with a table cloth and prepared herself for the confrontation, expecting the door to explode any moment. A slip of paper passed under the door and silence, she stepped forward and bent to pick it up. The gold paper was hot to the touch, as she unfolded the note and read.

  The master demands an audience

  arrive at 3 or suffer the consequences

  As she finished reading, the note burst into a blue flame, disintegrating in the air with no ashes. So her actions back at her chamber had alerted more than your average demon, the master demanded to see her, one step closer to her goal. At last she had been noticed for her great efforts or perhaps it was the globe he sought, the re-awakened source of magic was bound to draw attention to itself.

  Clarintor returned to the globe and re-connected with Pete.

  “Show me what you see now and no diversions this time, I want to know everything.”

  Pete groaned as he checked the coast was clear, back in front of the cottage, the three figures from earlier had been joined by two others, he recognised one as the man who he had previously followed and who had unknowingly stabbed him through the shoulder. The girl looked familiar, perhaps the one who they brought across time earlier, she looked happy. They both watched through Pete’s eyes as the rest of the scene unfolded, Jol’s healing of Jez’s arm, the two older men leaving and then Jol’s collapse. Pete could feel the glee from inside his mind, Clarintor was very interested in the girl and even more so, pleased at her weak demeanour.

  “Stay close Pete I will leave you now, you must eat, I can sense your weak and feeble mind, I must not lose my connection with you because of your own stupidity!”

  The aperture of light ahead grew larger, the rush of wind stung his ears with the cold. Jez enjoyed the ride, all his cares, all his troubles evaporated when he opened up the throttle on his bike.

  No one could touch him, no one could hurt him as he sped forward alone in his bubble of contentment. The end of the tunnel was in sight, Jez didn’t know where he was going, where he had come from but it didn’t matter, all worries taken with the exhilaration of the ride. He eased off as he approached the exit, the light so intense, he could not see the road ahead.

  The low hum of the bike grew stronger as he eased into 3rd gear. The light smacked him in the face as he left the tunnel, for one brief second he was blinded. The scene unfolded slowly as the figure appeared from no-where standing in the middle of the road. What the hell! The girl stood, head bowed as he swung the bike left to avoid her, left towards the sharp bend. The rocky edge clung to the side of the road as he fought with the bike, sliding from underneath him as he raced towards the grey expanse above him. If he hadn’t of slowed he would have smacked head on.

  Jez felt the pain as the gravelled tarmac caressed his leg, his body and arm. The bike came to rest with a shuddering halt, the tyres bouncing off the rock, his head smacked against the road as he looked back towards the girl. She lifted her eyes and stared at him, her hand raised as her lips gently moved. Jez knew that girl, his eyes failed him as he slipped under, back into the murky depths from whence he came.


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