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Do the Gods Despise Us?

Page 29

by Jeff Henrikson

  Evisar still wasn’t finished. “After the earthquake started and we were transported to the surface, Gram saw all of us, but he chose to attack you first. Over the last several moons we have cost Gram dearly, and I know for a fact that he wants us dead very badly. Can you tell me why Gram chose to attack you instead of us?”

  Nero didn’t even bat an eye. “As a servant of the Armenien Crown, my duties generally lie to the northeast of Armenia, from here to the Ring Sea. The Talon Thieves Guild has had a base of operations in the Old Shetley Fortress for some time, so the Guild and the forces of Armenia are often at cross purposes. I have had several dealings with Gram in the past year. He was very nearly killed because of me. Ever since then, Gram has reserved a special place in his heart for me. I think when we were transported to the surface, he saw me and had a visceral reaction.” A smile spread across Nero’s face as he finished his story. “But don’t worry about Gram’s preferential treatment of me. I’m sure you were high on the list of people he wanted dead as well.”

  When Nero was done, Evisar took a look at the other companions to see if they felt the same way as he. After he received a nod from each of them in turn, Evisar took three steps forward, stopped within arm’s reach of Nero, and stuck out his arm. Nero took the offered hand and the two elves shook.

  “We would be grateful for your assistance, and we could certainly use someone of your caliber. You are well met, agent of the Crown Nero.” As he welcomed Nero into the group, Evisar gave him a quick wink that only he could see to let him know he would be watching.

  One by one, the rest of the companions came up to Nero and shook his hand. Evisar was only sorry he lost his temper with Nero down in the dungeon. He made a mental note to apologize for his behavior later.

  Chapter 77: Who has the Gem?

  After the introductions were finished, Evisar led the companions into the woods a safe distance away from the portal. Even through the dense trees, it was impossible not to notice the huge blue portal if you looked anywhere in the direction where the Old Shetley Fortress once stood.

  When Evisar felt they were far enough away from the portal, he turned to everyone and said, “Why don’t we set up a fire and eat some breakfast while we decide where to go next? Mestel, will you see what wild fruit or game is about while I get a fire going?”

  Mestel nodded wearily and went into the woods to set about his task. Valihorn and Xander immediately set down their packs and all but collapsed beside a nearby fallen tree. Evisar couldn’t blame them. All he wanted to do was crawl into a hole and sleep for a day. But being a leader had its price. Instead of lying down, he went around collecting pieces of wood for a fire. As Evisar brought the wood back to the makeshift campsite, he saw that Nero had already collected enough tinder and dry leaves to get a fire going. Evisar set the larger pieces of wood next to Nero and collapsed on a stump nearby while Nero pulled an oiled cloth from his bag and started striking flint against steel. The companions all watched as Nero, seemingly the only one with enough energy to move, lit the oiled cloth on fire with a spark and added leaves and tinder to his fragile flame.

  Mestel returned a short time later with a few mushrooms, a rabbit, and a squirrel. He put the mushrooms in a small kettle and began skinning the animals.

  Once everyone was within earshot, Evisar figured it was time to start making some tough choices. “I know all of us are tired, except Nero for some reason, but we need to decide our next course of action, and we need to do it quickly. Ever since my brother and I were exiled from Armena, we’ve been trying to find the First Heir and return him to the throne. Devin was in the dungeon of the Old Shetley Fortress, right under our noses, until two days ago when they took him into the Underworld. Now that entrance to the Underworld is destroyed, and we have somehow managed to open a huge gateway to another world. The dragon said creatures from the Plane of Chaos will be drawn to the ring’s power; therefore, in order to protect Valihorn and probably save our own lives, we must find a way to control the ring. The problem is that I have no idea how to accomplish that goal. Our sworn quest is to find the First Heir, but I don’t know how to accomplish that goal either. So I am forced to ask if anyone has any suggestions.”

  The wind rustled through the trees and the fire popped with a spark. During the awkward moments that followed, Evisar looked around the campsite and saw that Mestel had finished skinning the animals and Nero’s fire was gaining strength. Mestel pulled out his dagger and began to gut the rabbit and squirrel, while Nero added the first of the larger logs that Evisar had brought back to camp.

  Blunt as ever, Mestel was the first one to break the silence. “Devin will die soon. I have seen it happen. We don’t have much time left.”

  Xander piped up next. “Don’t tell me we are once again forced to rely on the prophetic skills of Jefon. Oops, I mean Mestel. How could you possibly know the First Heir will die soon?”

  “I won’t tell you that.”

  “Of course not. Why would you give us enough facts to make an informed decision? Better to keep us off balance with half-truths and partial information.” Mestel said nothing. He just continued to prepare the animals for the fire. Xander continued his attack. “Besides, you didn’t even tell us anything useful. Of course the First Heir is going to die soon. The Krone have him, and the Krone are mortal enemies of the surface elves. They aren’t going to hold the First Heir forever.”

  Mestel stopped his work to stare at Xander. “Now who isn’t saying anything useful? I don’t need your approval or your sarcasm. I’m telling you that Devin will die soon. We need to quicken our pace and do it now. You would be a fool to dismiss what I am telling you.”

  “How? How are you going to rescue the First Heir? Where are you going to go? You haven’t given us a single idea we can act on. All you’re doing …”

  Evisar was about to step in between Xander and Mestel for what seemed like the hundredth time when Nero cut through the argument with a single phrase. “Excuse me!” Everyone looked away from the two who were arguing and toward Nero with mild surprise. Nero waited until he had everyone’s attention before he said, “How is it that this group has possibly managed to accomplish more than the whole of Armena? I don’t know how this group typically functions, but when agents of the Crown have a job to do, they don’t bitch and moan about it. They don’t discuss every possible angle and gauge everyone’s opinion with a democratic vote. We act, and we succeed. No matter the cost.”

  Stunned silence was the only response Nero received. “In order to rescue the First Heir, you need to find another entrance to the Underworld. I know for a fact that there is an entrance in the Kentarian city of Locus. In order to travel into the Underworld you need far better weapons and armor than what you have now. My specialty is fighting the Krone. The Crown has placed several caches of money and weapons in this region that help agents such as myself do just that. One of those caches is on the road between here and Locus. I can get you advanced weapons, tougher armor, and enough money to purchase anything else you might need. You say you also want to close the portal to the Plane of Chaos. You will need a powerful wizard to strip the cursed ring from Valihorn’s hand and an even more powerful wizard to control the ring. There are only two places where wizards with that kind of power reside: the Kingdom of Armena, and the Kingdom of Kentar. From what I understand, returning to Armena is not an option, so that means we march for the Kingdom of Kentar, which is where the city of Locus is anyway. Now, let’s eat our breakfast and get underway.”

  Nero abruptly stopped talking and returned to tending his fire. The other companions sat perfectly still, stunned by Nero’s bold speech and bolder suggestions. Somehow he had managed to take what had seemed like two insurmountable problems mere moments ago and turn them into tasks that seemed orderly and solvable.

  Evisar said, “Nero, I have to admit that everything you said sounds reasonable. I need to know how you know about an entrance to the Underworld in Kentar, and I also need to know how heavily
guarded it is.”

  Nero nodded his head in understanding as he watched the fire. “There is a very secret, very powerful organization called the Talon Thieves Guild that is headquartered in Locus. This Guild has an alliance with the Krone. They work together from time to time. Since I am an expert on the Krone, I usually reside in this region where they are most active, but occasionally the Crown has sent me on undercover assignments to Locus. Through various bribes, coercion, and interrogations I have learned the exact location of the entrance and have seen it for myself. The entrance is in a warehouse building in the heart of Talon Guild territory. It is guarded on the outside by four to eight guild members at all times. Inside the warehouse, the tunnel entrance is guarded by six to twelve Krone at all times.”

  Evisar said, “That is a rather detailed report. Thank you.”

  “That’s my job.”

  “And it is your opinion that the Kingdom of Kentar has wizards who are strong enough to remove the ring from Valihorn’s hand and control the portal?”

  “The Sorcerers of Kentar are the only option, unless you want to take your chances in the capital city of Armena?”

  “As you said, that is not an option. Mestel and I will be put to death if we return to Armena.”

  “Then we must travel to Jewlian, the capital city of Kentar, and you must convince the Sorcerers that it is in their best interest to help Valihorn.”

  Evisar was reluctant to go on such a long journey into an unknown land. He had heard rumors that the people of Kentar didn’t even think elves existed anymore. If that was true, then a band of elves passing through their lands would turn quite a few heads and create a host of complications. Of course all of this hinged on whether Nero was telling the truth.

  “Valihorn, what do you think of traveling all the way to Jewlian to remove the ring on your finger?”

  Valihorn stirred uncomfortably in his seat. “I feel I must apologize again for putting our party in this situation. I hate the thought of traveling hundreds of miles out of our way just to solve a problem that I created.”

  Evisar said, “It is unfortunate, but it could’ve happened to any of us. We made a pact with a dragon and this is the price we have to pay. If Nero is correct, it is only the distance from the Underworld entrance in Locus to Jewlian that is out of our way.”

  Valihorn nodded his head, grateful for Evisar’s words. “I think we should stop by Wessex, since it is on the road to Kentar, and see what Austen makes of this whole situation. If he is not powerful enough to remove the ring, and does not know anyone else who could, then I think Nero’s plan has a lot of merit.”

  Evisar turned to Xander next and said, “Xander, what do you think about traveling west into Kentar?”

  “I think that would mean carrying the gem toward the heart of the Talon Guild rather than away from it, which is where I should be going.”

  “Well, I hate to say it, but you could leave our group and continue your journey to the Ring Sea as you planned. And by the way, where is the gem? You don’t have it on you, do you?”

  “No, it is safely hidden somewhere else. I’ll retrieve it when the time is right. But in response to your first question – I’ve been thinking about leaving the group ever since Nero mentioned his plan a short while ago. While I reserve the right to change my mind, I think I will travel with you to Kentar. Although traveling west will take me closer to Talon Guild controlled territory, if we can actually make it to Jewlian the Sorcerers can take the gem off my hands once and for all. That would end my misery and give me my life back. Who knows, the Sorcerers may even give me a reward for my troubles.”

  “You are a valuable asset, and we are happy to have you travel with us, but we will certainly understand if you change your mind.” Xander nodded his head in acknowledgment, and the entire camp went silent. They all stared at Evisar as he mulled his personal thoughts over in his mind. “Well, let’s finish eating our breakfast and make for Austen’s tower in Wessex. Perhaps he will know a way out of this mess, but if he doesn’t, then I see no better option than continuing on to Kentar and discovering if the Sorcerers can control the ring.”

  With the decision made, everyone finished eating and packed up camp. As Evisar prepared to head out, he noticed Xander off to the side on his knees with his hands together and his eyes closed. He had drawn a circle in the dirt around curved lines that looked like a rainbow. Xander rose to his feet after a few moments, scratched out Fortuna’s symbol with his foot, and joined the other companions. No one said a thing as Evisar set out in front and marched as quickly as possible for Wessex. He hoped Austen would know what to do with the ring on Valihorn’s finger because he didn’t have a clue.

  It was late morning as the companions left the carnage of the fortress behind and headed back into Darkwood Forest. As they walked, they would occasionally see a flash of white light as another being from the Plane of Chaos crossed through the blue portal into Tellus. Some of the beasts were ordinary, some were mystical, and others were devastatingly large. None of the creatures bothered the companions. There was nothing the companions could do except press on for Wessex as best they could. As they walked, the companions swapped stories about the last three days inside the fortress. Had it only been three days? It seemed so much longer to Evisar.

  They emerged from Darkwood Forest after half a day’s travel in almost exactly the same spot where they had originally crossed the river to chase the bandits who abducted Valihorn. Amazingly, the raft the companions used to cross the river was still waiting on the shore.

  Xander came up to Evisar and whispered in his ear. A moment later Evisar turned to Nero and said, “We are grateful for the help you have offered, but to put it bluntly, we don’t trust you yet, and there is something critical we have to discuss among ourselves. Therefore, I’m going to have Valihorn cast a spell that will put you to sleep for a short time.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m afraid so. Valihorn, if you would.” It was clear Valihorn did not really know what was going on, but he stepped forward obediently and cast a sleep spell on Nero. Nero’s jaw was set in anger as the young wizard stepped forward, but he did not put up any resistance. Mestel caught Nero in his arms as he fell backward into a magically induced, deep sleep. Mestel set the agent of the Crown down gently and then all of the companions moved toward the river, eager to find out what was going on.

  As they approached the raft, Xander peeled away from the group casually and walked over to a large white birch tree growing near the raft. The rest of the companions watched as Xander went to the base of the tree and bent over to feel underneath one of the exposed roots. A moment later he stood up with the gem in his hand.

  Xander held it up to the sun and said, “Right where I left it.” He brought the gem to his lips with a kiss. He placed the gem in his pouch and then casually walked over to the raft where Evisar and Valihorn were waiting for him.

  Evisar shook his head and said, “You hid the gem under the tree before we even went into the forest?”

  “Of course. I knew we were going on a fool’s errand, and I didn’t want the Guild to get it back.”

  Evisar couldn’t believe it. “But how did you defeat the truth spell Gram cast on you? You told Gram the gem was at the edge of the forest straight out of the fortress gate. Straight out of the gate was to the east; we have gone north all day. So how did you do it?”

  Xander smiled as he always did with his secrets. “I didn’t defeat the truth spell. I just didn’t tell a lie. I said the gem was underneath a white birch tree in Darkwood Forest. That was true.”

  “But you also said it was on the edge of the forest due east of the fortress gate.”

  “Yes, that part was a lie, but Gram hadn’t cast the truth spell on me yet when I said it. It’s not my fault he was too stupid to put it all together.” Xander stepped onto the raft and motioned for Mestel to wake Nero up. “Shall we continue on to Wessex?”

  Evisar slapped him on the back a
s he boarded the raft and said, “You’re a clever elf, Xander. Someday you’ll have to tell me all your secrets.”

  Xander laughed out loud and said, “Oh, let’s save some of the fun for another time.”


  The sleep spell was cast and Nero felt the magical energy wash over his body. It wasn’t terribly hard for him to defeat the simple spell cast by the young wizard, but he still had to put on a good show. He closed his eyes and fell limply into the waiting arms of Mestel, who set him down gently. He watched with half open eyes and clear ears as Xander recovered the gem from underneath a tree and climbed onto the raft. Nero then played dumb as Mestel woke him up, knowing his chance to take the gem would soon come.

  Chapter 78: Changing the Status Quo

  Rafa woke up the morning after his meeting with the former captain of Endwood in the quarters set aside for the second ranking Sorcerer at the Academy. King Benjin was holding court today, and Rafa was determined to use the opportunity to change the status quo. He had stayed up half the night planning what to say – had finally gone to bed exhausted – yet still bounded out of bed eager to start his day. That is to say, he bounded out of bed as much as a forty-five year old man can.

  He ordered his breakfast and had his steward lay out clothes for the day. After he had eaten and dressed in his white robes with just a hint of light purple in the collar, Rafa walked around the Academy compound and spoke to a few of his colleagues. When he was certain nothing was left to chance, he walked out of the large grassy areas of the Sorcerers Academy with two of his aides and began walking to Jewlian Castle. As the acting High Wizard of the Sorcerers, after Vanderhoff’s “mysterious” disappearance, he was the King’s most trusted advisor, and so it was his sacred duty to always be at the King’s side when he heard petitions.


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