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God-Kissed: Book 1 (The Apprentices)

Page 41

by Clark Bolton

  Calling Murac over he asked, “How does a troll compare with that skeleton we took down?”

  Murac smiled knowingly. “About ten times as difficult … and twenty times more dangerous. But if you're thinking they ain’t ready, you’re right! And they won’t be until after they do it the first time.”

  “Hmm, spoken like a true marine, Murac.” Watching Haspeth and Castor walk around with Autbek he could not help but think how young they were. “I should go with you!”

  “Nope, don’t think so, Captain! Best stay up here to coordinate things when we find them!”

  “Up here?”

  Murac smiled. “Oh yeah, we will find a hole over there the dwarves have assured me. And when we do we will have to crawl into it to smoke them out. That’s why we brought the dwarves.”

  “You and them will crawl in a troll hole! Your nuts, Murac.”

  “Not just me, Tom. Me, three dwarves, and three mages.” He said seriously. “It’s what we marines call … good training!”

  “Why do this?” Berdtom asked earnestly.

  “Because my friend, that is where the treasure is!”

  “Treasure? Like gold you mean?”

  “It sure as hell ain’t up here lying about on the ground.”

  “Maybe you have been around dwarves too much, Murac. You're starting to think like one!”

  Berdtom spurred his horse toward Autbek some distance away. The three mages were trading scrolls and strategies while the dwarves surveyed the surrounding rubble.

  “Are you sure, Castor? I mean what bloody good is an illusion against a troll anyway, so you might as well stay up here.” Haspeth had been arguing this point all day.

  “Don’t need an illusion to stop it … that’s what you are for.”

  “Then why the hell come?”

  “So later on I can build an illusion showing how it bit your head off.”

  “Ha-ha, don’t think so, got enough scrolls here to burn the whole city down. Certainly enough for one bloody stinking troll!”

  “O’t, he is going to piss his pants first time he sees it ain’t he?”

  Autbek shrugged, which was his usual answer when the two tried to draw him into their quarrels. He too was not thrilled about Castor coming but then again the kid was certainly the most street smart of the three of them as he had shown in the temple crypt.

  Murac called out for everyone to assemble. “Ok, you find it?” The dwarves and the two trackers from the night before were poking at a pile of rubble.

  “Likely as not!” Xajac yelled back.

  “O’t and Haspeth you got enough enchantments to cover everyone's weapons? That will be two for me, two for each of the three dwarves and one for each of your short swords.

  Autbek nodded yes as he patted the small sword on his belt. He did not know much about using it but did admit it felt better to be carrying it. He then walked over to where the dwarves were and started casting the enchant weapons spell while Haspeth did the same. When he asked about if any wanted night vision spells cast upon them all three dwarves declined.

  “Don’t need ‘um.” Xajac commented as he helped the others jack up some half buried timbers. After several well wedged stones and some short timbers were in place all could see the tunnel that had been hidden before.

  “Me first.” Murac announced as he squatted to fit under the timbers. He had a short boar-spear, complete with cross piece to prevent the troll from sliding up the spear shaft. The tip now glowed with arcane energies.

  “Don’t think so, man!” Xajac interjected. “Best follow Luzac here, he has done this enough times.”

  With that said Luzac easily slipped under the timbers past Murac to take several steps into the tunnel. Holding his torch before him he announced, “Yep, not the den … least not yet.”

  Autbek looked nervously to his two friends before asking, “How does he know?”

  “Torch is dancing, means it connects with other tunnels down there.” Xajac said as he followed Murac down into the tunnel.

  Everyone had to do a bit of crawling and scrambling as the tunnel was way too small, especially for Haspeth who was the tallest. What at first seemed like earth soon turned out to be mostly brick and stone with an occasional rotted timber supporting them. The tunnel was mostly horizontal for the first twenty paces or so then mostly went vertical but the sides were rough and uneven making for plenty of hand and foot holds.

  Autbek let Haspeth follow Xajac, as the he really wanted to be the first mage in, then he went followed by Castor then the last dwarf, whose name was Negorch. Autbek cast a short spell that summoned a fire-elemental that now was perched on his shoulder. The creature acted as a torch and for the most part avoided burning him, and so this left his hands free.

  The smell of the tunnel quickly turned from earthy to that of sewage after they had traveled a short distance. When a small voice complained about it with a squeal of displeasure he turned to confirm it was Lita. She was there now, right behind Castor holding her nose. Castor just gave him a tight smile and motioned for him to continue.

  “Haspeth, let Murac know Lit’ is with us now.”

  “Huh!” Haspeth objected, and then let it go as he complied while doing his best to climb down a shaft gracefully. “How in the hell does something that big fit down this.” He complained.

  The party soon emerged into part of the city’s sewer where at least the shorter members of the party were free to stand. The place was littered with fallen bricks and filth, and the walls wept water while small clay pipes sticking out from the walls dripped liquid.

  “Ohhh!” Haspeth let out a wail at the stench.

  “What’s wrong battle-mage, did you expect roses.” Murac commented, getting laughs from the dwarves.

  “Which way?” Castor asked as he looked down several passageways.

  The dwarves picked one each and went a short distance and then returned to compare notes. “That way.” Luzac announced with no objection from the others. He proceeded then, followed by Murac.

  The passageway was never level but rather sank or raised every ten or twenty paces with small side pipes or small square brick tunnels here and there. The humans all thought they may be passing other ways to go but Luzac never faltered and seemed to be able to determine the way of the main tunnel.

  When the ones toward the front came to a sudden halt they called out in whispers as to why. The reply came back from Xajac, “Butcher block!”

  Haspeth turned back to Autbek to ask what that meant but when they started to move again they soon figured it out. A recessed area of the tunnel was littered with bones, some still with bits of flesh upon them, on which rats were still feeding.

  By the look some of the things had been large viscous four-legged creatures with massive teeth, and had been larger than dogs. Looking to Negorch they asked what they had been.

  “Rats!” He revealed.

  “Still want to be in front!” Castor whispered to Haspeth who shook his head honestly. Castor then inscribed a rune on the wall with the enchanted chalk he always carried, which immediately started to glow providing a strong red light.

  Autbek looked at it and replied, “Could use more of those, at least we can find the way back.”

  The party came to its first insurmountable pool, giving them the option of turning back or wading into the foul stuff. It also marked a change in the tunnel and possibly an intersection of some kind though with torches flickering it was difficult to tell. With the dwarves hesitating Murac came to the front and with their help they lashed his torch to the spear so he could then hold it over the water to better see what was beyond.

  “Uhh!” Both dwarves exclaimed at what they saw for their on the ledge that formed a kind of walkway on the other side was what appeared to be a partially eaten human leg.

  Murac paid it no mind as he tested the depth of the water which turned out to be about knee deep. “Looks like it forks here. Watch the right I’ll take a look down the left.” He waded into th
e water and then proceeded about ten paces before being able to emerge on the walkway.

  The two dwarves went next as Murac kept watch. Their beards were nearly in the water as they waded in silence. Luzac took the lead again taking them down the left tunnel and past the leg.

  What bothered Autbek the most about the leg was that it still contained a boot, which just seemed to bring closer to home the fact that the man had been alive not so long ago. He watched Haspeth wade with a look of horror on his face and then his turn was next.


  The scream so startled Haspeth who had been in the process of climbing out of the water that he nearly fell. “AHHH!” Haspeth yelled instinctively.

  Autbek closed his eyes for moment at the now familiar screech. He still wanted to run as much as ever but knew that was pointless now.

  Murac crouched with his spear ready with the point just a few inches over Luzac’s helmet. “Stay low if it charges so I can keep it off with the spear! Mages be ready!” He barked.

  Xajac turned back toward Haspeth who stood behind him on the ledge. “Murac, I hear it both ways! These tunnels interconnect and not far at that!”

  Autbek thought he saw indecision for the first time on Murac’s face but if it was there it was not for long. Haspeth looked terrified as he stared down the rightmost branch with not a sole in front of him.

  “Mages, block it with something if you can, and be quick!” Murac commanded.

  Haspeth needed no more encouragement to launch his first attack spell. With a few syllables of arcane-script the waters before him sprouted flames causing the whole place to burst into light. The flames stayed upon the water as if it was coated with oil but no heat was produced.

  “Good!” Was all Murac said as he urged Luzac forward. The dwarf had a wicked looking axe out now, complete with an eight inch spike on top that he now pointed down the tunnel as he inched forward.

  “How long will it last?” Castor asked of Autbek as he looked at the flames.

  “Less than an hour I’d guess, depending how much the water is disturbed. Won’t burn us though unless you go directly into it.”

  Autbek slowly slide down into the muddy water, letting out a grunt as his boots filled. Nearly to the other side was when the second scream came. It was answered by a roar from Murac and Luzac as well.



  Castor and Negorch looked at each other indecisively as they watched Autbek reach the other side of the pool as the sounds of battle raged out of sight. They did not know if they should go in or wait there in case the party backed up. Castor quickly inscribed a simple rune behind them in case it was needed when the fire went out.

  “PSSST! PSSST!” Haspeth could just be seen by those in the rear frantically casting spells.

  “This bastards smaller than the other one!” Murac shouted from down the tunnel. “He’s climbing up! Shoot him again, Haspeth!”


  Autbek, now more willing than ever to get into the battle and get it over with splashed onto the ledge narrowly avoiding the booted leg. Stepping over it he was greeted with blood curdling yell of anger from what had been shadow before but now in the light of the flames could be seen to be a passageway emerging some distance above the waters just next to the one Murac was down.


  A reddish troll with great gobs of bleeding flesh hanging from its neck and torso screamed at Autbek who staggered back almost into the flames. The flames seemed to daunt the creature who then quickly focused on Negorch who stepped forward to protect Castor and Lita just as it launched itself halfway across the water.

  “KUMM!” Instantly a wall of brick encompassed Castor, Lita and Negorch as well as the passageway they all had come down. The bricks of the wall were intermittently covered in searing hot red flames and iron spikes.

  Autbek knew almost immediately that the wall was an illusion but the troll fell for it. It splashed a step back then turned to attack him. For its efforts he hit it full force with his latest offensive spell just as Haspeth appeared to cast again his burning water spell.


  The troll screamed as a wide jet of flame shot from Autbek’s outstretched finger and completely encompassed it just as flames shot up from the water. Everyone now could feel heat building in the room as the troll withered and splashed franticly as it roasted.

  Autbek kept the jet of flame on the troll for as long as he could, which was for nearly ten seconds. At the same time he had to press his body against the wall to avoid the burning waters. It all turned out to be enough for soon they were left with nothing but the smell of seared troll flesh and a haze of steam.

  “Nice work!” Murac commented as he stood in the small passageway from which the troll had leaped. “Where are the other three?” The illusionary brick wall went down just at that point to reveal two very relieved humans and one dwarf.

  “Get him, Murac?” Xajac could be heard to say from some distance off.

  “Yep! Mages took him out!”

  “Come, let’s split the treasure then!”

  “There is bloody treasure!” Haspeth exclaimed as he turned to find Xajac.

  Autbek leaned against the wall enjoying now the moist heat that came from it and managed a small smile at Castor. The kid was obviously interested as well as he began frantically searching for a way to get across without getting wet.

  “Is it worth getting filthy wet for?” Castor asked in consternation.

  He got a reply from Haspeth. “No, wait there sneak-thief! I’ll throw your share to you!”

  Castor scowled as he quickly climbed into the water as far from the troll as he could to then scramble after Haspeth. Negorch waited patiently but Lita had to follow Castor as always.

  “The worst part of the whole thing was gathering the treasure and separating it from the filth!” Haspeth announced as he leaned back in his bath. They were all back at the mage tower sitting about the partially completed hall cleaning themselves with help again from the servants and from the three girls.

  Autbek smiled at Onaleen, enjoying her attentions again as they listened to Haspeth boast. He agreed with Haspeth on the last part about shifting through the filth, the dwarves had insisted on it and fortunately had done the bulk of the work. They had gone so far as to call back up for shovels and tarps to be brought down so they could excavate the lair.

  “What did they find, O’t?” Onaleen asked as she washed his arms and face. She looked over to watch the dwarves, who had piles of muck they had brought back with them wrapped in tarps.

  He chuckled as he watched the dwarves small pile of coins grow slowly as they sifted through the filth. “Some silver, some copper, and a whole bunch of odd looking bits so far.” The three dwarves were being assisted by some of the others and had not even attempted to clean themselves yet.

  “I don’t know how you can go down into a hole when you know one of those things is waiting for you!” She practically cooed as she interrogated him.

  He watched her lovely hands clean his as he inhaled her perfume, which came in alternating waves with the smell of sewage. “Honesty Onaleen, I could not go into one without Murac in front of me. He is like an unstoppable force, or like a light in the darkness.” He struggled with what he was trying to convey he knew, but then something Murac had said a number of times came suddenly to mean something to him now. “He is god-kissed you know!”

  She gave him a puzzled look. “Hmm, maybe … but then again I don’t know what that really means.” Autbek had discussed the term before and she had heard it spoken of by others.

  “I don’t think I did either until today. It’s like you're there for others … to get them to be more than what they are.”

  She sat and looked about the half-finished hall and then into the courtyard to see if she could see Murac. “Do you think so? I know he is great warrior, all the guards say so and now the dwarves speak of him so.”
/>   “More than that, the dwarves with us today were good warriors and darn brave, but with Murac it is different. It is almost like he is there only for you … you know … just for me, and just for Haspeth, and anyone else he likes.”

  They talked more as they watched Haspeth get his bath followed by Castor and Lita, at the same time no less. Which made Autbek think back to Lita’s arrival and all the tiny bits of information he had gleaned out of Castor, and they were small he knew. The girl was from his childhood, Castor had said. But that made little sense to Onaleen also when he mentioned it to her as Castor was practically still in his childhood.

  Berdtom came wandering into the hall again, for perhaps the third or fourth time. The man came and went from the mage tower, sometimes more than once a day now, as he sought consultation with Un Pap. “I hear of a grand feast in your honor tomorrow.” He mentioned to know one in particular. “Be a poor shame not to take such an opportunity for a little notoriety, and perhaps some good drink!”

  Autbek nodded his understanding. Berdtom wanted more exposure from them to the Earl’s court and to the city guard and any other important group that would make their worth known. “A party, Haspeth, in our honor. Do you think we should go!”

  Haspeth produced a massive grin which he promptly shared with anyone who would look. “I’m afraid lord Vis Mage-Councilor it would be bloody disrespectful of us not to attend.”

  “At the palace?” Castor asked as he let Lita scrub his back, unaware that the huge tub made the two of them look little more than children.

  “Afraid not, my mages, it will be held in the neighborhood for which you are credited with saving.”

  “Better yet!” Haspeth announced as he pressed Pemmesa for more attention but she deftly avoided his hands and lips.

  Autbek took Haspeth attempts at romance as cue for his own. He found Onaleen more than willing to accept his advances and so he kissed her lips for a very long time before letting her go. “Do I always have to kill trolls for kisses, Onaleen?” He asked softly.


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