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Tarizon, The Liberator, Tarizon Trilogy Vol 1

Page 72

by William Manchee


  The Investiture

  The next day Peter and his entourage made it to Shini and were put up in the renown Linzcot Hotel named after Rikin Linzcot, the first Chancellor of Tarizon. Much to his delight Rhin, his rhutz, had been flown up and was waiting for him in his hotel room. She looked great and was very happy to see him. Peter wondered why they'd brought her all the way from Shisk. Then he remembered the rhutz was part of the Prophecy and if people were to believe he was the Liberator he'd have to have his rhutz at his side.

  Jake was also there to greet Lorin when they arrived. She was so relieved to see him, having imagined the worst. That afternoon they attended a special service for Sy, to award him the medal of valor posthumously. Apparently the Councillor had decided to make him a martyr and had flown his parents and family up to accept the medal for him. This was a nice surprise, as Peter had wanted to meet Sy's parents and tell them what a great son they'd had and how honored he'd been to know him.

  When they met after the service, his parents were excited to meet Peter, and wanted to know all the details of Sy's time in boot camp and his service to the Loyalist cause up until his death. Peter told them everything he could remember and they seemed to relish every word. If you have to die, Peter thought, going out in a blaze of glory is the way to do it. Syril Johs had certainly done that and soon he would be a household name and a hundred years from now children would be reading about him on their computer terminals.

  Lorin and Jake accompanied Rhin and Peter back to his compartment after the service. They talked about the Councillor and the investiture. Lorin said there would be much celebration, and many parties and balls to attend. Peter told them he wasn't looking forward to that, as he found it awkward to talk to strangers and never knew what to say. Jake offered to loan Lorin to Peter for these events as he had military strategy sessions that he urgently needed to attend. Peter happily accepted the help, and then asked Jake if he thought it was very wise to have all the leaders of the Loyalist Movement in the same place at the same time. It seemed to Peter to be an invitation to the TGA to launch an attack during the event.

  "It's important that we show that we are not afraid of the TGA and can protect our cities," Jake replied.

  "I can understand that, but what if a half dozen T47s show up? In stealth mode you'd never see them coming."

  "You forget this is a domed city. A T47 couldn't penetrate the dome. It's been tried a couple of times and the fighters crashed."

  "Really? What about bombers? Couldn't they drop bombs down through the dome. I thought the dome was fairly thin."

  "Our fighters would intercept any bomber coming anywhere near the city."

  "What about missiles?"

  "We have an anti-missile defense system that's 99.7 percent effective. Any missile that came close to Shini would be shot down."

  "Wow! That's great," Peter said. "That makes me feel a lot better. I had a bad feeling about the ceremony. I don't know why, but I'd hate for anything to happen to the Councillor."

  "Nothing is going to happen to him," Jake replied. "We've taken every precaution."

  "Good. I'll sleep better tonight."

  Despite Jake's assurances that their security could not be breached, Peter still had a bad feeling about Councillor Garcia's appearance at the event. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about his feeling other than to be alert for any trouble that might develop.

  That night in their room Peter opened his mind and began conversing with Rhin. She told him of her mother’s fight for survival in the chaos that ensued after the great eruptions, the death of many in her pack from the deadly gases, and the constant pursuit by the Purists, led by Rupra Bruda, who killed the rhutz for sport.

  “When Threebeard reached out and told us of the Prophecy that a great Liberator would come to save us from extinction, we were greatly relieved and asked how we could help him,” Rhin said in her thoughts. “He told us when the time was right he’d summon us. When you came to Shisk I was the closest of my kind and heard his summons. We don’t usually trust humans as many are evil, so it wasn’t easy for me to befriend you. I feared Threebeard may be wrong.”

  “I would never hurt any creature unless it was a matter of survival,” Peter thought.

  “I sensed that but still had my fears. I knew, though, that I must protect you so that you could fulfill the Prophecy.”

  Peter smiled. “Thank you for saving my life and tell your brother in Muhl he’s one courageous rhutz to take on a Drogal.”

  “You already thanked her by destroying the TGA base on Muhl.”

  “How do you feel about the Investiture tomorrow? I’m worried.”

  “For good reason. I feel a traitor in our midst.”

  “Then we will have to be alert to discover him and protect the Councillor. I wonder who it is?”

  “If I see him, I will know him. Let me wander among the delegates.”

  “They won’t let you go by yourself. You’ll have to be with me. Humans are afraid of you.”

  “We must search until we find the traitor.”

  “We will. Don’t worry. We’ll find him.”

  The next day Rhin and Peter went to the investiture. It was held in the Assembly Hall at Rigimol’s capital complex in downtown Shini and there wasn't an empty seat in the house. The media was there in force too. The investiture would be seen on VC in all territories controlled by the Loyalists. Security was tight and everyone was searched for weapons and sniffed for dangerous chemicals. They made Peter put a leash on Rhin, which she didn't like much. Peter asked if they could wander around the auditorium before the ceremony began, but were told the rhutz would scare the delegates. Peter protested but was overruled, so they were escorted to a seat on the stage next to General Zitor. There was a band playing in a pit in front of the stage. The music was strange to Peter, but upbeat. General Zitor shook Peter's hand and told him he had some good news.

  "What's that?" Peter asked.

  "I've decided to give you another battlefield promotion. You and your men's tireless efforts to find and rescue us was extraordinary. Tonight you'll be promoted to captain."

  "Thank you, General. I really appreciate that."

  "I don't know of any soldier who has made captain in their first year of service, but you've earned it."

  "I'm determined now more than ever to rid Tarizon of Videl Lai since he's kidnaped my mate. I won't rest until he's dead and buried."

  “I don’t know if anyone has told you, but you have a right to know,” General Zitor said.

  “What?” Peter asked worriedly.

  “Videl Lai held a press conference and indicated he was keeping Lucinda at the Chancellor’s Mansion in Shisk. He’s offered to pardon her and release her to her former mate to raise her child, if you surrender.”

  Peter stiffened and closed his eyes. “Oh, my God! What should I do?”

  “You can’t surrender. Knowing that skutz, he’d kill you both once he got his hands on you. He has no honor.”

  Peter nodded. “You’re probably right. Still, did he say what would happen if I didn’t surrender?”

  “After the baby is born he said he’d send Lucinda to Pritzka Prison and raise the baby as his own.”

  “What?” Peter exclaimed. “Over my dead body!”

  The general turned his head and stifled a smile. "Well, I can see that kidnaping Lucinda may have been Videl's first mistake of the war."

  "I think it was. Now all I can think about is killing that piece of slime."

  "Listen, there is talk that the Seafolken and Mutants have pledged themselves to you."

  Peter was hot with anger and could barely concentrate after hearing about Videl Lai’s press conference. He wanted to leave right then to organize a rescue party. General Zitor’s words went in one ear and out the other.

  “What?” Peter asked trying to refocus his attention.

  “The Seafolken and Mutants have pledged themselves to you.”

  "So I've been told."

  "You know they must report to Loyalist Command?"

  "Yes, of course. I've never claimed to be the Liberator as they call me. I wouldn't know what to do with such an army anyway. I've only been a soldier for a few phases and know so little about Tarizon."

  "Good. We must all be united if we are to defeat the TGA."

  "Of course. . . . I saw Threebeard and he said he would be here today. Have you seen him?"

  "Yes, he's at the military strategy sessions. I guess he told you he's going to be appointed Minister of Defense."

  "No. He didn't mention that to me. That's great!"

  "Yes, he's a brilliant man. If anyone can outsmart Videl Lai he can do it."

  The band stopped playing and the presiding officer walked to the podium. He introduced himself and those seated on the stage. Then speaker after speaker went to the podium to denounce Videl Lai, the TGA and Central Authority. They praised Councillor Garcia and all those who had the courage to join the Loyalist cause. They talked about the victory at Lortec and the rescue of General Zitor and the Councillor's daughter. Sy's name came up repeatedly as one who had given his life for the people of Tarizon. They praised God and Sandee, promised to defeat the TGA, and restore the principals and dictates of the Supreme Mandate. Then Councillor Garcia took the podium to accept his unanimous election to be Chancellor of Tarizon's provisional government.

  "Citizens of Tarizon. I am honored that you have selected me to lead you in this dark hour of our history. I promise you I will work tirelessly to restore freedom and dignity to all the citizens of this great planet. We will not allow a tyrant like Videl Lai to exploit Tarizon for his own personal gain and profit. This planet belongs to the people, not to Videl and his greedy followers."

  The audience clapped and yelled their approval. While he continued to speak Peter searched the crowd for any sign of trouble. Everything seemed fine until Rhin got up and started to growl. Peter looked in the direction that Rhin was looking but saw nothing. Then the Councillor began to grab at his throat, turned blue, and gaged like someone was choking him. An aide came over and tried to help him loosen his collar. Someone else slapped him on the back. Finally a doctor arrived and laid the Councillor down. Peter looked again out into the audience to see if he could see if someone was causing the Councillor to choke. Rhin growled again. Peter said, "Rhin get him," and let go of the leash.

  Rhin took off into the crowd and lunged for a man in the third row. The man was thrown back in his chair and tumbled into a crowd of startled spectators. The Councillor stopped gagging and his body became still. Rhin seized the man's thigh and it was all Peter could do to get her off him. A contingent of security men rushed over to help. They arrested the man and dragged him away kicking and screaming.

  "You're all traitors!" the man screamed. "You're all going to die!"

  By this time the Councillor was gone. Security had whisked him away. The room became noisy as stunned spectators tried to make sense out of what had happened. The General came over to Peter and said, "Was that man responsible for the Councillor choking?"

  "I think so. He must be telekinetic. A Seafolken did that to me once, but only as a demonstration. Is the Councillor going to be okay?"

  "I don't know. They've taken him to the casualty station."

  "God. I hope he's okay. I had a bad feeling about today's ceremony."

  "Our medical facilities are very advanced. I'm sure he'll be fine."

  Peter nodded. The General said, "That's quite an animal you have there."

  "Yes, sir. She's saved my life once and now she's hopefully saved the Chancellor’s."

  "How'd she know who was trying to kill the Chancellor?"

  "She's a bit telepathic herself, I think. Her life-form communicates that way. That's how she and I communicate, too."

  "So, it's true. You are telepathic?"

  Peter nodded. "A little, I guess. I never knew it until I came to Tarizon."

  "Well, we're going to have to give your rhutz a medal, I guess."

  'There's another rhutz on Muhl who deserves a medal too."

  Peter told him about the rhutz who had saved them from the Drogal and then lured the TGA patrol away from them so they could get back to shaft 22. General Zitor said he wanted to talk later to discuss how the rhutz life-form could be incorporated into the war effort. Peter agreed that was a good idea and he'd be happy to help with that effort in any way he could.

  There was a sudden murmur in the auditorium. A lady shrieked. "Oh, Sandee, No!"

  Peter and Rhin rushed toward the casualty station where they’d taken the Councillor. They ran inside and saw a group of people huddled around an open door. He rushed over and muscled his way inside. Lorin was holding her father’s head in her lap, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Oh, Father I will kill the coward who did this to you! I won’t let Videl Lai get away with this, I promise. He’ll pay for his crimes!”

  Peter knelt beside her and put his arm around her. “I’m so sorry, Lorin. I’m so sorry. We got to him too late.”

  Lorin turned, “You have the skutz! Where is he? I want to kill him with my bare hands.”

  Peter restrained her and held her in his arms. “Don’t kill him yet. Let me first probe him for information, then he must stand trial. We must follow the Supreme Mandate or be no better than Videl Lai.”

  Lorin buried her head in Peter’s shoulder and wept. A few moments later Jake came and took her away. Peter left the room and went over to General Zitor who was running his fingers through his hair nervously.

  “Peter,” he said. “TGA troops are moving toward the Tributon border. They've engaged the mutant forces. There are heavy casualties. Lortec is under siege as well."

  "Oh, my God," Peter replied.

  "You must go to Tributon. The mutant soldiers expect you to lead them."

  "But I'm just a captain with little experience."

  "You're also the Liberator. It's the Prophecy. They believe you must be there if they are to defeat the TGA."

  Peter exhaled slowly, "But—"

  "Don't worry. Threebeard will guide you," the general said.

  "Who will be Chancellor now that Robert Garcia is dead?"

  "I don't know. The Provisional Assembly will have to select someone else. There’s talk that Lorin might be asked to take the position. She’s a strong and capable woman with her father’s tenacious drive."

  As they were speaking, sirens began to blare and they could hear explosions in the distance. "What's happening?" Peter asked nervously.

  "We're under attack, but don't worry. They can't cause us serious damage. They're just trying to cause panic and undermine the momentum we've obtained this last week. You must go ready yourself. I'll have someone pick you up at dawn.”

  "Yes, sir," Peter said reluctantly. Although he wanted to do all he could to help the Loyalists' cause, he was disappointed he'd have to leave right away. He wanted to search for Luci and he couldn't do that very well from the jungles of southern Tributon.

  "Sir, before I go would it be possible for me to speak to the assassin? He may know something about Luci."

  The General frowned and eyed Peter warily. "I suppose, but I doubt he'll tell you anything."

  "Probably not, sir, but it's worth a shot."

  "Very well, I'll arrange for you to speak with him before you leave in the morning."

  "Thank you, sir."

  The next morning Peter and Rhin were taken to the detention center where the assassin was being held. The detectives had been trying to interrogate the prisoner all night without success. They advised Peter his name was Rupra Bruda. Peter nearly choked on the name.

  “That’s one of Videl’s closest confidants. How did he get through security?”

  “We don’t know. He somehow talked his way through.”

  Peter thought of a number of ways he could have done that using his formidable telepathic abilities. Fear swept over him. He didn’t feel ready to face someone as powerful as Rupra Bruda. H
e almost turned around and left, but somehow forced himself to go inside and face him. The guards made him leave Rhin outside.

  Bruda had a turinium hood over his face so he couldn't use his telekinetic powers against his interrogators. Peter sat down and started to introduce himself, but Bruda already knew the identity of his next interrogator.”

  "So, I sit before the Liberator," he laughed. "I'd kill you like I did the Councillor if you had the guts to take off this hood."

  "You've killed your last victim, I assure you."

  "So you think,” he spat.

  “Has any harm come to my mate?”

  “Lucinda? Such a sweet thing. It’s a shame you’ll never see her again.”

  “Is she really at the Chancellor’s Mansion?” Peter asked again.

  Bruda laughed. “Why don’t you take off my mask and probe my mind? I hear you’re telepathic.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you. I’m not that stupid. I know you’re skilled in telepathy and have talked to the Nanomites.”

  “Indeed I have, but you’re the Liberator. Hasn’t God sent you here to destroy us? Is the Liberator a coward?”

  Peter knew he was being baited. It would be suicide to take off the mask, but he had another idea. “Tell me what I want to know or I’ll bring in my Rhutz to have another go at you.”

  “Hah! Your rhutz is lucky she’s still alive. Bring on the ugly beast, but if you do I’ll just kill her too. And you’ll never see your darling Lucinda again anyway. Videl plans to parade her through the streets to show the citizens of Tarizon how impotent you are. The crowds will spit on her, and then they'll hang her in a public place so everyone will know what happens to traitors! But don’t worry, the whole thing will be on the VC, so you won’t miss a minute of it."

  Outraged by Bruda’s words, Peter got up and kicked the table hard into Bruda’s chest. He shrieked in pain and jumped to his feet struggling to get out of the way in case Peter kicked it again. Peter rushed over to him and started choking him. Bruda’s hood was ripped off in the struggle. "I'm going to kill you, you skutz!" Peter screamed.

  The door to the interrogation room flew open but before anyone could come to Peter’s aid the door slammed shut and latched itself. There were loud thuds as soldiers tried to force open the door. Peter suddenly felt himself flying through the air. He slammed hard against the wall, fell to his knees and when he looked up saw Bruda standing over him.

  Peter grabbed his own throat as he felt an excruciating pain. He couldn’t breathe. Bruda was killing him just as he’d killed Councillor Garcia. Peter’s life flashed before his eyes but before his last breath he remembered Threebeard’s words. “Build a fortress in your mind and will, with all your might, that it not be breached. Peter closed his eyes and saw himself before a massive steel door a hundred feet high. He pushed a button and the door slowly closed. Tremendous bolts latched the door securely and there was silence.

  The pain stopped and Peter sucked in a breath. Bruda scowled at this and kicked him in the face. Blood came spurting out of Peter’s mouth but he managed to grab Bruda’s foot and knock him to the ground. Peter pounced on him and began smashing in his face with his fist. Suddenly a chair flew across the room and struck Peter on the back of his head. He recoiled and grabbed his head allowing Bruda to squirm out from underneath him.

  The two men scampered to their feet and faced each other eye to eye. Peter winced as he felt Bruda’s mind attack his. He grabbed his head feeling like it was going to explode. He focused on his wall. In his mind’s eye he added layer upon layer of steel and heavy lead. It had to hold! His wall had to hold! He couldn’t let Bruda break into his mind no matter what.

  Finally the attack let up and furniture began flying at Peter again. He ducked, barely escaping the wrath of the heavy table. Then he thought of Luci being paraded through the streets in front of an angry crowd. He had to find out where they were really holding her and any other information Bruda might have that would be valuable to the Loyalist cause. Peter peered into Bruda’s green eyes and focused on the information he needed. He thought of the Nanomites and the Mutants who Videl had enslaved. He thought of the rhutz and his Loyalist comrades who were sworn to uphold the Supreme Mandate. He thought about Earth and how he must protect his own world at all costs, and about Luci, the woman he loved.

  Bruda’s face contorted in pain. He began to scream in agony as he fought to maintain his defenses. Peter kept his focus but couldn’t quite penetrate Bruda’s mind. Then Peter felt a boost of energy that let him plunge deep into Bruda’s sub-consciousness. It was Rhin. She had made a connection and was infusing power into Peter’s mind. Bruda jerked and twitched and then collapsed. Immediately images began to flash before Peter’s eyes. All the information he’d wanted, and much more, came into his consciousness like they were from his own memory.

  The door finally crashed open and soldiers rushed in, followed by Lorin and General Zitor. Lorin went over to Peter and knelt down.

  “Peter, you’re alive!”


  She inspected his battered face and shook her head. “Oh, God. When they said you’d gone in alone with Bruda I thought we’d lost you too.”

  “I’m okay, I think.”

  She glanced at the lifeless body of Rupra Bruda sprawled out on the floor. “Did you kill him?”

  Peter shrugged and wiped away the blood trickling down his chin. “I don’t know, but I did find confirm that Luci is being held at the Chancellor’s Mansion and all that Bruda knew about Videl and the TGA’s war strategy.”

  A smile came across Lorin’s face. “That’s great news. I can’t believe this,” Lorin sighed, a look of wonder on her face. “I never thought I’d say this, Peter, but it’s true.”

  “What’s true?”

  “The Prophecy. The Prophecy is true after all! You are the Liberator! There is no doubt about it. May Sandee be my witness, Leek Lanzia, you are the Liberator!”

  Tears began to well in Peter’s eyes. He knew she was right. He could no longer deny it. He was the Liberator and he would fulfill the Prophecy or die trying.

  General Zitor put his hand on Peter’s shoulder. “Peter, the delegates are panicked after the death of Chancellor Garcia. The TGA is attacking us everywhere and we have no one to lead us. You must speak to them, give them hope, and keep them focused on the struggle ahead.”

  Peter looked at General Zitor and then at Lorin. He smiled. “Of course. Are they in session now?”

  “Yes,” General Zitor replied. “You should go there now.”

  Peter got Rhin and they all went directly to the auditorium where the delegates were debating how to replace Chancellor Garcia. Lorin went to the stage and whispered to the moderator. He nodded and then announced. “I’ve got good news. Captain Lanzia has managed to extract important information from Rupra Bruda. Information that will help us immeasurably in our effort to defeat Videl Lai.”

  The crowd erupted in excited applause. Peter smiled at them.

  “Captain Lanzia is about to leave for Tributon to lead the Mutant forces in the battle to repel the TGA forces on our southern front. Before he leaves, he’d like to address all of you and the people of Tarizon.”

  The delegates came to their feet and gave Peter a rousing ovation. He walked to the podium, thanked them, and waited for quiet. When the applause finally died down he began, “When I came here from Earth I was ignorant of your plight here on Tarizon and resentful that I’d been torn away from my family and friends on Earth. It didn’t occur to me that God might have plans for me other than living a quiet life on Earth. I apologize for how long it has taken me to realize this.

  “Chancellor Garcia and his daughter Lorin took me in and were very patient in preparing me for my role here on Tarizon. It was hard for me to accept that I could have such a noble destiny and for too long I resisted it. But now I know what I must do. I have made contact with Allo of the Nanomites, Threebeard of the Mutants, the three Seafolken generals, Talhk,
Rusht, and Quirken, and, of course, Rhin of the rhutz. All of these great leaders of Tarizon have pledged their support for our Loyalist cause.”

  The delegates jumped to their feet and screamed their approval. Peter smiled and looked over at Lorin, Jake, and General Zitor. Then Rhin began to howl which delighted the delegates even more. When the auditorium quieted, Peter continued.

  “As you know we are under attack on all fronts, but this is not unexpected. What else could the TGA do to save face after we crushed them at Lortec!”

  The crowd was up again screaming and yelling. They began to chant Leek . . . Leek . . . Leek. Peter raised his hand and the chanting stopped.

  “It’s time to summon our armies and lead them to victory. Our cause is a righteous one. God and Sandee will stand beside us because we fight for freedom and the abolition of slavery on Tarizon. We must defend and preserve the Supreme Mandate, for it will be our guiding light in the dark days ahead.”

  Again the crowd was on its feet screaming, but Peter didn’t stop this time. As he continued the crowd grew quiet. “Videl! Are you listening? We will not allow murder and genocide on Tarizon. We will not allow you to suspend our right to gather, to vote, to travel, to speak freely, to have a fair trial and to live our individual lives as we see fit!”

  There was a roar of approval from crowd and they began to chant Leek . . . Leek . . . Leek. Peter motioned for Lorin to join him on the podium. When she reached him he took her hand and looked her in the eyes. “Lorin, I’m so sorry about your father. He was a great man and we will all miss him terribly. I wish he were here today to lead us to victory, but I’m thankful, at least that we have you, for you have much of your father’s wisdom and cunning.”

  The delegates erupted in cheers and applause. Lorin bowed slightly.

  “Your father’s murder was an outrage and I swear to you and Sandee that I will avenge his death! No matter what the future holds for us, I promise I will one day crush Videl Lai and spit on his corpse!”

  Tears flowed down Lorin’s cheeks, so Peter pulled her to him and they embraced. The crowd went wild.

  As General Zitor had hoped, Peter’s speech did raise the spirits of all the Loyalists forces around the globe and gave them the courage to continue the war against Videl Lai despite his vastly superior forces. Peter had promised them victory because their cause was righteous and just and because he was sure God and Sandee stood beside them. But the General knew that good didn’t always prevail over evil and the future of Tarizon depended on Peter’s ability to fulfill the Prophecy.

  Other Books About Tarizon

  The Tarizon Saga

  Unification (2014)

  Shroud of Doom (2013)

  Desert Swarm (2013)

  Cactus Island (2006)

  Act Normal (2007)

  The Tarizon Trilogy

  The Liberator (2008)

  Civil War (2009)

  Conquest Earth (2010)

  Other Books by William Manchee

  The Stan Turner Mysteries (10 volumes)

  The Rich Coleman Novels (3 volumes)

  Go Broke, Die Rich (Non-fiction)


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