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Epicenter 2.0

Page 45

by Joel C. Rosenberg

  Help care for the homeless, finance soup kitchens, and care for Sudanese refugees in Israel.

  Help provide backpacks and new school supplies for needy children in Israel.

  Help provide backpacks and new school supplies for needy children in the West Bank, Gaza, Iraq, and other epicenter nations.

  Help provide blankets and heaters for the elderly in Israel during the cold winter months, since many do not have—or cannot afford—central heating, and help provide fans during the summer months, since many do not have—or cannot afford—central air conditioning.

  Help finance the purchase of vans for Israeli organizations that distribute humanitarian aid so they can get supplies to the people who need them most in a more efficient manner. The Joshua Fund is involved in all these areas of relief work—caring for Holocaust victims, the homeless, refugees, and others—and we would be honored to get you involved in funding critically important projects such as these.

  Track daily news coverage of Israel and the epicenter through the Jerusalem Post,, and

  Track the latest statements and interviews by radical Islamic fanatics—translated into English—at the Web site of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

  Track the latest developments in the Middle East through the “Daily Alert” e-mails published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Go to for more details.

  Become a faithful prayer partner for Israel and her neighbors. The Joshua Fund is looking for 100,000 partners to sign up for free “Flash Traffic” e-mail alerts that include analysis and commentary on events and trends in Israel and the epicenter, Joshua Fund project updates, and prayer requests. More than 52,000 people from all over the world have joined already.

  Take your family on a tour of Israel.

  Join us on a future Joshua Fund “Prayer & Vision Trip” to Israel.

  Take Hebrew classes for the summer at your local Jewish community center.

  Make friends with a local rabbi, find ways to bless his synagogue, and discuss ways to bless Israel together.

  Learn more about the Israeli economy and business opportunities through the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce.

  Consider investing in Israeli companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange with the help of knowlegeable, qualified financial advisors.

  Consider investing in Israeli high-tech companies listed on NASDAQ with the help of knowledgeable, qualified financial advisors.

  Carve out 30 minutes a day to study the Bible, focusing on God’s love and plan for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel.

  Carve out 15 minutes a day to pray for peace in Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6).

  24. Learn more about efforts by Israeli and international politicians to divide Jerusalem—and why this would be such a disaster— by visiting the Web site of Natan Sharansky’s organization,

  Sign the One Jerusalem petition to keep Jerusalem the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish state.

  Pray daily for peace on Israel’s southern border with Gaza.

  Pray daily for peace on Israel’s northern borders with Lebanon and Syria.

  Pray daily for regime change to come soon in Iran, bringing a moderate, pro-Western, democratic government that will abandon President Ahmadinejad’s nuclear ambitions and live at peace with Israel and her neighbors.

  Pray daily for wisdom for Israeli, American, and NATO leaders to know how to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

  Pray for the Lord to raise up leaders like “the men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (I Chronicles 12:32, NIV).

  Pray that a truly just, fair, and compassionate peace treaty could be forged soon between Israel and Lebanon.

  Pray that a truly just, fair, and compassionate peace treaty could be forged soon between Israel and Syria.

  Pray for new leaders to emerge in the West Bank and Gaza who truly oppose violence against Israel, have the courage and ability to hunt down and imprison Palestinian terrorists, are dedicated to preventing Iran and al-Qaeda from seizing effective control of these disputed territories, and will work tirelessly to stop the incitement of children against the Jewish people in the Palestinian schools and refugee camps.

  Pray that a truly just, fair and compassionate peace treaty could be forged soon between Israel and the Palestinians, one that would give the Palestinians true autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza to run their own lives, lead their own government, and have full human rights, civil rights, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press, without threatening Israel.

  Pray that U.S., European, and UN leaders would stop pressuring Israel to make unwise concessions in the peace process.

  Pray that the UN would start fully enforcing the Security Resolutions that ended the Second Lebanon War in 2006, notably by disarming Hezbollah and other militias in the region.

  Pray that followers of Jesus in the land of Israel would draw even closer to the Lord who loves them and gave himself for them, have courage to love their neighbors and their enemies, be a light in the land, be a true blessing to all those in Israel, and “preach good news to the poor” as instructed by the Hebrew prophet Isaiah (in chapter 61) and exemplified by Jesus in the Gospels.

  Pray that the followers of Jesus in the West Bank and Gaza would also draw close to the Lord who loves them, have courage in the face of opposition, be able to love their neighbors and their enemies, be a light in the land, and be willing and able to preach the Good News to all who would listen.

  Pray for all the people of the epicenter to find true hope, peace, forgiveness, and reconciliation through faith in Jesus the Messiah, and pray that Jewish and Arab followers of Jesus in the Holy Land would be wonderful models of true reconciliation, would become dear friends with each other and worship the Lord and pray together in the unity the Scriptures command.

  Pray for evangelical Christians around the world to LEARN more about God’s plan and purpose for the people of the epicenter.

  Pray for evangelical Christians around the world to PRAY knowledgeably and consistently for the people of Israel and the epicenter.

  Pray for evangelical Christians around the world to GIVE generously and cheerfully to organizations that bless Israel.

  Pray for evangelical Christians around the world to GO visit Israel and bring many with them, both as tourists and as prayer allies for the Jewish and Palestinian people of the region.

  Visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC.

  Learn about Jewish holidays such as Passover, Purim, and Hanukkah and celebrate them with friends and family.

  Read A History of the Jews by renowned historian Paul Johnson.

  Teach a Bible study or Sunday School class about the history of the Jewish people, including Scriptures such as Genesis 12:1-3, in which God says He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.

  Read From Beirut to Jerusalem by New York Times correspondent and columnist Thomas L. Friedman, one of my all-time favorite books about the Arab-Israeli conflict.

  Learn more about how important evangelical Christians were to the establishment and development of the modern State of Israel by reading Standing With Israel: Why Christians Support the Jewish State by David Brog.

  Read Two Nations Under God: Why Should America Care About Israel and the Middle East, an excellent primer written by my friend Tom Doyle.

  Learn more about God’s plan and purpose for Israel and her neighbors, and how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled even as we speak, by reading Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future.

  Host a book club discussion about Israel—or host a small group Bible study in your home about the future of the Jewish state—using the Epicenter Study Guide.

  Consider showing the Epicenter documentary film on DVD at your church or to your book club, home fellowship group, or small group Bible study.

  Organize and run a Joshua Fund event at
your church, school, synagogue, or club to raise funds to bless the poor and needy in Israel and Israeli victims of war and terrorism. All kinds of events are possible, including banquets, car washes, bake sales, golf tournaments, silent auctions, Bible memorization contests, and candy sales, just to name a few.

  Ask your pastor to host a day of prayer for Israel at your church once a year.

  Call into a local talk radio show and defend Israel and the Jewish people when you hear anti-Israel or anti-Semitic comments.

  Attend a future Epicenter Conference and track with the latest developments in Israel and the Middle East.

  Invite speakers to your churches and conferences to talk about how to bless Israel and her neighbors and to share what God is doing in the Middle East today.

  Contact the Joshua Fund, request a copy of the new Operation Epicenter DVD, and watch it with family and friends—even show it to your small group Bible study, home fellowship group, or your entire congregation.

  Sign up to make a monthly contribution of $25, $50, or $100 to the Joshua Fund to support these and other Operation Epicenter relief projects on a regular basis. The Joshua Fund is an official 501(c)3 nonprofit organization under the codes of the Internal Revenue Service and all U.S. donations are tax-deductible. You can make secure donations online at, or send your check payable to “The Joshua Fund” to:

  The Joshua Fund

  18950 Base Camp Road

  Monument, Colorado 80132-8009





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