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Page 33

by Matthew Kennedy

Chapter 33

  Aria: “With a new verse the ancient rhyme”

  The door to the holding cell was ajar when she got there. Had he gotten out without her help? She stopped and listened but heard nothing. Maybe he didn't know the door was open? Frowning, she pushed into the room and regarded the cells' occupants.

  They didn't seem very worried. Shouldn't they be? The big one with red hair was actually grinning at her. “Why are you so happy?” she asked him.

  He pushed the door to his cell open. “Because you've solved the problem of how we're getting past the guards.”

  She gasped and jumped back, but bumped into someone behind her. Someone who grabbed her arms and held them.

  “Dear me,” a familiar voice smiled into her ear. “You appear to have volunteered to join my rescue. How generous of you.”

  “Ludlow! What are you doing here? Let go of me at once!”

  “My dear, as usual, you have no idea what is going on.” He whipped a knife around to her throat and pushed her out the door.

  Xander and Lester were heading toward her. With a sinking feeling, she realized that the apprentice must have made it out without her help and was looking for her to report what he had heard. If I had only waited, the Texans would have had no hostage.

  “Stay back!” Ludlow warned.

  “That's him! That's who I heard,” Lester said to Xander.

  The wizard held out a hand to stop him from talking. “I see it all now,” he said. “Tell me, Ludlow, how long have you been spying for the Honcho?”

  “Long enough, old man. You really should have kept me on as your apprentice. But that's not important now.” Ludlow moved aside as the rest of the prisoners filed out of the room behind him. “What is important is that you understand the situation. These men know if they don't escape they're likely to be executed. I'd expect the same for helping them. And we all know that the only thing preventing their recapture is the fact that Miss D'Arcy is still alive.”

  “You always were long-winded.”

  “They wish to escape, and Miss D'Arcy wishes to go on living. It is my hope that you share her concern. In order for everyone to get through the next few minutes, you are going to precede us down the stairs, staying in sight, and tell the guards to let us reach the ground floor, where we will be given horses and allowed to leave without any awkward heroics.”

  “And then what?”

  “We'll release her when we are far enough away. Best I can do.”

  Xander nodded. “I understand,” he said. “But know this: if Aria come to the slightest harm, as a result of this betrayal of yours, I will find you and kill you.”

  “Oh really? Don't waste your breath, old man. We're going to Texas, where you aren't welcome.”

  Xander laughed. “And you think you are? The Church likes to think up new ways of killing wizards. Even a failed sorcerer like you would make them salivate.”

  Ludlow shook his head. “Trying to make me angry enough to forget myself and make a mistake? It won't happen. As for 'failed', I appear to be succeeding at the moment. And as for the Church, I expect the Honcho's gratitude will be all the protection I need.”

  Aria struggled for words. “I'm so sorry,” she told Xander. As she did this, she saw Lester freeze next to him.

  “You!” he managed.

  The red-haired Texan with the scar glanced at him. “You got some problem, kid?”

  “Not anymore,” Lester told him. “It's good to see you again.”

  There was murder in his eyes. Did anyone else see it? Up to now he had seemed to be just a boy learning to be a wizard. But when she saw his expression, Aria revised her opinion. There must be a bit more to him.

  The redhead moved up next to her. From the side, she could see he was mildly puzzled, but not that interested in whatever was bothering the apprentice. “You gents best get a move on, before Mr. Ludlow gets nervous with that knife,” he advised.

  Xander's face closed like a book. “Follow me.”

  When they entered the stairwell, she saw Lester fade away in front of her.

  “I thought of that, too,” Ludlow called. “We're not following unless I can see both of you. And if you try an ambush, bad things will happen.”

  Lester reappeared. “It was worth a try,” he muttered.

  “Not now,” said Xander. “He'll make a mistake soon enough.”

  “If he does,” Lester replied, “It'll be his last.”

  “Oh dear,” said Ludlow. “You do realize we can hear you, don't you? Considering our hostage, I think you are getting off lightly. All we're asking for is an escape. I could have ordered you to stand still while Red here beat you senseless, boy. Don't tempt me.”

  “Don't make me laugh,” she said. “He wouldn't do it.”

  Lester stopped on the stairs and turned to look at her. “For you, I would,” he said. “Besides, it would only make it easier for me to kill him later.”

  “Ain't that sweet?” said the red-haired man with the scar over his left eye. “Shut up and get your ass down those stairs.”

  Mother will be soon wondering what's taking me so long, she thought. But she's way up above us. She began to slow down as if she were tired.

  “Miss Aria,” said Ludlow in her ear, “if you don't stop dawdling I'll let Red carry you down. He'd like that.”

  “He'd have trouble carrying me and the knife at the same time,” she said. But she stopped slowing down.

  Presently they reached the ground floor. It smelled of horses. “We'll need seven mounts and a several pieces of rope,” Ludlow announced. Two guards turned at the sound of his voice and gaped at the party of prisoners emerging from the stairwell.

  Xander put his hand out and stopped the nearer one from raising his crossbow. “Don't do it. He has Aria.”

  Ludlow smiled. “Yes, listen to your wizard, boys, he's giving you good advice. Come to think of it, we'll take your crossbows, while we're at it.”

  The guard looked to Xander. He sighed and nodded and they handed two crossbows over.

  As the others climbed onto horses, Ludlow addressed Xander and Lester. “I imagine you are planning to follow us,” he said. “I wouldn't if I were you, but then again I don't expect you'll be swayed by my opinions at this point.”

  “Good to see you're not entirely out of your mind,” said Xander.

  Ludlow smiled. “I don't want to seem ungrateful, but we can't have you following us, so...” He turned to the red-haired man. “Shoot them both,” he said.

  Chapter 34

  Jeffrey: “Knowledge of motion, but not of stillness”


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