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Rescuing Katherine (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Anna Blakely

  “Christ, you’re wet.” He began pumping in and out. “Soaked for me, aren’t you, Doc?” His eyes met hers.

  “Y-yes,” Kat nodded. She closed her eyes, her hand blindly reaching to the side, slipping against the slick, shower door as she grappled for something to hold on to.

  “Hold onto my head.”

  The order had her peeling her eyes back open. “What?”

  Rather than answer, Matt used his free hand to move one of hers to the top of his head. “Hold on.”

  Next, he reached behind one of her knees and lifted her leg up and over his shoulder. The movement would’ve thrown her off balance had she not been holding on to his head as instructed. With her legs spread wider, the position left her pussy wide open and on display. From the sounds he was making, it was exactly how Matt wanted it.

  “Fuck, yeah.” He added a second finger, sliding his digits in and out with more speed and force than before.

  The rough, incredible movements brought Kat to a different ledge. One she couldn’t wait to fall off of.

  “Please, Matt.”

  He stared up at her. “You begging me, Doc?”

  She nodded. Hell yes, she was begging.

  “Good.” He pumped harder. Faster.

  Kat hollered for God as he brought his lips to her clit. Matt flicked the distended nub as he continued moving his hand to the beat of the rough, torturous rhythm he’d created. Soon, her body was shaking with need, his delicious torture bringing her precariously close to the release only he could give.

  Kat opened her mouth to announce that she was about to come when suddenly, he tore his mouth away. His movements slowed, the change in pace ebbing the glorious pressure his fingers had been working so hard to build.


  Her eyes shot open, the smugness staring back up at her telling. He’d done it on purpose. Was punishing her. For which sin, she wasn’t sure. Didn’t care. Kat only knew what she needed, and in that moment, more than anything, she needed him to finish the job.

  Two can play at this game.

  In a surprise move, she slid her leg from his shoulder and knelt down in front of him. Taking his face between her hands, Kat took control and brought her mouth to his. With his fingers still inside her, Matt began pumping them in and out of her velvet heat once more. She would’ve smiled in triumph had the sensation not been so overwhelmingly good.

  Thrusting his tongue between her lips, he started moving it against hers in the same rhythm as his hand, but before she could find what she so desperately wanted, Kat felt him yank his fingers free and start to stand.

  “No!” she protested aloud. “W-what are y-you—”

  Not giving her the chance to finish the thought, Matt wrapped his strong hands around her shoulders and pulled her back to her feet. Sliding those same hands around the back of her thighs, he positioned them under the heart-shaped curve of her bare cheeks.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck.”

  Willing to do whatever this man wanted, Kat did just that. A half-second later, she felt herself being lifted into the air, her legs instinctively clutching themselves around his narrow waist to keep from falling.

  Spinning them around, Matt practically slammed her back against the shower wall. The blunt tip of his hot, seeping penis pressed eagerly against her swollen and inviting entrance as Matt began to shove himself inside. He stopped.


  Her heart dropped. Fearful of what he was about to say, Kat swallowed her pride and asked, “What?”


  Kat shook her head. “I haven’t been with anyone since—”

  “I don’t fuck without a condom.”


  Of course, he’d been with other women. Probably several. She couldn’t fault him for that, but still. Irrationally the thought broke her heart in two.

  Doing her best to not picture Matt fucking anyone else, Kat lowered her legs and straightened her shoulders. Since she had never even bought a condom before, she began to slide between him and the wall, toward the shower door.

  “It’s fine. We probably shouldn’t—”

  A hand snaked out and grabbed her wrist. “Didn’t say I don’t have one.”

  “Oh.” Kat licked some warm water from her upper lip. “O-okay.” Not bothering to ask why he’d brought a condom with him, she stood still, waiting for him to take the lead.

  “They’re in my bag.”

  Not bothering to dry off, Matt lifted Kat back into his arms. A tiny squealing sound formed in the back of her throat but was cut off when his tongue filled her mouth once more. Carrying her into the living room, he somehow managed to reach for his bag with one hand while keeping her in place with the other.

  The move was far more impressive than it should’ve been, but damn. The man was seriously built. Carrying both her and the bag over to the couch, he plopped it down onto the coffee table, unzipped it with one hand, and pulled out a brand-new box of condoms.

  Glancing back at him questioningly, he quickly blew it off with, “Always keep them in my go-bag. Multiple uses in the field.”

  “Oh,” was all she could come up with.

  Using his teeth, he ripped open the box before reaching inside for the string of connected foil packets. Matt then held onto her body with his arms and used both hands behind her back to break apart the top packet. Leaving the extras with the box, Matt took them both to the couch where he turned around and sat down, the position leaving Kat straddling his taut lap.

  Apparently done with the foreplay, he ripped open the packet and reached between their bodies to sheath his mouthwatering cock. Damn, she wished she’d been the one to do that.

  Next time.

  No. There wouldn’t be a next time. This was it for them. He knew it. She knew it. And it was what she’d agreed to, so there was no point in pretending otherwise.

  Take what you can, while you can.

  With that thought in mind, Kat waited until he was fully protected before lifting herself up on her knees and lining her drenched opening to his hot, angry tip once more. She started to lower herself onto him, but Matt’s hands squeezed her hips to stop her.

  “I meant what I said, Katherine. You need to be sure.”

  This doesn’t change anything.

  His words rang clearly through her mind as she looked him square in the eye and said, “I’m sure.”

  A single nod was the only response he gave before she impaled herself with his body. Two deep, loud moans filled the cabin’s still air as they worked together to become one for the first time in a decade.

  Being connected to this man—like this—was a feeling unlike any she’d ever known.

  A pleasurable pain burned as his adult body stretched her neglected entrance. After a few tries, Matt finally became fully seated, igniting another unified moan.

  It was familiar, yet different. So much better, yet insurmountably worse. Kat chose to focus on the better.

  “Holy shit, you’re tight.” His eyes filled with confusion.

  Unwilling to let anything ruin the moment, Kat leaned down and began kissing his unspoken question away. Moving her hips forward and back, it didn’t take long for him to forget what she knew he was probably wondering, and soon, they were both able to find a compatible rhythm.

  Matt’s pelvis lifted upward, pushing his steel shaft as deep and far as it would physically go. Gasping, Kat tore her lips from his. Panting hard, her strong breaths blew forcefully against the dark, damp hair caressing his tanned forehead.

  Matt grunted and groaned as he pumped himself in and out of her slick channel, the primal sounds letting her know he felt the same, indescribable pleasure she had. Soon, they both began to move faster. Harder.

  With her hands on either side of Matt’s head, Kat gripped the back of the couch for leverage. Moving to the beat of a magnificent drum, she raised up and down at a quickened pace. The course hair on his thighs rubbed against her smooth skin as their bodies slapped loudly

  Just like in the shower, her body began to quiver with an impending explosion. One she couldn’t wait to get lost in.

  Sensing her orgasm was near, Matt brought his mouth to her neck, biting down with enough force to bring her even closer to what her body craved. Kat cried out, her head tilting to the side for better access, and the next time his teeth sank against her pulse point, she could feel his hand sliding to the place where their bodies were joined.

  Moving his fingers in small, tight circles, Matt pressed against her engorged clit. At the same time, he continued to pump himself harder and harder, his hips thrusting against her with such force his entire lower body lifted from the soft couch cushion as he went.

  “Oh God, Matt.” Kat breathed hard. “I’m so close.”

  “Come on, baby.” He pushed his cock into her again. “Let…go.”

  “Oh, God!”

  “That’s it.” Matt moved his fingertips faster. Fucked her even harder. “Do it. Now!”


  Kat threw her head back, a low keening sound filling the entire cabin as her climax hit with a vengeance. Her inner muscles clenched down onto Matt’s cock, the force of her orgasm sending him straight into his own.

  A rush of burning liquid coated his protected shaft as Matt’s entire body tensed beneath her. A loud, primal grunt roared from his chest as he pumped a few more, uneven thrusts. When he’d filled the condom with the last drop of his hot seed, they both remained still a few minutes longer.

  Their chests rose and fell in tandem. Breaths escaped in hard, rough pants. And Kat felt more satisfied than she had in years.

  Physically and emotionally spent, she let her eyes fall shut. Her heart—or what was left of it—broke with the formation of her last conscious thought.

  To Kat, what she and Matt had shared was something she’d cherish for the rest of her days. But to him, it hadn’t meant a damn thing.

  Chapter 7

  Being as quiet as he could, Matt gathered Kat’s sopping wet clothes, ringing them out over the shower’s drain. Careful not to let them drip on the floor, he took them to the closet located on the wall behind the couch where Kole had installed a small, stackable washer/dryer set.

  Grabbing a detergent pod from the half-empty container on the shelf above, he started the load so they’d be clean and dry when she woke up.

  Once that was taken care of, he went back into the bathroom for the forgotten folder. Before he left the room again, he couldn’t help but to glance at her gorgeous, sleeping form.

  When he’d realized Kat had fallen asleep while still on top of him, with him still inside her, he’d promptly carried her to bed and gotten dressed.

  His dick twitched at the thought, no doubt ready for round two. Unfortunately, that was never going to happen.

  Silently shutting the door behind him, Matt tossed the folder onto the couch as he passed by and went into the kitchen.

  Once there, he began searching for something, anything, he could use to wash down the massive amount of guilt he was having a damn hard time swallowing. Of course, being on the job, he knew anything stronger than soda was out of the question.

  He slammed the refrigerator door closed before wincing from fear he’d woken Kat up. Matt needed her to sleep as long as she possibly could.

  If she was sleeping, he wouldn’t have to own up to the colossal fuck-up he’d made. He wouldn’t have to look into those enchanting eyes and remember the soft warmth with which her body had taken him in.

  Instead of acting like the strong, disciplined operative he’d worked so hard to become, he’d been weak. Had let his physical wants override the logical side of his brain.

  One minute they were arguing, and the next he was pulling her into the shower with him, rather than slamming the door shut and sending her away.

  He wasn’t even sure what had happened.

  You took what you wanted. And you loved every second of it.

  Matt wanted to argue with the annoying voice in the back of his head, but he couldn’t. Did he regret sleeping with her, knowing he’d be walking away once this was over? Sure. Did he regret not having the strength to fight off the irrational desire for the one woman who’d held the power to break him all those years ago? Absolutely.

  But another part—a deeper, hidden part—wanted nothing more than to walk back into that bedroom, crawl under those covers, and make love to her all over again.

  No, that wasn’t right. They hadn’t made love. They’d had sex. The kind he’d dreamed of having with her.

  When they were younger, their intimate moments were slow and magical. He’d taken his time. Had been loving and gentle.

  The way they’d been with each other just now was far and away from that. It was raw and passionate. All-consuming on a level he’d never reached with anyone else.

  Despite the fact that Matt knew it was wrong—for a billion and one reasons—sliding into Kat’s wet inferno had felt like coming home.

  He couldn’t count the number of women he’d bedded, but what he and Kat had just shared was…different.

  For the first time in years, he felt at peace. With his mouth on hers, their bodies locked together as tightly as possible and his arms around her slender form, it was almost as if he was right where he belonged.

  I am so fucked.

  Or, maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he was making more of this than was needed. He was assuming she’d want to pursue something more with him now that they’d slept together, but maybe she wouldn’t.

  After all, he’d been brutally honest about where he stood. Had told her point-blank sex between them didn’t change anything. And in that moment, he’d believed that with every fiber of his hormonal-driven being.

  Standing here now, however, with his body still humming from the most intense orgasm ever, Matt knew precisely how full of shit he’d actually been.

  Gulping down the remaining drops of his soda, he threw the can in the trash and started for the couch. Plopping down on one of the dry cushions, he glanced over at that damn folder.

  There’s nothing in here you need to know.

  Even if she wasn’t involved in whatever was going on inside her lab, Kat had been pretty damn adamant he not find out what Derek had found.

  If he was being honest, Matt didn’t really want to know.

  His phone began to ring, momentarily taking the decision out of his hands. Hurrying over to the table where he’d left it, Matt saw it was Derek and answered as quickly and quietly as he could.

  “Hey, D,” he spoke with a hushed voice. “What’s up?”

  “Hey, Matt. I know I haven’t given you much time, but did you happen to go through those files yet?”

  Sorry. I was too busy having sex with the bane of my existence.

  Matt cleared his throat. “Not yet. Why, what’s up?”

  “My computer sent me a notification. Pulled over to the side of the highway to check it. Turns out we got a hit on one of the lab employees.”

  Holding his breath, Matt asked, “Which one?”

  “Todd Kennedy.”

  Matt’s profound relief flipped open a valve, releasing the air from his lungs. “What did you find?”

  “A money market account was recently opened in his name. His wife is listed as the beneficiary. Two large, electronic deposits were made into the account within the last few weeks. The most recent was dated the day before the explosion.”

  “So we were right. Kennedy was in bed with someone wanting that formula. Why didn’t he just give it to whoever was paying him off and be done?”

  “That may be a question for your girl.”

  “She’s not my girl,” Matt growled.

  “Right. My bad.” There was a pause before Derek said, “Anyway, I’m runnin’ a program to trace the originating account. In the meantime, his basic financials came back with what could have been his motive for getting involved in all this in the first place.”

  “What’s that?”

“Six months ago, Kennedy’s wife was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. From what I’ve found, it’s a very aggressive kind. Treatments have been eating into all of their savings, and they were about two months away from foreclosure when the first large deposit hit.”

  Damn. “The guy was trying to get extra money to help with his wife’s medical bills.”

  “Looks that way.”

  “What about his investment accounts? Could the money have come from any of those?”

  “Nah. They weren’t doing very well, and even if they were, none showed any signs of withdrawal activity.”

  So they had the answer to whether or not Todd was involved, but that was only one piece of the puzzle. They needed to know who’d paid him to steal the formula.

  Matt felt bad for Todd’s situation with his wife, but it didn’t excuse what he’d done. He glanced at the bedroom door and thought of the woman currently sleeping behind it.

  Asshole could’ve killed her.

  “It was a shitty thing to do, for sure,” Derek spoke as if he could read Matt’s thoughts. “I gotta say, though. Part of me gets it.”

  “The guy killed himself and two of his co-workers,” Matt bit out. “Damn near killed Kat.”

  “I’m not sayin’ I condone what Kennedy did.”

  “Then what are you saying, D?”

  “That there’s not much I wouldn’t do to help Charlie if she needed it. I know that may be hard for a guy like you to understand, but—”

  The fuck? “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Easy, man. I meant no disrespect. Just that, you’re the lone wolf type when it comes to women. You know, no relationships. That sort of thing.”

  Matt scowled. “Doesn’t mean I can’t empathize, for fuck’s sake.”

  “Like I said, my bad.”

  A few seconds of silence passed before Derek spoke again. “Well that’s all I wanted. I’ll keep workin’ on that trace to figure out the source of the payments. In the meantime, let me know if you find anything in those files you want me to dig deeper on.”


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