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Rescuing Katherine (Special Forces: Operation Alpha) (Bravo Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Anna Blakely

  “Yes, well, since Todd killed himself in the process, I think it’s safe to say he learned his lesson.”

  Pressing his luck with a man like this wasn’t smart, but the entire situation was getting out of hand. They needed to figure out what they were going to do about it.

  “Kennedy knew the risks going in,” the other man stated bluntly.

  “I could say the same for you and your boss,” he shot back. “If you want to blame someone, how about the dumbass who texted Katherine instead of Todd in the first place. That’s the real reason we’re dealing with this clusterfuck.” He took a breath. “Do you even have any idea how much money I risk losing if we don’t find her?”

  “Enough!” The guy’s loud voice made him jump. “You’re not the only one who stands to lose if this thing goes sideways. The situation isn’t going to right itself, so how about we quit this back and forth shit and figure out how we’re going to fix it. Starting with how to get access to the woman.”

  He swallowed. “What are you planning to do to her?”

  “Me? Nothing, other than delivering her to my boss. What happens to her once she gives him the formula, however, is anyone’s guess.”

  He thought of Katherine. There was a time he’d genuinely liked her. Thought she was a sweet person and a brilliant scientist. Exactly what he needed, both personally and professionally. But that was before she ruined everything.

  Now he merely saw her as a means to an end. Two ends, really. He’ll profit more than he’d ever dreamed of, and at the same time, she’ll finally be forced to pay for what she’d done. Like killing two birds with one stone.

  Or a lying, conniving bitch who deserves whatever hell she has coming to her.

  “We won’t gain access to her while she’s being protected,” he informed the other man. “I’ve learned a bit about R.I.S.C., the security firm watching over her. Apparently, she’s being guarded by one of their Bravo Team members. Guy named Turner. He’s former-military and very well trained. They all are. If you or your men try to go after her now, it won’t end well for you.”

  The other man waited a beat before responding in a surprising way. “Turner’s guarding Marsh?” He laughed. “This deal just got sweeter.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Do you know him, or something?”

  “Don’t worry about Turner,” the man ignored his question. “I’ll handle him and the rest of Bravo. We need to find a way to bring them out of hiding.”

  This guy’s supposed to be smart? “How the hell do you propose we do that? It’s not like you can send an invitation and she’ll come running.”

  “Actually, I think that’s exactly how this is going to play out.”

  “What are you planning?”

  The frustrating prick answered the question with another question. “Doctor Marsh’s mother died several years ago, and she’s an only child, correct?”

  He shouldn’t have been surprised by the man’s knowledge of Katherine’s family dynamics, but he was. “Yes. That’s correct.”

  “You know her father. Are they close? How is their relationship?”

  “Somewhat strained, but okay, I guess. Why do you ask?”

  “I think I may know a way to bring the good doctor out of hiding.”

  His pulse spiked. “You said no one else was going to get hurt. Only Katherine.”

  “And you promised you had everything under control,” the other man bit out. “Clearly, that’s not the case, so now we do things my way.”


  “Keep this phone nearby. I’ll be in touch.”

  The call was ended, and he was left wondering how things had come to this. He glanced at the picture on his desk, the force behind all his problems staring back at him.

  You did this. Now you have to deal with the consequences.

  Katherine Marsh started this with her lies and deception. If her father got caught in the crosshairs, so be it.

  It was past time the bitch paid for what she’d done.

  Kat glanced at her reflection in the small, bathroom mirror. Subconsciously, she ran a finger over her still-swollen lips. Traced the small patch of stubble-burn on the side of her neck, her sensitive inner muscles clinching from the memory of how it got there.

  She’d woken from her climax-induced nap feeling sore, but in the very best way possible. She’d also woken up alone. Not that she was surprised.

  It wasn’t like Kat actually expected Matt to be sleeping beside her. If they were still younger, sure, but not now. Even so, after what they’d done, it would have been nice.

  She was still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that she’d had sex with Matthew Turner.

  Hard, rough, hot sex.

  In those first, foggy seconds when she’d awoken, Kat had nearly convinced herself it had all been a dream. A fantasy. Then she moved, her body assuring her it was very, very real.

  After a quick shower and change of clothes, she used the blow dryer she found in one of the drawers and threw on a little mascara to help take away from the sleepy look in her eyes.

  Feeling like a nervous teenager, she kept trying to find ways to keep from having to leave the bedroom. She didn’t want to face him or the indifferent look he’d most likely give her.

  Doing her best to stall, Kat decided to make the bed. A bed Matt had carried her to.

  She should probably be embarrassed by the fact that she’d fallen asleep on top of him, but she couldn’t find it in herself to be. Knowing he’d carried her in here and tucked her in, versus tossing her off his lap like a used-up toy, filled her chest with more satisfaction than it should have.

  This doesn’t change anything.

  Those words had stung, but at least he was being honest. Unlike her. She’d lied through her teeth when she told Matt she didn’t want anything more than what he was willing to give.

  So many nights she’d laid awake, wishing for five more minutes with him. Imagined what it would be like to be pulled into his arms for one more hug. To feel his lips pressing against hers as he gave her one more kiss.

  Today, she’d been given all those things and more.

  Since she never thought it possible, Kat wasn’t going to dwell on the fact that it had only been a means of physical release for him. Because for her, it had been a miracle.

  She made her way to the door. With a final, steely breath, Kat turned, straightened her shoulders, and turned the knob.

  The sight of Matt sitting on the couch stopped her in her tracks. His back was to hers, and he was just sitting there, staring at the powerless T.V.

  Swallowing down her desire to go to him, she willed a casual tone into her voice and said, “Hey. Sorry I slept so long. Are you hungry?”

  He didn’t answer. Didn’t even move, actually.

  Okay, so maybe this would be more awkward than you anticipated.

  Ignoring the frustrating voice, Kat put on a smile and started for the kitchen. “Those steaks are still in the refrigerator. I thought I could pan-fry them and bake a couple potatoes. I think I saw a few cans of green beans, too, so if you want, I could—”

  “Don’t do that.”

  The order was gruff and non-negotiable.

  Kat turned back around. Standing in the framed doorway separating the kitchen from the rest of the cabin, she frowned.

  “Don’t make the food?”

  He didn’t answer. Nor, did he look at her. Instead, Matt simply continued to stare out at nothing.

  “Okay. If you’re not hungry, we could—”

  “I said, don’t.” He finally looked at her.

  The daggers shooting back at her left Kat shaken. “Do what?” She took a step closer. “Matt, what’s going on?”

  He gestured toward the coffee table. “You tell me.”

  It was only then that Kat saw it. The pictures and bank statements. The business contract between Brian’s father and hers lying on top of it all.

  Her heart dropped. “I-I…I can explain.”r />
  He chuckled humorlessly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Can you? Because I would love to hear an explanation for this.”

  She glanced back down at the papers, knowing what he must be thinking.

  “Matt…” She had to stop to blink away the tears threatening to form. Swallowing down the large lump in her throat, Kat whispered, “It’s not what it looks like.”

  “Really?” His lip curled. “’Cause from where I’m sitting, it looks like the girl I’d planned to marry…the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with…sold herself out like a high-dollar whore.”

  Kat reared back, bile rising in her throat from the horrible accusation. “What? No!” She shook her head.

  “Stop. Lying!” Matt swiped his arm angrily across the table, the pictures and papers flying in the air before landing on the wooden floor below.

  Her muscles jumped from the deafening outburst. “It wasn’t like that, Matt. I promise.”

  “Then what was it like, Katherine?” He shot up from the couch and faced her. With his hands on his hips, his face turned red with fury. “According to those”—he pointed at the strewn papers—“your father and your husband’s father went into business together right after you and Anderson got married. I bet the ink wasn’t even dry on the marriage license when they signed that fucking contract.”

  Kat opened her mouth to respond, but shame and grief prevented any sound from escaping.

  “What’s the matter? Having trouble coming up with another lie?”

  “I’m not lying!”

  “You married a gay man, Katherine! And don’t bother denying that one, because Derek found the proof.”

  “I’m not denying it.”

  “Well, there’s a first.” Matt spun around, his booted feet crumbling some of the pictures as he began pacing the small room. “I want to know why.” He faced her again. “Why did you do it? No, wait. Let me guess. You and your father came up with this little plan together. Isn’t that right?”

  “No,” she answered adamantly.

  “Bullshit,” Matt snapped before continuing on with his misguided assumptions. “Your father made all his money partnering up with companies that were in financial trouble. From what Derek found, Sloane Anderson was damn near to the point of filing for bankruptcy when you and Brian got married. All of a sudden, your dad swoops in, partners with Anderson Biomeds, and saves the day. Am I close so far?”

  Kat swiped away the tears she was unable to stave off but remained silent.

  Matt’s face twisted in a disgusted smirk. “That’s what I thought. So with the help of your Dad’s business connections, your former father-in-law’s company takes off by securing government contracts like the one for the formula your team was working on. Contracts like those go for millions, right?”

  Kat nodded. “Yes.”

  “I also did a bit more digging over the last hour, and it turns out good ole Sloane wasn’t too keen on the idea of his son being a homosexual.”

  “No,” Kat admitted. “He hated it. Hated Brian because of it.”

  “Right. So you and Daddy Dearest decided to help the Andersons out by helping yourselves in the process. You marry Brian, taking the stigma of having a homosexual son away from Sloane, get him off Brian’s back, and you and your daddy come out on top.”

  Matt shook his head as he paused. Even though Kat knew his train of thought was way off base, she stayed quiet and let him get it all out.

  “Your father profits out the ass from the success of the business—thanks in large part to you jumping on board and becoming the lab’s star scientist—and you secure your financial future by becoming Brian’s sole beneficiary. Not to mention securing your professional success.” Matt shook his head and scoffed. “Now that I say all that shit out loud, I’m thinking maybe the authorities should open up your hubby’s case again. Make sure he didn’t have help with his suicide.”

  Kat saw red. She could handle him throwing the other shit in her face, but this? Past or not, she refused to stand by and let Matt accuse her of hurting Brian.

  With more tears streaming down her heated cheeks, Kat opened her mouth and spilled it all.

  “How dare you?” she yelled loudly. “You have no idea what it was like for Brian. Or me, for that matter.”

  He raised a smug brow and crossed his large arms at his chest. “Why don’t you enlighten me?”

  The fact that he’d tossed back the same words she’d used before they’d had sex angered her even more.


  “You’re right. Brian was gay. He was gay and in love with a man named—”

  “Chad Winthrop. I know.”

  “Good. Did you also know Brian’s dad threatened to disown him if he continued with his ‘shameful’ lifestyle? Or that Sloane told his only son if he didn’t find a woman to marry and carry on the family name, he’d not only remove his name from the will, but also use his contacts to force Brian out of the job he loved. The job he was made to do?”

  Matt stared back at her but said nothing.

  “Brian and I met through a friend during my second year of college. We became close, as friends only. One night over coffee he confided in me about all the horrible things his father was threatening to do. He was a couple years older than me, but he was still just a kid. A kid wanting nothing more than his father’s approval.”

  Kat slapped her chest and continued on. “I knew what that was like because my own father was constantly browbeating me to find a good, wealthy man to marry. The longer Brian and I talked that night, the more we realized we could help each other out.”

  She licked away another tear. God, this was embarrassing. And hard. So much harder than she’d ever thought it would be.

  “Brian and I decided to get married,” she continued. “Not for money or power or any of that. Yes, our fathers went into business together, but that was only because they became friends once Brian and I started our dating charade. Brian was a good man.” Kat’s voice cracked as she wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “He was a wonderful friend. My only one, really. So yes…I agreed to help him out. In turn, he helped me.”

  Still looking like he wanted to throttle her, Matt asked, “Why’d he off himself?”

  Kat cringed at the crass way he’d described Brian’s death. “He tried. He really did, but the longer we went along with the fake marriage, the more unhappy Brian became. I did what I could to help him sneak around to be with Chad, but after a while, it wasn’t enough. The idea of not being himself, to not be with the one and only person he truly loved…it tore him up inside.”

  She wiped at her damp cheeks again before describing the second worst day of her life.

  “I came home from the lab early one afternoon. I wasn’t feeling well, and nothing seemed to be going right, so I decided to go home and rest. Recharge so I could start fresh the following day.”

  Kat closed her eyes, sending a new trail of tears down over her skin. She could still see the heart wrenching scene as clearly as if it had just happened.

  “I knew something was wrong the minute I stepped inside. The door had been left unlocked, and Brian’s keys were on the kitchen counter.” She looked back at Matt. “He loved his job almost as much as he loved Chad. He never missed a day.”

  Kat drew in a deep breath before continuing. “I called out for him, worried that maybe he had the same bug I did, but he didn’t answer. I searched the house, my concern growing with each empty room I entered. I found him in the bathroom.” “He’d shot himself in the shower.” She released a watery laugh. “I know it was to make the…clean-up…easier for me.”

  The anger behind Matt’s eyes began to ease. Still, he remained silent.

  “What you said before was true. I was Brian’s sole beneficiary. But if you or Derek had bothered to look more closely at my financials, you would’ve seen I used that money to set up several investment accounts. All in Chad Winthrop’s name. That’s who Brian loved. That’s who deserved to get his
money. Not me.”

  Matt blinked, visibly taken aback by what she’d shared. “I didn’t realize.”

  “No.” Kat shook her head. “You didn’t. Because you didn’t bother to ask. You simply assumed and made accusations.”

  Defensive, he gave her a look. “Come on, Katherine. How the hell did you expect me to react? The entire time we were together, your father hounded you to find someone better. Someone wealthier. The bastard even tried paying me off once.”

  Her mouth dropped, but she was too shocked to say anything.

  “Didn’t know about that, did you?”

  She lifted her chin. “Guess I’m not the only one keeping secrets.”

  “Are you kidding?” His face turned red again. “Not the same thing, Katherine. Not even close. I didn’t tell you what your father did because I knew it would hurt you. I refused his fucking offer because the love I felt for you was worth way the hell more than your father or anyone else could ever afford.”

  “I know my dad has done some terrible things. Trust me.”

  “That’s the thing, Kat. I can’t trust you.”

  Those crushing words penetrated her soul. “Yes, you can.”

  “No. I can’t.” He took a step toward her. “You’ve proved that over and over again. Starting with lying about your feelings for me.”

  “I never lied about that, Matt. I loved you. I still lo—”

  “Don’t.” He threw a hand up, his teeth grinding together. “Do not go there.”

  “But it’s true.”

  “Goddamnit, Katherine!” he bellowed. “We’re not fucking kids anymore! And I’m not that stupid, naïve boy you fooled into thinking we had something special. That we had a future together.”

  “We did!” She willed him to believe her. “I loved you more than anything in the world. All I ever wanted was a future with you.”

  Instead of taking her at her word, Matt’s expression turned cold. Emotionless.

  “If that were true, you wouldn’t have broken us apart. You would have stayed with me. Married me instead of participating in some twisted façade with your boss’s gay son.” Matt took a few more steps in her direction. “I may not have had a lot, but everything I had in here”—he pointed to his chest—“was yours. I gave it all to you, and you threw it right back in my face.”


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