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My True Love Gave to Me

Page 11

by Dahlia Rose

  “Really? Eden laughed. “I can’t wait to see what you have come up with this time.

  “I am a man with intelligence and creativity.” Jacob maneuvered the car through the exit that would lead them home.

  “And an ego the size of Texas,” she teased.

  In bed that night, they discussed the potential ways to deviate the conversation at the dinner table in case it got frosty between the two. The two people in question would also be placed farther apart on the opposite sides of the table.

  There would be nine of them for dinner the next day and Jacob just hoped a breakup detonation didn’t go off at the table. It was their time together as a family for Christmas, and two best friends who couldn’t make it work shouldn’t put a damper on the holiday that would be etched in their memories forever.

  While Eden slept beside him, Jacob turned to pull the small velvet box from the bedside table. The diamonds sparkled though the dim room, and his smile was broad as he put it back in its hiding place. He could hardly wait until the sun rose to herald in Christmas Eve.

  Asking Eden to marry him wasn’t even a question Jacob had to ponder. In his world, the two most important people that blessed his life was Eden and their beautiful daughter Sera.

  Chapter Ten

  Christmas Eve dawned with bright blue skies and a fair wind in Arizona. By ten a.m. which was right after breakfast, Eden’s mother had the kitchen in full prep mode. Lee put everyone to work including her husband, who did it with a cup of coffee in his hand.

  Eden could smell the added ingredient of whiskey within the mug. “Dad, in the coffee?” she asked shaking her head.

  “You know your mother is like a drill instructor when she’s getting a big meal together. There has to be something to take the edge off and I swear one more trip to the market... I’m going to drive straight into Mexico and spend Christmas on a beach.”

  Eden grinned knowing that would never happen and if his mother asked, her father would automatically step in to make her happy. “I’ll go to the store next time.” Eden laughed.

  Steve Kinsley kissed the top of her head. “I’ll go, I know the brands she likes, and if we deviate from that, she’s liable to throw a can at our heads.”

  “How about noon, we gave her a mimosa so she’s less stressed out,” she suggested.

  “She should enjoy the day as well,” her father mused. “It is to help her after all.”

  Eden nodded and she would make a pitcher for the exact time it turned noon. Lee Kinsley unlike her husband had a strict rule of not consuming even wine until afternoon.

  Sonja was in charge of keeping Sera entertained and the entire house was abuzz and happy.

  The smells of the season, cinnamon, spiced apples, cake and ham made Eden sniff the air appreciatively.

  She decorated the table with a red tablecloth and a gold runner that spanned the entire table. Eden added candles and a centerpiece before working on the place setting for each guest. She was also impressed that Jacob was able to get all the decorations and table settings.

  In her own special way, Eden wanted to add a piece of their Japanese heritage to the table. At each table setting, there was a Japanese friendship doll, made of wood. The girl dolls wore a red and gold dress painted on intricately and the boy dolls also were crested in the traditional colors. Feeling a sense of satisfaction and just pure happiness, Eden had boundless energy. Then when she offered to help in the kitchen‒the look of horror on their faces and the quick but firm no‒left her just as an audience. Jacob and her mother, and even Lyn then prepared the meal.

  About an hour before dinner, Eden got herself ready, leaving Sera for the very last to be dressed. The baby tended to get her little dresses covered with whatever the family gave her a taste of. Sera wore a matching dark red dress to Eden, with the satin band around the waist. While hers was just an embellishment to accent the empire waist of her dress. Sera’s satin ribbon tied in a big bow in the back. The baby was so cute down to her little shiny black shoes.

  When they came down stairs, everyone wore a wide smile on their faces.

  “You girls look beautiful,” Jacob said.

  “And you sir, don’t look too bad yourself.” Eden smiled when he took his daughter.

  Jacob wore black slacks and a burgundy button-down shirt. Anyone looking at them would think they planned to match but it was a complete coincidence.

  “If anyone wants pictures, you better get them now,” Eden announced. “I don’t know how long she’s going to stay this cute. The bow in her hair has already been dragged off twice.”

  This announcement led to a round of pictures, the baby with everyone individually, with grandparents, then aunts and then a family photo. They were all done by the tree. By the time the photo session was over, Sera was done with everyone as well as the bow on her head and the dress. She kept plucking at it and fretting until Eden gave in and took it off, leaving her in the Santa inspired onsie that was under it. Then she was bright and happy, kicking her little feet covered in socks because the shoes got kicked away too.

  “This is a glimpse into the future, trying to get her to wear a dress,” her father said in amusement. “And who does that remind you of Lee?”

  “The young lady I gave birth to,” Lee answered. “Every picture of you in a dress looks painful, like we were torturing you. We finally just decided to get you the overalls in different colors.”

  “Biggest tomboy, she even played softball in high school and she wore chucks with her prom dress,” Eden’s father said his smile was pensive. “Good times with my baby girl. And now she has a daughter. Where did the time go?”

  Eden gave her father a little squeeze. “Now, we’ll watch her grow up.”

  He kissed her temple. “We surely will.”

  “I don’t mind if she’s a tomboy. I’ll go cheer at every game and argue with refs.” Jacob lifted Sera high making her squeal.

  “And she’ll have all my retired buddies to watch over her,” Steve Kinsley commented.

  “Dad, you will not put surveillance on her when she’s in school,” Eden said firmly.

  “I’m okay with it,” Jacob piped in. “I’ll even help.”

  Eden rolled her eyes. “You both are insane.”

  Her mother shook her head. “Makes no sense arguing with a girl’s dad.”

  Everyone in the room was relaxed and enjoying the festive feeling.

  To Eden, it was perfection, built with the delicious scents coming from the dining room and the holiday decorations. It was reminiscent of growing up with her parents, trying to make each Christmas special. Now she got to do this with her daughter.

  The doorbell rang and Eden gave Jacob a look and he answered with a slight nod. Their guests were arriving and hopefully, dinner wouldn’t become a free for all with both side both throwing barbs.

  Jordan was first as he came in with flowers and wine, then was introduced to the family and the new baby. The others family members drifted away to the dining room leaving Eden, Jacob and the baby alone with Jordan.

  “Man, you couldn’t hide from this one,” Jordan said while Sera grabbed his finger and shook her little hand. “You pasted your face onto this baby, but she makes it work with being cute.”

  “You are a riot,” Jacob answered as he rolled his eyes. “Now, are you going to play nice when Lisa shows up?”

  “I will be the epitome of a gentleman,” Jordan answered.

  Eden could see his smile was forced. “Jordan, what happened between you two anyway?” she asked curiously.

  Jordan seemed surprised at her question. “Lisa didn’t tell you?”

  Eden shook her head. “No, she did not and I’m asking you.”

  “Not my story to tell,” Jordan answered. “I’m going to go grab a drink from your dad, Eden. He looks like a Jameson type of guy.”

  “And you’d be right, that’s like a police force mascot,” Eden joked.

  “What the hell?” Jacob murmured about the breakup myst
ery, as it remained a secret.

  “Right?” Eden whispered.

  The doorbell rang again, and this time it was Lisa dressed to the nines. You’d think she was going to NE fashion week and not a family dinner in the dark blue bodycon dress and matching pumps. Her face broke into a smile when she saw Eden at the door and holding the baby. “Oh, look at her, she’s so big and gorgeous now,” Lisa said with awe in her voice.

  “She wasn’t before?” Eden teased while stepping back so her friend could get inside.

  Lisa winked. “She had that new baby crunched up face thing going on, so you know, not the cutest.”

  Eden slapped at her hand. “Don’t make me fight you over my child.”

  Lisa grinned. “Okay, mama bear.”

  Eden led her through the dining room.

  After introductions all around, they settled into their seats to eat the amazing meal, Jacob and her mother prepared.

  Eden noted the stiff greeting between Jordan and Lisa. Curiosity was eating her alive, but she knew Lisa would talk about it when it didn’t hurt anymore. Right now, Lisa’s spine was straight and her eyes flashed defiance, so there was still hurt, and anger involved. Jordan talked easily with Eden’s parents but more so Jacob’s sisters and Eden could tell, Lisa’s blood was boiling, being ignored and also with jealousy.

  Eden met Jacob’s gaze.

  He winked and smiled at her encouragingly. “I’d like to make a toast,” Jacob said standing up and all attention was on him. “Thank you, family and friends for making the journey here for this special day. Christmas is the most special for me, one that really didn’t get a lot of celebration in my childhood.” He looked at his sisters and smiled. “Now I’m sharing it with the woman I love and my daughter, who is the sky in my world and my family. I can’t tell you the last time my sisters and I shared a holiday. But here we are together with Eden’s, whom I hope will allow us into their lives and call us family as well. Merry Christmas.”

  “Already done,” Lee said with a smile. “You and your sisters are welcome with open arms.”

  “You heard the commander,” Steve added and lifted his glass.

  “You forgot friends, buddy,” Jordan said with a grin.

  “Do I need to go back over the toast?” Jacob laughed.

  “We heard.” Lisa smiled sweetly. “Jordan just likes to be the center of the universe to everyone and everything.”

  “Ooooh...” Sonja took a sip of her drink, looking back and forth from each person.

  “Definitely not the center,” Jordan answered mildly. “I’d just like to know someone gives a damn about me.”

  “And that’s enough of that.” Eden smiled and shot them both dark looks. “Baby’s first Christmas and all that sweet stuff.”

  “Very true,” Lisa conceded. “Besides, there’s nothing more to be said.”

  “There’s lots to be said and I’m going to say it,” Jordan said in defiance. “But this isn’t the time or the place. Eventually, it will be said.”

  Eden looked over at her father.

  He sat while smiling behind his glass. Being a retried cop, he smelled a story there and his curiosity would get the best of him to ask.

  “Dad, how it’s the ham?” Eden asked with smile then when he met her gaze, she mouthed. “No.”

  He gave her an innocent expression.

  Eden shook her head, he was going to do it, she just knew it.

  Sonja was looking from Jordan to Lisa. You could see she wanted to blurt out questions.

  “Sonja,” Jacob said in a soft warning tone. “Leave it be.”

  Dinner continued until a faint sound of music came filtered into the room from outside. Curiosity replaced the tension in the room while everyone looked around.

  “Is that flutes?” Eden asked. “I’m not the only one hearing music, right?”

  “No, you’re not hallucinating, we hear it too,” her father said.

  Jacob pushed his char away from the table and held out his hand. “Come with me. Lee, can you bring Sera with you?”

  Eden took his hand and looked back at their guests to see they were also getting up from the table to follow Jacob’s lead.

  Outside, in a semi-circle on the lawn were ten pipers piping. The musicians were dressed as sugar plum fairies and elves while the light sound of flutes filled the air.

  Eden recognized the piece they were playing, All I Want for Christmas Is You.

  Sera voiced her approval with small clapping hands and tons of baby babble while everyone watched.

  Eden looked over at Jacob. “This is completely amazing but why?”

  “Because you are all I’ve ever wanted or needed in my life. I knew that from the first date...” Jacob turned to her and got down on bended knee. “I also don’t need you to know how to cook, okay?”

  “Thank god,” her mother said in relief.

  “Really mom?” Eden turned.

  “Sorry baby girl,” came the reply from among chuckles in the group.

  Eden waited, holding her breath to see what else he had to say.

  Jacob was grinning at her mother’s words, as he pulled a red velvet box from the pocket of his slacks.

  The diamond gleamed catching the lights of the outdoor Christmas display.

  He continued to speak, “What more perfect time to ask you the question that will change our lives forever, with our families in attendance. I love you Eden, so much that sometimes it hurts to breathe when it fills my chest. Marry me, be my wife?”

  “Yes.” Eden nodded, as sheer happiness bloomed in her chest. “It could only be yes. I love you Jacob.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger and their guests clapped when he stood and pulled her into his arms. Jacob lifted her off her feet while he took her lips in a kiss.

  The music never stopped, the talented musicians changed the tune, and that caused an impromptu dance session.

  Eden’s father took Sonja’s hand and with a formal bow, danced her around the grass.

  Lee Kinsley twirled with her granddaughter in hand and the baby laughed in delight.

  Lyn cut in from her sister and Sonja grabbed Jordan’s hand to pull him into the dance.

  While Eden swayed gently with Jacob, she looked over his shoulder to Lisa and showed her the ring.

  Lisa smiled and did a little happy dance to celebrate her best friend’s happiness. Still, Lisa’s eyes followed Jordan and Sonja dancing and she turned away from the scene until Eden’s father made her take a turn dancing with him.

  Eden wanted her friend happy. God knows she deserved it and maybe Lisa would reveal what broke her heart. It was evident there were still feelings between them, and Eden wished for them to have the same happiness she felt.

  “One more to go,” Jacob whispered against her ear.

  Eden laughed and kissed him gently. “You don’t do anything halfway, do you?”

  “Not when it comes to you and Sera,” he answered as he nodded to the musicians. “And this one is more for her than you.”

  “You’re as bad as my parents,” she said.

  Jacob swung her in his arms, with a wide smile on his face. “Babe, I am so much worse.”

  Eden could only laugh.

  Finally, after the musicians left, the entire group went back inside for dessert and drinks. Eden looked around at the people she loved the most, enjoying the night before Christmas. She would have it no other way and it was thanks to Jacob that they were all together.

  Eden laced fingers with the man she loved before raising her own hot toddy in a toast, “Here’s to all the holidays to come.”

  “To all the holidays!” they all answered in unison.

  * * * *

  Christmas morning, Eden couldn’t remember the last time she felt the excitement that went with the day.

  Opening your eyes, knowing that gifts were under the tree and you’d share it with the people you loved. When exactly did people lose that magical feeling? Eden wondered. Was it, as a teen, knowing Santa C
laus didn’t exist, earlier? She knew that by the time she was sixteen, it was just a day to get some gifts and go to extended family’s homes to eat and hang out with cousins.

  Eden made a firm decision that she would try her hardest to keep that feeling alive for Sera as long as possible. And if she had a sibling that would make it even more joyful. Eden knew the loneliness of being an only child. She wanted to give her daughter the fun and connection she’d witnessed between Jacob and his siblings.

  She turned to see Jacob was already out of bed. Eden went in the bathroom and cleaned up. She checked Sera’s nursery and found her crib empty before rushing downstairs.

  He and his sisters were in the kitchen, feeding Sera her oatmeal and having coffee. A round of cheerful holiday greetings went around from smiling faces before Jacob pulled her to his side and placed a kiss on her lips.

  “I thought you started opening gifts without me,” Eden teased.

  “You know Sera isn’t going to cooperate unless she is happy and fed,” Jacob answered. “She is having pureed fruit mixed in her oatmeal.”

  “A very good choice, the second tooth popped out, but she hasn’t mastered the chewing yet.” Eden nodded.

  “There’s more on her face and me than in her tummy.” Lyn chuckled as she fed the baby.

  “She’s getting enough,” Eden assured her. “That little tummy can fill up quickly.”

  Jacob fixed her a cup of coffee and she chewed one of strawberry danishes, while the messy Miss Sera was cleaned up. With coffee mug in hand, they went out the Christmas tree to open gifts. Eden would swear to it that Sonja was way more excited than anyone else.

  Jacob got that watch Eden promised to replace the failed attempt at cookie baking. He got her some diamond studs and a necklace with a tear drop pendant to match her ring, not that she needed more gifts. Eden smiled.

  Jacob bought his sister Sonja, tetro scarves and classic t-shirts and a string of elegant pearls for Lyn. While Eden got them both a package to one of the best spas in Arizona.

  The plan was for them to go as a foursome with Lisa before everyone separated to go to their respective homes. Of course, Sera was the big winner, cleaning up on gifts from her aunties, Eden and Jacob. Dolls, a Barbie car she could drive in at some point, a tricycle which again, would be put away till way later, stuffed animals and a giant panda. If that was just from them, Eden could only imagine what her parents and Lisa had for the baby over at the Kingsley household.


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