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Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2)

Page 5

by Michelle Howard

  “Varyk, I’m here.”

  Soft hands planted over his, soothing, stroking. Lips touched the edge of his jaw, nibbling. The small bites brought him back and Varyk’s weight settled on the dirt once more as the spasm faded.

  “All the fires!” He jerked his hands away and rammed his fists on the ground. Harming women was a line he never wished to cross.

  “Shh.” Inez continued to kiss her way across his face, lick his ear and rock on his lap sliding her wetness over the throbbing length of his shaft.

  Varyk inhaled. Blood combined with the scent of arousal. He’d hurt her. One more thing to blame on Larz. Varyk wanted to rip into him and would. As soon as he got the chance.

  “Are you steady?”

  Inez’s question wisped along his cheek. He lifted a hand to cup her face. The light stick enabled him to see her better. Something trickled from his nose. Varyk swiped at his face. Blood. From him this time. He wasn’t sure how long he’d last before the next episode. The poison spread fast. Without control of his Dracol half, they both were at risk. “We need to hurry.”

  Laughter fluttered. “I’m not sure I’ve met a male yet who didn’t say that. I expected more from a King.”

  Lips twitching, Varyk reached for her. This time he kept his hold on her sides light. The swell of her full breasts touched the tips of his fingers. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “You definitely will.”

  At another time, he would have accepted the challenge and showed her why he was a skilled lover. Action soon replaced words and Varyk was ashamed to admit he let her do most of the work. His weakened body could barely stay conscious. Inez ran her fingers through his hair, the touch easing some of the pain in his head.

  “He won’t get away with this,” she murmured right before she lowered herself onto his straining cock.

  Pleasure and ecstasy exploded. They both cried out as her wet depths welcomed him. Groans and moans poured forth. Inez clutched his shoulder and undulated her torso. Each swivel of her hips brought forth a muffled groan. Frenetic moves as she sought the right pace left him short of breath and cycling closer to the edge.

  Focusing required a well of strength. Varyk worked to give her a sliver of what she gave him while not forgetting the reason for this desperate joining. As she drove herself on him over and over, he pulled on the power of the mantle. Sluggish and with none of the natural force he’d become accustomed to, it responded. Swirling energy pooled from deep.

  Varyk massaged the swaying mounds above him, thumbing the brown tips. Inez cried out, her mouth parted in passion. Her lower walls contracted, locking his cock in a warm sheath. Choked growls broke through and Varyk leaned up to tongue the tempting buds. She was ripe and full.

  Voices nudged at his senses. Fuck yes! The mantle gained strength as release drew close. He urged her faster, his words a throaty demand. “More.”

  “Feels good. You’re harder, thicker than I expected.”

  Pride swelled his chest and other parts. Varyk tongued her with flicks and licks, his hands squeezing every inch he touched.

  “Yes, Varyk. Like that. Don’t stop!” Desperate pleas mixed with begging. Never had a female called to him in such a manner.

  If only. No! There were no if only. He reached harder for the mantle and wrapped his arms around Inez. Power began to sing in his veins. A ball of light shimmered at his core. She rode him for all she was worth, comfortable in her femininity, power and grace. The sight of her sleek form rocking above him tore another deep groan from Varyk.

  “More. I need more.”

  More of her rich wetness and tight clenching flesh as it rippled around his engorged erection. Pure pleasure pulsed through his veins, burning the poison in its path.

  “That’s it. Give it to me faster.” He muttered the instructions while locking his arms about her waist and pulling Inez closer. The tips of her breasts brushed his chest, setting off another flurry of small shocks to his core.

  Faces close together, Varyk watched her brows crease, her nose crinkle and her lips part with every breath. She noticed his stare and buried her face in his neck where her tongue danced over the sensitized taut skin. Stronger now, Varyk flipped them over, his hips never stopping as he pounded into the body under him. Inez looped her legs over him, her feet kicking his back, her nails biting into his flesh. He sucked in air and hissed at the exquisite torture.

  The mantle. The mantle. Hundreds of lives rushed to connect to him, aiding their king without thought or question. The poison sizzled, slicing through the fabric he sought to weave together, but strength slammed into him. His people. His essence. The mantle.

  Rejoicing, Varyk pushed up to his elbows, staring down at the whimpering female in his arms. His knees scraped the rough ground as he continued to grind into her sleek vise.

  “Varyk! Varyk!” Her eyes closed, her upper half leaning back as her lower half jammed up. She came with a flurry of pants, whines and gasps.

  Enthralled, he couldn’t break his gaze away until suddenly the tide caught and dragged him along. Varyk threw back his head and yelled. “Inez!”

  Chapter 7

  Water dripped in an incessant beat. Quiet replaced their torrid sounds from earlier. Power hummed under Varyk’s skin as he rolled away. Sweat cooled on his body and minute trembles continued to shake him.

  “Did it work?” Despite her whisper, he heard the question clearly.

  Only one way to find out. Varyk blew out a breath and reached for her hand. In a blink, they were above, sufficient feet from the edge of the sinkhole which had trapped him. “Yes.”

  The mantle ebbed and flowed, never completely leashed. Long used to the cascade of energy which acted as the source of all the Green, Varyk shielded himself enough to think. He envisioned the pit and teleported back there. He gathered their clothes and the brown bag Inez had brought with her, then returned to her side.

  “I guess it did.” Seated, she folded her knees under her and looped her arms over them.

  Head tilted to the side, she studied Varyk. He avoided her gaze and dressed. There wasn’t anything more to say. Did she expect something else from him?

  Inside, Varyk cringed. He was being an ass without reason. Inez didn’t move, but her piercing glare burned a hole in his chest. “You should get dressed.”


  Not quite a response he could decipher, but she stood and with little fuss began to put her clothes on. Black shirt and black pants hid the curves he’d stroked. She stomped her feet after tugging her boots up then slung the bag over her shoulder along with two knives and a sword.

  As Inez walked toward the edge of his former prison, Varyk bit off the warning he wanted to snarl and waited. She knelt on one knee then pulled up her rope, twining it about her elbow and forearm then tying it off and slipping it in her bag. She headed back in his direction and Varyk tried not to stare at her hips. It was futile. Dracol females were beautiful and unabashed in their open sexuality.

  Long, lean legs moved with purpose. Something as simple as a female walking shouldn’t set his heart to racing or his nerves to quaking.

  But it did.

  Varyk remembered the flex and twitch of toned thighs, the slap on slap as their skin met. Inez shoved the hair away from her face and the force of her stare almost knocked Varyk back. Amber gold eyes glittered with wickedness and familiarity. Full lips, stained and puffy from their kisses, high cheekbones and a rounded jaw framed the oval of her face.

  Was there a male she belonged to? His heart thudded in trepidation. No. If she had a lira she would have snapped Varyk’s head off when he made his offer. He was now indebted to her.

  “What about this Green we’re tracking?”

  Varyk shook his head and folded his arms over his chest and tuned in. He knew better. Distraction was deadly out here. “What?”

  “Larz, correct? He’s one of yours?”

  “Yes.” A mere thought and Varyk linked to Larz’ mind and pushed the thought. ‘
Return the shell.’

  A stirring. Unchecked rage and a firm denial.

  Larz ended the connection abruptly. What did he hope to gain from this? Varyk could have forced it, but he didn’t want to scare Larz into destroying the egg.

  “How do you suggest we reach him?”

  We? Inez’s question was reasonable, but Varyk had no intention of working with her to catch Larz. It was his duty and responsibility alone. “I’m taking you back to Rylin.”

  She stiffened. Did he really expect otherwise?

  “I’m going with you, Varyk.”

  “It’s King Varyk!” he roared, frustration shredding the last thread of his patience.

  Inez stormed toward him, not away. “Not after we just fucked. Varyk.”

  Only a saint could have resisted the blatant taunt or the derision in her gaze. Varyk was far from saintly. He sauntered forward to meet her, closing the distance between them and grabbed the front of her shirt. His strength fully returned, he lifted her to her toes and leaned forward until their noses brushed. “Do. You. Dare?”

  She remained limp in his hold, but didn’t lower her gaze. “You owe me.”

  Varyk’s pulsed jumped. Excitement hummed in his veins no longer hindered by poison. Keeping his voice level was a challenge. “Is this your favor then?”

  If she said yes, he’d let her accompany him part of the way, but when it came time to end Larz, Varyk would do it on his own.

  “No.” At last she struggled, but couldn’t hope to match Varyk or break away. Realizing this she upped her glare.

  Anticipation thrummed. Varyk waited to see what she’d do next. His cock flexed, hardening as if he’d not shattered in her arms moments earlier.

  The corner of her mouth tipped up in a knowing smirk. She reached out and palmed him, creating a bigger ache as her hand swept up and down his length, squeezing the base on each pass. “Is this what you want?”

  “What I want,” he gritted out, “is for you to go back where you belong and wait til I deal with this.”


  Another indecipherable hum, but her hand kept sliding up and down. Varyk loosened his hold on her shirt and fisted the layers of hair, black as sin, falling down her back. She didn’t flinch. His arousal ratcheted higher. He needed to end this impasse.

  “You know I can port you back and return here with a mere thought. There’d be nothing you could do to stop me.”

  “I’d come back,” she snapped, eyes flashing.

  Varyk gave her hair a nice hard tug, enjoying the way her breath hitched. It was all he could do not to thrust in her constantly moving hand. “And I’d hold you in violation of trespassing and breaking border laws between our sects. Are you willing to do that?”

  He threatened war and Varyk didn’t care. Inez hissed and flung her hand away. Varyk released her hair in time as she spun out of his proximity. “Bastard.”

  “While my father had his issues, he and my mother were lira to one another.” For all the good it did his mother. His father hadn’t hesitated in slaying Teela in her tracks as she tried to protect her children.

  “Is this a joke? Rylin’s child is at stake.” Passion of a different sort reddened her cheeks. She wore anger well but Varyk had the distinct impression any emotion would only serve to heighten her appearance.

  “I’m well aware of that.” More than she could guess, because he sensed Larz’ growing excitement along the mantle and it didn’t bode well.


  If Inez thought she’d escape unscathed, she’d withdraw her blade for one good stab at the stubborn male. She swallowed, throat tight. She’d felt something unexpected during the frenzied sex act. The timing was all wrong. Inez longed for the day she met a male strong enough to match her. The thought of someone who was equal and accepting of her abilities when she became a lira was a far off dream.

  It never crossed her mind her male wouldn’t be a member of the Black. She didn’t want to leave her family and friends. The few times she ran into those of other sects a spark of attraction remained absent and yet here she was sparking all over this arrogant male, the fucking King of the Green Dracol.

  Hoping to hide her exasperation, Inez spoke to his ridiculous need to send her off like a recalcitrant youth incapable of working with him. “Think. No one’s expecting you to have help. You probably track down traitors all the time.”

  He rocked back on his heels, no sign of the Varyk who’d groaned and come in her arms while kneeling in a dirty pit. Green hair disheveled, he still carried himself like a leader. Faint waves of power leaked and feathered over her. Thanks to her connection to Rylin under the Black mantle, she wasn’t disturbed by Varyk’s subconscious pull. Only her cousin held sway over her, but Varyk’s call tempted in a delicious manner.

  Inez licked her lips, ignoring how he’d felt in her hand, hard and ready to go again. “I’m going to find him with or without you. I’m going to make sure…Finley gets home safe. You can work with me or declare war. Because I guarantee I won’t stop. Dara and Rylin aren’t just my King and Queen. They’re family. This is personal.”

  Seconds ticked by after her impassioned plea. Varyk inclined his head. “I understand family.”

  Inez believed him. She released the breath she didn’t realize she held. “Together then?”

  He extended a muscular arm. “Together, female.”

  “Good.” Inez shuddered. He’d agreed when she least expected it.

  Chapter 8

  Varyk named himself several types of fool for acquiescing. He wished he could pinpoint the reason for this new inexplicable draw to Inez. From the moment she’d stumbled upon him at a disadvantage, a part of him had fixated on her and not just physically.

  He’d never so much as glanced in the direction of a female from another sect. He’d crossed paths with this one at least once or twice before and not given her a second thought. Now on his land and surrounded by the thick of night, she was all he could think about.

  “I’m going to shift and check from above.”

  He didn’t wait for her response, taking on his Dracol form then leaping into the air. A deep rumble of amusement started in his chest from her peeved expression. As he circled high above and remembered the reasons he was here, Varyk’s humor faded. He lost sight of Inez, but it would be easy to track her now that he’d burned off the poison Larz dosed him with. Whatever it was had been potent and unlike anything he’d ever experienced.

  Not much could take Varyk down. Poison was a part of who he was. It was the base of his sect to emit deadly vaporous gas, unlike the Black with their control over fire or the Silver and Purple with their particular assets. No one, not even one of his Green should have been able to devise a substance with the ability to hinder Varyk’s shifting or teleporting.

  One more oddity to attribute to this night. Deciding on a more cunning approach, Varyk reached along the mantle again. The rush of voices, hints of emotions and tug were diverted behind a shield as he honed in on a slim thread connecting only to Larz. The thread hummed and vibrated with nervous energy, the color swirling from light shades of green to deepest emerald in erratic beats.

  If Varyk held on to any doubt, the spiraling pattern assured him of Larz’ unstable mental state. One blast, one specific thought and he could neutralize the threat immediately, but he wouldn’t jeopardize Rylin’s child no matter how much he disliked the leader of the Black.

  Another sweep as Varyk probed the diminished mind and the image of a remote area blasted to the forefront of his thoughts. He huffed—part snarl, part satisfaction. Excellent. Since he didn’t want Larz to spot him, Varyk folded his wings and dropped among the trees for cover. He flew for the small alcove and shifted on two feet as he landed, kicking up turf and dirt from the abrupt change in forms. A wave of his arm clothed his lower body in a green loincloth.

  Larz rubbed his hands together and paced next to the waist high egg, its golden shimmer attesting to the life within. Varyk’s shoulders eased. T
he child yet lived. Why had Larz done this? Each time Varyk attempted to delve deeper to fathom the cause of the sheer lunacy in his actions, Larz tensed and the colors through the mantle muddied to murky olive.

  He couldn’t risk probing too much. A face to face confrontation needed to happen. But Varyk had a promise to keep. Disgruntled, he imagined where he wanted to be and simply ported.


  In disbelief, Inez stared above at Varyk’s departing form. Her brows snapped together. After giving his promise to work with her, he’d left. Steaming, she trekked through the path she’d chosen earlier. It didn’t matter. If she had to do this on her own, she would. Nothing would stop her from helping Rylin and Dara.

  She just wished it wasn’t night time in unfamiliar territory with exhaustion riding her as hard as the King of the Green had. Remembering the brief, but satisfying release, Inez shivered.

  “I’m an idiot,” she muttered as she trumped forward, facing straight ahead.

  Small wildlife peered at her from tangled brush, but her low growl warned any who might consider her a tasty treat. As it stood with her mood, Inez was liable to blaze a burning trail through Varyk’s land.

  Inez paused and a smile curled her lips. It would serve him right. Females couldn’t shift, but some could wield a small portion of the skill designated to their sect. For Inez, it meant she could summon fire in limited quantities. She flicked her fingers and satisfaction flared as the broken branch to the right side of her caught fire and smoldered.

  “Not very nice.”

  The amused voice spoke from behind her. Inez spun around and glared at the tall ass striding in her direction. “So you decided to come back.”

  Varyk lifted an imperious arm and waved his hand. “Come, we need to hurry while I have Larz’ location and he’s settled for the night thinking himself safe.”

  He didn’t address her statement at all nor did his stance change. She wanted some reflection of remorse or regret on his part for abandoning her without explanation. “If this is how it’s going to be, perhaps I shouldn’t.”


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