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Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2)

Page 11

by Michelle Howard

  “You like that, Inez? You like me filling your sweet core?” A burst of wetness slicked her thighs. “No need to answer. I can feel how much you like it.”

  Varyk continued his litany of erotic phrases and choice words as he rocked in and out of her. Inez raked her nails down his arms and undulated beneath him. The way she clenched and released hinted her nearness at coming again. His blood fired with renewed victory.

  Guttural snarls tore from his throat. Vibrations racked his body reaching explosive levels. Varyk pulled out until only the tip teased Inez’s rim.

  “Varyk! Don’t stop!”

  He grunted in agreement then glided back and increased his pace. Inez face grew red as she panted, dark hair sticking to her sweaty cheeks.

  Release rammed into him like a punch to the mid-section, sucking the energy from him. Varyk tipped his head back and roared in euphoria. Every drop of his seed poured into Inez’s waiting channel. He choked on the words racing to spill out. Vows of adoration and commitment.

  Stumbling, Varyk managed to lean one hand into the wall, the other cupping Inez’s ass to hold her in place. Safe. She’d always be safe in his care.

  Air rushed out of his lungs. He closed his eyes as fought to slow his heart rate. His mind floated in freefall, but one undeniable truth blared at his conscious. He wanted Inez for more than a passing fuck. Milana was right. The draw and the obsession he felt toward Inez was more than simple attraction.

  Fear began an insidious crawl. Was this what love felt like? His heart thumped missed a beat then resumed its chaotic rhythm. Was he falling in love with this bewitching female from a sect he’d always considered to be his enemy?

  “Varyk, are you alright?”

  Varyk straightened and eased Inez’s legs down. When he was sure she had her balance, he stepped back and pulled up his pants. A slight breeze chilled the sweat cooling his body. Inez bent with elegant grace and fixed her clothing all the while watching. Staring.

  What did she see? Could she note his own confused discovery?

  Once dressed her gaze turned imploring. “Varyk?”

  He cleared his throat with a rough cough and swiped a shaking hand through his hair. “I’m fine. We should get back. I don’t want anyone to come looking.”

  Not that anyone would. His people could easily reach him via the mantle and his sister had an unerring ability to pinpoint his location at any time, as he could with her. Add in the fact he wasn’t to be disturbed if he ventured into these parts of the garden and it was a surety that no one would be this way searching for them.

  “Alright.” Inez brushed half-heartedly at her rumpled clothing. Pouty tips poked through her shirt, taunting him and Varyk swallowed. He’d missed the opportunity to fully enjoy them when he’d had the chance. Inez pointed at his chest area. “You might want to take care of that little detail.”

  Varyk glanced down at the remains of his shirt hanging from his body and quirked his lips. He pulled it over his head and balled it in one hand. “You have a way of making me forget myself, Inez.”

  She came to stand beside him. He couldn’t miss the disquiet in her gaze as she searched his. “Is that a bad thing?”

  Wouldn’t he like the answer to that as well. It was new ground for Varyk, so he gave her the truth. “I’m not sure yet.”

  Varyk cupped her elbow and walked back along the path they’d taken. This time they didn’t dawdle at Uvem’s statue and neither of them spoke about what had happened at his vault. Varyk peered over at Inez, but nothing in her expression revealed her inner thoughts.

  The tightening sensation returned to his chest. What was he going to do?

  “Am I still staying or have you changed your mind?”

  The question caught him off guard. She probably sensed the myriad of thoughts toying with his mind, but Varyk answered honestly. He didn’t lie to lovers. Ever. “I want you to stay, Inez. I meant it when I invited you here.”

  He opened the glass doors to let her enter first. Inez looked up. “Back there you seemed hesitant.”

  He had. But only because his heart was pulling him in a direction he’d never ventured before. Events would play out the way they were meant to. While terror poked and prodded, Varyk would not let fear rule him any longer. Opening his heart was a risk. Goddess of fate knew he didn’t want to lose anyone else close to him.

  But this was Inez. Strong, passionate Inez, who’d hunted one of his own by his side. Inez who mocked his attempts to put her in place. The joke was on him because Inez knew her place.

  Standing tall and proud, he realized she was well worth the risk of the pain he’d suffer if things turned sideways. Varyk touched her face with his fingertips. “Stay, Inez.”

  The corners of her mouth lifted in a half grin, which dug a deeper hole in his heart. All he could have stared him back in the face. “Only if you’re sure, Varyk.”

  More than anything. He wasn’t letting her go that easy. “Good.”

  They walked side by side, Varyk receiving curious glances for being shirtless. No doubt everyone knew what they’d been up to. He didn’t care. For the first time in a long while, he found himself at peace with a decision that had the power to utterly destroy him.

  Chapter 17

  A few days into her stay with Varyk and Inez knew she was addicted. Night bled into early morning dawn, leaving just enough hints of shadows to keep his bedroom shrouded in darkness. Inez rolled over in bed to see his sleeping face. Instead she found him already awake and watching her.

  There’d been moments like this before. At meals, she’d glance up, her gaze colliding with his bemused stare. She’d catch him watching her as he went about his duties. For her part, Inez knew she’d left her guard down. The sometimes cantankerous king was getting to her.

  Worry formed a knot in her throat. Forget getting to her. The truth was simple. She’d fallen in love. His affection for his sister, his dedication to ruling the Green, all showed Inez a male she wanted to call her own. The confidence he exuded as he walked his halls drew her. When he chased the little ones in the front court, her heart softened. From the old to the young, none showed a hint of fear toward Varyk.

  The other Kings viewed him as contemptuous. He mocked and derided any who disagreed with him. Except here. Here he listened, head cocked to the side, giving the people his full attention. His decisions were followed without complaint.

  Seeing him lead stirred her hormones. Every command he uttered to those around him made Inez horny. If she didn’t know better, she’d think she was experiencing her First Fire, an uncontrollable time for young Dracol but this wasn’t the same.

  Every day she fought the need to jump him when their paths crossed. Occasionally he’d jerk around and catch sight of her entering a room. Some invisible thread would snap into place and a knowing glint would appear in his golden eyes.

  Physically, his powerful form warranted lustful stares. She knew what lay beneath the clinging shirts and fitted pants. The hard physique, ripped arms and muscled legs. Females eyed her with envy, but they avoided issuing a challenge. She would have torn them to shreds if they had.

  Their desire for one another was never in question. A night didn’t go by where Varyk didn’t reach for her and tumble her beneath him. More times than Inez could count, he woke her with his tongue swirling between her thighs and working her toward a speedy orgasm.

  Unlike today. She shifted about. “What’s wrong?”

  Instead of answering right away he kissed her slow and hard. Inez closed her eyes and allowed herself the time to savor his mouth against hers. Smooth lips, the musky scent of a male in his prime. All too soon, he pulled back, lids lowered half-mast. He held her gently, palms light as they smoothed along her side. “I need to speak to Rylin.”

  Of all the things Inez expected him to say, this wasn’t it. “What? Why?”

  “He needs to call a reglio. I’ve been thinking and something has changed. It started with the attacks on liras from the Black. Next came
Larz’ unfounded actions. Nothing warned me from the mantle as it should. It was silent on this matters for some reason.” Varyk sat up, back to the bed and reached for her.

  Inez hesitated. “Do you know what’s going on?”

  “There’s a growing tide of madness that’s never been present before. Or if it has, it’s been escalating. Larz’s ability to avoid me shouldn’t be possible either and yet he’s almost invisible to my Dracol senses when I’ve never had a problem before.” Varyk thrust his hand toward her in demand.

  Inez flowed into his arms, surprised as always by his desire to cuddle. Nothing about the Green king hinted at a fondness for cuddling, yet he arranged her on his lap and wrapped his arms about her. Warmth seeped into her skin as he pulled the tangled covers up and about her shoulders then leaned back and tucked her head beneath his chin.

  “Madness?” she asked, listening to the rhythmic thump of his heart.

  Varyk tangled his fingers in her hair. “Maybe. I need to know if others are seeing the same signs.”

  “Why can’t you call the reglio?”

  His snort blew air across her face as Varyk bent over to nuzzled her cheeks. “Everyone seems to have a fondness for Rylin. He’s…likeable.”

  And her cousin. Inez smacked Varyk’s sheet covered thigh. “What do you have against him? Rylin’s never harmed you or attacked the Green.”

  “Do I need a reason, aman?” he whispered against her ear. The endearment was at odds with the menace laced beneath the phrasing.

  Inez tried to turn to see Varyk better but his hold tightened, keeping her in place. She hated when his stubborn streak reared its head. “Varyk, let me up.”

  One hand slid between her legs from behind and caressed. Familiar heat flared at his touch. She squirmed in pointless resistance.

  “Answer my question. Do I need a reason to dislike your King? Will you leave if you find it not sufficient? Perhaps. I. Just. Find. Him. Distateful.”

  With each declaration, he tapped the tip of one blunt finger against her swollen bud, sending shards of fine point pleasure hurdling through her veins. Inez tried to escape the punishing contact and pushed at his chest. “Really? Only a weaker male would hold a grudge over nothing.”

  “You think me weak?” Suddenly Varyk flipped her to her stomach, his palm pressed on her back. His growl rumbled around them. “I am far from weak, Inez.”

  She crawled up on all four and glanced over her shoulder in trepidation. He nestled close behind her and slid his hand lower until it grazed the front of her crotch again. “I’m going to take you like this. Say yes.”

  She wasn’t so easily deterred. They needed to finish their conversation, but it took everything in her not to rock forward a bit and stimulate the friction she eagerly wanted. “You should have a valid reason for this animosity between you two.”

  Varyk spread his palm and one finger delved between her crease. Inez bit back a whimper. Damn him for knowing what she liked. He added another finger and stroked in gentle glides. “Say yes.”

  Fuck. It felt good and her treacherous body yielded, wetness trickling down her thighs. But to give in meant he won and Inez felt the sudden urge to dig her heels in. “Does that mean you know your personal vendetta against him is pointless?”

  His hand went still and a low hiss behind her had Inez tensing. Then Varyk leaned up, one hand braced on the mattress beside her own quivering arm as he withdrew his fingers. Biting her lip provided a spike of pain to keep from whimpering in dismay. Varyk wedged one leg between her own and shoved. The move forced her to spread wide and sent a tendril of cool air to her heated parts.

  When Inez tried to scoot forward for relief, Varyk slammed his palm on top of the back of her hand and reached around her front with his other. Contact. He pumped two fingers back into her dripping entrance. Inez moaned and clenched her fingers in the bed covers.

  Varyk’s hiss shifted into a rumbling purr. His face rubbed the side of hers. “Are you saying yes?”

  Determination replaced excitement. The thrill of being in his arms matched her level of eagerness. As much as she protested, this was exactly what Inez wanted and Varyk didn’t let her down. He kissed her shoulder, the base of her neck and the wet slick of his tongue trailed up her throat.

  “No,” she managed to get out.

  His laugh sounded evil as he sped up the motion of his fingers and thrust with his hips. The thick shaft planted against her cheeks pulsed, reminding her of its presence. Her body took over, the torture of his maddening strokes and the promise of his cock left her no choice. She moaned again allowing the pressure to build momentum, feeling the rush as she strained beneath him.

  Varyk whispered at her ear. “Say yes.”

  The benefit of a knowledgeable lover was also a curse. When she neared the crest, he removed his fingers. Inez pounded the sheet with her fist and screamed. “Varyk!”

  He chuckled and bumped his hips along the back of hers. “You wouldn’t accept a weak male, Inez. You have too much defiance in you in need of taming.”

  Taming? Inez snarled, prepared to throw him from her if she had to, but Varyk proved once more he knew her too well. He rammed his cock deep on the first thrust, pulled out then plowed deep again.

  The rough strokes after his insistent fingering lit her nerves. Inez dropped her head to the bed and wailed. “It burns.”

  “Does it hurt?” Varyk slowed and true concern coated his question.

  No, it was a good burn. A burn Inez felt down to her toes and never wanted to stop. “Keep the fire lit.”


  Varyk’s smile spread. He gripped Inez’s ass cheeks and braced her as he thrust back into her hot center. Burn. Yes. A good way to describe it. The same sizzle spiked down his spine.

  Ragged cries and whimpers fell from her lips. Appreciative moans mixed with begging demands. The bed shook as she cried out. Varyk had never had such a vocal partner. Dracol females were aggressive but in his bed they tended to let him lead. He liked it. Enjoyed it. But with Inez, Varyk had to work to maintain his dominance over her.

  And he didn’t just like it, he loved it.

  Loved hearing her pleas. Loved feeling her body move and shake. Unlike his other lovers she worked as hard as he did for their mutual pleasure.

  “Burn with me, Inez.” Varyk twisted his hips and thrust, searching for the perfect spot to set her off.

  She was going to come. He knew it, felt it. Only a little more and she’d fly over the edge. He wanted to watch. Look into her eyes and see her face. On that thought, Varyk pulled out, spinning her about. Dazed and confused, Inez looked up with gold eyes drowning in pleasure.

  He bent over and took her nipple between his lips and sucked at the same time he slammed his cock back in. Inez arched up, feet planted as her knees clamped on his hips. Varyk caught his breath and raised up to watch her expression.

  Forming an intimate connection with Inez had been the last thing on his mind and now he could think of nothing else. He pounded into her with an incessant rhythm. The muscles in his legs trembled but he focused on driving Inez as crazy as he was.

  She called his name, fingers digging furiously into his hair as she yanked and pulled. He had to have her. The power of the mantle surged and pushed at his will. The primal urge said to claim her, so he did. “You’re mine, Inez. My sweet amans. I’m never letting you go.”

  Varyk smashed his mouth to hers. He groaned at the sweet taste. More cravings. Now he’d never get enough of her. Her core locked on him like a vise. Inez ripped her mouth away and screamed. Bright lights exploded behind his eyelids and Varyk shouted as he came and came. His cock swelled and he continued to release until he collapsed atop her sweating body.

  Varyk wasn’t sure how long he lay there. Stunned. Had those words come from his mouth? Inez ran a hand down his back, her chest shuddering as she drew in much needed air. He eased to the side not wanting his weight to crush her. She remained limp and sated. Pride burst through his chest and he curve
d about her lax form, needing to be close.

  She sighed and twisted to face him. He froze, expecting her to address his claim but she questioned their original topic. “Will you reach out to Rylin or do you want me to?”

  She agreed? “It is my concern, thus my duty. I would never have you use your connection to Rylin on my behalf.”

  Creases formed on her brow and she nibbled her reddened bottom lip. Linking her arms about his neck, Inez asked, “You’re a softy, aren’t you?”

  He glared in insult. “There is nothing soft about me.”

  Grief and rage slammed into Varyk’s head and he fell back on the bed with a groan. Inez shrieked. “Varyk!”

  Chapter 18


  He heard Inez call his name. Varyk forcibly pushed back Larz’s presence and rolled out of the bed to his feet. He wobbled before gaining his footing. “Quickly, Inez! We must get to Larz.”

  He didn’t wait for her compliance and raced to his door, ripping it open to yell, “Send me Milana.”

  “Varyk, what’s happening? Is Finley alright?” Inez asked questions as she swiped her pants and shirt from the floor, dressing with a speed Varyk admired.

  “Yes, I think. Fuck I can’t be sure, but this time I’m going for extreme measures. No more letting Larz lead me through this dance.” Varyk grabbed his own clothing and dressed.

  The door opened and his sister came in, face flushed but determined. “What is going on, Varyk? I sensed your distress before several people urged me to see you.”

  Fully clothed, he said, “It ends today.”

  Without blinking, Milana gave an abrupt nod. “You want Marwolaeth?”

  Thank the goddess of fate they were of like minds. “Yes. The mantle allowed me to reach Larz for a brief moment. The loss of Mina is tearing into him. I felt his pain to the depths of my soul. His thoughts are erratic and border on murderous intent. He’s threatening to destroy the shell if I don’t meet him to pay for Mina’s death.”


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