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Sealord: A Dark Dragon Shifter Romance

Page 17

by Delta James

  “How would you choose to spend the remainder of the day, my lady?” asked Kellan softly.

  “I would know what plans you have for the women who were in my care...”

  “And are now in mine. But before we do anything else, I want you to explain why, when I gathered all of your things, there were six bundles of belongings including yours.”

  Míorúilt turned away from him. She did not feel confident that she could meet his eyes and lie to him.

  “I told you. One of those who were with us recently died.”

  “What caused her death? Where is she buried?” he asked suspiciously.

  “We weren’t sure. We woke one morning to find she had passed during the night. I took her remains out over deep water and dropped her from a great height, incinerating the body as it fell so only the ash ever made it to the sea.”

  “I don’t believe you, Míorúilt.”

  She whirled and confronted him. “So, now you’re calling me a liar?”

  Kellan smiled benignly, and then growled low.

  “I think one of your women got away and you are trying to protect her. I will have the truth, but I will give you a choice as to how I get it. You will tell me. I assure you that the punishment you have received thus far is only a taste of what I can inflict. Your passionate nature can be used against you and I will not hesitate to do so until you choose to share the truth with me.”

  “Kellan, that is beneath even you...”

  “The only thing that will be beneath me, my sweet mate, is you when I part your thighs and avail myself of the depth of your passion. We could start with Brenna; Fionn doesn’t much care for the idea of his wife keeping secrets. Tell me who the sixth woman is and where I should send men to look for her. It is dangerous for her to be out there on her own...”

  Míorúilt said nothing but refused to meet Kellan’s gaze.

  “So be it,” he said, grabbing a fistful of her hair. “We’ll see how long this stoicism lasts once my drakaina begins to feel the sting of my hand on her welted, bare bottom before seeing those once in her care experience the same.”

  Kellan dragged her over to the bed, sitting down, pulling her over his lap, and flipping the skirt of her gown up and over her back. Without another word, his large, hard hand came crashing down across her upturned rump. The pain radiated out from where his hand struck her bottom and spread heat and sting over the entire area. Both the discomfort and the humiliation were unsettling.

  “Kellan,” she cried. “Stop it!”

  Míorúilt kicked her legs trying to get away from him. It was an ineffective defense at best as Kellan quickly trapped them between his own powerful thighs. Her initial outrage had been indignation, which was quickly replaced by one of pain as over and over he struck her bottom. She felt each individual impact of his hand. Worse yet than the pain was the gathering proof of her arousal she could feel pooling between her legs.

  As she was a dragon, even in human form, she was stronger than the other women at the Sanctuary. She wasn’t used to being manhandled or not being able to get away from anything she found annoying or hurtful. She found the spanking being inflicted on her to be both.

  She continued to swear and screech at him to no avail. Kellan said nothing and continued to mete out the punishment he seemed intent on giving.

  “Stop, please,” she cried.

  “What’s her name, Míorúilt?” Kellan demanded.

  Míorúilt refused to speak. She didn’t know that she could trust her voice and was also afraid to say the wrong thing.

  “I fail to understand why you have yet to learn to do as you are told or suffer the consequences. I will not stop until you tell me the name and fate of the one who is missing from your ranks.”

  The relative silence of the room was shattered by Kellan’s hand descending again and again onto her backside. She could feel the heat and pain increasing exponentially as she tried to deny him and the mastery he seemed to be able to exert so easily over her body. Even worse than the pain, was the all-encompassing desire that threatened her ability to remain silent. She wanted desperately for him to stop spanking her and force the hard shaft she could feel throbbing beneath her deep into her pussy before depositing his seed.

  Kellan showed no sign of letting up or lessening the blows to her poor, bruised behind.

  “Please, Kellan,” she cried. “Please stop.” Míorúilt now sobbed openly, barely able to catch her breath.

  The raining blows ceased, and Kellan rested his hand on her heated lower cheeks before tracing each of the weals he had bestowed on her earlier. As he nudged her thighs apart, she felt his finger slide past the opening of her pussy as it sought the turgid nubbin between her legs. Míorúilt caught her breath, not because she was crying but because the pleasurable sensations radiating out from the button to her core were so intense. She could feel the beginnings of a powerful climax. Kellan removed his hand and swatted her reddened ass twice more on each side before putting his hand back between her legs. Probing the entrance to her core, he slipped a single finger into her. Míorúilt squirmed on his lap, seeking release from his exquisite torment.

  Kellan chuckled, but this time the sound had genuine amusement in its tone. He continued to delve within her; Míorúilt squirmed and writhed on his lap, trying to rub her clit along the hardened length she could feel contained within his trousers.

  “Does my drakaina wish to have her master breach her core and make use of her the way the gods intended?”

  “Yes, please...”

  “Not quite yet,” he said as he removed his hand altogether and spanked her ass an additional five times.

  This time as his hand went back between her legs, his finger zeroed in on the cream that dripped from her most feminine place and coated his finger with it, drawing it back up to probe her dark entrance.

  “No,” she said. Not that she hadn’t found pleasure each time he penetrated her in that way, she just desperately wanted to feel some part of him back inside her. She no longer cared where, just so long as he would thrust something in and out of her and provide her with the release of the powerful orgasm lying just beneath the surface.

  Kellan deftly massaged her back hole, slipping his finger into her and withdrawing it, causing her once more to race to the edge of her climax before withdrawing his attention. Míorúilt writhed on his lap in tortured denial and need.

  “Tell me what I want to know, Míorúilt. If you don’t tell me, I will continue to play with you for the rest of the night, never quite allowing you to reach that pinnacle of pleasure your body is demanding I give it. I will leave you wet and wanting until you tell me what I want to know and beg me to do so before I make you scream in response to me.”

  Míorúilt shook her head, but said nothing. She heard him sigh deeply immediately before his hand connected with her swollen vulva. This was a new and different way to spank her and was a thousand times worse. Kellan spanked her pussy five times before stopping and begin to gently massage her inflamed lower lips in a soothing, yet sensual manner.

  “I will send my men to scour the countryside and she will be found. She could be in trouble. It isn’t safe out there for a woman on her own without a protector of some kind.”

  Míorúilt snorted. “Caitlyn can take...” She stopped short of telling him that Caitlyn could take care of herself but realized in that instant she had revealed too much.

  Kellan smiled. “So, her name is Caitlyn. Let me guess, she can take care of herself?” He gently tapped her between her legs. “Do I need to spank your pussy some more?”

  “No, Kellan, please.”

  Míorúilt wasn’t sure what she was pleading for. She wanted to believe it was for him to stop so that she could have time to try to formulate some explanation that gave Caitlyn the longest amount of time to get beyond Kellan’s grasp.

  “Yes, Míorúilt. You will tell me where she’s gone.”

  “I don’t know...” The last word was wailed as Kellan slapped her betw
een her legs.

  “You do and you will tell me. Or do I need to have Fionn question Brenna as well?”


  “Answer me!”

  “Kellan, please. Why can’t you let her be?”

  “I put the tribe of your women under my care and I will not have one of them hurt because she has chosen to misbehave in a way that could see her injured. Last chance, Míorúilt.”

  Míorúilt tried to squelch her own need to feel him take her in the same way dragons had always taken their drakaina. She didn’t trust that if she started to speak, it wouldn’t all come tumbling out. Better to just try to remain silent.

  “Have it your way, my stubborn drakaina.” He helped her off his knee but tucked the back of her gown into the decorative belt around her waist. “You go to the corner and stand facing it.”


  “You heard me. If you choose to behave like a naughty child, you can spend some time with your nose in the corner contemplating the behavior that got you sent there.”

  As Míorúilt did as he told her, he swatted her stinging backside and she stumbled toward it. Kellan followed her and whispered in his ear as he pressed her into the corner.

  “You push your bottom out and spread your legs. Display yourself for me. When I have finished speaking with Fionn, I will finish with you.”

  His hand trailed down her back and traced the outline of her derriere.

  Míorúilt wasn’t sure exactly what he had in mind but was quite sure it would involve his mounting her and easing the ache that now throbbed in her nether regions.

  Kellan crossed the floor to the door and opened it, calling, “Fionn!”

  “Aye, my lord Kellan,” Fionn answered.

  Míorúilt cringed and spun around as she realized Fionn would have an excellent view of her punished backside and worried that he would see the evidence of her arousal as it now trailed down the inside of her leg.

  “I told you to face the corner and display yourself for me,” bellowed Kellan, not even trying to bother to hide the lust in his voice.

  “But...” she started.

  “You will obey me, Míorúilt, or Fionn will see more than just your pretty red bottom. Now, back in position.”

  Mortified, she could do nothing but comply.

  “Fionn, go fetch Brenna to me.”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  Míorúilt could hear him walking down the corridor and then heard him returning with an obviously struggling Brenna in his grasp.

  “Enough, Brenna. You will behave and show Lord Kellan some respect lest you end up next to your lady with your bottom in the same state.”

  Míorúilt glanced back over her shoulder to see Fionn and Brenna had joined her and Kellan in their room.

  Kellan addressed Brenna. “Where has Caitlyn gone?”

  She heard Brenna gasp, but say nothing.

  “Answer Lord Kellan,” said Fionn.

  Míorúilt glanced over her shoulder and saw Brenna shake her head.

  “Fionn, see if warming your woman’s backside won’t get her in a more obedient frame of mind,” ordered Kellan.

  “No!” Míorúilt said, spinning around.

  “You have something you wish to say to me, my drakaina?” purred Kellan.

  “Tell him,” said Brenna. “Cat is smart and will figure they may get on to the fact that she was with us. They won’t find her.”

  Fionn and Kellan said nothing but looked between the two women. Kellan indicated with his finger that she was to turn back around and Míorúilt obeyed.

  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, but was, in reality, only a few moments, Míorúilt said, “Caitlyn is the missing member of the Sanctuary. And before you ask, I don’t know where she’s gone or even where she came from. We made it a point never to talk about locations from the past; situations we had left, but never specifics. That way if one of us was taken prisoner, she wouldn’t be able to betray the others.”

  “Why are you both convinced that this female is not in need of my protection?” asked Kellan.

  Brenna laughed. “Because if I was the master blacksmith and sword-maker and Míorúilt our leader and protector, then Caitlyn was our first warrior or second in command. She has been trained and has lethal skills. She was also, aside from Míorúilt, our chief hunter.”

  Míorúilt nodded, but remained facing the corner. She wanted to pull down her skirt, but was certain all that would happen is that Kellan would spank her in front of Fionn and Brenna and return her to the position she was in.

  “I suspect that you found neither her sword nor her bow and quiver. And I wouldn’t like your odds if you did find her.”

  Kellan laughed. “You forget, beloved, I am dragon, it would be difficult for either to even pierce my body armor.”

  “But,” said Brenna, “I forged the blade and the arrowheads in dragon fire.”

  There was silence as the ramifications of that information was absorbed. Weapons forged in dragon fire could be lethal when used on another dragon.

  “Nevertheless, Gideon and I will leave our loved ones in your care, Fionn, and see if we can’t locate the missing Caitlyn. We’ll leave at first light.”

  “As you wish. I will deal with Brenna for her not telling me about this rogue female. Should I discipline the remaining three?”

  “Nay. If you choose to discipline Brenna, that is your decision as her husband. Just let the others know we are onto their game.”

  “Brenna, you are to return to our room. I think my lord Kellan makes good use of a corner with his mate. You are to strip once you are there, pick one of the corners, and stand facing it until I come in to deal with you.”

  “Fionn!” both Brenna and Míorúilt cried in unison.

  Kellan chuckled as he turned to Míorúilt. “I would worry about what I plan to do to you before I leave if I were you. Fionn, let Cathal know that both of us will be indisposed until morning and have him invite Gideon to come with me.”

  Fionn grabbed Brenna’s upper arm and ushered her out of the room that Míorúilt and Kellan shared. She heard Kellan’s footsteps as he closed on her. She might have been more skittish except for the seductive rumbling that emanated from him. His hands clasped her upper arms on either side and ran lightly down them until he was holding both of her hands in his, pressing himself against her body so that she could feel the length of his hardness pressed against her stinging backside.

  “And now, my drakaina, I will take some pleasure from you to ease the ache that seems ever present when you are near.”

  Kellan stepped back and grasped her hips, pulling her away from the wall to place and hold her in position to be mounted. With a great groan, he thrust his cock as deeply as it would go, provoking a responsive cry of ecstasy. Kellan wrapped one hand more firmly around her hip and then use the other to guide each of her hands up to brace against the wall. He had her trapped so that she could do nothing other than take what he was giving. She bowed her back and reveled in the feel of his cock, with its hard ridge stroking her pussy hard and fast.

  As he thrust into her, her breath sped up, and her soft growl became a purr as she felt her orgasm fast approaching. Her body stiffened and her breathing became more labored as he rode her hard. Kellan pumped harder, his pelvis crashing into her reddened bottom. The feeling of her sheath quivering and pulsing all along his solid length was intoxicating and she reveled in her need for his dominant possession. The ridge scored her furrow as he began to spill himself into her with a heavy groan of need and completion. As he gave a last brutal thrust, she screamed and tumbled into a void where only feeling and surrender resided. It was only as he finished spurting the last of his essence into her that she realized he’d never closed the door behind Fionn and Brenna. Míorúilt struggled to free herself from him.

  “Bastard! Anyone could have seen us,” she cried.

  “All they would have seen was my breeches-covered haunches as they pumped my cock to the depths of my drakai
na’s pussy. If they had tarried, however, they would have heard her sensual response and envied me my mate.” He withdrew from her, patting her behind as he did so. “You give me great pleasure. Get undressed and into the bed. Rest while I make ready with Gideon to go and fetch your Caitlyn.”

  Míorúilt watched him close the front of his breeches and turn to leave. She only hoped that they had given Caitlyn the time she needed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Caitlyn had been making good time, mostly because she had managed to steal a horse. Not just any horse, but a warrior’s charger. It was his own damn fault. He’d been dallying with a young girl, who had been enjoying herself as well, and not paying attention. By the time he’d noticed, hitched up his pants and cried out, Caitlyn had his horse, an additional sword, and his bedroll, which contained men’s clothing, a blanket, and a purse with gold coins. Her trip to Wales would now be faster and less taxing.

  She heard the sound of dragons overhead. They were not trying to keep their presence a secret. In fact, they seemed to be making a declarative statement that they had returned and intended to once again rule. Well, not if she had her way.

  * * *

  Gideon and Kellan flew in ever expanding concentric circles but saw nothing that could either be the woman they sought or anything that might contain her. They saw tinkers and other travelers, but none seemed to be carting anything in which Caitlyn could hide. Of the few lone riders, none were female. Most were either peddlers or the odd fellow here and there.

  Finally, after several days of searching, Kellan decided that Caitlyn had escaped his grasp, been hurt or killed. He and Gideon had returned a few hours earlier. Gideon had collected his mate and daughter and taken their leave. As they were readying for the journey home, he spoke to Kellan.

  “Do not throw a gauntlet down when Duncan awakes. Let me talk to him first. Let me assure him that his daughter is safe within your care and is your true heart.”


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