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Douluo Dalu: Volume 31: Ashore on Seagod Island

Page 4

by Tang Jia San Shao

  After passing through a dense forest, large houses appeared before him. From the look of things, this seemed to be a fairly large village. The houses were all made of wood. Surrounded by the dense wood, it was a very good choice of location to build. Typhoons were common near the seas so the trees made good cover, helping reduce the amount of force the village had to withstand.

  The entire village did not have any protective measures, but since Ji Xiang has already brought him here, it resulted in him being unable to not let out a puzzled mumble, “What is going on? What celebrations are going on? Normally only during the new years do the houses all hang out the purple lanterns.”

  Only now did Tang San realise, by the doors of every single house were two purple lanterns, just that it was daytime and the lanterns were not lit yet.

  Regarding this, Tang San would not care, he only cared whether he was able to convince the Purple Pearl Pirates to help him search for his comrades.

  As the two of them prepared to enter the village, they were greeted by a burly pirate which happened to also be the one they had previously met. Upon seeing Ji Xiang and Tang San, he was pleasantly surprised and rushed forth to receive them.

  “Doctor Ji Xiang, how are you? Is my younger brother doing fine?”

  Ji Xiang replied: “He is fine, after using the medicine, there were no negative reactions, his condition is also stable. However, he still needs rest, in about two more days you should be able to go pick him up and bring him back home.”

  The burly pirate heaved a sigh of relief as he said: “That’s good, I must really thank you, if not for you, I would have lost a younger brother, I really don’t know how I can thank you. Don't worry, the medicines you want, I promise I will bring it back for you the next time I go out to sea. This time what did you come for?”

  Ji Xiang replied: “We are here to see the leader. Oh that’s right, why are all the purple lanterns out? What's the joyous occasion today?

  The burly pirate smacked his forehead, smiling he said: “Ah my bad, I was busy with the matters regarding my younger brother yesterday that I forgot to tell you about today. Today is a joyous day for the leader! Tonight we will be holding a joyous celebration.”

  Ji Xiang was stunned as his complexion turned strange, “Leader is going to get married? Who dares?”

  The burly pirate jumped as he hurriedly signaled for him to keep quiet, “Shhh, don’t let the leader hear what you said, or else it would be troublesome. It’s not getting married, it’s being married. Our leader……” saying till here, he suddenly awkwardly coughed, seeing people passing through not far away, he hurriedly said: “‘ll go to divine doctor’s place to see my little brother, you will understand after you see the leader.”

  After hearing Ji Xiang and the pirate’s conversation, Tang San could not help but furrow his brows, if the Purple Pearl Pirate Captain was going to get married, then would he still be willing to go help him rescue people?

  After walking into the village, all the way along the path, regardless of who it was almost all of them would come up to pay their greetings, showing that although Ji Xiang was young he clearly did not have a simple status in this Purple Pearl Pirate Group. And the people who received his kindness was not few.

  After walking to the center of the village, Ji Xiang pointed towards an extraordinarily tall wooden house: “That is the group leader’s residence.”

  Tang San looked towards the direction Ji Xiang’s finger pointed at, in the next moment, he froze as he stopped his footsteps. Ji Xiang could clearly hear the sounds of crackling coming from behind him. As he turned around to look, he discovered that Tang San’s eyes both emitted a purple gold radiance, an intense killing aura also coalesced fully in the air three feet within him. The overbearing and tyrannical pressure almost made Ji Xiang collapse there, uncontrollably he walked a few steps back.

  Amazed, Ji Xiang followed the trajectory Tang San’s eyes were gazing in, seeing that inside the wooden hut, there were six people tied to poles, their appearances unclear but from how ruined their clothes were, they clearly were in bad shape.

  Ji Xiang could not clearly see, but Tang San could. These six people were precisely the missing comrades he was looking for. Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun and the last Bai Chenxiang, missing only Xiao Wu. The six of them were bound to large shackles on a wooden stake, their auras weak, and in terrible physical state.

  Seeing this, how could Tang San not get angry? A low roar emerged from Tang San’s mouth eventually reverberating to the heavens. The unrestricted tyrannical energy surging out from him, his clothes shatter in the back as the Eight Spider Lances burst forth.

  Jji Xiang felt that Tang San suddenly changed into a different person, over bearing, evil and murderous. Without asking he could guess that those six people bound were people related to master. Quickly he said, “Master, you-”

  The Eight Spider Lances stabbing into the ground, without waiting for Ji Xiang to finish his speech, Tang San had already rushed forward like a cannon, bringing that roar with him to the wooden hut.

  Hearing Tang San’s voice, the six people bundled to the stake raised their heads, their spirit partially restored a ray of hope appearing in their tears as they fell.

  With a flash of light, Tang San practically instantly arrived by their sides, the Eight Spider Lances fiercely stabbing into the chains shattering them causing the Shrek Five devils and Bai Chen Xiang to fall to the ground panting for breath.

  Tang San struck the wall in front of the house a single time, the strength of the strike shook the wall directly shattering it into pieces and sent them flying.

  From his roar till he destroyed the wall with his fist, only an extremely short time had passed, but Tang San’s anger had reached its limit, regardless of how much this Ji Xiang had praised the Purple Pearl Pirate Group, having injured his companions. They were definitely his enemy.

  Through the busted wall, Tang San saw another thing that only made his rage soar. Wearing a long purple gown, with a medium build was sitting back towards them, and in his embrace the constantly struggling person wearing the Wishful Eight Treasures Soft Armour, Xiao Wu.

  * * *

  [1] Chinese idiom meaning even if it was just a little help from others, you should return the favor with all you can when others are in need

  Chapter 213: Scorching Hot Purple Pearl

  Abruptly seeing a purple robed person in the wooden house holding a struggling Xiao Wu, the raging fury in Tang San’s eyes became ice cold red light,


  Suddenly sweeping forward, the Eight Spider Lances on his back extended. Even though he didn’t release any spirit abilities, this moment his speed rose to the peak with his Blue Silver Emperor Right Leg Bone, directly charging at that purple figure.

  Not actually using spirit abilities was because Tang San was afraid of hurting Xiao Wu, but the fury in his heart was already at its limit. No matter what, he had to dismember this person who dared touch Xiao Wu.

  That purple robed person also reacted very quickly to the noise. At the same time as Tang San thrust forward, his body swiftly twisted like a swimming fish. With just one dodge, he brought Xiao Wu to slip five meters away, just evading Tang San’s thrust.

  But who was Tang San? In his extreme anger, his full potential was already roused. The bottom right Eight Spider Lance heavily whipped the ground, the lowest left stuck into the ground to act as support, making him spin a large circuit in midair, letting him once again reach the purple robed person without the slightest loss of momentum.

  The Eight Spider Lances thrust straight towards the opponent’s body. This time, Tang San was using his full strength, as fast as lightning.

  Even though that purple robed person was also a Spirit Master, in such a short time, Tang San basically didn’t give him the chance to react. The Eight Spider Lances were already in front of him.

  Facing a life or death crisis, that purple robed person did something that
left Tang San a bit puzzled. He suddenly pushed, sending Xiao Wu’s body away to land on a bed to the side. Himself without enough time to dodge, he suddenly raised his right leg and kicked straight at Tang San’s chest, textbook forcing the enemy to save himself first.

  Unfortunately, even though his reactions were fast, it was still a bit lacking compared to Tang San. That kick seemed like it would force the enemy to guard, and it was moreover a very long leg, but unfortunately, Tang San’s Eight Spider Lances were even longer, how could that leg measure up to three meters?

  Just as at least four Eight Spider Lances were about to skewer that purple robed person’s body, Tang San also finally saw his appearance. With this one look at the counterpart, the red in his eyes couldn’t help dulling a bit, the attack also slowing by half a beat.

  Appearing in front of him wasn’t any boorish man or ferocious pirate, but rather a well proportioned woman.[1] Seemingly twenty seven or eight, extremely beautiful, high nose, big eyes, short purple hair that looked neat and orderly, flourishing with heroic spirit. Right now a pair of beautiful purple eyes were looking at Tang San, filled with shock.

  Woman? This was Purple Pearl? It was because of these two realizations that Tang San’s movements slowed. That Purple Pearl also really was outstanding, suddenly sensing the opponent’s bitterly desperate aura, as the forward attack slowed, she drew on the momentum of the right leg kick to spin a full turn in midair. In the middle of the flip, she shed her robe and threw it at Tang San, using this momentum to retreat.

  Discovering the opponent was a woman, the grievance in Tang San’s heart was immediately alleviated a lot, and didn’t keep pursuing her. In a flash, he reached Xiao Wu’s side, he pulled her lovely body into his embrace with one hand, throwing out a robe from the Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges, bundling her up.

  Xiao Wu’s soulless body originally seemed a bit flustered, and abruptly sensing Tang San’s aura, she couldn’t help uttering a moan, holding tightly to Tang San’s waist and refusing to let go, her chest heaving violently. Clearly she had suffered no small shock.

  Tang San temporarily let off the opponent, but the opponent had no intention of letting him off.

  As captain of the Purple Pearl pirate fleet, Purple Pearl could also be considered having moved unhindered through this part of the sea for more than a decade. Had she ever been in such a difficult situation? Having almost met her destiny at Tang San’s attack, this corgeous captain immediately grew furious.

  “Who? You dare act like this in my Purple Pearl pirate group?”

  From Purple Pearl’s angle, she could only see Tang San’s long blue hair, the hair hiding his face, and Tang San had lowered his head to look at Xiao Wu. Only those barbed, vicious Eight Spider Lances on his back secretly shocked captain Purple Pearl. Subconsciously she urged her spirit power, releasing her spirit.

  Sensing the fright Xiao Wu had endured, Tang San’s fury exploded once again. Thinking of his comrades being imprisoned outside, he slowly raised his head, his voice cold: “I’ve come to kill you. Not just you, I will not leave even a chicken or dog alive among your Purple Pearl pirates.”

  When Purple Pearl saw Tang San raise his head, she also couldn’t help staring for a moment. In her eyes Tang San’s forehead was rounded, nose straight and jaw square, a handsome face filled with ice cold killing intent, purple golden light pulsing in a pair of blue eyes. But this aura brimming with killing intent had a somewhat graceful temperament, each movement seemed elegantly casual. Ever since she was born, this was the first time Purple Pearl had seen someone like this.

  Of course, Purple Pearl’s immunity to handsome men was also far stronger than ordinary women. Her sexual orientation originally wasn’t ordinary, or she wouldn’t have wanted to marry a woman.

  “I want to see just how you’ll destroy our Purple Pearl pirates. Get out of here.” As she spoke, Purple Pearl retreated explosively, already dodging out of the wooden house. Tang San felt a burst of fright, he was afraid the opponent would take it out on the other Shrek five devils. Carrying Xiao Wu he also couldn’t easily use teleportation. Right foot stomping on the ground, he hurriedly chased after.

  Purple Pearl didn’t have any intent of troubling the Shrek five devils or Bai Chenxiang, she stopped at the end of the open space in front of the wooden house. By now, her spirit was already released, her body distorting slightly, her whole person seeming to soften, a deathly still aura filling her eyes, her skin covered with a layer of gray blue little scales.

  Serpent. Seeing her physical changes, Tang San’s first guessed that her spirit was certainly related to serpents. However, not common serpents, it should be a sea serpent spirit.

  Two yellow, two purple, two black, six ideal spirit rings appeared around Purple Pearl. Even though Tang San guessed that this Purple Pearl was a bit older than she seemed on the surface, from her spirit rings and the sixty eighth rank spirit power Ji Xiang mentioned, this woman’s strength really was out of the ordinary.

  But so what? Sea serpents were very poisonous? They were still snakes. Tang San’s figure flashed, handing over Xiao Wu to Ning Rongrong who was still collapsed on the ground, unable to sit up. With a flash, he was already in front of Purple Pearl. Textbook first catching the king to capture thieves. There were several thousand enemies here, and even more two hundred Spirit Masters. Relying on just his own strength it might not be possible to charge out. As long as he caught Purple Pearl, it would be a lot easier to open a way.

  In midair, Tang San’s Blue Silver Emperor spirit abruptly burst out. Six spirit rings practically shot out from within him. Yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, red, the terrifying spirit ring colors made Purple Pearl’s heart tremble. The next instant, a circle of white light abruptly burst from Tang San.

  When confronting the enemy, Tang San would never hold back. As he approached, he released his Deathgod Domain.

  Ever since gaining some comprehension of the Deathgod Domain under Sword Douluo’s pressure, the might of this domain had also become even greater, mainly reflected in control. Within the its range, Tang San was now able to at will focus or scatter the effect of the Deathgod Domain. Now confronting only one opponent, he naturally condensed all his murderous spirit on Purple Pearl. Deathgod Assault instantly erupted.

  Purple Pearl only felt her whole body abruptly grow cold, an incomparable ice cold aura breaking into her mind like a sharp dagger, but this power was somehow incorporeal. As her body grew cold, fear welled up involuntarily, and she subconsciously retreated, fighting spirit diminishing. Deathgod Domain’s weakening effect instantly appeared, and moreover, along with the might of the Deathgod Domain growing stronger, the ice cold killing intent also made Purple Pearl’s body react a lot slower. Of her original strength, she actually couldn’t display more than seventy percent.

  Yellow green light appeared out of nowhere, taking the form of a great net in midair and enveloping the slowed Purple Pearl. Just as Purple Pearl wanted to take advantage of her spirits special nature to dodge, suddenly, sixteen strands of blue silver emperor rushed out of the ground, turning into a cage and rigidly containing her within. Under the large net, inside the cage, Purple Pearl was shocked to discover that she basically had no way to dodge, and forcibly blocking wasn’t her forte.

  Glittering golden light appeared on Tang San’s right arm. After the two great restraint abilities contained the opponent, the golden light of the Blue Silver Overlord Spear spread along his arm, directly touching Purple Pearl’s ample chest. And by now, the tremendous noise here had attracted large numbers of pirates to converge here.

  “Master, don’t.”

  “Third brother, don’t kill her.”

  Two voices echoed practically simultaneously, and Tang San’s Blue Silver Overlord Spear halted just in the deep ravine between Purple Pearl’s breasts, the spear sharp aura preventing Purple Pearl from even speaking.

  Indeed, Purple Pearl’s strength was indeed quite good. In the Spirit Emperor level she also counted as a
n expert. However, she had encountered Tang San, a man who dared skip levels to challenge Spirit Douluo.

  If it was in the sea, perhaps Purple Pearl could rely on the nature as sea Spirit Master to contend with Tang San, but here on land, even though their spirit power levels were similar, in strength and combat experience, how could Purple Pearl be Tang San’s opponent? Starting from the moment Tang San broke the wall with, her imposing manner was already completely at a disadvantage. And now was even more hopeless.

  The one shouting master was naturally Ju Xiang, rushing over with an anxious expression.

  A strand of Blue Silver Emperor floated up, twisting around Ji Xiang. Pulling him over next to him, the light in Tang San’s eyes radiated power, sweeping his gaze across the wantonly cursing pirates all around, coldly saying: “Whoever speaks rudely again, or takes one step forward, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

  The pirates immediately quieted down, looking at Tang San one by one, their gazes filled with anger.

  This was still the first time Ji Xiang had seen Tang San’s strength. Seeing Tang San’s six spirit rings, especially the red one, it was difficult to describe his shock. As far as he knew, even though Purple Pearl wasn’t completely overwhelming, she was still strongest on the island. Purple Pearl’s real age was thirty five, clearly a lot older than Tang San, but in just this short order, the powerful purple Pearl was already broken in the hands of his equally Spirit Emperor ranked master. Besides worry, Ji Xiang was also a bit proud.

  “Master, don’t attack, captain Purple Pearl isn’t a bad person.”

  Ji Xiang anxiously said to Tang San.

  Tang San gazed at Ji Xiang, then again looking at his comrades,

  “These are the comrades I was looking for, she isn’t a bad person? Don’t tell me you didn’t see the circumstances of my friends just now? She, a woman, wants to take a wife? The one she wanted to marry is your master’s wife.”


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