A Demon's Bliss

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A Demon's Bliss Page 6

by E. C. Land

  Shaking my head, I put the letter down and lift the one addressed to me. Opening it, I scan through it, thinking it would be like Melody’s— it’s not, so I have to start over, reading it slowly.


  You know the first day I walked into Music Lullabies, I was ready to start my life over again. I lost everything because of Jacob. Then I saw you and Melody. It felt like my heart would beat right out of my chest when I realized it was you. I know you know who I am now after the day in the shower. But I’m not that girl anymore.

  I don’t sing in front of people. I never have. Sure, I taught music in schools, but I didn’t have to sing. Jacob made sure I never wanted to do so. At least in front of others.

  I’m sorry to leave the way I have, but I don’t want any of you getting hurt, especially your daughter. She’s pure innocence and I refuse to let anything happen to her. I will not allow Jacob to put her in the crossfire. He’ll do whatever it takes to make my life miserable. I’m sure it sounds stupid to you, but it’s the truth.

  This wasn’t the first time Jacob hurt me and I’m pathetic to admit this to you. I should have left after the first time. Yet he stopped me by doing the whole ‘I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again’ speech. I was the fool to believe him. Only it didn’t stop— not until I ended up in the hospital.

  I hope you get why I’ve left. This is my way of protecting her and you.

  I know, I know, you don’t need protection. Guess what? I don’t care.

  You see, you stole my heart a long time ago and didn’t even know it. No one did.

  Please don’t be mad at me forever. If you don’t want to talk to me again, I understand. But if you do, you have my number.


  Your Fairy Girl

  “Motherfucker,” I mutter as I read the damn letter three more times.

  I knew I shouldn’t have let her go and this just proves it. Banging my fist on the table, the chair falls to the floor as I stand up, pissed with myself along with Bethany.

  Why the hell couldn’t she trust in me to protect her?

  Yeah, I fuckin’ get her reasons, but it doesn’t do a damn thing.

  “What the fuck did you do that for?” Lex says, his brows furrowed.

  Shaking my head, I run my fingers through my hair, gripping the back of my head. “Fuckin’ stubborn, hardheaded woman,” I snap.

  “Umm, Chaz, hate to break it to you, there are no women here right now,” Hunter says grinning.

  “I fuckin’ know that,” I mutter as I narrow my eyes on him.

  “I’m guessing he got the letter that explains why she left,” Tanner chuckles.

  “What the hell do you know about it?” I demand.

  “I know the Satan’s Keepers have asked us to come down and play at one of the bars they own,” Tanner says.

  “And let me guess, you said yes,” Lex grins, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Yep. I’ve already got everything packed in the trailer,” he states.

  “How do you know we all want to go to Texas?” I growl.

  “Okay, Mr. Temperamental, let me see. Tombstone suggested we come play, Angel insisted on it, and then I found Bethany gone. Figured it was a big clue for you to be able to go get your girl. I might not know her reasons, but I’m pretty sure it’s one she thought was good,” Tanner says in a matter-of-fact tone that should grate my nerves, but it doesn’t.

  “I say we go. What better way to spend the weekend than on a road trip?” Hunter states with a shrug.

  “I’m in,” Lex grins.

  Bethany’s words in her letter ring through my head and I know I need to go.

  Meeting each of their gazes, I nod my head. “Let’s go,” I say, turning on my heel to grab my bag for the road.

  I’m not about to let something stupid like Bethany’s fear of Jacob get in the middle of her and I.

  Chapter 13


  “Welcome home,” my dad says, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we step into the main room of their clubhouse.

  Glancing around the room, I take it all in. On one wall, there’s a huge painting of the patch they all wore with the symbol for the club. I always thought the three skulls with the guns were creepy as hell, but seeing it painted on the wall in color is worse. Whoever painted it has a knack for it and made it look almost as if it were going to pop right out at you.

  Scanning the rest of the room, it’s what I’d picture a club looking like— men scattered around the room either at the bar, shooting pool, playing darts, or sitting around on couches or at tables.

  “Come on, Princess, I’ll get you settled in your room,” he states right before a loud booming voice calls my name. Turning to the man calling my name, I smile seeing it’s Reaper.

  “Damn if it isn’t good to finally have you here,” Reaper says, making his way to us.

  “You too, Reaper,” I say, hugging him when he pulls me into his arms.

  “I swear you look more like your momma every time I see you,” he states and my heart lurches. I forgot they all know who my mom is.

  Furrowing my brow, I step back from Reaper. “How do you know my mom?” I ask, glancing between Reaper and my dad.

  I know this whole situation is confusing for me, but I need to know. More than that, I want to know who my family is.

  Reaper’s expression changed as he looks from me to Tombstone.

  “I hadn’t told her yet. Didn’t want to overwhelm her,” Tombstone mutters.

  Nodding, Reaper stares at me. “Your mom was my sister. The day we lost her was a hard day for all of us,” he says quietly.

  “Oh, wow, so that means you’re my real uncle,” I state, shocked at realizing I wasn’t just the daughter of the Enforcer for the Satan’s Keepers but the niece of the President.

  When did my world flip upside down?

  “Suppose you're right,” Reaper grins though it doesn’t meet his eyes.

  “So, if you're my real uncle, then where are all my birthday and Christmas presents,” I ask jokingly, trying to lighten the mood back up.

  Laughter fills the room as Reaper and Tombstone burst out laughing.

  “Kid, you are something. Always have been,” Reaper says as he sobers.

  “Guess that’s a good thing,” I mutter, wincing in pain as I shrug my shoulders.

  My body’s still healing and the fact these guys haven’t acknowledged the bruises is a blessing.

  “I’m gonna get Bethany to her room and then meet you in your office. Is Ember here by chance?” Tombstone asks.

  “Nope. You should know that girl is never where she’s supposed to be. Besides, she hates being here,” Reaper grumbles.

  “Is Ember your ol’ lady or whatever you call them?” I ask, glancing up to meet my dad's gaze.

  “No, Princess. Ember is not anything like that to me,” he says softly.

  “Damn good thing, Tombstone. Otherwise, that would be fuckin’ sick,” another man I hadn’t met before states as he joins us. “Name’s Daemon,” he says, reaching his hand out and offering it to me as he runs his gaze up and down my body before meeting my glare.

  The way he said that and then checks me out makes me sick, but his statement about Ember makes me think there’s more to her than I know.

  Why do I get the feeling I’m about to get knocked off my feet?

  “Daemon, you can be a fuckin’ idiot sometimes,” Reaper snaps, a wave of anger surrounding him as he steps forward.

  “What? I didn’t do anything wrong,” Daemon says, the grin he’d just had gone.

  “Bullshit, dickhead. You know who this girl is?” Tombstone snarls.

  “Your new piece?” the jerk questions.

  “She’s my fuckin’ daughter,” my dad roars.

  “And my goddamn niece,” Reaper sneers.

  “How the fuck was I supposed to know that? It’s not like I’d met her before or even seen her picture,” Daemon states in his defense.

  Before anyone can
say another word, the door slams open and every one of the guys turns to see who it is.

  “Oops, my bad,” the girl states sarcastically as she shrugs her shoulders. Taking in the girl, I realize she must be seventeen or eighteen at most. She’s beautiful with her long golden hair falling onto her shoulders. I notice the slightest scar running through her eyebrow up to her hairline.

  Wonder what happened to her.

  “Girl, you know better than to come in here slamming doors. We raised you better than that,” my dad growls.

  “Whatever,” the girl narrows her eyes and glances around him to see me. “See you have your new toy with you,” she snaps.

  “I suggest you watch your tone, missy,” Reaper states.

  “Oh, then she must be yours.” This girl must have a death wish with the way she’s talking to both men.

  “I’ll, umm, just go find a room,” I murmur, deciding to get away from all the tension.

  “Wait a minute and I’ll show you to your room, Princess. I just need to deal with your cousin for a moment,” Tombstone states.

  “Cousin,” I shout, shocked at the news.

  “Princess,” the girl bites out at the same time.

  “Yeah, Ember meet your cousin, Bethany,” Reaper snaps.

  This is Ember?

  “So, the prodigal daughter who can do no wrong is finally home. Nice to meet you,” Ember laughs bitterly.

  “Yeah, nice to meet you too,” I say hesitantly.

  “Ember, quit the bullshit,” Reaper states, drawing Ember into his arms. “There’s no reason to be a bitch toward Bethany,” he says softly.

  “Why? It’s who I am. I’m a bitch to everyone,” she shrugs.

  “No, you're not, Pumpkin,” my dad says quietly.

  “Look, whatever, I’m going to my room,” Ember says.

  “Wait a minute. If Ember’s my cousin, does that mean she’s your daughter?” I ask, confused about this whole dynamic.

  “Reaper's daughter? Yeah, right, that’s a good one. No, Princess, my parents are dead,” Ember snaps.

  “Ember, that’s enough,” Reaper growls.

  “What? It’s the truth,” she sneers, storming away and my heart breaks for her.

  Clearly, I have a lot to learn about my family. “So do I have any more family here that will come out of the woodwork.”

  Sighing, my dad shakes his head. “You have one other family member,” Tombstone says.

  “Who would that be?” I ask.

  “Me,” Angel says, stepping forward. “I’m also your uncle.”

  Holy mother of headaches.

  “I think I need to go lie down,” I mutter, shaking my head.

  “Okay, Princess. I’m sorry. We wanted to break everything gently to you,” my dad declares softly, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

  “I understand, but I need a minute to absorb all this information. Especially the fact I have a cousin who is definitely— and take no offense to this—a fuckin’ bitch,” I say.

  “We know. Ember's dad was my brother, and her mom was Reaper and Angel’s other sister. When she was twelve, they died when their house went up in flames,” Tombstone says.

  “That’s got to suck, still doesn’t give her a reason to act the way she did. I haven’t done anything to her,” I state.

  “Trust me, we know. Ember is smart as a whip and hates being here. She blames the club for what happened to her mom and dad,” Angel grumbles.

  “Damn, guess you lucked out not having to put up with me here as well,” I murmur, doing my best not to sound hurt.

  “Princess, we would have loved to have you here with us. But at the time, it was best to do what we did. Your dad did the right thing and felt the hurt constantly from the decision,” Reaper states firmly yet gently.

  “Let’s get you to your room,” Tombstone says, and I nod.

  I need a nap and time to think about how my world didn’t just get flipped upside down, it went spiraling.

  Chapter 14


  Damn, I forgot how much road trips could suck when you're already frustrated and ready to punch something. By the time we make it to the Texas state line, Lex and Tanner have me ready to beat the hell out of them both. Hunter mainly slept the entire way due to his ass can’t stand being in a vehicle longer than he has to be.

  Never known another grown as fuck man in my life to get car sick.

  Stretching my neck, I figure it best to stop for a minute at the rest area right inside Texas. I’ve driven the entire way so far, needing to keep my mind busy rather than on what I’ll do when I get to Bethany. More than that, I don’t want to think of her possible rejection of me coming for her.

  One thing is for sure— when I see her smile, I’m taking her in my arms and kissing the hell out of her. I also don’t intend to let her go once I do.

  Might sound pussified, but fuck if I care. Thoughts of Bethany are driving me up the wall.

  “So how much farther do you think it is to Palestine?” Hunter grumbles, sitting up in his seat as I put the truck in park.

  “Another few hours at most. We’re about an hour away from Tyler and it’s not too far from there from what the GPS says,” I shrug, taking my seatbelt off, I open the door. “I need a break from pain in the ass one and two.”

  “Who are you callin’ a pain in the ass?” Tanner chuckles as he joins me, lifting his arms above his head to stretch. “Damn, I forgot how much I hate road trips. They leave my back stiff as hell.”

  “Good thing we’re going to a clubhouse full of pussy,” Lex states with a grin, earning a sideways glare from Tanner.

  Everyone thinks he’s a sucker for any random pussy, but unless he’s at his wits’ end, he doesn’t touch a woman. Even then he refuses to look at them. I’ve caught him more than once calling out the same name with each one of the women.

  If it weren’t for the simple difference in the color of our skin, you’d think we were related. Shit, that’s the same with all of us, but Tanner, he’s different. He’ll let everyone think one thing about him only for them to find out he’s the exact opposite. I can’t wait for the day he gets to stop hiding who he really is.

  “Let’s not worry about you all getting your dicks wet right now. Do what you need to do. Walk around and whatnot. Just be back in the truck in ten minutes,” I mutter before turning from them and stalking away.

  Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and exhale, letting all the stress go. Bethany’s letter said she loved me and I’ve always held her heart, a heart I didn’t even know I had hold of. This should make me feel bad because I was with Jamie at the time. But I don’t, because, at the end of the day, it means I’ve been given a second chance at happiness. At doing everything right.

  I’ll always love Jamie. She was more than my fiancée— she was my best friend in the whole world. The one I shared my secrets with. It still pisses me off some days that she held such a big one from me. I thought for the longest time she didn’t love me because of it. It took a while, but I finally realized the truth of her actions.

  And for that, I’ll always be grateful. I get to wake up every day with a remember of the first woman I ever loved in my life. The first person who ever captured my attention. Melody is the best reminder and I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant I didn’t have her.

  Sighing, I put my hands in my pockets while I kick at the gravel. Looking up at the clear dark sky, I can see the stars crystal clear just like back home. I focus on the stars until I find what I’m looking for.

  The Aries constellation.

  Soon as I spot it, a smile crosses my face. Melody says the farthest star is her mommy looking over the other three. When I’d asked who the other three were supposed to be, she’d simply looked at me and said the two of us and her new mommy when we found her.

  With the way Melody has taken to Bethany, I know without a doubt she believes Bethany is that person. I only hope I don’t disappoint my little girl and can show Bethany I can protect
not just her but keep my daughter safe in the process.

  I know Bethany still has to finish healing before we can go any further, but fuck if I’m going to allow this shit to keep us apart.

  “Hey, man, you ready?” Tanner asks, causing me to tilt my head from looking up at the sky to see he’s also looking up at it as well.

  “Yeah, I’m ready. We’re almost there and I need some fuckin’ sleep,” I say.

  Chapter 15


  After a crappy night, I’d finally fallen into a restless sleep. I snuggle deeper into the pillow, feeling warmer than normal. God, I hope I’m not getting sick. I go to roll over only to find I can’t move.

  Glancing down, I see the reason why and my heart starts to pound in my chest. Someone is in my bed holding me to them.

  Without waking the person attached to the arm holding me, I roll to my back, tilting my head to see who it is. My nerves calm down partially at the sight of who it is, but my heart doesn’t stop pounding. It never does when he’s around me.


  But how? Why?

  What is he doing here?

  I allow myself a moment to take in his features. He almost has a boyish look to him when he’s asleep. When he’s awake, it’s as if the weight of the world rests on his shoulders.

  “Are you going to stare at me all morning?” he rasps, his eyes still closed.

  I smile even though I’m confused as to why he’s here.

  “I don’t know, maybe I will,” I say in response.

  “I’m sure there’re better things we can do besides you staring at me,” he states, opening his eyes enough to meet my gaze.

  My stomach flutters and my core throbs at the thought of him taking me the way he does in my dreams.

  “Not that I’m not happy to see you, Chaz, but why are you here? You were mad and wouldn’t talk to me before I left,” I whisper, rolling to face him completely.


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