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A Demon's Bliss

Page 9

by E. C. Land

  I groan as Chaz removes his hands and turns me to face him.

  I gasp when his mouth crashes down on mine. Opening my mouth, he plunges in taking full control over my mouth. His hands hold me firmly to him as he turns to press my back against the shower wall.

  Chaz places a trail of kisses down my front, giving each of my nipples attention on his way further down to the apex between my legs.

  “I’ve been dying to do this,” he rasps, his voice filled with lust.

  The flick of his tongue meeting my clit sends a shiver down my body. He proceeds to lift one of my legs over his shoulder to give him easier access. A moan slips through my lips as Chaz slides a finger along my core.

  “So wet for me already, Fairy girl,” he growls right before he latches onto my clit. I cry out in pleasure when he sinks two of his fingers into my pussy.

  With each thrust of his fingers, he brings me closer to an orgasm I’ve never experienced before. I clench my fingers in his hair urging him on.

  As I grow closer to the edge, Chaz stops, causing me to groan in protest. Standing, he lifts me until I have to wrap my legs around his waist.

  “I wanna feel you around my dick when you come for me,” he rasps as he lines his dick with my pussy and thrust up. “Fuck, you feel so damn good around me.”

  “More, Chaz. I need you more,” I plead wrapping my fingers in his hair.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll give you what you need,” Chaz says before slamming his mouth down on mine. Our tongues dance with each other as he slams into me. His mouth keeps me from crying out, coming around him.

  Chaz thrusts a few more times before he’s also groaning as he stills. I can feel his dick twitching inside my pussy as he comes.

  When we pull our mouths from each other, both of us panting for breath, my gaze meets his and I know without a doubt I made the right decision. He’s not like Jacob or any other person.

  In his eyes, I see the truth of who he is. Sure, he can be a jerk sometimes, but since we got back from Texas, he’s not once been that way toward me.

  The man even admitted how he felt about me earlier in his office at the shop. Although I didn’t say it then, I felt it, I just didn’t know how to say it at the time but now I do.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  “I know you do, Fairy girl. I love you too. Now, let’s get out of here and into the bedroom. I’m nowhere near done with you tonight. We may go all weekend without coming up for air,” he grins as he turns off the water.

  With me still wrapped around his waist, Chaz steps out of the shower, both of us still sopping wet. Walking into the room he lays me down on the bed where he begins to thrust slowly into me once again.

  “I hope you're ready, Bethany, because I’m never goin’ to let you go. Never again will I go a day without you,” he says.

  “I don’t want you to ever let me go.”

  Without another word, he thrusts deeper and begins to show me everything that I’ve been missing in my life.

  How did I get so lucky? I only hope nothing else breaks the little bit of bliss I’ve found in my life.

  Chapter 20


  “Fairy girl, will you come in the studio with me?” I ask cautiously, knowing Bethany still has a hard time singing in front of other people. But I’ve heard her more than once when she thinks no one is watching her.

  “Why?” she asks, her brows furrowed in question as she looks up from the computer where she’d been logging in our schedule for the next week coming up. The log goes from her computer to all of our phones so we can simply open up the app and check who has to do what.

  Bethany knows mornings we use for the studio since most of the time kids are in school until at least two. That’s when our day gets busy teaching kids, all from high school down to pre-K. So, I don’t blame her for asking.

  “I want you to do something with me,” I say, giving her a wicked grin that causes her to blush. Since the other weekend when we’d stayed in bed the entire time wrapped up in each other, she gets that look on her face a lot more.

  “Umm, I don’t know,” she murmurs apprehensively.

  “Just trust me, baby,” I say, holding my hand out for her to take. I’m not taking no on this, not when it’s something I want to encourage her to do. She deserves to have her voice heard. Even if she doesn’t want to be seen.

  “Okay.” Letting out a breath, Bethany takes my hand. Pulling her out of her chair, I guide her into the studio where the guys are already waiting. We’d already talked about us doing this with her.

  “Hey, Bethy, glad he was able to get you in here,” Tanner grins, glancing up from tuning his bass guitar as we walk in.

  “Hey, Tan, what’s going on?” she asks using the shortened version of Tanner's name. Bethany had started it as a joke that Tanner and Hunter needed shortened names to go with mine and Lex’s. So, they were both deemed Tan and Hunt. Neither of them objected to it either.

  Bethany has easily become part of our family. The thought would have freaked me out months ago, now I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Nothing much, just waiting for you to get your ass in here and shower us with that musical voice of yours,” Tanner chuckles.

  “Umm, yeah, that’s not happening,” she mutters.

  “Baby, come on. I just want you to hear what we have. If you want to join in, great. If not, it’s okay, but I hope you do. You shouldn’t have to fear letting others hear you sing, not with a voice like yours,” I say as I pull her into my side.

  Sighing, Bethany shakes her head. “Fine, I’ll listen,” she relents.

  “Bethy, it’s going to be damn good having you be a part of this,” Lex announces, sitting down behind his drum set.

  “Don’t say,” Bethany murmurs as she takes a seat off to the side out of the way.

  Grabbing the song sheet we’d been working on, I hand her a copy and I keep my eyes on her as she scans the words. “Yeah, Fairy girl, it’s your song,” I chuckle as her gaze snaps up to mine. The way her eyes widen, I know she’s more than surprised.

  “Why would you want to do this one?” she asks, nervously.

  “Because this is a damn good song,” Hunter speaks up before I can answer.

  “Yeah, Bethy, this is epic and deserves to be heard,” Tanner says.

  “They’re right, Bethany, but only if you’re okay with it. I suggest you listen to it first though before saying no,” I insist.

  Bethany seems to think about this for a good while before finally relenting and nods in agreement. “Okay, I’ll listen. I’m not happy that you took this without asking,” she says.

  Nodding, I give her a grin as I grab my guitar and sit in my spot. Strumming my fingers along the strings, I wait for my cue to start. When it’s time, I turn my gaze to hold Bethany’s.

  Is there anyone out there

  Someone who can save me

  There must be a way out

  But I can’t see anything through the darkness

  Where is the light

  Where is the door

  Can anyone help me

  I need to find the outside

  People are around me

  But nobody sees me

  Will someone please help me

  There’s no light around me

  Where is the light

  Where is the door

  Can anyone help me

  I need to find the outside

  The air around me is colder than before

  In the distance a light appears

  So far away I’ll never make it

  In the darkness I’ll fall to pieces

  Am I dead

  Am I living

  Find me in the dark

  Or leave me to be

  Where is the light

  Where is the door

  Can anyone hear me

  I need to find the outside

  But I’m already out there

  In the darkness

  Take my hand
  And I’ll guide you

  You’ll never be alone

  Even when you feel like no one

  Is there to help you

  Just open your eyes and you’ll see

  The light surrounds you

  The door is open

  We can hear you

  You’re never alone

  As I finish the words, Tanner strums the last beat, and tears are rolling down Bethany’s cheeks.

  “Come here, baby,” I order, putting my guitar on the stand next to me.

  The instant she’s near me, I wrap an arm around her, pulling her in between my legs and lift a hand to wipe the tears away.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “Yes, I just never knew it could sound so great,” she whispers.

  “It’ll sound better if you did it with us,” I assert, wanting her to know that I want her to do this with me.

  “But—” I put a finger over her lips to stop her from saying anything else.

  “Fairy girl, you can do this and we’re all gonna be right here with you,” I say, not giving her a chance to say no.

  Bethany stares at me for long moments before finally nodding her head. “Okay, but please don’t ask me to ever get on a stage with you all. I’ll do some things, but I’m not some rock star like you guys.”

  “Promise you, Bethany, I wouldn’t ask you to do anything unless I knew you could do it,” I say, grinning at her, I lean down to capture her lips for a brief kiss.

  “Alright, now that she’s agreed, let’s get this shit rolling,” Lex states, loudly.

  “Umm, one thing. After we do it this way, could I do it acoustic?” Bethany asks.

  Lifting a brow in her direction, I wait for her to explain.

  “It’s how I used to play it when I wrote it,” she murmurs and that blush I fuckin’ love appears.

  “You can do that,” I murmur, knowing I want to hear it.

  Nodding, she steps out of my hold and we all get down to business explaining the setup and how everything works.

  When it’s time to sing, she blows my mind just like the first time I heard her at the piano.

  Chapter 21


  It’s completely unreal to experience something like working with Chaz and the rest of the guys. Somehow over the past month, they’ve convinced me to record several songs with them, claiming they needed a woman’s touch on their newer stuff.

  Besides working in the studio, all of us seem to have gotten into a routine and have started having family dinners. And for the first time, I truly feel like a part of a family. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

  Chaz and I have even grown closer. We’ve opened up with each other so much as we talked about our past. He told me about Jamie and what a beautiful person she was. I told him about how I ended up marrying Jacob.

  The two of us always ended up naked with him blowing my mind every night. Mornings as well. Chaz can be somewhat insatiable. I sometimes get scared that with his appetite for sex that I might not be enough. That one day he’ll wake up and realize I’m not able to give him everything he wants.

  Such as kids, since I can’t give him anymore. I’d gone to the doctor many times at the request of Jacob only to find out I couldn’t carry a child. Though I had all the parts for getting pregnant, I didn’t have viable eggs. Jacob would call me useless every time then beat me the moment we got home.

  Being with him, I’m glad I was never able to. I’d never want to subject a child to his abuse. Now I wish more than anything I could do something that all women should be able to.

  “What are you thinking so hard about? I can hear the wheels spinning.” Chaz’s sleep-filled voice draws me out of my head. The press of his lips against my shoulder sends a sliver of want through my body as he tightens his arms around my waist.

  “Umm . . . just stuff,” I murmur.

  “What kinda stuff, Fairy girl?” he asks, rolling me to my back so he can see my face. “Tell me what’s going through that head of yours.”

  His gaze seems so somber I wonder what he would think if he knew why I couldn’t have kids. Or my thoughts on my insecurities.

  Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. “Do I make you happy?” I ask.

  “Bethany, open your eyes and look at me,” Chaz commands, his tone soft yet firm as I feel one of his hands palm my cheek tilting my face toward him.

  Slowly, my eyes flutter open to meet his intense gaze.

  “Why wouldn’t you make me happy?” he asks.

  “Because in all my life I’ve never been enough for anyone. My dad, for example, I wasn’t enough for him to fight to keep me. Sure, he stayed in my life, but I’ve always thought he was my uncle not my father. Then there are my parents, the ones who raised me. I was never good enough for them. I was always stuck studying, playing music, never allowed out because I had to keep up my grades to be what they wanted.

  “You know they hated the fact I didn’t go to some Ivy League school. The day I graduated from high school, they told me I was on my own since I couldn’t even get into a prestigious school. I ended up moving to Holland where I lived in a small rental while I went to school. That’s when I met Jacob. And you know how that ended,” I mutter.

  “Baby, one, your dad thinks the world of you. And as a dad myself, I can see why he did what he did. The man was only thinking of what was best for you. As for the people who raised you, they’re not worth thinking about. They might have been family by blood, but DNA doesn’t mean a damn thing when it comes to true family.

  “You don’t need to let what they did get to you. Not anymore. You have all of us here and we’re not going anywhere. Now for Jacob. He’s a dumb motherfucker who’ll get what he deserves soon enough. None of us have stopped looking for him. Even your dad. He’s got his guys keeping an ear to the ground. The same as the DRMC. We look out for our own. The band might not be a part of the club life but we’re family nonetheless,” he says firmly before taking a deep breath.

  “When it comes to whether or not you make me happy, Bethany, I’ll tell you this now. I’ve never wanted to be with someone as much as I do with you. And that means something to me. Jamie, she was the love of my life at the time. But she was taken away from me way too soon. I will always remember her and she’ll have a special place in my heart. The rest of my heart and soul belong to one person though and that’s you. I didn’t think I’d ever love anyone besides my daughter after Jamie. Does that answer your question?”

  My heart feels as if it were going to jump out of my chest with how fast it was beating. Chaz’s words sink deep within my heart and anchor there because I know he means every word.

  I nod my head in response due to the lump in my throat keeping me from speaking. This man who could be compared to Adonis loves me and I can’t believe he’s mine.

  “Good, now what brought this on Fairy girl,” he asks.

  Clearing my throat, I let out a shuttered breath. “I was just thinking about the fact that I’ll never be able to give you a child,” I murmur as I stare into his gorgeous eyes.

  “Bethany, you don’t have to carry a child for us to make a family when the time is right,” he declares.

  “I know, but it still hurts all the same,” I say closing my eyes.

  “If and when the time is right and we’re ready for our family to grow we’ll look into our options. But I have a question. Are you sure you can’t carry a child?” he asks.

  Without opening my eyes, I nod my head and try to turn my head away, but Chaz's hand keeps me from doing so. “A doctor told me that I didn’t have viable eggs and that there wasn’t a way for me to be able to become pregnant. I was told this on several occasions when Jacob took me to the same doctor,” I admit, defeated as I finally state the reason out loud.

  “Who was the doctor?” Chaz asks.

  Surprised by his question, I open my eyes to find his gaze gone from sweet to intense. “Umm, Doctor Leary,” I say in response. Chaz’s brows furrow as I
say the name.

  “Okay, I want to suggest something. You can say no, or we can go for it, but I’d like for us to get a second opinion from a specialist. I’ve never heard of this doctor and after everything with Jamie, the only doctor I’d listen to besides Connors is Doctor Taylors,” he murmurs.

  I don’t bother either way. I know what the answers are going to be, but to put his mind at ease, I’ll go see a specialist with him. “We can go see one,” I whisper.

  “I love you, Bethany. Either way, when the time is right, we will start a family. There’re plenty of kids in this world who need homes.” Chaz moves until he's situated between my legs and his dick is pressed against my entrance. “Now I need to erase your mind of any and all negative thoughts,” he chuckles before leaning down to take my mouth in a kiss as he sinks deep inside my pussy.

  And erase my mind he did, all morning and well into the afternoon. It’s a good thing Melody wasn’t home. We stayed wrapped up in each other until it was time to get ready for the gig the band had tonight at Outlaw’s.

  Chapter 22


  It’s been a little over a week since Bethany finally told me why she couldn’t have kids. I’d dropped the subject after making my suggestion and spent the rest of the day showing her how much I loved her. That night at the gig, I’d wanted her up on stage with me but I knew she wasn’t ready for being in the spotlight again. I had only been able to do it the last time because it was her dad's club.

  Singing in front of strangers can be a hell of a lot harder than family. They’re more critical and if you fuck up they have no shame in telling you.

  The next morning I’d gotten on the phone and called the only doctor I trusted besides Connors. Doctor Taylors immediately agreed to see us when I explained to her what Bethany had told me.


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