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by Michael A Aquino

Electromagnetic spectrum

  145, 153, 160, 182, 186,



  Eliot, T.S. 15.

  Golden Flower ( Tao) 66,

  Elohim 61, 153.

  75, 170.

  Elysian Fields 190.

  Hades 180, 215.

  Empiricism 111-114

  HarWer 163.

  Enlightenment, the 59, 73,

  Hegel, Georg 114-118.

  101-2, 105-6, 111, 114-5,

  Heidegger, Martin 185.


  Heka/-u 142-3.

  - 283 -

  Hel 190.

  Lilly, John 138-9, 154-5,

  Hinduism 151.


  Hobbes, Thomas 99-101

  Locke, John 102-105.

  Horizon creation 119-120

  Logan’s Run 174.

  Hume, David 112-114.

  Logos 9, 75, 84-87, 91, 107,

  IlluminAnX 148, 151.


  Inalienable rights 104

  - Spermatikos 91.

  Iyer, Raghavan 9, 55-57,

  Lord of the Rings 170-2.

  66, 84-85.

  Lovecraft, H.P. 76, 137,

  Jewel of Seven Stars, The


  79-80, 141-3, 196

  Loyola, Ignatius 98.

  Judæo-Christianity 92, 95,

  Luther, Martin 95-97.

  111, 132, 151, 190.

  Maat 41, 77, 152, 162,

  Soul 19, 58-60

  248-9, 261-2.

  Judaism 58-63

  Maeterlinck, Maurice

  Afterlife 60-63, 150.


  Ka 74, 79-81, 142-3, 159,

  Manchurian Candidate,

  195, 197.

  The 126-7.

  Kant, Immanuel 66, 93,

  Marx, Karl 120, 123-6.

  116, 165.

  Mathematics 40, 54, 99,

  Kantner, Paul 65.

  112, 208-10, 214-5,

  Khabit 74, 77, 143, 164,


  195-6, 255.

  Materialism 135

  Khat 74-7, 143, 159,

  Matrix, the 130.

  168-70, 188-9, 195-6.

  Mechanism 16-9, 38, 70,

  Lamarckism 69.

  72, 86, 88, 111, 130,

  Language 140-4.

  146, 166, 168, 182, 184.

  Laws, Thomistic:

  Men ab 80, 141-3.

  Divine 94-95.

  Mer 80, 141-3.

  Eternal 94.

  Milton, John 149.

  Human 95.

  Mind/brain distinctions

  Natural (NL) 94, 135,


  139-40, 146-7, 163-4.

  Mind Control 126-127

  Lenin, Vladimir 125-6.

  MindStar 66-7.

  Liberalism 114-5.

  Emanations 73-82.

  - 284 -

  MindWar 16-7, 30, 126-7,

  71-2, 78, 102, 116, 125,

  139, 144, 154-5.

  129, 154, 156, 164-5,

  Miracles 20, 139, 253.

  170, 171-3, 186-8,

  Monroe, Marilyn 55.

  213-5, 230.

  Morlindalë 172.

  Sophist, The 199-201,

  Mummification 181.

  203-7, 210-13, 218-20,

  Nag Hammadi 62.

  236, 242.

  Names 76, 141-3.

  Statesman, The 219-20,

  Nationalism 114-5.

  222-3, 228 235-6, 238,

  Nephesh 61.

  242, 249, 255.

  Neteru 42-6.

  Timæus, The 209, 237,

  Existence proof 146.


  Neter-Xertet 148, 160-1.

  Poe, Edgar Allan 83.

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Procrustes 149.


  Protagoras 88, 206, 208,

  Nihilism 121.

  220, 222.

  Nirvana 79.

  Psyche 19, 48, 51, 66, 140,

  Nœsis 17, 57, 66, 73, 88,

  153, 191.

  130, 161-2.

  Psychiatry 133.

  Nomos 84.

  Psychological Control

  Nous 84.

  (PSYCON) 139.

  Organicism 115-116.

  Pyramid, Great 155.

  Orwell, George ( 1984) 18,

  Pyramid Texts 145.

  30, 57, 109, 131, 143-4,

  Pythagoras 44, 55, 88, 145,


  197, 233, 252-4,

  Pan, Peter 179.


  Phenomenology of mind

  Redemption, Christian



  phi 158.

  Reformation 95-98.

  Physics 138.

  Reich, Wilhelm 18, 138.

  Physis 84.

  Reincarnation 151.

  Pistis 116.

  Relativity 208, 214-5, 226,



  Critias, The 247.

  Religions, profane 148.

  Meno, The 17, 21, 25,

  Ren 76, 141-3, 152.

  31, 34, 40, 48, 55-6, 67,

  Rephaim 61.

  - 285 -

  Romanticism 114-5.


  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  Taoism 66, 75, 111, 248.


  Teleology 70, 87.

  Samadhi 217.

  Telos 27, 48, 69-70, 85-7,

  Sartre, Jean-Paul 146.

  94, 101, 110, 127, 147,

  Satan 18, 50, 59, 92.

  182, 189.

  Scholasticism 92-95.

  Tera, Queen 140-3, 196-7.

  Schopenhauer, Arthur 61.

  Theology 60.

  Schwaller de Lubicz:

  Thinking, reflective 161,

  Isha 53, 82, 180.


  René 32, 52-3, 140-1,

  Thompson, Hunter S. 31.


  Thomson, James 35.

  Sekhem 81.


  Sensory deprivation 185-8.

  Algorithmic 17, 45, 72

  Set 142, 163-7, 181, 192,

  Conceptual 17, 48,



  Gift of 74

  Subconscious 16-7,

  Temple of 163, 192.

  28-30, 57, 72-5, 139,

  Thigh of 80, 142.

  154, 159, 164, 167, 184.

  Sheol 60-3, 150.

  Time 16, 26-7, 36-9, 45,

  Skepticism 89.

  50, 56, 61, 70, 80-1, 87,

  Smith, Clark Ashton 165,

  93, 97-9, 108, 111-20,

  167, 179, 197

  137, 139, 144, 147-8,

  Social Contract 98-110.

  156, 170, 182, 184,

  Socialism 124.

  188-9, 196-7, 200, 206,

  Soma pneumatikon 62.

  208, 213, 215-7, 221-2,

  Sophism 88-89, 199-266.

  225, 232, 239-45, 251,

  Stanley, Thomas 253-8.

  257-8, 260, 264-5.

  Stargate 53-4.

  Cyclical 38, 40, 51,

  Stoicism 90-2.

  241-2, 246.

  Stoker, Bram 140-3, 196-7..

  Linear 38, 70-2, 147,

  Subjective idealism 116.

  240-1, 246.

  “Suicide” 173-5.

  Nonexistent 147.

  Symbolism (Egyptian)


  43-8, 53, 59, 82, 137,

  140-2, 145, 152, 158-9,

  - 286 -

  Collective Subjective

  (CSU) 17-9, 29-30,

  57-8, 60, 193-4.

  Objective (OU) 16-20,

  26-28, 34, 55, 58, 67,

  70, 72-3, 77-8, 83-5, 91,

  94-5, 110, 130, 134-5,

  138-9, 145-9, 155,

  172-6, 179159-68

  172-9, 182-8, 193-6

  Subjective (SU) 15-21,

  28-9, 57, 73, 77, 99,

  158, 166-7, 173, 179,

  187-8, 193-5.

  Torah, Hebrew 151.

  Verne, Jules 74, 91.

  Walhalla 190.

  Will to Power 118-22.

  Winkler, Franz 188-92.

  Whitrow G.J. 239-40.

  Xeper 78, 81, 85-7, 190,


  Xepera 81, 246.

  Xepera Xeper Xeperu 81.

  Yoga 154, 217-8.

  Zohar 151.

  Zombies 76, 137, 155.

  2001: A Space Odyssey


  - 287 -

  About the Author

  Michael A. Aquino was the only member of the

  Church of Satan to attain Magister Templi IV° prior to

  1975, and was a member of the Church’s Council of Nine

  and Order of the Trapezoid 1970-75.

  He served as founding High Priest of the Temple of

  Set 1975-1996, was Recognized as an Ipsissimus VI°, and

  was founding Grand Master of the Temple’s Order of the

  Trapezoid 1982-87.

  In secular life he is a Lt. Colonel, Psychological

  Operations, U.S. Army (Ret.). He is a graduate of the

  Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense

  University; Defense Intelligence College, Defense

  - 288 -

  Intelligence Agency; Foreign Service Institute,

  Department of State; U.S. Army Special Warfare Center

  (Special Forces (“Green Beret”)/Psychological

  Operations/Civil Affairs/Foreign Area Officer); U.S.

  Army Command & General Staff College; U.S. Army

  Intelligence School, and U.S. Army Space Institute.

  Decorations include the Bronze Star, Meritorious Service

  Medal, Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal (3

  awards), Special Forces Tab, Parachutist Badge, USAF

  Space & Missile Badge, and the Republic of Vietnam

  Gallantry Cross, Psychological Warfare Medal (First

  Class), & Air Service Medal (Honor Grade).

  Academic credentials include the B.A., M.A., and

  Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of

  California, Santa Barbara; and the M.P.A. in Public

  Administration from George Washington University. He

  has taught as Adjunct Professor of Political Science,

  Golden Gate University.

  In 2006, following his retirement as a U.S.

  government officer, he was recognized by Scotland’s Lord

  Lyon King of Arms as the 13th Baron of Rachane,

  Argyllshire. He is a member of Clan Campbell. He, his

  wife Lilith, and cats live in San Francisco, California.




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