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American Heroes: The Complete American Heroes Collection

Page 63

by Teagan Kade

  “Did the Captain come around?” she asks.

  “He did.”


  “He said we’re going to talk to the Dean, maybe find a way to get me back in at Pemberton.”

  “That’s great,” she enthuses.

  “You sure? You might not be so enthusiastic when I’m kicking your ass in training all day.”

  She laughs aloud, head tilted back to the sky. “Remind me again why I’m with a guy with a hot-air balloon for a head?”

  “Because he gives great head?” I retort.

  She looks at me sideways and I’m dying already to get into her pants and help her forget this whole fucking mess. “The doctor did order rest and relaxation.”

  I give a bow. “Your wish is my command, princess, and speaking of which, behold your carriage.”

  My pickup’s been impounded, but King was kind enough to lend me his car.

  Lacey explodes with laughter. “A pink Chevy Neon? I can almost see your balls shriveling.”

  I open the passenger door and help her in, not like she needs it. Apart from a few superficial grazes and a sore shoulder, she’ll be in perfect health soon enough.

  I run around to the driver’s side, hanging my head in shame when I spot a dancing Hawaiian girl on the dash. “Just my luck the only car available was a giant pink vagina.”

  “Hey,” she says, “that’s offensive to vaginas.”

  I lean over and kiss her. “Not all vaginas are as pretty as yours, pumpkin.”

  She shrugs. “One, I’m not your pumpkin and two, I suppose all cocks aren’t as pretty as yours either.”

  I start the car-slash-super tampon. “Call my cock ‘pretty’ one more time and we’ll be having words.”

  She takes my hand and runs it down the front of her pants. I’m surprised to find she’s wet. “Wouldn’t you rather have something else?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I reply, and I can guarantee this Nova’s never moved so fast in its life.




  I stand at the podium looking out over a sea of eager faces. Down at the front sits Pemberton’s graduating class of 2017, and what a proud bunch we are, none more than Payton.

  I begin my speech, a cloudless sky watching on. “True heroism is remarkably sober. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost. My father was a firefighter. His name was Gregory Davis Nelson, and he was a hero.”

  Through some divine miracle I manage to keep my composure through this first part of my speech, going on to discuss the merits of our class, the effort we’re put in, the many hardships we faced. At the end, I speak about Mateo Hernandez and his contribution to the class, inviting those gathered to take a moment of silence to remember him.

  I finish with another quote, focusing on Payton and his beaming smile. “For many of us, it was not an easy decision to come here. To arrive, one must leave the city of their comfort and go out into the wilderness of their own intuition. The place we came looking for is not one you can reach by bus, only by hard work and risk, and by not quite knowing what you’re doing. But find it and what you discover is wonderful. What you discover is yourself. Thank you.”

  The applause is thunderous, the Captain nodding as I step down from the podium.

  The Dean takes my place. “Pemberton Fire Academy Class of 2017, it is my great honor to welcome you as probationary firefighters to the great institution that is the US Firefighting Service. Congratulations.”

  Graduation caps whip into the air. I walk down from the stage and throw mine away, Payton pulling me into his arms and spinning us around as the class continues to whoop and shout. It’s a wonderful feeling, especially knowing I’ve found more than purpose these last sixteen weeks. I’ve found the love of my life.

  We’re deep in a kiss, almost doing it on the quad, when I spot Mom walking over out the corner of my eye. Reluctantly, I peel myself from Payton. “Mom. Hi.”

  She looks up (way up, given she’s barely five feet tall). “And you must be Payton.” She takes in his arms. “My, you are a strapping lad.”

  “Mom!” I protest.

  Payton extends his hand, smiling. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”

  “Ma’am!” she gushes. “And a gentleman, too!” She winks at him. “Maybe I’ll take you home for myself.”

  “Mom! God,” I exclaim, mortified.

  “It’s okay,” laughs Payton. “Beauty runs in the family, it seems.”

  I roll my eyes. He’s playing Mom like a freakin’ fiddle.

  By the time we make it across to the new Dante’s, now a café, they’re basically besties.

  If only you met him when I first got here, I think.

  It seems like forever ago now.

  I’d never met anyone so arrogant, so full of themselves in all my life, but I’ve come to know a different Payton, a man of kindness and purpose and utter devotion… not to mention endless stamina. If I was to add up the amount of orgasms I’ve had these last few weeks it would make for a mile of O’s.

  We sit at a table outside, Payton with a lemon, lime, and bitters. I don’t think he’s been too keen on heavy drinking since our little vodka showdown.

  Mom’s not holding back. She has not one, but two cocktails lined up ready to go. “Are your parents here today, Payton?”

  I stiffen, but Payton places his glass down, taking a moment to compose himself before replying. “I’m afraid not. We don’t exactly see eye to eye when it comes to my career choice.”

  “I can understand,” says Mom, happy to have a confidant. “I basically begged Lacey not to come home, especially after what happened to her father,” she looks at me, “but I’ve come around. He would have been so, so very proud, kiddo.”

  I take her hand and squeeze, close to tears. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “My pleasure, pumpkin. Now, if we can only find you a nice desk job…”


  She waves it off. “I know, I know, but I’m a mother. It’s my job to worry. When you two have kids—”

  Thankfully, Payton cuts her off. “You don’t need to worry about a thing, Mrs. Nelson,” Payton cuts in. “I’m going to take very good care of her.”

  The innuendo goes right over Mom’s head; she happily sits there sipping on her piña colada.

  While the two of them continue to chit-chat, I look around at the others. Jackson’s parents are completely not what I expected—stiff-backed and dead serious. He sits in their company like a schoolboy.

  I have to laugh when he sees me watching. “Kill me,” he mouths.

  We’ve been through a lot, the bunch of us. I meant what I said in that speech—every word. No other class in Pemberton history has faced the difficulties we have, but we’re going to be stronger for it.

  There is one glaring absence. Last I heard, Ryan had been moved interstate to a proper penitentiary pending trial. There was talk he might try and plea down to manslaughter, even push for insanity. Maybe he is insane, but he needs to face the consequences.

  It’s likely we’ll be called to trial to give witness, but for now I simply want to enjoy this moment and move on.

  I see Mom off and head in to start packing up. It’s not like I had a lot of things here to begin with, but there’s a certain sadness knowing this is all coming to an end.

  For some bizarre reason, I decide to keep the neon thong from The Juicy Lucy. I’m about to toss the latter into the box on the bed when there’s a knock against the doorframe.

  Payton walks in, nodding at the thong. “Now there’s a sight for sore eyes.”

  I stretch it out. “At least it got your attention.”

  He grabs my ass from behind. “This got my attention long before that strip club.”

  “It did?” I tease, running my hand up his side.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  A voice comes from the hall. “Get a room, you two.�

  I see King standing there with a box of his own.

  Payton continues to watch me. “You know, Jackson, maybe we will.”

  Together, we pack the last of my things away.

  We bump into the Captain in the hallway.

  “Hold up there a moment,” he says, blocking the path.

  I place down the box.

  Hands on his hips, the Captain looks to Payton first. “Son, you put me through the wringer, you really did, but you know what?”

  “What’s that, sir,” replies Payton.

  A smile opens up on the Captain’s face, perhaps the first real smile I’ve seen him give. “I’m damn proud of you. Hell, I might even shed a tear when you’re gone.”

  Payton smiles back. “I wouldn’t want you crying over me, Captain.”

  He laughs. “Tears of joy, maybe.” He extends his hand, Payton taking it. “Well done, recruit.”

  The Captain looks to me. “And you, Nelson. I don’t think I’ve seen finer in all my twenty years here at the Academy. Your dad would be proud. Top of your class, hard-working—You’ll make a fine firefighter. Money well spent,” I say,” he winks.

  Money well spent?

  And then I realize.

  It was the Captain. He paid my fees.

  “You—” I start.

  He takes my hand. “Take care of yourself now.”

  I shake. “Thank you, sir, for everything.”

  “My pleasure, Nelson.” He takes a step back. “Now, get the fuck off my turf before I sign you up for another year.”

  “Yes, Captain,” we reply in unison.


  Lacey rolls off me breathing hard, her chest flushed. “That was…”

  “Incredible?” I offer, lying there with the hands behind my back.

  We’re in a five-star hotel by the airport, the only place that had accommodation this close to the holidays.

  Lacey wraps the sheet around herself and stands, walking over to the window. “As for the view…”

  The airport parking lot doesn’t make for a grand vista, planes soaring to the sky on the horizon beyond.

  “So,” I ask her, “where do you want to go?”


  “You didn’t seriously think we were going to hang around here in the desert for our eight weeks of freedom, did you? We are at an airport.”

  She looks through the window. “You want to get on one of those planes?”

  I point to the far right where the private jets are located. “No, I’m talking about one of those planes. I had the family pilot fly in this afternoon. He’s refueling right now ready for the morning.”

  I can see the shock. “What exactly is it your father does again?”

  I laugh. “He’s head of one of the biggest hedge funds in America.”


  “So believe me when I tell you you won’t be flying coach again. But you didn’t answer my question.”

  “Where do I want to go?” She shakes her head. “I have absolutely no idea. This is a bit overwhelming. What about Mom?”

  I toss Lacey her cell. She catches it with one hand. “What about her? Search ‘Random place generator.’”

  “Like spinning a globe and pointing a finger at it?”


  She starts to tap the screen. “O-kay.”

  “Well?” I ask.

  She tosses the cell back to me. “Somehow I don’t think the middle of the Pacific Ocean is going to make for a great getaway. You try.”

  I pick up the cell and start to tap the screen, speaking aloud. “Random place generator, do your thing.”

  The first search comes up.

  “Where is it?” she asks.

  My lips span out in a smile. “Oh, you’re going to love this.”



  It’s funny how fast things can escalate. One moment I’m bedded up with the World’s Hottest Guy and the next we’re road-tripping our way around Iceland.

  Yes, I get the joke—two people fresh from firefighting academy journeying to the land of ice and fire, but it’s a whole new world for me. Prior to this, I’d never been outside of States. Here, in this beautiful country I’d barely heard of, I realize how much I’ve missed out on… and how much I still have to explore.

  It’s exciting. From the private jet to the luxury hotels and fine dining, I feel like a princess. It’s cold, sure (I swear I’m going to have icicles instead of nipples after this), but it’s amazing.

  We start in Reykjavik, where, what do you know, most people actually speak English, driving in our cozy camper from eye-popping landscape to landscape each more spectacular than the last, and all with names I can’t pronounce. Snæfellsjökull, Reynisfjara, Eyjafjallajökull—the latter of which seems a rather long name for such a small glacier.

  We see the aurora borealis, wild horses… and then we have sex, and more sex, and sexy sex sex until I’m finding it hard to walk my legs are so jell-oish. I have no idea how Payton manages to remain hard all day. It’s like he has a telegraph pole for a penis—not that I’m complaining. It’s wonderful.

  The Blue Lagoon is a peace incarnate. The milky blue water envelops us, piped in hot from the geothermal power station to our right. Payton reclines back against the rock, his arm over my shoulder. “It looks like the moon, doesn’t it?” he remarks, gazing out over the alien landscape.

  “It’s a hell of a long way from Pemberton Fire Academy, that’s for sure. Doesn’t your Dad care you’re spending all his money like this?”

  “Technically, it’s my money, but even so, he makes tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands a day. What we’re spending here is a drop in the bucket. Besides, he owes me.”

  “For what?”

  “For being such a prick my whole life.”

  I rest my head against his shoulder. “He’s your father.”

  “Luke Skywalker had a father, too, and look how that turned out.”

  Steam rises from the water around Payton’s head. “Eventually, you’re going to have to patch things up,” I tell him. “He’ll come around.”

  “We’ll see.”

  I run my hand down the front of his swim trunks, the milky water hiding the act. I’ve become especially keen on public sex these last few weeks, and that’s something I never thought I’d say.

  Payton starts to smile, his eyebrows lifting. “You’re going to get us kicked out of here, Ms. Nelson.”

  I take hold of his cock—hard, as always—and lightly pump it, my clit already tingling in anticipation. “Do you have a better suggestion?”

  “How does room service sound?”


  It’s sub-zero outside the hotel, a star-filled sky looking down upon us. I’m rugged up like the damn Michelin man, though this look doesn’t seem to dissuade Payton in the slightest. He happily grinds into my ass from behind, our snow pants sliding together, my pussy as wet as the small stream running beside us.

  Fresh snow covers the ground.

  I turn around and kiss him, hold his face in my hands and savor the sensation of his tongue in my mouth.

  He’s yours, I think. He is all yours.

  “Have you thought about what you’re going to do when we get back?” I ask.

  He takes a step back watching the sky. “I only know two things: I want to be a firefighter, and I want you by my side.”

  “You mean, literally fighting fires together? Because that would be kind of hard given we could barely keep our hands off each other at Pemberton.”

  He smiles and nods to the sky. “Do you see the northern lights?”

  I squint into the distance and see them starting to dance ahead, a shimmery veil of luminescence. “God, they’re beautiful.”

  There’s no reply.

  “Payton?” I query.

  Still no reply.

  He’s gone.

  I turn around and freeze… Well, freeze more than I am already.

n’s kneeling there in the snow holding a ring, the diamond in the center of it mirroring the borealis behind me. “Everything’s beautiful from where I’m standing.”

  I’m so shell-shocked I can’t put a sentence together. “Pay-ton… Wh—”

  “Lacey Nelson,” he starts, unable to wipe the smile from his face, “you are the reason my heart beats so hard, and I know that if I don’t ask you to be mine, I’m going to regret it for the rest of my life. You’re the only one for me, simple as that. So, My Miracle, will you set the world on fire with me?” He takes a breath. “Will you be my wife?”

  I’m choked up, reeling, but I nod and rush into his arms, losing myself in the heated kiss, so fiery in contrast to the cold world around us.

  He breaks away to look at me. “I don’t know how I’m going to top this for a honeymoon.”

  I laugh. “As long as you’re there, it’s paradise enough for me.”




  I bring the truck around onto the main road. “What are we looking at here, Lieutenant?”

  “The biggest blaze this city’s ever seen,” she replies, emotionless.

  I pick up the speed. “Well, guess I better put my foot down.”

  “Watch out!” she shouts, as a giant girder crashes onto the back of the truck, forcing it over on its side.

  I pick up the offending piece of Lego. “Now how are we going to put out the biggest blaze this city’s ever seen?’”

  Our four-year-old, Poppy, is too busy giggling to care. She picks up the water gun beside the picnic rug and starts squirting it at the Lego building, a building that looks remarkably like the Tower now I come to think of it.

  I pick up one of her dollies and pretend it’s walking through the city, kicking over buildings as it goes. “Oh, no! It’s the mega-dolly!”

  “Not the mega-dolly!” cries Poppy, her cherry-red hair swishing around her face as her water gun turns towards Dolly… and then me.

  I wrestle her over onto the backyard grass, my ears full of her happy laughter—the most beautiful sound in the world, an that honor used to belong to Mommy.

  Lacey arrives with a tray of lemonade, setting it down beside us. “I see the firefighting is going well.”


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