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Assassins Betrayed

Page 16

by Robert Cuma

  I said, “Well, it looks like we all are having some reflections lately. One thing I do know for sure is that we all make a great team.” I kissed Hannah and told her to get some rest. Gina covered her as she fell asleep.

  Gina and I went to the kitchen to have some coffee.

  She asked, “Steven, are you disappointed in me?”

  “Never, look at some of the things I put you through with the enemy. A few stolen kisses will not make any difference.” I leaned over and gently kissed her.

  12 – Breaking the Drug Ring


  I told Gina of my plans to find the illegal drug facility here in Taiwan. She agreed but was reluctant to use the young girls. I said, “Gina, you and Hannah can go with the girls for protection.”

  “That would be a good idea.”

  “What would be a good idea?” Hannah asked as she emerged from the bedroom.

  Gina responded, “Steven wants to use Zia and Tina to smoke out the local drug dealers. I thought it might be a good idea as long as you and I were with them.”

  Hannah exclaimed, “These people kill for no apparent reason! So, if you want to follow up on this crazy idea, Steven, then Gina and I must to be with them at all times!”

  I jumped in and said, “This is what I suggest you do. Hannah, you and Gina take the girls to stay at your apartment for a few days. While you’re there, see if you can coax Zia into taking you guys to meet the drug dealers.”

  “Why do you want Tina involved?”

  “Tina has established a good rapport with Zia in the short time she’s been here. Zia should be able to open up to her about her past contacts. After that, we will follow the money.”

  Hannah said, “Well, we might be able to work with that plan. But if there is any threat to these kids, it stops immediately, Steven!”

  “Sounds good, Hannah, stay in touch with me several times a day. Also, no one else can know of the plan for now, especially John and Mike.”

  Sometime later, Bianca, Tina and Zia arrived from the Cheng Liu estate. Everyone shared hugs and kisses. It was noisy with all the girls trying to speak at the same time. Finally, Hannah said, “Why don’t all us girls go to my place for a few days and have some fun?” Bianca declined, of course. That got the rest of them all excited and the two kids packed up their belongings.

  As they were leaving, Tina gave me a kiss and said, “I know you’re up to something, Steven.”

  “Just be cool, my little Tina.” Then Gina kissed me with passion and they all left. Not long after, Miller returned. He asked, “Where is everybody?”

  “The girls went to Hannah’s apartment to have some fun for the next few days.”

  “That’s great,” he said as he kissed Bianca lovingly.

  Bianca asked, “How did you arrange that one, Steven?”

  “I made a suggestion and they all ran with it.”

  “Well good for you. Now we will have some peace around here for a while.”

  As Miller’s housekeeper made dinner, Bianca went to get changed.

  Miller asked, “What’s really going on here, Steven?”

  “I put our plan in motion with Hannah and Gina on board.”

  “Well, that’s good news, I think.”

  “If we get some kind of lead, it will work just fine.”

  “I would give it about three days because we have to raid the Manila plant soon. Otherwise, the trail will be cold.”

  “Frank, I’ll stay on top of it, not to be concerned. As a matter of fact, we should start planning the raid tomorrow.”


  We ate dinner and sat around talking a bit. Bianca was very happy with her relationship with Miller. Things were working out for her and I was happy for them. Soon enough, the two retired to bed rather early. This I could understand. I was beginning to dose off on the couch when my cell phone rang. It was Gina. She told me they were at a club near Snake Alley. Zia had introduced them to some of her friends and they looked like a bunch of drug addicts.

  I asked, “Gina, where is the club? I’ll come down there to observe.”

  “It’s behind Chang’s fish market, right at the end of the Snake Alley. Go through the fish market and down the first set of stairs you come to. We are in the rear of the club. Don’t show yourself. Zia doesn’t know what we’re doing.”

  “No problem, I’ll be undercover.”

  I took a taxi to the fish market and proceeded to the club. Down the stairs I went. Once inside, I found the place to be jammed with people of all ages. The DJ had music blasting all over the place from a grouping of rather large speakers. This environment was good for my cover. I made my way to a dark table where I could observe the girls in action. Using my cell phone camera, I started taking pictures of all the characters around the girls. Hannah and Gina were so worried about Zia that they lost track of Tina. She wasn’t anywhere around the crowd. Soon enough, I felt her pretty arms go around my waist from behind.

  “You’re all mine now that I’ve found you.”

  “Are you some kind of spy or something?”

  “I thought that was your job, Steven.”

  “Okay, you got me. Now tell me what’s going on. And why are you dressed like that?” She was wearing tight jeans and a mid-drift tee shirt. The tee shirt seductively accented her small braless underage perky breasts.

  “Do you like it, Steven? Zia loaned it to me. Tell me the truth now.”

  “Yes, it’s gorgeous but I don’t want you to dress that way.”

  “So, you do care.”

  “Of course I care about you, now behave. What can you tell me?” With our eyes glued on our crowd, we continued to talk.

  “Well, see the Asian guy with the long dyed blond hair?”

  “Yes. What about him?”

  “Don’t you think he’s cute?”

  “Cut it out, Tina.”

  “Relax, old timer. He’s the number one pusher in this place. Everybody comes to him for a fix. He takes them outside to his car and sets them up. All the other clowns around him are his bodyguards. Do you want me to infiltrate his organization?”

  “Take it easy, Tina. How did you guys wind up here?”

  “Hannah suggested that we all go out clubbing and Zia recommended this place.”

  “Do you think Zia is tempted?”

  “I think she is. She keeps on moving over to the corner with one of blonde’s bodyguards. A couple of times they kissed when no one was looking. And that guy is high on something weird. Oh, and Zia wants to go to John’s place for the night.”


  “No, she wants me to come with her.”

  “Why does she want you over there?”

  “That, I don’t know.”

  “Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to take some more pictures of the gang. Go tell Gina to drop you guys off at John’s building and I’ll take it from there.”

  “Roger, that, Boss. Let me suggest something before we leave.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Give me fifteen minutes with the blond kid outside. I’ll be able to find out what kind of drugs he’s has in his car and how much. You can go out the side door and be just ten feet away from me.”

  “Oh, Tina, you be careful. Tell Gina what we are doing first.”

  Brave, young Tina set off on her mission. I moved quickly across the club floor and stood next to the side door waiting for Tina to go out. I watched her tell Gina the plan. Gina looked around for me but I was well hidden. I know she thought I was crazy to let the kid out of our sight. I thought it was for the good of the mission but I was still worried.

  Tina flirted with the ringleader and she must have said the right words. The two of them moved out the back door. I went to exit the side door and it was jammed. I was pushing to no avail. I was ready to go flying out the back door when a young kid came over and showed me the trick to open the door. I almost kissed the guy as I moved quickly and silently close to where
Tina was. The drug dealer began to fondle Tina but she was one smart kid. She kept him moving around until she could see his stash of drugs. I heard her tell him that she was not impressed with him because he was only a small time operator. He took the bait and showed her the huge load of drugs under a rear compartment in his car. Not to blow her cover, she let him play around with her for a while. She told him she had to leave for now but she would be back to see him later. He went along with the program. Once back inside the club, I knew she was safe.

  I high tailed it over to John’s place and waited on the side of the building out of sight. Soon the girls arrived. Tina and Zia jumped out of the car and started to go inside. I made sure Tina saw me before she entered the building. Gina also noticed me. She waited until the kids were inside, then she and Hannah came over to talk with me.

  Gina asked, “Steven, what are you up to?”

  “Tina was able to establish the long blond haired guy as the primary dealer in the area. I need you girls to stake out the club and to track his every move. Eventually, he’ll lead us to bigger fish.”

  Gina asked, “Do you want us to infiltrate his group?”

  “If you guys think it’s necessary, do so but only if there is no other way.”

  “At least stay with him until I can get you some relief. Probably Tao Li will send some of his people.”

  Hannah spoke, “We can do both. Get involved with this group and have Tao Li’s people shadow us.”

  “Okay, just be careful and call me periodically on my cell.”

  Gina said, “Here we go again. Let’s get back to the club.” The two kissed me and took off.

  As I stood outside the building a little while longer, Tina casually walked out the front door. She walked up to me and said, “Let’s walk.”

  We started to walk down the street. I asked, “What’s going on, Tina?”

  “When Zia and I arrived here, we went upstairs and entered John’s apartment. Zia has keys to the front door and to John’s apartment.”

  “I guess he really trusts her.”

  “One would think so. She told me to sleep in the other bedroom because she would be sleeping with John. I told her I would probably return to Hannah’s place and for her not to worry. She told me about the phone in the lobby where it would be safe to call a taxi. We hugged and she went into his room. I listened by the door for a bit and I heard Zia crying. John must have woken when he heard her. Zia told John that she went to the club but she didn’t do any drugs. When he asked why, she told him the whole story.”

  “I guess that’s a good thing.”

  “But wait, there’s more. I heard her say, ‘John, make love to me.’ He said, ‘Come here you beautiful baby,’ that was all I needed to hear and I was out of there so fast. I was hoping you would still be here.”

  “Listen, John has done a lot for Zia, so if they are doing it, that’s fine. Just keep it between us.”

  “Okay, Boss whatever.”

  “Tina, you did great spy work tonight. I’m very proud of you.” I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. We went to Hannah’s apartment to get some sleep. I sent Tina into Hannah’s room while I went to sleep in Linda’s room. I always slept here when Linda and I were more intimate. Linda’s fragrance on the sheets brought back some pleasant memories.


  I was reminded of one thing when I woke up. If you don’t shut the blinds, the sun comes glaring through the window at sunrise. When I did awake, I felt someone lying next to me. It was Tina. My first reaction was anger but I looked at the child curled up in a little ball with her clothes on from the night before. This kid can really break my heart. I gently got out of bed as not to wake her. I went to the kitchen to make some fresh brewed coffee. As I sat and reflected over last night’s activities, Tina came rushing into the room. She started to get me a cup out of the cabinet for the coffee.

  With her head hung down she asked, “Steven, how do you like your coffee?”

  “I like it black with a little cream, please.”

  “I’m sorry for sleeping with you last night. I find it safe when you are near me.”

  I told her to come to me and sat her down on my knee. Then I said, “Its’ okay we just can’t make it a habit. I kissed her on the cheek and hugged her. She hugged me back and that put a pretty smile on her face. We both had some coffee while I called Tao Li. I told him of the situation with the dealer. I asked him to send a couple of his people to relieve my girls. I also told him we got Zia to take the girls to the club and that she was not looking for any drugs. This made him happy on both counts. I reminded him not to rush in until we get to the big guys. He agreed. I called the girls and told them they were going to be relieved soon. I also told them to give Tao a call with their location and then to meet me at Miller’s apartment. Tina dressed in a more conservative outfit. We cleaned up and went to Miller’s place.


  When we arrived, Bianca and Frank were the only ones there. Bianca made breakfast for us; toast, eggs, and bacon. Tina was starving and I had another cup of coffee. After telling them about the events of last night, Miller said, “I think we can move on the Manila facility tonight.”

  “What about the drug gang right here?”

  “Not a problem, I had some ground troops verify the location of the Manila plant and an air strike will commence this evening. Your guys can continue on the operation here.”

  “That’s great, Frank. I think I can have John and Tao take over this operation so I can start my move back to Italy.”

  “You have about five days before the cargo ship gets to Naples. I think you would want to be there when it arrives.”

  “You bet I do.” At that moment, Hannah and Gina arrived. I asked, “Are things going as planned with this local drug dealer?”

  Hannah responded, “Tao Li has his people on the case. He told us to let you know that John is also onboard.”

  “Good work, girls. Now we can see who will be returning to Italy.”

  Gina asked, “Who do you think you will need to finish the mission?”

  “I don’t want too many people from my group going back. There are other more important cases to be handled around here. I’ll talk to everyone before I make any decisions. Hannah, can you call the team and tell them to meet us at the General’s conference room soon?”

  “Sure, will do, Boss. I think you should consider what you want to do with Tina in the grand scheme of things. She has become very attached to you.”

  “She’s also attached to you, Hannah.”

  “But you are the male father figure in her life.”

  “Well, we have to move fast when we are back in Italy. Gina what do you think?”

  “If she comes with us, she’ll need a new identity. And if necessary, I can leave her with relatives. I have plenty of those in Italy.”

  Bianca chimed in, “She is more than welcome to stay with Frank and me. Right, Frank?”

  “Sure, this place is certainly safer.”

  “Okay, I’ll make up my mind later. Let’s get to our meeting.”

  Leaving Tina behind with Bianca, we arrived at the conference room where Tao, John and Mike were waiting. John had a mean look on his face. I think it was because of the Zia incident. I told everyone to stand by while I went outside with John. I asked, “Okay, John, what’s on your mind?”

  “You know exactly what’s bothering me. You used Zia without even consulting me about it.”

  “John, it happened too fast to talk to anyone. I was with the girls the whole time. I wouldn’t allow her to get into any trouble.”

  “The kid was really upset just by going into the club. That club is her addiction.”

  “Alright, John, I apologize. But the kid led us to a firm target that I would like you to continue with while I’m gone.”

  “Now where are you going?”

  “I’m headed back to Italy to meet the ship that left here several days ago. I promised some people that I would he
lp clear up the drug matter in Italy. I’ll be gone a couple of weeks at the most. I think you should bring Linda and maybe Cathy back to Taipei to help you. The decision is up to you.”

  “Alright, Steven, I can handle things around here. But you know you’ll never rid Italy or any other country of their drug problems.”

  “You’re right about that, John, but I can get rid of a few kingpins.”

  “Are you taking Tina with you?”

  “I think so.”

  “Be careful with the young ones. They get too attached.”

  “John, from what I can see you are doing just fine with Zia.”

  “Maybe, we’ll see what happens with that situation.”

  We returned to the group and I explained everything. I said, “John, Tao and Mike will continue with the drug mission here and any other thing that might come up. I will check in periodically. Hannah, Gina and I will be going back to Italy for a while. We will be taking the kid, Tina, with us.” I couldn’t help notice the smile on Hannah’s face when I mentioned it.

  I continued, “When you find the drug plant, you all know what to do and don’t take any prisoners. Good luck to us all.” Everyone went their separate ways. I asked Tao Li to wait one minute before he left. I told him to kill every drug addict associated with this particular group. This would ensure Zia’s future. I also told him to do it with discretion. He agreed and thanked me as he left. Before I could leave, Hannah came in the room and closed the door. She threw her arms around me and kissed me with strong emotion.

  She said, “You’re doing the right thing, Steven.”

  “What do you mean, by taking you with me or Tina?”

  “Both of us, you incredible man.”

  “Okay, tiger, let’s get ready for this mission.”

  When we returned to Miller’s place I took Tina to the side and quietly asked her, “Tina, do you want to stay here or do you want to come back to Italy with me and the girls?”


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