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Her Shifter Kingdom (House of Wolves and Magic Book 5)

Page 8

by Helen Scott

  "And how is that going?" the alpha asked.

  "It's a complicated subject, apparently," Micah said with a shrug and a grin tugging at his lips.

  The alpha strode toward Micah and Roman, and they did the man hug thing, where they shook and embraced with one arm. Why were men so scared of hugging other men? It never made any sense to me.

  When they were done greeting each other, the alpha looked past them and made eye contact with me. Most people would avert their gaze so it wasn't seen as a challenge, and I thought about doing that, but I also didn't want him to think of me as less than. I wanted him to see me as the strong female I wasone who was claimed by five equally strong mates who all had my back. I wanted him to take us seriously and to know that we weren't fucking around with this. So, even though he was staring me down, I didn't flinch and look away; I didn't even blink.

  "I hear you want to talk to me?" he said, his gaze boring into mine the entire time.

  "We have an idea we'd like to talk to you about, Alpha," I replied, keeping my tone respectful.

  He looked at me a moment longer and, for a split second, I could swear I saw something shift in his gaze—something cold and calculating that made my stomach twist with anxiety, but it was gone before I could even fully acknowledge it. When he nodded and a smile spread over his face, I felt relief wash over me. At least his knee jerk reaction wasn't to turn us over to Jax. That had to mean something, right?



  "Were the members of this pack being rude to you?" the alpha asked.

  "They were just expressing their concern about the situation," I said before any of my mates could respond. I knew if we ratted out the pack members who had spoken up, it would only create more animosity, and that was the last thing I wanted when we were about to ask them to side with us over Jax. The urge to slap Tori was still there, but I knew that was just my wolf wanting to make sure the other female knew where she stood in relationship to my mates.

  Which was nowhere.

  My mates were mine, and no one else could touch them—not without their permission.

  I also knew that my mates could be overprotective and would consider exposing what had really happened just so they could protect me from it happening again in the future. The truth was, I fully expected it to happen again, and probably with the other packs as well when we went to talk to them, though at least there wouldn't be another Tori there.

  The alpha and I continued studying each other, and I swear he could see the thoughts going through my mind, because I wasn't surprised when he asked, "I'd like to talk to Antonia alone, if that's acceptable?"

  Alphas weren't exactly known for asking permission for things, so that showed a level of respect I hadn't expected, but greatly appreciated. If he was willing to show us respect, then the other pack members were more likely to as well.

  "We stay together," Roman said, jumping in before I could respond.

  "It's okay." I put my hand on Roman's arm. He looked down at me, and I tried to let my wolf peek out of my eyes as much as my human side to remind him how powerful we were. Was I an alpha? Not really. That didn't mean I couldn't hold my own, though—especially against someone who expected me to be weak and small. "I'd be happy to speak with you, Alpha."

  He smiled knowingly. He had the upper hand in this situation. We all knew it. I'd play along for now and assuage his ego, but if he pissed me off, we'd walk out that door and never come back.

  I felt the nerves of my mates wash through the bonds at my words. They didn't want to let me out of their sights, and I understood the instinct. I didn't want to be away from them either. Yet, if that was how the alpha needed this to play out, then that's what we would do.

  "You're welcome to stay here," the alpha said to my mates. "I'm sure that all the members of my pack will be nothing but civil and polite to you." The tone of his voice said everything we needed to know. He was not pleased with how his pack had reacted to us. Neither was I, but no one except my mates and Skuld seemed to care how I felt about most things.

  I glanced at my mates, and they were all staring at the alpha as though they were debating ignoring his request and coming with us anyway, so I said, "I'll be right back. Relax for a moment, would you?"

  Annoyance flitted through the mate bond. I knew they wouldn't be able to relax while I was out of the room, yet I'd asked them to anyway. It wasn't for my sake, or even theirs, but rather to make it seem like we were strong enough not to care about the rest of this pack. Sometimes, when you were a wolf shifter, appearances meant more than actions.

  "Antonia," the alpha said as he gestured for me to walk ahead of him out of the dining room area.

  "You can just call me Nina," I said, not liking that the only one who’d used my full name recently had been Jax. While I knew we were here to talk about that asshole, the last thing I wanted to do was remember what had happened between the two of us during our various encounters. Any residual fear or concern could potentially be scented by the alpha and make him think he had more power over me than he did. I wanted to make it clear to him that he had no power over me or my mates and that this would be a partnership if he agreed, not us joining his pack as subordinates.

  Once we were out of the dining room, he led me back down the hallway to an office that sat just before the entrance to the room with the pillars, which I was willing to bet led to his private quarters. He opened the door and stepped inside, holding it open for me before shutting it behind me once I entered. The click of the door latching sounded like a gunshot in the silence of the office.

  The room itself was mostly wood, but not the dark mahogany often pictured with these kinds of rooms. No, this one was designed to look almost like a log cabin, with the chairs, desk, and bookcases all carved out of the trunk of a very large tree—or maybe multiple trees. It meant that the backs of the chairs and edges of the table and bookcase all had what I thought was called live edges, meaning that the crusty bark edge of the tree was still there.

  "Have a seat," the alpha said, gesturing to one of the carved chairs in front of his desk.

  I moved forward and took a seat as he sat behind his desk. My gaze drifted over the wall behind him, taking in the large nature painting that sat behind his head. Bookcases, filing cabinets, and paintings seemed to cover all the walls of the office and, considering how enclosed the space was, it didn't smell bad. In fact, it smelled of the forest outside, as though the air was piped in or something.

  "This room is soundproof, so no one will be able to overhear our conversation," he said matter-of-factly. What he didn't say was that no one would be able to come to my aid if I screamed, either. Although that might just have been my cynical side coming out. It wasn't like I'd had the best experiences with packs in my life.

  I nodded to show that I understood and took a breath to speak, but before any of the words could leave my lips, the alpha forged ahead.

  "I don’t think we were ever properly introduced before. My name is Thomas. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” I said, remembering the manners my mother had drilled into me as a child.

  “Now, tell me: Why shouldn't I just hand you over to Jax now? He's offered a reward for you."

  We had expected that, and we knew that it would be tempting for the alphas of the packs in the area to try and get that reward, which was why this was such a big risk. "We're aware," I said. Technically it was a lie, but since we had suspected as much, I didn't feel bad about it. "We knew this was a risk, but we were hoping it was worth it. If you turn me over to Jax, I won't bond with him. I already have five mate bonds, and I won't break those bonds to bond with him. We came here today to ask you to join with us and help us fight against Jax. If he gains control of this territory, of your pack, then he'll destroy it as you know it and remake it in his own image.

  "Your females will become nothing but breeders, and your families will be ripped apart, not to mention your men being turned into soldiers
and sent to die on a whim. Jax is not stable, and he's not good for packs in general, but he’s especially bad news as Alpha. Everything I've heard from my mates who were part of his pack before the mate bond formed indicates a man who is unstable and violent—a man who thinks women are tools for siring pups, and nothing more.

  "I know how he runs the pack not only because of my mates, but because he and I were in the same pack growing up. Our old alpha ran the pack the same way, though he may have even been a little kinder to women and families than Jax is. We're—I'm—asking you to join us, so that we can make things better for everyone. So that no one is forced to mate someone they don't want to and people can live their lives the way they choose."

  "The problem is, Nina, he's promised to leave our pack alone if we turn you over. The reward isn't just money or more territory; it's safety for my people," the alpha said, with an edge to his voice that I didn't like.

  "And how long do you think that would last? You think he'll leave you alone forever? He wants power—craves it like an addict. He'll only be able to resist for so long before he comes for you, your pack, and your territory." Thomas stared at me for a moment, as though he was evaluating my words, but I had a feeling he was just trying to make it seem like he was. I hoped I was wrong. Before he could reply, I added, "If you aren't willing to stand with us, then at least get out of our way. Let us talk to the other packs in the area and see if they are willing to step up where you're not."

  "I haven't made up my mind yet," he warned.

  "You should know, I've spoken with the oracle about this. She's on my side and expects me to win. If you don't side with us orstay neutral—if you side with him—we will do whatever is needed to make sure we're successful. She believes in us, and that's enough for me to resist Jax with every fiber of my being. I won't bow to him or bond with him; the only thing I'm willing to do is kill him. I'm really hoping that we can count on your support in that endeavor."

  He watched me for a long moment, his gaze shrewder than it had been a moment ago. He knew how serious I was about this now. I'd laid all my cards on the table and even put Skuld out there as incentive to join with us. I wasn't sure what else I could do or say to make him side with us. I wasn't even sure if he knew who Skuld really was; somehow, I doubted it. It seemed like she kept that a secret from most people and was satisfied to just live as “the oracle on the mountain”.

  I'd already said everything I could say, so I kept quiet and gave him a moment to process. After all, I'd need the same thing. I was basically asking him to fight against one of the strongest, if not the strongest pack in the area. It wasn't a decision he should make lightly, and I didn't expect him to, but I hoped that I'd presented a good case on why I was the better side to back in this situation.

  "I'll need to think on it. I'll give you an answer tomorrow."

  My stomach twisted at his words. Apparently, my case wasn't compelling enough for him to make a quick decision, but then, I didn't know everything he and this pack had going on. Would siding with me against Jax hurt their businesses or damage relations with other packs and supernatural groups in town? There was so much that he could be considering, and I tried to be understanding.

  "That's all I ask. Think about it and let me know which side you're falling on." As I spoke, I realized that the alpha wasn't the only one with a lot to think about. If Roman and Micah's old alpha was going to be this difficult to convince, then how was I going to convince the alphas that I had never met before—the ones I had no connection with? I needed to come up with a list of talking points with Roman, in case this happened again and I was the only one allowed to speak up for us. It wasn't a position I was used to being in, but I'd do whatever was needed to protect myself, my mates, and the right for people to exist without owing their bodies to someone else.



  The alpha cleared his throat and said, "I will. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some thinking to do. You know the way back, yes?"

  I nodded.

  "Good. Send Peter in, would you? He'll be just outside."

  "Yes, Alpha," the words tasted bitter on my tongue but I stood and dipped my head to him out of habit before turning for the door.

  "Nina," the alpha called before I made it to the door. When I turned to face him, he continued, "I'll have an answer for you in the morning. Use tonight to rest. You'll be safe here. We have guest rooms you can use and food aplenty. Rest, regroup, and I'll speak with you in the morning.

  The alpha was right; Peter was right outside, and I gestured to him, letting him know that the alpha wanted to see him as I headed back to the dining room. My feet seemed to carry me in a daze back to my mates. When I opened the door to the dining room, I tried not to look dejected or disappointed. I didn't want any of the pack members to think that something had happened with the alpha. I'd tell my guys later, and I knew they'd understand.

  They must have seen something in my carefully neutral face, though, because I got not only a wave of relief, but also reassurance through the bonds. When I went to the table they had selected and sat down, Roman said quietly, "We'll figure it out. It's not your fault."

  "He said he wants to think about it," I replied just as quietly, trying to make sure that no one outside our table could hear our conversation. "We'll get an answer in the morning. We've been invited to stay, eat, and rest."

  Roman and Micah nodded, as though they'd both expected as much. Micah was the first one to crack a smile, "I did always love the chef here. I hope it's still Chef Tali. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!" He made an exaggerated slurping sound, as though he was having trouble controlling all the drool collecting in his mouth.

  "Why don't you take Nina and Denver to get some food? We'll go when you get back," Roman suggested.

  The dining room was full, and I was guessing he didn't want to give up our table. Plus, having one of them with us hopefully meant we wouldn't be hassled as much by the pack, since they were former members and all. Although, I would hope that their alpha's warning would be enough as well. It was hard to tell when people were scared or jealous though.

  "My lady," Micah said with a cheeky grin as he stood and held his hand out to me.

  I accepted, and he helped me to my feet before leading me down the pathway between the tables. Denver followed, as silent as a shadow behind me. When we reached the buffet area, my stomach rumbled loudly enough that I heard some of the people at the closer tables chuckle.

  "Told you, Tali's the greatest," Micah beamed as I surveyed all the options of food that they had available. Was this spread put on every night? I'd spent so many nights going hungry and not being able to feed myself, and there were people eating like kings. I knew it, of course. I'd known it the whole time, but it was something else entirely to see it laid before you. Even Micah and Roman had gone hungry with me a few times since we'd been on the run. I bet the memories of all this food had almost driven them mad.

  All of this could have been mine if I'd just given in and tried to join another pack. I'd been so scared that they were all the same though, and that my old alpha had put the other alphas on alert for a runaway female. I sighed and pushed the memories away. The past was the past, and if it hadn't been for everything that had happened, I wouldn't be where I was today—Iwouldn't be with my mates, trying to save our species and get magic back into the world.

  Sometimes, I wondered what others would do if they were in my shoes. As I piled my plate high with salad and thin slices of perfectly cooked steak, I couldn't stop the thoughts from invading my mind once again. Would Tori be willing to go through what I'd been through if it meant saving all wolf shifters in the long run? Somehow, I doubted it.

  We meandered back to the table, but not before grabbing a slice of cake for dessert as well. The giant chocolate monstrosity had been calling my name since I’d first seen it sitting at the end of the buffet, almost like it was watching me. Singing a siren song that was specifically aimed at my sweet tooth. P
art of me wanted to say screw the salad and steak and just dive in and devour the treat I’d never really had in my life.

  As soon as we sat, Roman, Blake, and Tate rose and went to get their food, returning much faster than I had with plates piled high with everything from salad to mashed potatoes to quiche and more. It didn't escape my notice that they all got desserts too. Apparently, we were all a bunch of suckers for some cake.

  Then again, who turned down cake? I mean, really? It was cake. The idea of turning it down confused me.

  "Hello, dear, it's good to see you again," an older female voice said from just off to my right. I turned and found a woman I'd met the night Roman brought me to the pack standing there.

  "Hi..." My mind blanked as I tried to remember her name, but fortunately, Roman jumped in.

  "It's good to see you, Wilma. How are you and Woody?" Roman asked, being the perfect host, as I would have expected.

  "Woody is struggling. His medication makes him sick, but other than that, we're fine." She pulled her bag around to the front and flipped the top of it open, revealing some knitting or something she was working on. The silver needles stuck up out of the corner, and she pulled out a small, baby-sized jacket. "William is going to be a father," she said as she held up the piece of clothing she'd created. I was assuming that William was her and Woody's son, since pride shone in her eyes. I knew it wasn't just because she'd made the most adorable tiny jacket for a tiny human, but because she was going to be a grandmother as well.

  A pang of grief swept through me, but I forced a smile on my face. "That's wonderful! And that jacket is adorable!"

  She blushed slightly as though she wasn't used to receiving praise for her work. "Thank you. You're very kind, dear."

  "When is the baby due?" Roman asked.

  "Any day now. The poor girl looks like she's ready to pop. Gertrude thinks there's probably more than one babe in there, but we haven't been able to go to the doctor for a while now, so we aren't sure. It'll be a lovely surprise, I'm sure."


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