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Her Shifter Kingdom (House of Wolves and Magic Book 5)

Page 10

by Helen Scott

  When I lowered my hands, I immediately began pulling at the edge of his boxers, pushing them down over his hips until his cock was exposed in all its gloriousness. The thick mushroomed head already glistened, showing me exactly how ready he was. As I looked at him, I was torn between savoring this and getting his cock inside me now.

  Roman's fingers hooked into the waistband of my panties, and I pushed up into a standing position so he could more easily strip them from me. As he did, he growled in a low, quiet tone that made me shiver with need. As soon as I was bared to him, he growled some more and gently pushed me back down onto the bed. Once my butt connected with the mattress, he pulled my feet out and spread my legs, hooking them over his shoulders as he went straight for my core.

  He barely had to touch me and I was already close to the edge. His looks and growls all triggered something within me, making me ache with need and making my pussy drip in preparation for him. His tongue slid against my crease slowly and surely, in a way that could only be designed to torture me. When I squirmed against him, he just grinned, and the sensation of his lips moving against my folds in such an unexpected way only made me squirm even more.

  Without waiting for me to settle, Roman thrust two fingers into my core and began to suck on my clit, making my body arch for him. Each movement he made—each place he touched—seemed to have the desired response, as though he was playing me like an instrument. It all worked me up to my orgasm at a record pace.

  “You’re mine, Nina. My mate. You’re not going anywhere without me, is that clear?” he demanded as my body quaked with pleasure.

  “What if I have to pee?” I asked.

  He sighed and thrust his fingers into me once more, using his thumb on my clit until I was a writhing mass of pleasure once again. Only then, when I was right on the cusp of my second orgasm, did he climb up onto the bed with me, fingers still deep in my pussy as he moved until he could look me in the eyes.

  “You know what I mean. We are in this life together. You, me, and the others. No one can take you from us, just as no one can take us from you. We. Are. One.” With each of his final words, he thrust his fingers into me hard enough that I felt his knuckles try to push past my entrance.

  When he withdrew his fingers, I felt empty and hollow, and I hoped that it would only be for a moment before he filled me with his cock. He brought the fingers that had just been inside me to my mouth and waited. When I opened for him, he pushed them inside, swirling them against my tongue.

  Tasting myself on his skin, combined with the hard feel of his fingers in my mouth, pressing against the soft skin of my tongue and cheek, had me rocking my hips up, trying to find his cock.

  “Do you see how good you taste?” he growled as his fingers pushed deeper in my throat.

  I was reminded of the day in the forest when I’d sucked him off, and I knew that his wolf was close to the surface. He wanted me to react, so I swirled my tongue around his fingers, pushing between them, wrapping it around them, and sucking on them until his knuckles were brushing against my teeth.

  If Roman touched me the wrong way at that moment, he could trigger my gag reflex. But he didn’t. He waited, letting me do what I wanted with the fingers in my mouth and, as I did, I felt him shift around until his cock was lined up with my entrance.

  My core throbbed and ached for him, needing him to fill me. He withdrew his fingers from my mouth, leaving just the tips on my tongue and using that to press my mouth open. He looked at me like he couldn’t take it anymore, like I’d been teasing him for hours instead of sucking on his fingers for a couple of minutes.

  When he thrust into me with his cock, he pushed his fingers back into my mouth at the same time, withdrawing them when he pulled his cock out. We continued that way for a while, with him slowly pushing his cock and his fingers into me until I was panting and attempting to beg him to fuck me harder around said fingers.

  “Do you want me to fuck your mouth or your cunt, angel?” he demanded.

  I wasn’t sure which appendage would be doing the fucking, and I honestly didn’t care. “Both,” I replied finally.

  “Both?” he questioned.

  I nodded.

  “As you wish, angel.” He grinned, and I knew I’d just given him more than he’d expected.

  Roman backed up slightly so he could stand as he fucked me, and when he thrust into me again, he did the same with his fingers in my mouth. The whole thing was erotic in ways I didn’t understand. He was fucking my pussy and my mouth, but he was just one man.

  What I hadn’t expected was the other fingers that probed my pussy while he was thrusting away. Between thrusts, he withdrew completely before hooking them into me, pressing against the front wall of my vagina while he still thrust his cock in at the same time and began fucking me all over again. His fingers were doing insane things in my pussy and my mouth, while his cock only made everything that much better. The motion seemed to rock his fingers against me as he pounded into me.

  He paused long enough to say, “Keep yourself at the edge of the bed, angel, or you lose this.”

  I knew what he was asking for, and I wriggled down the bed, pushing myself further onto his cock and the fingers in my pussy before I was able to grip the edge of the mattress with my hands and wrap my legs around his hips.

  The orgasm that began to build within me was something different. It wasn’t the usual sharp insistence that I normally experienced—the kind that drove me to do whatever it took to reach my peak as fast as possible. This built slowly but more steadily than normal.

  When it crashed over me, I hadn’t even been expecting it. I couldn’t moan or scream. My whole body was just frozen at the height of pleasure, while Roman withdrew his fingers from my mouth and pussy, grabbed onto my hips and let loose, fucking me as hard as he possibly could. My whole body bounced against the bed from the force of it, and he reached his pleasure just as mine hit an even higher peak that did have me screaming.

  Roman roared his release, growling my name before he dropped down on top of me and gripped me by the back of my neck, thrusting into me a few more times, each time harder than the last, and spilling himself inside me the whole time.

  We collapsed onto the bed. Well, he did. I was already there, but we rolled together and stayed pressed against one another for as long as possible. It was these moments with my mates that I never wanted to end.



  When we woke that morning I'd expected the alpha to be waiting impatiently for us, but he wasn't. In fact a note had been slipped under the door to the main part of the suite that had advised us he wouldn't be able to meet with us until lunch and to make use of the facilities and grounds as we so chose.

  The man clearly didn't see us as a threat, which was fine by me since we were trying to get him on our side. I hoped that he saw us as allies, as a way to make his pack stronger, a way to make life better for his people. He definitely wouldn't think that if he didn't trust us. My bigger concern was trusting him.

  I didn't know him. Had never met or worked with him before. And I had to say the guy gave me some shady vibes. He was the kind of guy that when your kid sister brings them home as her boyfriend you know that her heart is going to get broken. He smiled and acted the gentleman on the surface but as the saying goes, still waters run deep.

  In some ways I'd rather deal with someone like Jax. At least he made it clear where he stood on everything. He did it with violence usually, but there was no questioning his intentions or goals because he put everything out there. Even with Nina, he'd told her since the beginning that he wanted her and would do anything to get her. We had just assumed it was a figure of speech. Now we knew differently.

  It was because of the note that we were out here running through the woods. The freedom that we felt when we ran as wolves was something extraordinary. I could see it reflected back to me by Nina as she was still getting used to shifting and running in her wolf form. The fact that we were on land that wa
s protected where we knew no one was hunting us, made the run that much sweeter.

  Yips and short barks came from the men I now thought of as my pack mates. We darted in front of one another, circling behind, tackling each other occasionally and generally playing. Our wolves seemed more relaxed than our human counterparts could ever be. More at home with one another as well.

  It wasn't that I was uncomfortable with the guys, but we still had a lot to learn about one another, and hadn't exactly had a chance to do it. Hell, we hadn't even had a chance to exist without being stressed about our chances of survival since we met. I knew they worried about Nina just as much as I did though. We may only be a pack of six but we were stronger than any pack out there, our bonds to one another unbreakable. Part of that was because of how protective we felt over each other as well. They were my brothers in all the ways that counted.

  Whenever we ran together or I ran with Nina , whether in human or wolf form, I always felt like I was part of something bigger. At first I'd thought it was just the mate bond bringing us all together, but now, especially knowing that she'd been talking to gods, I was sure it was more than that. I could feel the earth singing to me whenever my bare feet connected with the dirt, the trees whispering their secrets to me as I ran between them, the animals moving around and living their lives. It was all there for me to connect to should I desire it, and I was sure, though we hadn't talked about it, it was part of Nina's magic and the magic of the bond.

  I wished that I could show her how beautiful she was as a wolf. Her coat was a snowy white the likes of which I'd never seen before. The only darkness came from her black nose and lips, so just at the tip of her snout as though she'd pushed her nose into some dirt and it had stuck. It was her eyes that captivated me though. They were the color of warm honey shot through with deep amber and every time she looked at me I felt like I was standing in a warm breeze.

  Her colorings didn't allow her to hide, no matter where she ran she was like a beacon of light. The shadows of the forest might have played across her fur but they didn't shield her or offer her any camouflage. They almost highlighted her since it made her pale fur stand out even more. No, I knew as soon as I saw her wolf for the first time that one of the reasons she had five mates was to protect her in her wolf form. I would bet that part of the reason her wolf had stayed hidden for so long was because she knew it wasn't safe, knew that the only chance she stood in this world was when she had all her mates by her side. I wished she could have communicated that to her human half better, but I didn't mind too much since I was just glad to be one of those mates.

  Now as we ran through the woods I did enjoy the freedom, but my senses were on high alert for anything out of the ordinary, anything that could be an attack. Somehow even though we were safe in these woods, and I knew that we wouldn't be attacked, I felt more vulnerable than ever. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that we were being kept here longer than we had intended to stay. It wasn't strictly against our will since we wanted to know what the alpha's decision was, but it was towing that line. He knew we wanted to move on as soon as he gave his answer, and yet he was delaying.

  There had to be a reason other than just indecision, and it was that thought that made me uncomfortable. He had a good relationship with Roman and Micah so I didn't want to seem ungrateful and suspicious after he'd given us food and a place to stay for the night, but something wasn't sitting right. I knew alpha's had a lot to consider, but I felt like this was a fairly straightforward decision. The fact that he was delaying? It only made me more suspicious.

  I stumbled as I chased after the others and a moment later Nina was there, her amber eyes watching me. Her concern drifted to me through the mate bond and I didn't want her to worry so I sent her back a wave of love as my wolf relaxed his bode language and let his tongue hang out of his mouth. I'd seen other wolves do something similar to show they were happy or relaxed which was what I guessed my wolf was trying to do in that moment.

  My wolf and I weren't exactly two different beings inhabiting one body the way Nina had described her wolf sometimes, but we weren't exactly the same either. When I was human I was in charge but when I was a wolf he was in charge and we only exchanged general feelings other than that. I knew Roman thought of his wolf as his darker side, his baser desires coming out to play, while Micah didn't think of him as separate at all, but I wasn't sure about Blake and Denver. It all seemed to be unique to the individual and I wondered if it was the magic at play that influenced that.

  Whatever he'd done Nina seemed satisfied by it and we continued on though she was staying closer to me now. I wasn't about to object. Being close to my mate was one of my favorite things. It didn't even have to be sexual, just physical proximity was good, touch was better though, obviously.

  She was starting to tire, I could tell from the way her paws were landing in the dirt, so I asked my wolf to get their attention. He yipped at everyone and turned, gesturing back the way we'd come, and we all started heading back. When she first shifted my mate could be as silent as a shadow, which was ironic given her colorings, but as she tired her footfalls became noisier, like they were now. I had no doubt that once she was used to being a wolf again she would be able to outpace the rest of us, especially since she could almost do that already.

  The one time I'd seen her wolf fully take over was when she ran from Jax. I'd never seen a wolf move that fast, it was like the wind was carrying her, or like she was the air itself. He stood no chance of catching her when she was moving that fast, just a white blur as she raced away from him. The knowledge that she could move that fast was comforting to me. I knew it meant that as long as she was free she could escape anything.

  We were back at the pack house, or lodge, or whatever they called it and the alpha was standing outside the front doors. Just the way he was standing set my hackles rising. I watched as he scanned the surrounding tree line and when his gaze settled on us his shoulders slumped in relief as though he'd been expecting us to run. The gesture seemed exaggerated though, as though he wanted us to see him feel relieved that we were still there. Everything about this man's body language confused me and my wolf.

  "Glad you're back safe and sound," he said as we walked toward him.

  Nina was tucked in the middle of us, with the five of us forming a pentagram around her with Roman as the point, leading the way to his old alpha.

  "Now, I want you to know I've thought long and hard about this. I was up most of the night trying to see things from your perspective, but the only conclusion I could come to was that I couldn't help you. We couldn't help you. If we do it will put my whole pack at risk. I can't do that. It wouldn't be right. You all can stay as long as you like, eat, rest. I have a feeling you're going to need it."

  His words were saying one thing, that everything was going to be fine and he was playing the good ole boy routine to a tee, but his body language was saying something completely different. It was saying don't scare them, don't make them suspicious, don't do anything to drive the cash cow away.

  It was that reason, and that reason alone that I wasn't surprised when a large ring of wolves surrounded us.

  It wasn't just that he didn't want to put his pack at risk. If that was it then he'd just let us leave, no, he wanted to gain Jax's favor like the asshole he was. Why did they always seem to run in groups? Snarls had erupted from all around us as the wolves closed in.



  Of course the bastard betrayed us! Of course he did! Why on earth did I think that this asshole of all people would just let me walk away. He was the one that, along with his elder council, had wanted to bring me in to question me about the mate bond in the first place.

  The wolves that had surrounded us began to step forward. I knew what they were trying to do and it wasn't going to work. I'd never been a wolf to be caged or leashed and I wouldn't be now. They could try to pen us in to snap and snarl at us until we backed down but it wouldn't work. Not when we had so
much to fight for.

  They thought we would just bow down and give in, but they hadn't seen us fight since that first encounter. They didn't know how dedicated we were to our cause, to the little pack we had created, and I was fairly sure that none of them were prepared to fight to the death to keep us here, whereas we were prepared to die trying to escape.

  Not that I wanted that, to be clear. But we also wouldn't allow ourselves to be captured again, to be used against each other again. That was done now.

  As they edged ever closer I braced myself, preparing to launch. I knew as soon as I did my men would as well. I just needed these shifters to get a little closer first so I could hopefully get over them completely and not land on them.

  "I just want you to know it's nothing personal," the alpha said, giving me a pitying look. He sighed for a brief second before turning all business. "Jax has men on the way to take you. The best thing you can do is not fight and go with them peacefully. Who knows maybe you can negotiate with Jax to see these ones every once in a while. You have to understand, Antonia, I had to do what was best for my pack and if I turned you over Jax promised to stop the raids and the kidnappings. Plus, I was even able to negotiate him leaving us alone once he had you. I'm sure once you adjust you'll be just as happy with him as you are with these men." Claimed the asshole who didn't have a mate. Part of me wondered if he'd consulted the elder council about this or if he was going rogue.

  I can't imagine a whole group of people approving of this, but then I had experienced a lot in my life that I didn't think anyone else would be okay with or do to another person. It was hard to say what someone would or wouldn't do, especially when the safety of their family was involved. After all these years I finally understood my father better. He had taken such a huge risk standing up to the alpha, but he had done it to try and set precedence, to show everyone who their alpha was. The answer of course was a murderer, a cradle robber based on the age of his last mate before I left, and probably just an all around asshole control freak, and not in the sexy way.


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