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Her Shifter Kingdom (House of Wolves and Magic Book 5)

Page 16

by Helen Scott

  I knew I stood out like a sore thumb with my snowy white coat against their browns and grays, but I liked that it made me easy to find, for them at least. Everyone else could shove off.

  Their support through this whole thing meant more to me than anything else. Sure, we were still fairly new mates and we definitely didn't know everything about one another, but if we could survive this then we had plenty of time to learn.

  When we got back to the campsite I moved to sit by the fire as my wolf, but they were already shifting back. I wasn't quite sure that I was ready to give up the simplicity of being a wolf and not a person. But I did want to be with my mates. I never wanted to be without them again.

  The thought wasn't as jarring as I expected, but it did remind me of my conversation with Skuld. I shifted back letting my human form flow forward as I replayed the conversation I had with the Norn in my head. At the time I'd been unsure if that was something I would want to do let alone ask the guys if they were interested. As I thought about it more I realized that it wasn't a decision for me to make on my own, that we should at least talk about it as a group.

  I stayed sitting on the ground, naked, in front of the newly relit fire, and let the warmth wash over my skin. All of them were naked as well, none of us cared about clothing in front of one another. Strangers were a different story, but between each other? It didn't matter.

  Their silence let me know that they were waiting for me to spit out whatever was on my mind so I decided to take the plunge. "When I was with Skuld in my dream she told me something that scared me at the time, but now I'm not sure why." They were all watching me like they were waiting for the punch line of a joke. I hoped they didn't actually think that's what this was. "Apparently there is another level of mate bond, one which ties your life forces together. Skuld and Freya both said that when mates couldn't bear the thought of living without each other they could give each other markings, bites, that meant if one of them died then the other would as well."

  They were silent for a long time, long enough that I felt embarrassed for bringing it up.

  "It's a lot to process," Blake said. "You've had time to think about it and we are just getting the information, be patient with us, love."

  "And we're sure this is true?" Tate asked.

  To my surprise it was Roman that answered, "Yes, it's true. Sometimes it's instinctive, once you've bonded it's hard to resist doing it. I've been wanting to mark Nina for a long time now."

  His words sent a flush of heat through me. He had been wanting this? I certainly had no idea that this was something any of them even knew about let alone wanted. The fact that Roman had been resisting something he craved was just so... Roman.

  "The thing is I don't know what will happen if just one of you marks me. I think it needs to be an all or nothing thing, so that someone isn't accidentally included because of the way the multiple person bond works. I don't know if one person marking me means that the two of us would die and the others would be left suffering or if because of the bond we would all go anyway. I certainly don't have all the information and I know that doesn't make this any easier, but if we're going to do this then I want to do it before we face Jax. I don't want him to be able to use us as leverage against one another anymore if that's what we decide. When you're done thinking about it let me know. I can handle whatever decision you make." I pushed to my feet and started to walk to the tent when Micah grabbed my hand.

  "Beautiful, you can't just drop a bombshell like that and walk away, that's not fair," he said as he tugged me down into his lap. His arms wrapped around my stomach and I rested my back against his chest.

  "I just wanted to give you some privacy to talk about it if you wanted to," I said.

  "And what exactly would be private about you hanging out in the tent five feet away. Even a human could hear us talking at that distance and we are most definitely not human," Tate said with a chuckle.

  "I was going to get a change of clothes and go further," I replied defensively. I could hear it in my own voice so I knew the others could hear it as well, which would explain the grins that had spread across most of their faces.

  "Oh, is that so?" Denver asked, clearly not believing me.

  "It is! I don't want any of you to feel pressured into doing this. I want you to do this because you want to, not because I want to or Roman wants to." I tried to keep the defensive tone from my voice but I don't think I succeeded.

  "I think that's a noble goal, but the question still remains as to whether or not we want to tie our life forces to Nina," Roman said, refocusing the conversation that was starting to devolve into them just teasing me.

  "So if we do this we all die at the same time? No one is left behind to handle everything?" Blake asked.

  "That's my understanding. You would mark me and I would mark you and then if something happened to one of us we would both die. The only thing I don't know is if that would extend to all of you if you didn't bite me and I didn't bite you."

  "I feel like we suddenly turned into vampires or something," Tate joked. "Should we be burning up in the sun or hissing at garlic?"

  "I don't think it's anything like that," Roman said, getting a little irritated that the conversation kept being derailed. This was clearly something he wanted, something he craved even, so he wanted to know the outcome of the decision almost as much as I did. "Why don't we take a vote? Those in favor of biting Nina raise your hands."

  My stomach twisted at his words. We didn't know if they were ready to vote yet, and I wasn't sure I was comfortable with the group making a decision for someone else. Still, I held my breath as I watched and waited to see if any hands would go up other than Roman's.



  The thought of biting Nina had been on my mind since we almost lost her to that damned silver bullet, no, probably longer. Having my mark on her skin was something my wolf and I both wanted. Not something we could necessarily have, but definitely something we wanted.

  Seeing her sitting there in Micah's lap I knew he was probably as hard as I was with her body pressed up against his. The others I was less sure about, but just the thought of biting and marking my mate had stiffened my cock to a degree that was getting uncomfortable and more difficult to hide.

  Which was why I asked for a vote. I knew the others hadn't exactly been given a lot of time to process this new option, but if we were going to do it then Nina was right, we needed to do it before she faced Jax. And my preference was for right now. Gods I wanted to sink into that wet heat of her pussy and feel her milk my cock as she came on me.

  I forced my mind back to the task at hand and was pleasantly surprised to find that the vote I'd called for was unanimous. Every hand was raised with the exception of Nina's. My heart stuttered in my chest. I thought she'd wanted the mark. "Do you not want us to mark you, angel?" I asked, barely keeping the disappointment from my voice.

  "No, I mean, I do! I thought the vote was just for you guys." She raised her hand high over her head which made her breast raise and it felt like her nipples were the Eye of Sauron blazing down on me, only, you know, sexier.

  I knew I wasn't the only one that noticed either, the mood of the entire group shifted. The second I scented Nina's arousal I knew she felt it too. She was excited by the prospect of us biting her, as was I, the only question remaining was if this was going to be a group affair or if we were doing it individually.

  Personally, I didn't have a preference, I just wanted the marking to happen so I could scratch the itch I'd had since I'd first felt the urge. I could feel the predator rise within me as Nina swallowed thickly. I wanted her with a fervor that I had never wanted anyone before. Part of me wondered if this was what addiction felt like, the constant need for something, counting the minutes until you could feel it again.

  I wasn't sure how long we'd all been sitting in silence watching Nina, whose breaths were coming slightly faster now than they had a moment ago, but we'd all lowered out hands and the
lust flowing around our little camp was almost palpable. If no one else was going to kick start this party then I would. I watched my mate for a moment, capturing her gaze with my own and letting her see how much I wanted her.

  "Micah, is Nina wet?" I asked, never taking my gaze from Nina's.

  "Dripping," Micah replied.

  I snapped my gaze to his and asked, "How do you know?"

  "Because his cock has been hard under me this whole time," Nina said, sounding a little breathless.

  "So he could just tilt his hips and slide into you?" I wondered aloud.

  Micah didn't need to be told twice. He lifted Nina slightly and braced her over his lap as he tilted his hips and eased her back down onto his cock. The moan she let out at being filled by one of her mates was enough to almost have the rest of us coming undone without ever feeling the bliss of her touch.

  "Don't make him do all the work, angel. Show him how much you enjoy having him inside you," I said.

  Nina took my words and ran with them, bouncing up and down on Micah's cock in a way that made her breasts dance and jiggle.

  "Are you just going to sit there? Or do you want me to order you around too?" I asked her three other mates who were sitting there with erections just as hard and almost painful as my own. When none of them moved I said, "Blake, you take her right breast, Tate her left. I want you both to suck and play with her nipples until she is right on the edge of an orgasm then stop. Denver?" I wasn't sure if our latest addition wanted to play so this was his chance to back out if he wanted to. When he just looked at me waiting for my command I said, "Have her suck your cock."

  I watched as the symphony of sound and sex began. "Nina, don't leave Blake and Tate hanging. You have two free hands, use them."

  Her mouth was full of Denver's cock so she didn't answer but I saw her reach out for their cocks, grabbing and stroking them. I reached for my own at the same time, matching my movements to hers. The rhythm was intoxicating and it took everything I had not to rip the others from her and fuck her myself.

  "Don't tease her, fuck her," I growled at Micah. He'd laid down on the ground and was thrusting upward while she stayed where she was and gave two of her mates hand jobs and the third a blow job. She was so talented in so many things, but I knew exactly how that tongue would feel around my cock and I would be loving every second of it as I'm sure Denver was.

  The sounds that were escaping her had been building and were becoming more frantic. When a growl of frustration erupted from her instead of an orgasm I knew that Blake and Tate had done exactly what I'd asked.

  "Micah, play with her clit and let her come this time. She deserves it."

  Within moments the scream of her release was filling the air and making it hard not to lose myself in the sound, but when I came it would be inside her, not my hand.


  Micah's cock was creating a delicious amount of friction as he thrust into me from below. Hearing Roman give them orders and then feeling them carry out the orders with my body was beyond arousing. I wanted them to do what he was saying, I wanted him to use me for whatever display he was creating for himself. Just the thought of it made me wetter.

  "Fuck, Nina, you're so fucking tight after you come," Micah breathed from under me.

  Denver was lucky I'd released his cock from my mouth as I came, otherwise it might not have been such a pleasant experience for him, but it did leave my mouth free. "Bite me," I moaned. My voice was a strange timber that I wasn't used to as my wolf rode close to the surface, both of us demanding that our mates mark us and claim us as their own. Not their property but their partner.

  I heard Micah snarl from behind me and the next thing I knew his teeth were sinking into my side pushing me into an orgasm I hadn't even felt building. As I shook and trembled around him, my body clamping down on his as I felt him lose control as well. Something in me kicked into being and I knew I had to mark Micah then and there. I grabbed the arm of his that I could reach and bit down, almost falling over in the process.

  Micah grunted almost painfully from behind me and I felt his cock jerk again inside me as though another orgasm hit him as well, just like it had with me when the mark was made. My own body was still trembling, to the point I wasn't even sure how I had marked him since my legs and arms felt like jelly.

  As though me almost falling had signaled that Micah was done I heard Roman's voice through the haze, "Blake, take Nina from behind. Tate, let her suck you off. Denver, I want you to play with Nina's nipples and her clit until she's writhing on Blake's cock and begging to come."

  The guys arranged themselves around me, with Micah recovering off to the side.

  "Are you okay with this, love?" Blake asked as I felt the head of his cock push at my already swollen folds.

  I glanced over my shoulder and met his gaze with a grin as I said, "Yes, very much so."

  That was all the encouragement he needed. Blake's cock pushed into me in one long, slow thrust. I was so wet that he probably could have gone faster but I knew he liked to tease me and torment himself. With Tate laying down in front of me I lowered my head, taking him in my mouth. The thickness of his cock made taking more than a mouthful almost impossible, but I breathed and with each thrust of Blake's cock I took Tate deeper.

  I knew there was a trick to breathing through my nose while sucking cock, but when the cock was so big that when I took it deep enough it blocked everything off, that trick didn't work so well. For every few thrusts of Blake's cock I'd swallow Tate down as far as I could, swiping my tongue across and around his cock as I did so and relishing the salty taste of him.

  Denver's hands found my nipples a moment later, pinching and rolling them between his fingers until I was bumping myself between Blake and Tate as I tried to get the friction and force that I needed to reach my next orgasm.

  "Is there something you want, Nina?" Denver's sultry voice sounded next to my ear.

  "Please, I need..." I didn't get to finish my statement because as I panted between words Tate pulled my head back down so his cock filled my mouth once more. His fingers wound through my hair and held me there as he thrust up into my mouth. I took the suggestion and began sucking on him once more while Denver continued to torture me by just playing with my nipples and not giving me the attention where I really needed it.

  I whined around Tate's cock which made him groan and Denver chuckle. The bastard knew what I wanted, what I needed, and was teasing me with it. I must have made some kind of pathetic, needy sound because the next thing I knew Denver's hand was traveling down my stomach, his fingers skimming my flesh.

  "Nina, do you want to come?" Denver asked, his voice husky with lust.

  I made a noise of agreement around Tate's cock as I looked up into his eyes. "I think that's a yes," Tate said with a groan as I took him as deep as I could.

  "If she comes on my cock I won't be able to hold out any longer," Blake said, his voice already sounding strained.

  "That's why she has multiple mates, so we can keep her satisfied," Roman growled off to the side.

  Blake increased his pace and the only sound after that was the slap of skin against skin as he pounded into me from behind while Denver circled my clit with his dexterous fingers. I was already so close just from the way they were playing with me that it only took a few swipes of his finger before I was screaming around Tate's cock and bucking against Blake, whose teeth pierced my skin a moment later. Right on my ass cheek.

  I reared up from where I'd been sucking on Tate and spun, grabbing Blake and biting him... somewhere. My vision had gone hazy and my body was practically shaking as pleasure rolled through me.

  Denver and Tate were picking me up a moment later and positioning me between them. I wasn't sure I could handle them both at once. I wasn't sure I'd ever had sloppier sex before, but now as I braced myself and let Tate slide into me from behind wetting his cock in my pussy before wetting my ass with my own juices and working his way in. If I hadn't already been so turned on i
t would have been painful, as it was it took a moment to get used to but once he was in we were good.

  Tate gently rocked against me as Denver pushed in as well. The two of them moved in unison so one was always thrusting into me. Their rhythm was gentle and didn't overwhelm me which I appreciated. What I hadn't been expecting was for Roman to decide to join in.

  His gentle but firm touch on my head directed me toward his cock where it was jutting out toward me. I wrapped my lips around it and swirled my tongue over the tip making him groan. I'd never thought I'd enjoy the feeling of sex with multiple partners, it seemed like it would be too complicated, too overwhelming, when I read about it, but it just flowed naturally. Maybe that was something to do with how Roman liked to take control, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I'd never had more orgasms in the last month than I had probably the rest of my life before that combined.

  I didn't know who was touching what anymore, my focus was too split by all the sensations and I couldn't exactly look around while I was busy with a cock in my mouth. It didn't matter though, all that mattered was the orgasm I could feel building within me, the tension and ache in my core that was longing to be released even though Denver and Tate were both fucking me. Someone was playing with my nipples and someone else was gripping my ass so hard that I knew I'd have bruises when we were done, then someone else was sliding a hand between us, playing with my clit whenever they for the chance to move, before Denver's hips ground against their hand.

  It was the last bit of friction I needed. My orgasm exploded out of me. I couldn't even tell what my body was doing. I was so far gone, lost in the pleasure. I felt one set of teeth sink into my skin on one side and a second later a second set bit into my shoulder. My wolf took the reins for a moment and I lunged forward, biting down on Denver's shoulder or chest, some part of his upper body. I still wasn't quite back from blasting off to outer space with that last orgasm.


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