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Shadow of the Crown

Page 26

by Amber Morant

  "You guys seeing this?"

  "Yea, might have belonged to a shadow. They used to run around a lot in the capital before the attack."

  "Would have been nice to see them in action. Heard they were professional assassins."

  "Probably still are, but they're so small that only those who know about them can communicate with them."

  Karin put the mask on top of her head and continued her search in the alley. She saw someone bundled in a blanket and stepped softly toward them. "Wonder if the mask belongs to them?" She asked herself.

  The person fell over as Karin reached them. She let out a small gasp, realizing it was a drow. Attached to the drow's body were a multitude of weapons. Each one looked deadlier than the last. Karin put her hand next to the drow's nose. No breath.

  "Rest in peace. Should have taken the easy life with the queen. You could have lived in luxury," Karin mumbled and grabbed a few of the blades off the dead drow's body.

  The drow snapped back up and grabbed Karin's arm. Her eyes pierced through Karin, looking at the mask she was wearing and back down to the elf. "I'm going to kill you." The drow fell back over. Karin held her hand back to the drow, this time feeling a small breath.

  "What the hell was that?"

  "How should I know? I think she's connected with the mask though."

  "Don't worry about the weapons then. Just take the drow with you. We'll meet you at the usual spot."

  Karin grumbled under her breath and lifted the drow up. "A lot lighter than you look. When's the last time you ate?" She adjusted the drow. "All I'm saying is if you die on me, I will make sure to bring you back to life so I can kill you again. We're chancing a lot that you're good for the coliseum."

  Karin stepped out of the alley and back into the main streets. She could see a few eyes peering out from windows of other hunters. As their eyes met they hid back into their rooms, out of sight. She let out a sigh, she used to be like them until the coliseum recruited her.

  "Please hurry this way, ladies and gentlemen. This isn't the best neighborhood to stay long in," a guard from a nearby crowd yelled out.

  Karin dove into an alley and watched multiple guards leading a concession of drow with bags in their hands. Most of them looked just as thin as the one she was carrying. She wondered what happened to them. They all appeared to be immigrants granted permission by the queen to move to Narishma. At least, that's what she heard on the news. There was no telling the truth though.

  "You better be worth the effort, damn it." Karin waited until the street was clear again and took off in a fast walk. "I swear if they don’t give me something good, I'll make sure all of them go to Silverwilde.”

  About the Author

  Amber Morant is an author and full time mother living in the Dayton, Ohio area. She has published multiple books in the dungeonpunk and fantasy genre. Exploring worlds outside of our own and collecting swords from different parts of the world has become part of who she is.

  From the time she was in fourth grade trying to write the next “great Harry Potter” book in 2001 to now, Amber has been writing non-stop and finding magic in her everyday life. Outside of writing, Amber spends her time reading, playing video games, and chasing dragons.

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