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Frat House Confessions: Wes: Frat House Confessions, Book 2

Page 4

by Lopez, Bethany

  Yes, I was fishing, in a very obvious way, and by the sparkle in Karrie’s eyes, she knew it. Still, after the change I’d seen in him, the confidence and swagger, I figured he had to be seeing someone.

  But, Karrie shook her head, her curls bouncing prettily around her face, and replied, “Nope, no girlfriend. Not for Wes or Brody, which is why I need you to come. I’m drowning in testosterone over there!”

  Thinking of my reaction to Wes yesterday, a visceral thing I hadn’t felt for anyone in a really long time, and my constant state of boredom, I decided this was the only way to see what was going on with him. I was also curious to find out if I could be forgiven and we could move forward, or if it was better for me to keep Wes firmly in my past.

  So, pushing aside my nerves, I met Karrie’s eyes and asked, “What can I bring?”



  “Hey, Wes, do you mind if I light a few candles? Not that I’m saying you and Bro stink or anything … but, I invited Trixie over, so I want it to smell nice.”

  My head whipped away from the TV to find Karrie standing near the sofa, holding two candles and a suspiciously innocent expression.

  “Trixie is coming? Here?” I asked, hoping that croak in my voice wasn’t noticeable.

  “Yeah, for dinner. She’s bringing dessert,” Karrie replied.

  With a strangled cry, I jumped up and over the couch, calling over my shoulder, “Light the candles,” as I sprinted to my room.

  I tore off my graphic T-shirt as I entered the room and tossed it on the floor. Realizing what I’d done, I looked to the ground and saw clothes scattered all over, so I bent and picked up the discarded items, then put them all in the empty laundry basket in the corner of my room.

  Once that was done, I grabbed the end of my comforter from the foot of the bed and threw it up over the sheets, tucking it in to make it look more like a grownup’s bed than a little kids.

  Sniffing the air, I realized I could use a candle or something in here myself, and hurried to my bathroom to grab the air freshener and spray it around both the bedroom and bathroom.

  With a nod, I put it back and hurried to my closet.

  Graphic T, graphic T … dress shirt … hoodie.

  With a sigh, I left my room to go knock on Brody’s door.

  “Come in,” he called out.

  “Hey, can I borrow a shirt?” I asked as I stepped inside.

  “Yeah,” Brody said with a shrug, then looked at me quizzically and asked, “Why? It’s just Ridge and Karrie, like any other night.”

  “Karrie invited Trixie,” I told him, crossing to his closet.

  I snagged a black V-neck off the hanger, trying not to dwell on the fact that this shirt probably cost a couple hundred dollars, and pulled it over my head.

  “Oh, yeah? Karrie sabotaged you, huh?”

  “I’m sure it’s not like that, but, I want to look good … just in case.”

  “Just remember what I said the other night.”

  I glanced over at my brother and replied, “I will. And thanks, man, I appreciate your insight.”

  “Anytime. Just call me Obi Wan.”

  I chuckled, before pausing and asking, “Wouldn’t it be considered more Yoda?”

  Brody gave me a blank stare.

  “Do you really want to have this debate now?”

  “You’re right, I need to go fix my hair and make sure my bathroom is clean.”

  Brody arched an eyebrow and asked, “Are you planning on a sleepover?”

  I grinned and said, “Better to be prepared than have her walk in and run screaming for the hills.”


  I chuckled. “We’ll come back to the Star Wars debate later.”

  “I’m sure we will,” Brody replied wryly.

  “Spray something in here, you stink,” I shot out, laughing when Brody flipped me off.

  Once I’d spot-checked my bathroom, which wasn’t horrible, since Brody and I were both pretty tidy, I gave one last glance around to make sure everything was straight before grabbing the talc powder and pomade Ridge swore by and moved to the mirror.

  Hair styled in a way that I hoped didn’t make me look like I was trying too hard, I headed to the kitchen to see if Karrie needed any help.

  Her head came up when I walked in and she let out a low whistle.

  “Shut it,” I said, fighting back embarrassment. “Can I help with dinner?”

  Karrie put her hand to her chest dramatically and asked, “Did Hell just freeze over, or did one of the Temple brothers just offer to help me cook?”

  “Oh stop, I help you all the time, and I know for a fact Ridge has been getting use out of his new Traeger grill.”

  Karrie laughed.

  “I know, I’m just giving you a hard time. You look good … very handsome.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered, stopping next to her. “So, what can I do? Peel potatoes?”

  She held out the peeler to me and said, “God, yes, I hate peeling potatoes.”

  I took over and Karrie moved to get the chicken out of the fridge.

  “Where’s Ridge?” I asked.

  It wasn’t unusual for her to come over to our place by herself, but more often than not, she came with Ridge.

  “Actually, he’s currently wheeling the grill over here. He decided he wanted barbecue chicken tonight, so that’s what we’re gonna have.”


  Being a man in his early twenties living kind of on his own, meant I was pretty eager to eat anything that was offered to me, but I had a weakness for barbecue chicken. It’s one of my favorites.

  “So, I’m guessing all of this is for Trixie, huh?” Karrie asked, bumping my hip with hers.

  “What? Nah, it’s all for you, baby,” I crooned, biting back a laugh.

  “How about you remove your hand before I break it,” Ridge called as he walked in. I was taking my hand off of Karrie’s back when he added, “And, if I ever hear you call her baby again, I’m kicking your ass.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” I joked, knowing he was just messing with me.

  “Me, too,” Brody put in as he joined us.

  “Why does Wes look like he’s getting ready for a photo shoot, it’s just dinner, right?” Ridge asked, grabbing a piece of cheese Karrie had put out on some sort of tray filled with bite-sized food. “And what’s with the spread?”

  “Trixie’s coming over,” Karrie said, slapping his hand when he reached for a piece of sausage. “I told you earlier, remember?”

  “Not really,” Ridge replied with a grin. “But I do remember that thing you did with your…”

  “Oh my God, shut up!” she yelled, covering his mouth with her hand.

  Ridge was still chuckling when we all turned toward the sound of knocking on the front door.

  “She’s here,” I gasped, then slammed my mouth shut and prayed my brothers hadn’t heard me.

  No such luck.

  “Jesus, calm down,” Ridge laughed.

  “I’ll get it,” Brody said, looking at me and shaking his head. “I think Wes needs a minute to compose himself.”

  “Be nice, you guys,” Karrie admonished, putting her hand on Brody’s arm to stop him. “I’ll let her in. You go make sure the hall bathroom is presentable, and you,” she added, pointing at Ridge, “the chicken is ready to go on the grill.”

  “This is all very grown up,” Brody complained. “I don’t know why we can’t just order pizza, drink beer, and play video games.”

  “We do that eighty percent of the time,” Ridge replied. “Karrie wanted to do a nice Sunday dinner and she invited her friend. It’s not a big deal, so go and do what she said and quit your moaning. You’re getting a good meal out of it.”

  Brody let out an exaggerated sigh, shot me a grin to let me know he was just fucking with Ridge, then went to do as Karrie said.

  “You gonna be good with her being here? Karrie mentioned she’d invited her, but I got sidetracked and forg
ot to give you a head’s up,” my brother asked.

  “Yeah, it’s cool,” I replied, hoping to sound nonchalant, but his knowing grin told me I wasn’t fooling anyone.

  I just hoped we could pick up where we’d left off at the block party.

  So, not wanting to appear too eager, I stayed where I was in the kitchen and kept peeling potatoes.

  I’d let her come to me.



  “Hey, I’m so happy you came!”

  I smiled at Karrie, who looked cute with her curls pulled back and her face makeup free.

  “Thanks for the invite,” I replied, hoping my voice didn’t waver and convey my nerves.

  I walked into Wes and Brody’s apartment, taking in everything as I entered. The plush couches in the living room that faced the large television, the high-top table with bar stools surrounding it, and the candles flickering on the end tables.

  Not exactly what you’d expect from a college apartment, but, knowing Wes came from money, it was pretty much what I’d figured I’d walk into.

  Still, although you could tell a couple single guys lived there, from the complete lack of décor, you could also see Karrie’s influence … with the tidy space and scent of apple and cinnamon.

  “I brought a pineapple upside down cake,” I said, holding up the container.

  I didn’t cook much, but growing up this had been our signature dessert for celebrations, so my mom had taught me how to make it at a young age. It was always my job on holidays and birthdays.

  “Oh, yummy, a homemade cake. The guys aren’t gonna know what hit ‘em,” Karrie said with a smile. “You can leave it in the kitchen.”

  I followed her through the dining room and into the kitchen, glancing out the sliding glass door to see Ridge and who I assumed was Brody, standing outside talking animatedly by a large grill.

  “Does it need to be refrigerated?” Karrie asked, pulling my gaze away from the view and into the kitchen.

  I stopped in my tracks.

  Holy Hell!

  Wes was standing at the island peeling potatoes and looking like something out of an erotic dream. I mean, was there anything sexier than a man with broad shoulders and defined pecs wearing a fitted dark V-neck, hair tousled, helping out in the kitchen?

  If there was, I hadn’t seen it.

  “Uh…” What was the question? Oh, the cake. “No, not if we’re eating it in a couple hours. I’d refrigerate the leftovers though.”

  At the sound of my voice, Wes looked up, his lips curving at the sight of me.

  Damn, I felt that all the way in my core. What the hell is happening?

  “Hi, Trix,” he said, his voice seeming deeper than usual.

  And, I swear, that rumbly tone seemed to vibrate through me.

  “Hey,” I began, clearing my throat when my voice came out cracked. “Thanks for having me over for dinner.”

  Wes just grinned and tilted his head in acknowledgement. And, that was it … he went back to peeling potatoes without another word or glance in my direction.


  It left me with a weird feeling. Had I been dismissed? Was he focused on the task at hand? Was he pissed Karrie had invited me?

  He didn’t seem pissed, but still, everything about him was weird.

  “Do you want something to drink?” Karrie asked, her head in the fridge. “There’s water, Coke, beer, and I think I still have some Peach Moscato…”

  “Water’s good.”

  “What do you want me to do with these potatoes?” Wes asked.

  “Cut ‘em in fourths and toss them in the boiling water on the stove,” Karrie replied, crossing to hand me a bottle of water.

  “Come on, let’s go check on the guys.”

  I followed her out onto the patio, nerves hitting me full force when I looked up to see both Ridge and Brody watching me.

  “Hi,” I said lamely, hating this feeling.

  I was never nervous or unsure of myself, and normally I’d never allow my feelings to show, especially to a guy like Ridge, but the past we shared and the guilt I felt over deceiving him and his brother had me acting in a way I never had.

  It was humbling, which felt shitty, but also kinda necessary.

  “Hi, Trixie, how have you been? No more trouble with Crush, I hope,” Ridge said, his arm going around Karrie’s waist so he could hold her close.

  I shook my head.

  “No, I haven’t seen him since. And, thanks, for helping me out.”

  “Yeah, of course … Have you met my brother, Brody?”

  I turned my attention to the younger man and smiled.

  His hair was a little lighter than his brothers’, and he had the same gorgeous face and smoldering eyes. But, where Ridge was all cool sophistication and Wes was more geeky hot, Brody was all young rich playboy. He looked like he should be sunning on a yacht somewhere, rather than sipping beer on a concrete slab.

  “Hi, I’m Trixie,” I said, holding out my hand for him to shake.

  Brody’s eyes turned lazy, and he took my hand gently in his, before turning it and dropping a soft kiss on my palm.

  “The pleasure’s all mine,” he said huskily.

  I let out a nervous laugh and gave my hand a little tug.

  When Brody released it, I said, “Boy, the girls at this school better look out, you’re obviously trouble.”

  Ridge and Karrie laughed, but Brody just tilted his head and asked, “But, not you?”

  I shook my head with a grin and replied, “Nah, I’m immune.”

  “To men, or just me?” he asked, his tone playful.

  “Oh no, I like men … and women … I don’t put limitations on attraction. And, while there’s no denying you’re attractive, you just aren’t my type, sugar.”

  Brody’s hand went to his chest as if I’d shot him in the heart, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  I liked him, which was strange, since it usually took me a while to warm up to people. Snap judgements weren’t usually my thing. But, I guess since I liked Wes and Ridge, it wasn’t a stretch to find a connection with their younger brother as well.

  “Can I use your restroom?” I asked. Now that I was starting to relax, I realized I had to go.

  “Yeah, of course, let me show you where it is,” Karrie replied.

  I followed her inside and used the restroom. After washing my hands, and checking myself in the mirror, I put the backpack I was carrying on the counter and unzipped the front pocket.

  I swiped some mascara on my eyelashes, freshened my lipstick, and ran a comb through my sleek bob.

  Once I was happy with the results, I put everything away and looked once more at my reflection.

  “You can do this,” I assured myself. “You’ll finally apologize to Wes for lying and hopefully you can find your way back to being friends.”

  I didn’t say out loud that maybe we’d even be more, because I was a believer that when you put words out into the universe they had weight and came true, and I wasn’t sure yet if I was ready for that truth to be out there.

  Slinging my backpack back over my shoulder, I opened the bathroom door ready to go back out there and find Wes. Instead I stopped on the threshold when I saw him leaning against the wall across from the bathroom, eyes on me, a sexy smirk on his face.

  My first thought was Damn! My second thought was, I hope he didn’t hear me talking to myself.



  “Hey,” I said when Trixie stopped and blinked at the sight of me.

  “Hey,” she repeated softly, inching the strap of her backpack farther up her shoulder.

  “You can put your backpack down on my bed if you want,” I offered, my heart pounding as I looked her over.

  She was as beautiful as ever, if you could call her that. She wasn’t what you’d call traditionally beautiful, more sexy with an edge you couldn’t quite place, which made her all the more intriguing.

  “Oh, okay … sure.”

p; I pushed off the wall and walked down the hall to my room, leaving it up to her whether she followed or not.

  After a few seconds, I heard Trixie’s footfalls behind me.

  I walked inside, giving the room one last glance and sniff. Satisfied that it would pass inspection, I stepped to the side to allow her access.

  She looked around my space, and I followed her gaze, taking in the plain black down comforter, the black dresser and end table, and finally that TV stand with a TV only slightly smaller than the one in the living room, and the three gaming systems I had hooked up to it.

  Rather than bookshelves filled with books, they were filled with games and a few scattered DVDs that I’d brought with me from my parents’ house. Now most of my games and movies were kept on digital sites, so I could access them anytime and anywhere.

  “Nice room,” Trixie said, and I was unable to tell if she was being serious, or simply polite.

  “Thanks, I haven’t really gotten around to decorating,” I replied lamely, really noticing my bare walls for the first time since we’d moved in.

  She chuckled.

  “You’re a single guy, so it’s about what I expected … cleaner though.”

  I watched as she padded across the carpet and dropped her bag on my bed, then, forcing myself to follow through on what I wanted, rather than hiding behind the fear of rejection that would normally paralyze me, I moved closer to her.

  Trixie turned slowly, her head coming up so she could bring her eyes to mine. A thrill shot through me when she paused a little longer than necessary on my lips before those blue eyes looked up at me under jet-black lashes.

  I brought my hand up to her face, caressing her soft skin lightly, and my dick stirred at the way her lips parted in response.

  “I’m happy you’re here,” I told her, keeping my voice soft and deep.

  “I wasn’t sure you’d want me…”

  Before she could finish that thought, I lowered my head and captured her mouth with mine.

  There was a second where I thought I’d taken this game too far and she’d push me away, probably punch me in the stomach for good measure, but instead, her hands came to my waist and she fisted my shirt as she leaned in and deepened the kiss.


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