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Dragon Protectors: Shifter Romance Collection

Page 36

by Lola Gabriel

  A combination of bitterness and amusement touched Owen. He slid Theo’s phone back across the glass countertop and spun to leave the store.

  “Mr. Parker? Should I give her a message if she calls?”

  “Nope. I’ll give her my message when I see her,” he replied shortly, slamming out of the store.

  Owen saw her shiny car parked inside the gates of her father’s mansion. Before he could stop himself, he leaped from his own vehicle, which he parked on the street, and stormed toward the intercom, jabbing at it furiously. She cheats on me and blocks me? Who the hell is this woman? Could I have been so wrong about her?

  He couldn’t believe that the Kennedy he’d fallen in love with would treat him like that, but the evidence was showing him another side of her, one he would have never imagined.

  “Hello?” a distorted voice through the intercom called. “May I help you?”

  “I’m looking for Kennedy. Is she home?”

  “Mr. Parker?” Owen whirled toward the voice at his back, and he immediately recognized Rocco.

  “Miss Solstice is resting,” the staff member announced. “Can I have her call you when she wakes up?”

  “It’s okay, Erma. I’ve got this,” Rocco called into the intercom, and Owen scowled at him.

  “You’ve got this, do you?” he growled. “What else have you got?” Rocco eyed him with wary dark irises and gestured for Owen to follow away from the entranceway.

  “Why don’t we chat over here, Mr. Parker?” he sighed. It was Owen’s instinct to refuse, but he changed his mind and wandered after him.

  “What do you want, Rocco?” Owen snapped. He didn’t particularly want to confront his girlfriend’s alleged lover before talking to Kennedy about the situation, but Rocco wasn’t giving him much of a choice.

  “I know this might be hard for you right now,” Rocco said. “But you really need to come to terms with the fact that Kennedy doesn’t want to see you.”

  It was not what Owen had expected to hear, and he couldn’t hide his surprise.

  “Sorry if that sounded too harsh,” Rocco continued. “But I think it’s better you accept it. For everyone’s sakes.”

  Owen’s eyes narrowed, and he advanced on Rocco, who instantly lost the wry look on his face and shrank back. “I suppose you’re the one she wants, then?”

  Rocco darted his eyes downward and stepped out of Owen’s reach. “No offense, Mr. Parker, but you were just a rebound for her. Kennedy and I were always going to be together. She thought we were on a break, I didn’t really see it that way, so technically, you’re the other man, not me.”

  Owen was growing dizzy by the revelation. “No way,” he muttered. “She didn’t mention you except to say you wouldn’t leave her alone.”

  Rocco shook his head sadly. “And yet she blocked you from calling, didn’t she?”

  Owen had never been so confused in his life. Rocco’s explanation made sense… in a way. None of it rang true to him, though.

  “I’m sorry, Owen,” Rocco said. “Women, huh?”

  Owen’s jaw clenched. He didn’t miss the fact that Rocco had started calling him by his first name.

  “And it doesn’t bother you that she’s like this?” he demanded, not entirely buying Rocco’s take. “It doesn’t bother you that she might turn on you again?”

  Rocco chuckled. “Lycan women, my friend. They’re all like that—well, I guess I know that better than you.” His meaning was undeniable, as was the underlying smirk on his face.

  He’s screaming, “I’m better for Kennedy than you are!”

  Rocco stared at him expectantly. “You caused a major rift between her and her father, you know? I’m not telling you that to make you feel bad. I just thought you should think twice about showing up around Cameron. He’s not the most forgiving beast I’ve ever met.”

  Unexpectedly, Owen began to shake. So that’s it. All the time we spent together, all the plans for the future, the villa in Greece—they were just Kennedy sowing her wild oats. She never intended to be with me. That’s why she was adamant about not telling her father.

  Owen was filled with a bout of nausea. Suddenly, he couldn’t stand there, staring at his competition anymore. What competition? He was always going to win. I was the one who was never in the running.

  “Hey, sorry, man!” Rocco called out after him. “But there are other women! Women better suited to you.”

  The placations were only fuelling Owen’s sense of sickness, and he blindly fought his way toward his car, terrified he would fall apart in front of Rocco. He collapsed in the driver’s seat and gulped back mouthfuls of air, forcing himself to be calm before driving. In his state, he was apt to drive off one of the bluffs.

  You can’t afford it—your insurance company is going bankrupt, he thought wickedly. All he knew was that he had to get as far away from the Solstice house and Rocco as possible. I need to get out of the Hollows.

  He started the car, and as he raised his head, he saw a drape move on the second floor toward the left of the entranceway. He continued to stare, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever hid behind the curtains, but they had already disappeared.

  No matter if it was Cameron or Kennedy, it’s good riddance. I have invested too much of my precious time on this family as it is. He squealed out of the street, purposely casting a spray of exhaust over Rocco’s face before racing off toward the closest access portal. Good riddance, good riddance, good riddance, he chanted to himself.

  But as his foot pressed heavier down on the gas pedal, Owen didn’t believe it. Whatever Kennedy had done, however she might have broken his heart, he would not forget the times they had had together, the moment of tenderness and the kisses they’d shared. In his mind’s ear, he could hear the strain in her voice when she spoke of her love for her father and the pack, the inner conflict apparent.

  No woman is that good of an actress, Owen thought, gritting his teeth in frustration. Which means that I was just that big of a fool. I need to move on and forget about this embarrassment. He thought about how he would have readily gone to war to keep her, and more shame flooded his body. It’s done, he told himself furiously. There’s no point in dwelling on it. You’ve got bigger matters to worry about than a shattered ego.

  Inhaling deeply, he steered the car toward the access portal park and ride and made his way to the entrance. There was only one thing he could think of to do to keep him from turning around and insisting he speak with Kennedy. He had to throw himself into work like he always did, and gods knew there was work to be done. Trying to ignore the panging in his heart, Owen swapped worlds and stepped into the bright skies of the Sunside in New York, cell phone in hand.

  “What’s up?” Colin asked when he answered. “I’m going batshit crazy over here.”

  “I imagine you are. I’m in New York. I’ll be here for a few days if you need me.”

  There was a slight pause. “A few days? Is everything okay?”

  “No, Colin! Everything is not okay! Someone has sabotaged my company!” Owen’s voice was almost shrill, and he knew he had overreacted with his answer. He inhaled sharply and steadied his tone. “I just think it will be easier if I handle things on the Sunside for a while.”

  “Owen… do you want me to come stay with you?” Colin asked gently. Owen was moved by the offer. He knew Colin couldn’t handle the intense sun’s rays above the Hollows, but it was obvious his friend was worried about him.

  “No,” he answered softly. “I’ll be okay if I just throw my head into work. I just need a few days.”

  “I’m here if you change your mind,” Colin replied, and Owen knew he meant it.

  “Thanks. Let me know if you need me.” He disconnected the call and stepped out onto Park Avenue, blinking against the sun’s beams. A thousand people scurried by him, brushing past rudely and without apology, and Owen suddenly found himself lost in the crowd with a bitterly familiar feeling consuming him in a tsunami.

  He was lonely again. Lonely
and with a shattered heart.


  Kennedy flew out the front of the house, gasping for breath, but Owen was already gone when as she reached the gate. She stared helplessly at Rocco, who approached her.

  “Was that Owen?” she demanded, her face pale. “What did he say to you? What was he doing here?” Rocco indicated for her to open the gate, and Kennedy allowed him inside the wrought iron. “Well?” she squeaked. “Why did he leave?”

  Rocco sadly shook his dark head of hair. “Let’s go inside, Kennedy. You don’t want Cameron to see us like this out here.”

  Begrudgingly, Kennedy let him lead the way back to the house, but her mouth was parted to insist on answers. In her hand, she held her cell phone, poised to call out. She was painfully aware of her father’s study doors closed just beyond the foyer.

  “Let’s go up in your room and talk,” Rocco suggested, but Kennedy shook her head.

  “In the kitchen. The staff is out doing the weekly grocery shopping.” She changed the course of the walk and headed back through the halls, gaining distance between herself and her father. She had been avoiding him just like he had requested, and she didn’t want to risk him overhearing their conversation. She had no way of knowing if Cameron had seen Owen, but she hadn’t been able to resist running after her lover when she had seen him outside.

  “What happened?” Kennedy cried when they were safely in the kitchen. “What was he doing here?”

  “Kennedy, this is going to be painful to hear,” Rocco started, and disappointment filled her body even before he finished what he had to say. “But Owen came by to ask you to stop contacting him. He says he’s done with you now, and that you should accept his silence as proof.”

  “He said that?” Kennedy choked. “Really?”

  “He came looking to tell you that himself, but I told him that it would be easier if I broke it to you. I hope you don’t mind. I just didn’t want a scene when your father is already in such a state.”

  Kennedy swallowed the lump forming in her throat, and she looked imploringly at Rocco from across the table. “Why?” she moaned. “Why did he end it?”

  Rocco sighed again and shook his head. “I’ve been trying to tell you, Kennedy. He never really cared about you. He only wanted to get closer to the pack, to learn their business. I guess with your father learning about the two of you, it put a damper on his plans.”

  The shock was almost more than Kennedy could bear. Was he playing me all along? Every caress, every longing look? Was it just a ploy?

  She refused to believe it, but what choice did she have other than to accept Rocco’s word? She had seen him outside, appearing furious as he spoke to Rocco. If he’d really wanted to see her, to have a reasonable conversation with her, he would have stayed, wouldn’t he?

  Kennedy was more lost than ever before, and she sank back against her chair.

  “I should never have agreed to fake the relationship with you,” she whispered. “Now he doesn’t trust me. I have to make him see—”

  “Kennedy, I know you’re feeling heartbroken right now, but persisting will only create more problems for everyone,” Rocco barked. “You have to use your brain for once.”

  Slowly, Kennedy raised her head and met his eyes, the insult not missed but ignored. She realized that he was right. Nothing she had done to that point had been driven by common sense. It was unsurprising that everything had exploded in her face. She had lost her father’s trust and the love of her life in one fell swoop.

  “Kennedy,” Rocco said. “I’m sorry you’re going through so much right now—”

  “You’re right,” she said firmly, cutting him off. “I haven’t been thinking. Obviously, I didn’t mean as much to him as I thought, and I don’t need to wallow in this. Whatever happened with Owen and I is in the past. I’m already over it.”

  Of course she didn’t mean it, and it was exceedingly clear by the hurt in her tone, but that didn’t mean Kennedy wouldn’t try to get back in her father’s good graces No matter how long it took.

  A slow, cautious smile formed on Rocco’s face, and he exhaled with relief.

  “I knew you’d come around,” he said, leaning across the table to hold her hands. For the first time, Kennedy didn’t pull away, not because she wanted Rocco touching her, but because she needed the contact. The deep pit of despair was sweeping up from her gut and enveloping her in a darkness she didn’t know how to fight.

  “I’m here for you,” Rocco told her. “Whenever or wherever you want me.”

  Kennedy met his eyes and gave him a weak smile. “How can you be here for me after the way I’ve treated you? You’ve had my back all along.”

  “I’m starting to feel like a broken record, Kenn. I care about you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Thank you, Rocco,” she murmured. “You might be my only friend in the world right now.”

  “I will always be your friend. Maybe one day, you’ll learn to see me as more than that.”

  Inexplicably, Kennedy didn’t tense at his words. Perhaps it was because she was learning to trust him, or maybe the sadness had permeated too far for her to heed danger. Whatever was the reason, she felt comforted by his statement.

  “Stranger things have happened, I suppose,” she agreed, trying to keep the misery from her tone. If I had listened to Dad from the beginning, none of us would be in this mess. Maybe I was too hard on Rocco. Maybe I should give him a chance.

  Her stomach flipped instantly at the idea of anyone other than Owen touching her romantically, and she grimaced, pulling her hands away from Rocco. She didn’t want to give him mixed signals, not when her head and heart were not in their proper places. If there was to be a union in the future, time would tell, but she certainly couldn’t entertain it when the pain was still so fresh.

  Maybe not ever, she thought mournfully. She eyed Rocco from across the table, wondering why he put up with her. She could understand why her father had considered him a good match for her on some levels. He was certainly strong enough, and while she didn’t consider him overly intelligent, the role of Alpha was one more of brawn and leadership than intellectual superiority.

  At the same time, the incredible patience he had shown her over the past few weeks was uncharacteristic of any Alpha she had ever known. He must really be in love with me to cover for me with Dad, even though it goes against the code.

  More conflict wracked through Kennedy, and she felt inexplicably tired. She’d been lying down when the voices outside had caught her attention, and she was suddenly overcome with the need to rest.

  “I think I’m going to take a nap,” she sighed. “I have to start at the store in Yementi tomorrow, and I should try to get some rest. I didn’t realize how drained I was until this minute.”

  “You’ve been through a lot emotionally,” Rocco conceded. “And I just want you to know that no one blames you, Kennedy. Those dragons are really demons at heart. Don’t be fooled by the fact that they’ve changed over time—a dragon never loses its firebox. There is a reason that the Lycans have all kept them at a wary distance for all this time.”

  “Dad blames me,” Kennedy grunted. “And I guess you’re right about the princes.”

  “Princes,” Rocco spat with a venom that took her aback. “They are conquerors, nothing more. They haven’t earned the respect to be princes, not in my eyes.”

  Kennedy blinked and rose slowly. She had not realized that Rocco shared her father’s disdain for the brothers. She assumed he had helped her because he didn’t take the old law so seriously.

  It really doesn’t matter anymore, does it? she reasoned. You’ll never have dealings with any of them again. “I’ll see you later, Rocco. Thank you again for everything, and I’m sorry about everything, too.”

  He grinned and waved his hand in dismissal. “Consider this a learning experience for you,” he said. “You won’t make that mistake again, will you?”

  Kennedy offered him a watery smile and turned
away without answering. In her heart, though, she knew that if Owen showed up at the door right then, there was very little that could stop her from throwing herself into his arms and begging for forgiveness, for a fresh start.

  In her bedroom, she lay on her queen bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. She still twirled the cell phone in her hands, debating whether to call him again. The desire was unbearable. but Rocco’s words reverberated in her mind.

  “Owen came by to ask you to stop contacting him. He says he’s done with you now, and that you should accept his silence as proof. He never really cared about you. He only wanted to get closer to the pack, to learn their business. I guess with your father learning about the two of you, it put a damper on his plans.”

  Kennedy stopped fidgeting and sat up in the bed. What had Rocco been doing there in the first place?

  She hadn’t thought to ask, but it suddenly seemed like a perfectly logical question, considering he hadn’t asked to see her father. Kennedy threw her legs over the side of the bed and gingerly rose to her feet. She winced when the floorboards creaked beneath her toes.

  Wood was hard to come by in the Hollows and had to be transported from the Sunside, a feat which was much easier said than done. Getting a shipment like that through the access portals undetected was almost impossible. This was why only the wealthiest beings in the Hollows possessed such floors. It also meant that the upkeep was a great deal harder than it was on the Sunside, and the ancient wood planks beneath her feet were in desperate need of refinishing and replacement. Unfortunately, most of the mansion consisted of the prized wood, which made sneaking around the house very difficult in a place where everyone had supernatural hearing and senses.

  Kennedy wondered if that was the reason why her father had never bothered to have them fixed—they acted like a secondary security system, after all.

  Things I would never have considered a week ago, Kennedy thought grimly, padding her way toward the door. For the sake of equal balance, she shifted into her Lycan form and stealthily fell onto all fours, silently nudging her way into the corridor.


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