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Many Beauty and the Many Beast

Page 39

by Felicity Collins

  "If that's what's worrying you then know I'm well prepared: Skylynn is sneakier" I said.

  "Elsa, I'm serious!" she said a little irritated.

  "Anna, don't worry. I can handle my powers and the ex-ministers, I'm sure I can handle Hans as well" I replied

  "How do you know that?"

  "I'm not the one who wanted to marry a men she just met" I replied with a smirk. Anna glared at me suppressing a frustrated growl.

  "You're never going to let that go, are you?" she muttered. I tried hard not to laugh at my sister's adorable grumpy pout.

  "Uhm… no"

  "But it's precisely the reason why I'm the one telling you to be careful!"

  "Well, it's precisely the reason why you're disqualified in doing so!" I replied. Anna huffed but then spoke seriously once again.

  "Elsa, I'm just worried about you. He usually works here and I know you do too when you need to look up stuff. Who knows what goes on in his mind? For all we know he could only be trying to get on your good side to be let off the hook earlier" she said seriously. I just inhaled deeply, looking at my feet for a second.

  "I considered it" I said "But I also considered that he might actually be trying to redeem himself through hard work, which is exactly the purpose of the punishment" I added. My sister didn't look convinced though. I smiled reassuringly at her and gently caressed her cheek, so that she would look back at me "It's just a book, Anna" Silence, but Anna didn't look too happy about this "Was there anything else you wanted to tell me?" I asked trying to change subject.

  "Yes, it's about the wedding" she said a little less grumpily "Can you come with me and Kristoff to see the wedding planner, tomorrow? We might be needing some help" she asked "And good taste" she added "Having been raised by trolls Kristoff's tastes might not exactly match the occasion and on these matters he seems to listen more to you than to me" I laughed lightly and so did Anna, who had long resigned to the fact that her soon-to-be-husband identified royal etiquette with me rather than her.

  "Sure, no problem" I replied "What time?"

  "9:30 a.m."

  "Alright, but I have a council meeting right after lunch, it's an update meeting regarding foreign politics and I'd like you to be there… like every other meeting…" I told her, nonchalantly adding the last part and ending it clearing my throat. Her face and arms fell.

  "Do I really have to?" she said helpless.

  "Last time I checked, you're the Crown Princess for now, so: yes, you really have to" I said eyeing her. Anna didn't have to attend all the meetings, on a scale from 1 to 10, the necessity of her presence would be a 2. In reunions like this one, though, even if her presence was not required, I had her come, which nowadays has become a routine, and it will be until she decides to come herself and be the Crown Princess.

  "Okay, fine…" she mumbled with the same enthusiasm of who's just been sued. Then she looked behind me towards the clock on the wall and her eyes widen in shock as she slapped a hand on her forehead "Oh crap! Class with Mrs. Hyles! I completely forgot about it! She's going to kill me!- Well- no- she's not going to kill me- but- metaphorically- I mean-"

  "Anna!" I called unable to help an amused smile.

  "Right! Class! I have to go!" she said and kissed my cheek "Bye!" and with that she hurdled out of the library with her shoes making a loud peel out as she hastily turned the corner, hanging on the doorframe not to fall, and with that she was out of sight. I just lightly shook my head smiling at myself. If there was one person here who should never change, that person is Anna.

  Until next time




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