Wild Western Scenes
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Glenn's History.
The young chief, or rather the restored youth, awoke in a few daysfrom the delirium into which the fever had plunged him, to a state ofconvalescence and a consciousness of his altered condition. He nowuttered with earnest tenderness the endearing terms of "sister" and"father," when he addressed Mary and Roughgrove. He spoke freely ofthe many things he had witnessed while living with the Indians,expressing his abhorrence of their habits and nature, and declared itwas his intention never to have any further intercourse with them. Hepromised, when he should be able to leave his bed, to read and studywith Mary and Glenn, until he had made amends for the neglect of hiseducation. These symptoms, and the tractable disposition accompanyingthem, caused Mary and Roughgrove to rejoice over the return of thelong-lost youth, and to bow in humble thankfulness to the Disposer ofevents for the singular and providential circumstances attending hisrestoration.
Joe had arrived in due course of time, (which was brief,) after hisalmost miraculous escape from the savages and the flames, and told hisstory with various embellishments. The Indians were hunted the nextday by Sneak and a few of the neighbours, but they had doubtlessabandoned the settlement, for no traces of them remained after theirmysterious flight from the grove.
A few mild days, during which frequent showers had fallen, had in agreat measure removed the snow from the earth. And Joe having soonforgotten his late perilous adventure, amused himself with the horses.He resolved to make some amends for their long confinement in thestable, and to effect it he galloped them several hours each day overthe grounds in the vicinity. The hounds, too, seemed delighted toplace their feet once more on the bare earth, and they were permittedto accompany the horses in all their excursions.
One night, when William, Mary, and Joe were all quietly sleeping,Roughgrove took occasion to express his gratitude to Glenn for themany and important services rendered his family.
"Whatever good may have attended my efforts," said Glenn, "you mayrest assured that I have been amply repaid in the satisfaction enjoyedmyself."
"I am sure of it!" exclaimed Roughgrove; "and it was a conviction thatyou harboured such sentiments that induced me to confide in you, andto disclose things which I intended should remain for ever lockedwithin my own breast."
"Your confidence shall not be abused," said Glenn; and to prove that Iam not averse to an exchange of secrets, if you will listen to myrecital, I will endeavour briefly to give you a sketch of _my_history."
"I will listen attentively, my young friend, even were it as sad atale as mine, which can hardly be the case," said Roughgrove, drawinghis chair close to Glenn's side, and placing more fuel on the fire.
"Would to Heaven it had not been!" said Glenn, after reclining hishead on his hands a few minutes, and recalling transactions which hecould have wished to be blotted from his memory for ever. "I am anative of New York," he continued, heaving a sigh and folding hisarms, "and was left an orphan at a very early age. My father was oncereputed one of the wealthiest merchants in Broadway; but repeated andenormous losses, necessarily inexplicable to one of my age, suddenlyreduced him to comparative poverty. Neither he nor my mother survivedthe blow many months, and before I was ten years old, I was left (withthe exception of an uncle in Philadelphia) alone in the world,possessed of only a few hundred dollars. My uncle placed me with aneminent physician, who had been my father's friend, after my educationwas completed. He told me that he was rich, and would see that Ishould not suffer for means until I had acquired a profession, which,with energy and diligence, would enable me to procure an honourablesupport. But he informed me that he had a family of his own, and thatI must not depend upon his assistance further than to accomplish aprofession.
"It was during my studies, and when about seventeen years old, that mymisfortunes began. My preceptor had another student, named Henry Wold,several years my senior, whose parents were wealthy. Wold and Ientertained the highest esteem for each other. But our circumstancesbeing different, I could not indulge in all the excesses ofextravagance that he did, but made better progress in my studies. Heattended all the gay parties and fashionable places of amusement,while I seldom spent an evening from home. He was tall, manly, andpossessed of regular and beautiful features--these, with his unlimitedwealth, made him a welcome guest in every circle, and extremelypopular with the ladies.
"One Sabbath morning, while sitting in church, (which I attendedregularly,) I was struck with the appearance of a stranger in anopposite pew across the aisle that belonged to a family with whom Iwas on the most intimate terms. The stranger was the most beautifulyoung lady I ever beheld. Dark, languishing eyes, glossy ringlets,pale, smooth forehead--oh! I will not describe her--let it sufficethat she was an angel in my eyes! It was impossible to remove my gazefrom her, and I fancied that she sometimes returned an approvingglance. Before the service was over, I was delighted to observe thatshe whispered something to Mrs. Arras, (the name of the lady whose pewshe was in,) for this assured me that they were acquainted, and that Imight obtain some information about the fair being who had made such asudden and deep impression on my heart, and perhaps procure anintroduction to her. When I retired to my couch that night, it was notto sleep. The image of the fair stranger haunted my restless andimperfect slumbers. Nor could I study by day, for my thoughts wanderedcontinually from the page to the same bright vision. Such was mycondition throughout the week. The next Sunday I found her seated inthe same pew. Our eyes met, and a slight blush that mantled her fairface encouraged me to hope that she might likewise have bestowed somethoughts on me during the preceding week. It was in vain that Iuttered the responses during the service, or knelt down when theclergyman offered up his prayers. I could think of nothing but theangelic stranger. I resolved that another week should not pass withoutmy calling at Mrs. Arras's. But my object was obtained sooner than Iexpected. When the congregation was dismissed, Mrs. Arras beckoned meacross the aisle to her.
"'Charles,' whispered she, 'don't you want an introduction to myniece? I saw your eyes riveted on her several times.'
"'I--if you please,' I replied, with feelings of mingled delight andembarrassment.
"'Laura,' she continued, turning to the young lady who lingeredbehind, but seemed to be conscious of what was passing, 'let meintroduce you to my young friend, Charles Glenn.' The bland andaccomplished Mrs. Arras then moved onward, while I attended at theside of Laura, and continued with her until I assisted her up, themarble steps of her aunt's stately mansion.
"I then bowed, and strode rapidly onward, I knew not whither,(completely bewildered with the enchanting spell that the fair Laurahad thrown over me,) until I reached the extremity of Broadway, andfound myself in Castle Garden, gazing like a very maniac at the brightwater below me. I wandered about alone, enjoying the exhilaratingfancies of my teeming brain, until the sun sunk beneath the horizon,and the bright stars twinkled in the blue vault above. Oh! thethoughts, the hopes, the bliss of that hour! The dark curtain thatveils the rankling corruptions of mortality had not yet been liftedbefore my staring eyes, and I felt as one gazing at a beautiful world,and regarded the fair maid as the angel destined to unfold all itsbrilliance to my vision, and to hold the chalice to my lips while Isipped the nectar of perennial felicity. Alas, that such moments arebrief! They fly like the dreams of a startled slumberer, and when theyvanish once, they are gone forever!
"Without calling at my lodgings for the usual refreshments, I hoveredabout the mansion of Mrs. Arras till lights were gleaming in theparlour, and then entered. Laura received me with a smile, and thecomplaisant matron gave me an encouraging welcome.
"'You are pale this evening, Mr. Glenn,' said Mrs. Arras, in agood-humoured, though bantering manner. 'Are you subject to suddenattacks of illness?'
"'I assure you I never enjoyed better health in my life, and feel nosymptoms of indisposition whatever,' I replied, but at that moment Ichanced to gaze at a mirror, and was startled at my haggardappearance. But when Mrs. Arras withdrew, (w
hich she did soon after myarrival,) the affable and lovely Laura banished every thought of mycondition. My wan cheek was soon animated with the flush of unboundedadmiration, and my sunken eye sparkled with the effervescence ofenraptured delight. Deep and ineradicable passion was engendering inmy bosom. And from the pleasure indicated in the glitter of Laura'slustrous eyes, the exquisite smile that dwelt upon her coral lips, andthe gentle though unconscious swellings of her breast, a convictionthrilled through my soul that my sudden affection was reciprocated.Hours flew like minutes, and I was surprised by the clock striking ONEbefore it occurred to me that it was time to depart. Again I traversedthe streets at that solemn hour, insensible to every feeling, andregardless of every object but the flaming torch lit up in my heartand the seraphic image of Laura. At length I was warned by thescrutinizing gaze of a watchman to repair to my lodgings. But mypillow afforded no rest. All night long I pondered on the exhilaratingevents of the day. Many were the endearing accents that escaped mylips as I addressed in fancy my beloved Laura. I resolved to declaremy passion ere many weeks should pass. I began to settle in my mindthe plans of life, and then, for the first time, the future presenteda dark spot to my view. I was poor! Laura was rich and her familyproud and aristocratic. Her father was a distinguished judge. And themost high-born and haughty of the land would doubtless (if they hadnot already) sigh at her feet! I sprang upright on my couch when thisdiscordant thought passed across my mind. But the next moment I wasconsoled with the belief that I already possessed her heart. And witha determination to have her, in spite of every obstacle, should thisbe the case, I sank back through weariness, and was soon steeped indeep, though unquiet slumber.
"The two next succeeding Sundays I attended Laura to church. Theevenings of both days, and nearly all the intervening ones, I was withher at the mansion of Mrs. Arras. But the evening of the last Sundaywas to me a memorable one. That evening I opened all my heart toLaura, and found that every pulsation met a responding throb inhers--such, at least, I believed to be the case--and so she asserted.During the short time she remained in New York, I was her accreditedlover, and ever, when together, the attachment she manifested was asardent as mine. Indeed, at times, her passion seemed unbounded, and Iwas more than once tempted to propose a clandestine and immediateunion. I was the more inclined to this, inasmuch as her father (whohad now returned from a trip to Washington) began to regard my visitswith displeasure. But he soon passed on to Boston to attend to theduties of his office, and again I had unrestrained access to Laura.But I am dwelling too long on this part of my story.
"One day Henry Wold, my fellow-student, inquired the cause of thepalpable change in my bearing and disposition. Would that my lips hadbeen sealed to him forever! I knew that he was honest and generous bynature, but I knew not to what extent his dissolute habits (graduallyacquired by having ample means, and yielding by degrees to thetemptations of vice) had perverted his good qualities. I told him ofmy love, and while describing the charms of Laura, I was pleased toattribute the interest he evinced at the recital to his disinterestedfriendship for me, without the thought that _he_ could be captivatedhimself with the bare description. He begged me to introduce him.This, too, gratified my pride, for I knew he would admire her. Theperfect form, rare beauty, intelligence, and wealth of Wold did notstartle an apprehension in my breast. But I knew not--alas! who canknow?--the impulses that govern woman. Wold accompanied me that nightto Mrs. Arras's. He seated himself at Laura's side, and poured forth aflood of flattery. They smiled in unison and returned glance forglance. Wold exhibited his fine person and exerted all his captivatingpowers of intellect. Laura scanned the one and listened attentively tothe other. Still I sat by in satisfaction, and strove to repress everyrising fear that my supremacy in Laura's heart might be endangered.That evening, as we returned homeward, in answer to my questions, Woldstated that my 'intended' was _pretty enough_ for any young man, andwould, without doubt, make a _very good wife_. So far from exhibitingthe extravagant admiration I expected, he seemed to speak of theobject of my adoration with comparative indifference. But a fewevenings afterwards, I found him with Laura when I arrived! I startedback on beholding them seated on the same sofa as I entered theparlour. Mrs. Arras was present, and wore a thoughtful expression offeatures. Laura smiled on me, but I thought it was not a happy smile.It did not render me happy. Wold bowed familiarly, and made some wittyremark about taking time by the forelock. I sat down in silence, witha compressed lip, and an icy chillness in my breast. An embarrassingpause ensued. At length Mrs. Arras rose, and opening a folding-door,beckoned me into the adjoining room. After we had been seated a fewmoments, during which her brow assumed a more grave and thoughtfulcast, she observed--
"'You seem to be excited to-night, Charles.'
"'I have cause to be so,' I replied.
"'I cannot deny it,' said she, 'when I consider every thing that hastranspired. You doubtless have an attachment for Laura--I have _seen_it--and I confess it was and _would_ be with my goodwill had I controlof the matter. I was acquainted with your family, and acted with thebest of motives when I permitted, perhaps encouraged, the intimacy.But I thought not of the austere and passionate nature of mybrother-in-law. Neither did I think that any man could object to youraddresses to his daughter. But I was mistaken. Judge ____ has writtenthat your interviews with Laura must terminate.'
"'Has he given any reason why?' I asked, in tremulous tones.
"'Yes,' she replied, 'but such as mortify me as much as they must painyou. He says that your fortune and family connections are notsufficient to permit the alliance. Oh, I implore you not to supposethese to be my sentiments. I know your family is devoid of ignoblestain, and that your fortune was once second to none. Had I thedisposal of Laura's hand it should be yours!'
"'I believe it, Mrs. Arras!' said I. 'But do you net think theseobjections of Judge ____ may be overcome?'
"'Alas, never!' she replied; 'he is immovable when any thing of momentis decided in his mind.'
"'But,' I continued, while the pulsations of my heart were distinctlyaudible, 'what says Laura?'
"'Would I had been spared this question! You saw her a few minutessince. HE who sees all things knows how my heart ached while I sat by.I can only tell you she had just finished reading her father's letterwhen Mr. Wold was announced. Spare me, now, I beseech you!' I foldedmy arms and gazed, I know not how long, at the flame ascending fromthe hearth. Oh! the agony described of the dying were bliss to thatmoment. What could I think or do? I sat like one whose heart has beenrudely torn from his breast, and who was yet debarred the relief ofdeath. Existence to me at that moment was a hell, and my sufferingswere those of the damned! I thank God I have survived them.
"I was aroused from my lethargy by hearing the street door close afterWold, and I desired Mrs. Arras to permit me to have an interview withLaura alone. It was granted, and I was soon in the presence of thelovely maid. She was aware of my perturbation and its cause. She satwith her eyes cast down in silence. I looked upon her form and herfeatures of perfect beauty, and oh! what tongue can describe themingled and contending emotions that convulsed my breast! I repressedevery violent or boisterous inclination of my spirits, however, andtaking her unresisting hand, sat down in sorrow at her side.
"'Laura,' said I, with difficulty finding utterance, 'do we thus part,and for ever?' She made no answer, but gazed steadfastly at the richcarpet, while her face, though somewhat paler than usual, betrayed nochange of muscle.
"'Laura,' I repeated, in tones more distinct, 'are we _now_ to part,and _for ever_?'
"'Father says so,' she replied. Her hand fell from my grasp. Theunmoved, _indifferent_ manner of her reply froze my blood in my veins!I again stared at her composed features in astonishment allied tocontempt.
"'But what do _you_ say?' I asked, with a bluntness that startled her.
"'Father knows best, perhaps!' she replied, turning her eyes to mine,I thought, with calmness.
"'Laura,' said I, again taking her hand, for I was o
nce more subduedby her beauty, 'I love you with my whole soul, and must continue tolove you. Ay, were you even to spurn me with your foot, soindissolubly have my affections grown to your image, that my bleedingheart would turn in adoration to the smiter. And I fondly hoped andbelieved that the passion was returned--indeed, I had your assuranceof the fact; nay, think not I design to reproach you. It werebootless, had I the heart to do it. Be assured that were you not onlycruel to me, but steeped in crime and guilty of injustice to the wholehuman race, I would still be your friend were all others to forsakeyou. Deem me never your foe, or capable of ever becoming such. Mayheaven bless you! We part--but, under _any_ circumstances, shouldadverse fortune overtake you and I can be of service, I beg you not tohesitate to apply to me. You will find me still your friend. I willnot attempt to reverse the decision which you have made. Howeverhumiliating and poignant the thought may be that I was unconsciouslythe means of introducing the _object_ that influenced your decision,yet I will not murmur, neither will I become _his_ enemy, for yoursake. I hope you will be happy. I pray that heaven may incline yourheart to be true and _constant_ to Wold.'
"'I hope so,' said she in a low tone.
"'Laura,' said I, rising, 'you confess, then, that Wold possesses yourlove?'
"'Yes,' said she; 'but I cannot help it!'
"'Farewell!' said I, kissing her yielding hand, and turningdeliberately away, though with the sensation of one stunned by athunderbolt. I returned home, and threw myself like a loathsomecarcass upon my couch. I could not even think. My mind seemed likesome untenanted recess in the unfathomable depths below. Instantaneousdeath, and even eternal perdition afterwards, could have presented nonew horrors then. It was haply the design of Providence that thethought of self-destruction should not occur to me. With the means inmy reach, I would in all probability have rushed, uncalled andunprepared, into the presence of an offended Creator.
"A fever and delirium, such as possessed the poor youth lying there,ensued. Under the kind care of my preceptor, my malady abated in a fewweeks; and, as I recovered, a change took place in my sentimentsregarding the events that produced my illness. My pride rose up to myrelief, and I resolved to overcome the effects of my disappointment.Yet my heart melted in tenderness when I recalled the blissful momentsI had known with Laura. But I determined to prosecute my plans of lifeas if no such occurrence had transpired.
"A few days after bidding Laura adieu, she returned to Boston,accompanied by Wold. Wold obtained his diploma while I was writhingwith disease. Even the loss of my degree was now borne with patienceand resignation. I forgave Wold, and implored him to make Laura happy.He promised faithfully to do so when on the eve of setting out withher. I did not desire to see her myself, but sent my forgiveness andblessing.
"In a few months my diploma was obtained, and I commenced the practiceunder the most favourable circumstances. My late preceptor was now mypartner. Nearly a year elapsed before Wold returned to New York. But arumor preceded him which again opened all the fountains of bitternessin my heart. It was said (and only two or three were possessed of thesecret) that he had betrayed and ruined the lovely Laura! I soughthim, to ascertain from his own lips if he had truly committed the actimputed to him. I resolved to avenge her! But Wold avoided me. I couldnot obtain his ear, and all my notes to him remained unanswered.Despairing of getting an immediate answer from him, I repaired to Mrs.Arras. Her house was in gloom and sorrow. When she appeared, my heartsank within me to behold her sad and mournful brow. She pressed myextended hand, while a flood of tears gushed from her eyes.
"I knew by the disconsolate aspect of the aunt that the niece had beendragged down from her high estate of virtue, fortune, and fame. I satdown, and bowed my head in sorrow many minutes before the first wordwas spoken. I still loved Laura. What could I say? how begin?
"'It is true!' I at length exclaimed, rising up, and pacing the floorrapidly, while many a tear ran down my cheek.
"'Alas! it is too true,' iterated Mrs. Arras.
"'The black-hearted villain!' I continued.
"'Ah, Mr. Glenn, her fate would have been different, if your addresseshad not been so cruelly spurned! God knows I was not to blame!' saidshe.
"'No, Mrs. Arras,' said I; 'had your will been done, I had not beenmade miserable by the bereavement, nor the beautiful, theinnocent--the--Laura, with all her errors, dishonoured, ruined,crushed! But the betrayer, the viper that stung her, still breathes. Iloved her--I love her yet--and I will be her avenger!' Saying this, Irushed away, heedless of the matron's half-uttered entreaties toremain and to desist from my plan of vengeance.
"There was a young student of my acquaintance, a brave, chivalrous,noble Virginian, to whom I imparted Laura's sad story. He franklyagreed with me that the venomous reptile in the human shape that couldbeguile an unsuspecting and lovely girl to minister to his unhalloweddesires, and then, without hesitation or remorse, abandon her to thedark, despairing shades of a frowning world, while he crawled on toinsinuate his poison into the breasts of new victims, should bepursued, hunted down, and exterminated. Yet there was but one way forme to punish Wold. The ignominy of the act, and the indignation of avirtuous community were to him matters of indifference. The circle inwhich he moved would smile at the misfortune of his victim, andapplaud his address, were the affair published. I resolved that heshould answer it to me alone. I had sworn in my heart to be Laura'savenger.
"I penned a message which was delivered by my young Virginian friendin person. Wold said he had no quarrel with me, and strove to evadethe subject. He sent me a note, demanding wherein he had ever wrongedme, and stating that he was ready and willing to _explain_ any thingthat might have offended me. I returned his note, with a line on thesame sheet, informing him that I was the friend of Laura; and that hemust either meet me in the manner indicated in my message, or I wouldpublicly brand him as a dastardly scoundrel. He bit his lip, andreferred my friend to one of his companions in iniquity, a Mr. Knabb,who lived by the _profession_ of cards and dice. It was arranged thatwe should meet on one of the islands near the city, and that it shouldbe the next morning. This was what I desired, and I had urged myfriend to effect as speedy a consummation of the affair as possible.All the tumult and perturbation that raged in my bosom on parting withLaura had returned, and the throbbing of my brain was almostinsufferable. It was with difficulty that my young friend prevailedupon me to embrace the few intermediate hours before the meeting topractice with the pistol. I heeded not his declaration that Wold wasan excellent shot, because I felt convinced that justice was on myside. I thought that the criminal must inevitably fall. However, Iconsented to practice a little to quiet his importunity. Truly, itseemed that his urgent solicitation was reasonable enough, for thefirst fire my ball was several feet wide of the mark. I had neverfired a pistol before in my life. But there was no quivering of nerve,no misgiving as to my fate; for notwithstanding I was aware of being anovice, yet I entertained a conviction, a presentiment, that thedestroyer of my Laura's innocence would fall beneath my hand. The nextfire I did better, and soon learned to strike the centre.
"We were all on the ground at the hour appointed. While the secondswere arranging the necessary preliminaries, Wold, finding that my eyesrested steadily upon him, endeavoured to intimidate me. There was abush some thirty paces distant, from which a slim, solitary sprout ranup several feet above the rest of the branches. He gazed an instant atit while I was marking him, and then raised his pistol, and fired inthe direction. The sprout fell. Turning, his eyes met mine, while aslight smile was visible on his lip. The effect did not realize hishopes. I looked upon the act with such cold indifference that he atfirst betrayed surprise at my calmness, and then exhibited palpablesigns of trepidation himself. He beckoned Knabb to him, and, after abrief conference in a low tone, his second returned to my friend, andinquired if no amends, no reconciliation, could avert the exchange ofshots. My friend reported his words to me, and my reply was thatnothing but the restitution of the maiden's honour--instantmarriage--wou
ld be satisfaction. Wold protested--marriage was utterlyimpossible under existing circumstances--but he would do any thingelse. But nothing else would answer; and I insisted on proceeding tobusiness without further delay. Wold heard me, and became pale. Whenwe were placed at our respective stations, and while the finalarrangements were being adjusted, I thought his replies to hisfriend's observations betrayed much alarm. But there was no retreat. Iwas never calmer in my life, I even smiled when my careful friend toldme that he had detected and prevented a concerted plan that would havegiven Wold the advantage. The word was given. Wold's ball struck theearth before me, and threw some sand in my face. Mine entered theseducer's side! I saw him gasp, reel, and fall, while the blood gushedout on the beach. My friend hurried me away, and paused not until hehad placed me in a stage just starting for Philadelphia. I clasped hishand in silence, and the next moment the horses plunged away at thecrack of the driver's whip, and we were soon far on the road.Reflection ere long convinced me that I had been guilty of anunjustifiable act. If it was no crime in the estimation of men, it wascertainly a grievous transgression in the eyes of God! I thentrembled. The bleeding form and reproachful stare of Wold haunted myvision when the darkness set in. Oh, the errors, in act and deed, ofan impetuous youth thrown upon the world with no considerate friend toadvise him! The pity I felt for Laura was soon forgotten in thehorrible thought that I was a MURDERER! Oh, the anguish of that night!Why did I not leave Wold to the judgment of an offended God? Why did Inot permit him to suffer the gnawing of the canker that must everabide in his heart, instead of staining my hands with his blood?Freely would I have abandoned every hope of pleasure in the world tohave washed his blood away!
"When I arrived in Philadelphia, with a heavy heart, I sought a quiethotel, not daring to confront my uncle with such a tale of woe andcrime. For several days I remained in my chamber without seeing anyone but the servant that brought my food. At length I asked for a NewYork paper. For more than an hour after it was brought I could notsummon courage to peruse the hated tragedy. Finally I snatched up thesheet convulsively and glanced along the columns. When my eyes restedupon the paragraph I was in quest of, I sprang to my feet in ecstasy.The wound had not been fatal! Wold still lived!
"In a twinkling I was dressed and on my way to my uncle's residence.Notwithstanding there was a dreadful epidemic in the city, and hearsesand mourners were passing every few minutes, I felt within a buoyancythat defied the terrors of disease and death.
"But it seemed that disaster and desolation were fated to attend mewhithersoever I turned. A gloom brooded upon my heart when Iapproached my uncle's mansion, and found the badge of mourning at thedoor. I paused and asked the servant who was dead. He informed me thatmy uncle alone remained. His wife and children, all had been consignedto the tomb the day before, and he himself now lay writhing with thefell disease. I rushed in and entered the sick chamber. It was thechamber of death. My uncle pressed my hand and died. I followed him tothe grave, the chief and almost only mourner.
"I returned and shut myself up in the mansion, bewildered andstupefied. I was now the possessor of immense wealth. But I wasunhappy. I knew not what to do to enjoy life. Gradually the pestilenceabated and disappeared, and by degrees the gloom that oppressed mesubsided. At the end of a few months, I was informed by my youngVirginian friend that Wold had entirely recovered. I likewise receiveda letter from Mrs. Arras, stating that Judge ____ had sought outLaura, (who had been enticed to an obscure part of the city,) and, asher misfortune had been kept a profound secret among the few, heforgave the offence, and once more extended to her a father's love anda father's protection. I need not say that a blissful thrill boundedthrough my veins. Wold was living, and Laura not irrecoverably lost.Yet I did not then deem it possible that I could, under suchcircumstances, ever desire to possess the once adored, but since trulyfallen, Laura. But I experienced a sweet gratification to be thusinformed of the prospect of her being reinstated in society. My lovewas not yet wholly extinguished!
"When it was generally known that I possessed great riches, a crowd offlatterers and sycophants hovered around me. I was a distinguishedguest at the mansions of the fashionable and great, and had in turnmany brilliant parties at my residence. But among the tinsel andglitter of the gay world I sought in vain for peace and happiness.Many beautiful and bewitching belles lavished their sweetest smilesupon me, but they could not re-ignite the smothered flame in my bosom.Wine could only exhilarate for a moment, to be succeeded by a gnawingnausea. Cards could only excite while I lost, to be succeeded byirritability and disgust.
"Thus my time was spent for twelve months, when I suddenly conceivedthe resolution to seek a union with the ill-fated Laura,notwithstanding all the obloquy the world might attach to the act. Istill loved her in spite of myself. I could not live in peace withouther, and I determined without delay to offer her my hand, heart, andfortune. I set out for Boston, and on my arrival instantly proceededto the residence of Judge ____. Again my evil star was in theascendant. Desolation and death presided in Judge ____'s family. Theominous badge of mourning greeted me at the threshold; Laura's motherhad just been consigned, broken-hearted, to the cold grave. Thevenerable Judge bowed his hoary head to the blows that Providenceinflicted. He could not speak to me. His reply to my offer in relationto his child was only a flood of tears. He then retreated into hislibrary and locked the door. An aged domestic told me all. Laura hadabandoned her parental roof, and voluntarily entered one of thosesinks of pollution that so much degrade human nature! I stood upon anawful abyss. The whirlpools of deceit, ingratitude, indifference, andcalumny, howled around me, and the dark floods of sensual corruptionroared below. Turn whithersoever I might (alas, I thought not ofheaven!) gloom, discord, and misery seemed to be my portion.
"I hurried back to Philadelphia, and strove to mitigate my grief inthe vortex of unrestrained dissipation. I lavished my gold onundeserving and unthankful objects. I cared not for life, much lessfor fortune. I was the victim of a frenzy that rendered me reckless,and bereft me of calm meditation. My frantic laughter was heard at thegaming-table, and my plaudits were boisterous at the theatre, but Iwas a stranger to enjoyment. There was no pleasure for me. My brawlingcompanions swore I was the happiest and noblest being on earth. But Iknew too well there was not a more miserable fiend in hell.
"At length disease fortunately arrested my demoniac career before mywealth was expended. It was my good fortune to secure the services ofa distinguished and skillful physician. He was a benevolent anduniversally esteemed _Quaker_. His attention was not only constant,but soothing and parental. His earnest and tender tones often made meweep. When I recovered, I resolved to amend my life. This _friend_ hadapplied a healing balm to my aching heart. I determined to prosecutemy profession, and before a year elapsed my exertions began to becrowned with success.
"I was a frequent attendant at the lectures, and on terms of theclosest intimacy with the professors. Indeed, I had a prospect of aprofessorship myself. I devoted my attention particularly to theanatomical department of my studies, which I preferred; and it was inthis department of the institution that I would probably be installedin a few months. The gentleman who occupied that chair was about toresign, and, being my friend, used his influence to procure myelection.
"My medical friend invited me one evening to be present at adissection, which promised to be one of extreme interest. He describedthe subject as one that had elicited the admiration of the class. Hesaid it was a female of perfect proportions, but who had recently beenan inmate of a brothel of the lowest description. She had, in a stateof beastly inebriation, fallen into the fire. Yet, with the exceptionof a small but fatal orifice in the side, her form and featuresremained unaltered. I consented to meet him at the hour appointed, andmade my arrangements accordingly.
"That evening there were many more persons in the dissecting-room thanusual. I had now become much more cheerful, and enjoyed the frankgreetings of my many friends with a relish and an ardour that hadhitherto been unknown t
o me. Many flippant remarks and carelessobservations were exchanged in relation to the business before us. Wehad become accustomed to such scenes, and habit had rendered uscallous to the reflections and impressions generally produced whengazing upon the cold lineaments of the dead. Dissection was anindispensable act. It had been resorted to under the deliberateconviction that it was necessary to the perfection of science, and ina great degree redounded to the welfare and preservation of theliving. To us the pale inanimate limbs, and the attenuated, insensiblebodies of the dead brought no disagreeable sensations. We cut andsawed them with the same composed indifference with which the sculptorhews the marble.
"'This is a beautiful subject we have to-night, Glenn,' observed oneof my friends, as we approached the dead body. He then threw up thewhite cloth, and exposed the corpse, the head being still obscured. Abreathless silence reigned, while all gazed at the lifeless form inadmiration. She was a perfect Venus! Not having been wasted andshrivelled by disease, the symmetry of her lineaments was preserved inall the exactness of life and health. Her bust was full, plump, andthe skin of the most exquisite whiteness, except where it had beenmarred by the fire that caused her death. Her limbs surpassed anymodel I had ever beheld, round and tapering, smooth and white asivory. Her ankles were most admirably turned, and her feet of thesmallest dimensions. Her handsome and gently swelling arms werecovered with a slight gauze of short, dark hair, through which thesnowy whiteness of her skin was displayed to greater advantage. Herhands were extremely delicate, and indicated that she had beenaccustomed to ease and luxury.
"I was requested to open her breast and exhibit to the students theformation and functions of the heart. She was lying on her back, on along narrow table, around which the students stood gazing at her fairproportions. Some reflected in sorrow that so beautiful and lovely abeing should die and be conveyed to the dissecting-room; while othersjoked and laughed in a light unfeeling manner. When about to make anincision with the sharp glittering steel in my hand, for the firsttime since I had graduated, I confessed that my nerves were too muchaffected by the sight of the subject to proceed, and I begged myfriends to be patient a few minutes, during which I would doubtlessregain my accustomed composure.
"'What was her name?' I inquired of the friend who had accosted me onmy entrance.
"'Haven't you heard?' said he, smiling--'I thought you all knew her.Nearly every person in the city has heard of her, for she was the mostcelebrated and notorious "fallen angel" in the city--celebrated forher unrivalled beauty and many triumphs, and notorious for herheartless deceit and reckless disregard of her own welfare. She hasled captive many an unguarded swain by a passing smile in the street,and then unceremoniously deserted him to join some drunken and beastlyparty in an obscure and degraded alley.'
"'Her name--what was her name?' I again asked, once more taking up theknife, my nerves sufficiently braced by the above recital.
"'Anne R____,' he replied; 'I thought,' he continued, 'no one could beignorant of her name, after hearing a description of her habits.'
"'_All_ of us,' I continued, rallying, 'are not familiar with thepersons and names of the "fallen angels" about town. But let us lookat her face.' Saying this, I endeavoured to lift the white cloth fromher head, but finding that the resurrectionist had tied a cord tightlyround the muslin enclosing her neck and head, I desisted.
"'Her face is in keeping with her body and limbs,' said my merryfriend; 'she was a perfect beauty. I have seen her in Chestnut Streetevery fair day for the last six months, until she got drunk and fellin the fire.'
"I now proceeded to business, but my flesh quivered as my knifepenetrated the smooth fair breast of the subject. Soon the skin andthe flesh were removed, and the saw grated harshly as it severed theribs. When the heart was exposed, all bent forward instinctively,scanning it minutely, and seemingly with a curiosity to ascertain ifit differed from those of others whose lives were different.
It was Laura, the loved, adored Laura!--P. 221]
"When the operation was over, my anxiety to see her face returned.After an ineffectual effort to untie the cord, I became impatient, andseizing the knife that lay on the table, ripped open the muslin thathid her features! My God! The knife dropped from my hand, andpenetrating the floor, quivered upright at my feet, while every memberof my body trembled in unison with it! I raised my hands with myfingers spread out to the utmost tension. My mouth fell open, and myeyes felt as if they were straining to leap from my head. _It wasLaura_--the loved, adored Laura--_my_ Laura! My friends heard merepeat the name, and marked with surprise and concern my inexplicablymiserable condition. They gathered round me, and endeavoured to divertmy attention from the dead and now gory body. It was in vain. I heedednot their words, but gazed steadfastly at the sad features of Laura,with my hands still uplifted. I was speechless, deaf, and immovable.No tear moistened my eyes, but burning thoughts rushed through mybrain. My heart was cold, cold. Ah, I remembered how I had loved heronce! I thought of the time when I was happy to bow down at her feet,and in good faith attribute to her many of the pure qualitiespertaining to _risen_ angels. And this was her end! The beautiful andinnocent--the loving and beloved--the high born and wealthy--the lightand joy of fond and indulgent parents--had been beguiled by theinfernal tempter to make one step aside from the straight andnarrow-path of duty--and this was the result! The sensitive andguileless girl became an incarnate fiend, callous to every modest andvirtuous impulse--scorned by the honest and good, and hating andundermining the redeeming principles of her species--rushing from thehigh station which her ancestors had arduously laboured forgenerations to attain, and voluntarily taking up her abode in the densof squalid misery and indelible pollution--closing her eyes to themight and majesty of a merciful God, beckoning her to his eternalthrone in heaven, and giving heed to the fatal devices of the enemy ofmankind, till she was dragged down, down to the innermost depths of araging and roaring hell! Such was the fate of Laura. Such is the fateof thousands who willingly err, though it be ever so slight, for thesake of enjoying an impious gratification. Poor Laura! Oh, how I lovedher! But it is bootless to think of her now.
"I was gently forced from the dissecting-room by my friends, andconducted to my home in silence--in silence, because I had no wordsfor any one. I pressed their hands at the door of my mansion, andbowing, they departed for their homes to muse over the incidents ofthe evening. I entered my silent chamber, but not to rest. I threwopen the casement and gazed out at the genial rays of the moon. Thedark green leaves of the linden trees were motionless, and the silveryrays struggling through them cast a checkered and faint tint ofmingled light and shade on the pavement beneath. The cool fresh airsoothed my throbbing temples. I sank back in my seat and gazed up atthe innumerable stars in the boundless sky. I thought the stellar hostglittered with unusual brilliance, as if there were a joyous and holyrevelry going on in heaven. My heart grew calm. I felt a convictionthat true happiness, and purity of thought and purpose wereinseparable. I knew that the contaminations of the world hadoverthrown many a righteous resolve, and linked the noblest mindedwith infamy. I thought of Laura. The seductions of the world hadliterally prostrated an angel before my eyes. I determined to _leave_the world, if not for ever, at least as long as its temptations toerr, in the remotest degree, were liable to beset my path. I camehither."
When Glenn finished his narrative, Roughgrove rose in silence, andproducing a small Bible that he always carried about his person, readin a low, but distinct and impressive tone, several passages whichwere peculiarly applicable to the state of their feelings. Glenn thenapproached the couch where William slumbered peacefully. A healthfulperspiration rested on his forehead, and a sweet smile played upon hislips, indicating that his dreams were not among the savage scenes inwhich he had so lately mingled. Mary, who had fallen asleep whileseated at his side, overcome with silent watching, yet rested with herhead on the same pillow, precisely in the same attitude she reclinedwhen Glenn began his recital. Roughgrove took her in his arms, andplacin
g her softy at her brother's feet, bestowed a kiss upon herbrow, and retired with Glenn to rest.