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A Wanton Woman

Page 5

by Vanessa Vale

  Would I ever stop blushing? “Yes,” I admitted.

  “Tomorrow is soon enough,” he said, pulling me into his arms. He felt different than Luke, his scent was different.



  I was so warm, overly so and I tried to push the heavy blanket off of me. When I put my hands over me to move it away, it wasn’t a blanket, but an arm. My breath caught and my heart skipped before I remembered. Luke and Walker. I was in bed with one of them.

  Glancing down, I saw an arm, sprinkled with dark hair, about my waist. Based on the hair color on the arm, it was Walker. The hand was so big, it reached from my hipbone to have the thumb brush the underside of my breast. My bare breast. I’d worn Luke’s shirt to bed, but it had ridden up well past my waist and Walker’s hand was beneath it.

  It all came back to me then. Arriving in Denver, the luxurious hotel room, the men’s pressure into having me admit hard truths, the fucking. God, the fucking.

  The blanket had fallen about my waist and I was pressed against a solid wall of man, his front against my back like two spoons in a drawer. I felt every hard inch of him. The hair on his chest tickled my back, his strong thighs tucked behind mine. That meant the hardness pressing against my bottom was his—

  “Don’t be frightened, doll.”

  Walker’s voice was rough and deep from sleep.

  I should have been frightened. I was in a stranger’s bed, in his arms, practically naked. I’d done such wicked and carnal things with his brother.

  A whimper escaped just before he shifted so that I was on my back and he was looming over me, settled up onto one forearm. He began to undo the buttons down the front of the shirt, slowly exposing me, inch by inch.

  I looked up at Walker. His dark hair, which last night had been neatly combed, fell over his forehead, tousled from sleep. His shoulders were so broad he blocked out the pale light coming in from the window. His eyes were on the skin that he was exposing.

  “Sleep well?” he asked, as he parted the fabric so it fell off to the sides. Except for my arms, I was bare to him.

  I heated at his honest and blatant perusal. Had I slept well? Yes. I hadn’t slept that well in a long time. I barely remember being tucked beneath the covers and Walker climbing into bed and pulling me into his arms. I remembered Luke settling on the other side of me, but nothing more.

  I nodded.

  He smiled then and the harsh edges he bore the night before were gone. “Good. You had a long trip and if you weren’t weary enough from that, Luke certainly wore you out.”

  I flushed then and he grinned broadly, as he brushed one finger across my collarbones.

  “You turn pink when you’re embarrassed. Everywhere.”

  I looked away from his mesmerizing eyes. “Where’s Luke?”

  His hand stilled. “Are you afraid of me?”

  “No. I just… wondered.”

  Walker sighed. “He had an errand to run but will be back soon.” He glanced over his shoulder to the window. “The weather is fair again today, but there are clouds over the mountains, which means it’s snowing up there. While I wanted to stay at least a day, if not two, with you in this bed, we need to get home.”

  My mind cleared then and I remembered Carl Norman. “Oh!”

  I tried to move away from Walker, but he didn’t shift. Big as he was, I wouldn’t be able to get up unless he let me. The idea of him keeping me in bed—of wanting me beneath him—was quite nice, for John had never even held me. Not once. But the longer we remained in Denver, the chance of Carl finding me grew. While I couldn’t be sure he would follow through with his threats, I couldn’t ignore them. I had to keep moving. The sooner we were in Slate Springs and the pass closed behind us, the better.

  “Yes, we should hurry.”

  Walker moved his arm and I pushed up and slid to the side of the bed. Sitting up, I realized I had no covers, no way to shield myself except to tug the sides of Luke’s shirt together, but it still gaped open. While he’d seen me the night before, naked and beneath Luke, the morning light hid nothing.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that Walker hadn’t moved, just remained relaxed and comfortable as he watched me. While he had a gleam in his eye that indicated interest, he was not making any kind of advances. He did not seem the least bit bothered by waking up with a woman he barely knew.

  “You seem quite at ease. Is this something you do often?” I bit my lip as soon as the words escaped, for they were sharply barbed and not deserved.

  Walker’s eyes narrowed, but he did not offer any other indication that he was bothered. He studied me quietly for some time, long enough for me to want to squirm under the intensity of it.

  “Jealous, doll?”

  My mouth fell open. “What? No! I shouldn’t have said… I mean it was… let me up.”

  “I am not keeping you in bed.”

  “Yes, but I need more than Luke’s shirt.”

  “I’d rather you didn’t cover yourself at all, for you are quite lovely. Ah, the blush again.” He smiled softly and I refused to look down at my chest where I knew it was turning as pink as my cheeks. “I was no virgin coming into this marriage, and neither were you. We have both been married before. I have vowed to be true to you and I will, but we can’t make the past go away. What I did before you is of no consequence.”

  I sighed and studied him. He was not apologizing for any women he’d been with before, for he had no reason to do so. He was correct. What he did before my arrival was of no consequence. He was also correct in that my shrewish questioning was out of jealousy.

  “I’m sorry.” It was simple, but enough, for he nodded.

  “To answer your question, I am at ease because I am happy. I find I am enjoying being married again very much.”

  “But we haven’t… I mean—”

  “Fucked?” he asked. “You had no problem with the word last night, doll.” He tugged gently on the tail of Luke’s shirt, but not hard enough to pull it from my grasp. It was enough for me to know he could easily strip me bare, and more than with words. “Say it.”

  “Fucked,” I murmured.

  “Good girl. We will fuck soon enough,” he vowed. “And I enjoyed sleeping with you in my arms. Did Luke not please you?”

  I pursed my lips. “You have forced my hand. How can I deny that he did? How can I deny that I didn’t enjoy it?”

  His grin returned. “And yet you are afraid that I will find you… what?”

  “A whore,” I whispered, looking away.

  His eyes narrowed. “I do not like that term, or the way you are thinking of yourself. If you speak of yourself thusly again, I will take you over my knee.”

  I was taken aback by his vehemence and didn’t know what to say.

  “Doll, enjoying what your husbands do with you in bed—or out—does not make you a whore.”

  I bit my lip. “But I’ve never liked it before now.”

  I was mortified by our conversation. John and I never spoke of such things. Perhaps that was one of our problems. If he’d known I’d been dissatisfied, would he have changed his ways? I thought of his strict routine and casual view on our marriage. Most likely, he wouldn’t have done a thing differently. It probably would have driven him into the arms of another woman even sooner.

  Walker reached out and tugged me back down beneath him, breaking me from my thoughts about John. His dark gaze searched my face once again. I couldn’t help the tear that escaped. With his thumb, Walker wiped it away.

  “You give us quite the compliment,” he said. “Your husband couldn’t please you and that’s a sad thing. You came hard last night for Luke.” I turned my head away but Walker tilted my cheek back so I couldn’t look away. “You came because he gave you what you needed. You can’t compare, doll. I promise you, Luke and I will not just fuck you beneath the covers in the dark. We’re going to do things with you that will surprise you, make you question everything you used to know.”

  I heard
a door open, close, then heavy footfalls.

  “Luke’s returned.”

  Within seconds, he filled the open bedroom doorway.

  I saw that my shirt had fallen open and my breasts were exposed, the soft hairs of Walker’s chest tickling my belly. Luke’s gaze raked over both of us as he shrugged out of his coat and I could only imagine what he was thinking.

  He tossed it on the back of a settee, sat down and tugged off his boots.

  “Was your outing successful, brother?” Walker asked, not moving off of me.

  “It was.” Luke stood to his formidable height and reached into his coat pocket. With his back to us, I couldn’t see what he’d retrieved.

  “While we were sleeping, doll, Luke went and collected a few items that we couldn’t get in Slate Springs.” Walker moved so that he was sitting up in bed, leaning against the pillows, as casual and relaxed as ever.

  The sheet rode low on his waist and I took in his torso. While I’d woken in his arms and felt his chest, this was the first time I’d actually seen it.

  He was so much bigger and heavier than John, with corded muscles beneath dark skin. A smattering of hair was on his chest between flat, dark nipples. He was leaner even than Luke, but no less appealing.

  Luke cleared his throat and I blushed furiously, caught ogling Walker’s chest. I tugged the shirt closed. Both of them grinned at me.

  “Remember last night when you asked us how our marriage would work? We said you’d be pleasured by two men.”

  “Yes,” I replied. “I remember.”

  “I took you without Walker. He’ll fuck you on occasion without me. Sometimes, we’ll take you one after the other.” Luke cocked his head to the side.

  I could feel myself flush and I had to wonder if I’d ever stop being embarrassed. But it was tempered by their calm demeanors and the hint of need in their gazes. They were as affected as I. They wanted it, too. Needed it.

  “Soon, we’ll take you together.”

  “At the same time,” Walker added.

  I glanced at him, then Luke, trying to understand what they meant.

  “I’ll take your pussy,” Luke told me.

  “And I’ll take your ass.”

  The shirt slipped a little from my fingers as I realized what they meant. Swallowing hard, I licked my lips. “You mean… together?”

  That’s what he’d said before, but I hadn’t realized together meant together.

  Luke nodded.

  “But… but you’re both so big. I’ve never—” I shook my head. “It won’t work.”

  Walker offered a very manly grunt. “Oh, it will, doll. We just have to prepare you.”

  Turning my head, I looked at Walker. His expression was so open, so relaxed. How could he feel that way when talking about doing something so… wrong.

  “It’s shameful, all of it. This talk, how I behaved last night,” I admitted, looking down at the bed. “I let you watch as he… as he fucked me.”

  Walker reached out and tugged me toward him, this time with enough strength that I fell into him with a small gasp of surprise.

  Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me up so I lay atop his chest. The sheet was between us, Walker beneath and me on top. He tugged at Luke’s shirt and easily stripped it from me, tossed it onto the floor.

  “Walker!” I cried, trying to move, but he held me in place, one hand at my lower back, the other on my neck. His hold wasn’t harsh, but insistent.

  “You need to listen, doll. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again and again until you understand. What we do together is not shameful. Giving each other pleasure is not shameful or embarrassing. Sharing your desires, telling us what makes you hot, what will make you come makes you such a good girl.”

  Luke came over to the side of the bed, squatted down so he could look me straight in the eye. He was so handsome, his fair hair creased with a line from his hat. His cheeks were clean shaven, as if he’d risen much earlier and shaved. His scent was different than Walker’s. Like fresh air and some wood smoke. Walker was more sharp spice. Together, their merged scent was heady and so very masculine.

  Beneath my cheek, I heard the steady beat of Walker’s heart, his heat seeping into me. Unlike John’s calm demeanor where he’d used silence to unnerve me, I felt that these two men were patient and steady, as if allowing me time to contemplate our discussion and to understand them. To understand us.

  “It’s our privilege as your husbands to give you exactly what you need. Just as you will for us,” Luke added.

  “But I don’t think I’m going to like having you take me there,” I admitted. “It will surely hurt.”

  Luke smiled, the lines at the corners of his eyes crinkling. “Thank you for telling us how you feel,” he said. They’d said that before, as if they were refreshed by my honesty. He placed his elbow on the mattress and held a small object aloft for me to see. “It would definitely hurt if we fucked your ass now. Our cocks are big and you’re not prepared.”

  I frowned at the oddly shaped piece of wood. It looked like a sock darner, but the tip was more pointed, and it was smaller. “Prepared?” Walker had said that word before, but had yet to answer me.

  Walker’s hand slid up my back again, then down; it didn’t stop at the base of my spine, but moved lower to cup my bottom. His thumb slipped into the seam between and brushed over my—

  I gasped.

  “Your ass, doll, needs to be ready for our cocks. You’re so tight here, we need to open you up.”

  I startled at the feel of Walker’s thumb there again. He brushed it over that sensitive skin so lightly.

  “Shh,” he crooned. “Does this hurt?”

  I shook my head against his chest. It didn’t hurt, but felt pleasurable and decadent. Wicked. He shifted a leg, which moved mine apart, opening me up even further for him.

  “We won’t hurt you. We’ll never hurt you. Only pleasure.”


  Luke moved to sit on the side of the bed. He put the wooden object down and slipped a hand between my legs, below Walker’s. His fingers slipped over my folds as Walker continued to touch me in that forbidden place.

  My eyes slipped closed at their erotic touch.

  As Walker continued to lightly circle my bottom, Luke slipped a finger into my pussy.

  “I can feel my seed.” Luke groaned. “I’m hard, Celia, knowing your pussy’s marked by me, and soon by Walker, too.”

  The pleasure, the need, was instant. I was so sensitive inside that Luke’s finger made me cry out. My hips shifted, which pushed Walker’s thumb harder against my untried hole. It didn’t hurt. Quite the opposite actually.

  “Ride our fingers, doll. Rub your clit on me. Yes, like that.”

  It was easy to slip into need, to forget that I was naked on top of one man as his thumb was insistent on gaining entry to my virgin bottom while another finger fucked my well-used pussy. I wanted to come, to feel like I had the night before. And so I moved my hips, rubbed that bundle of nerves Walker called a clit against the sheet. All the while, the men moved their fingers about.

  Walker’s thumb moved away briefly to slide over my inner thigh, then returned, coated in my arousal. It made the digit slippery and when he pushed gently against that tender opening, it flowered open for him, if only just a little bit.

  I cried out at the odd sensation of being stretched, but it wasn’t bad. In fact, it felt really, really good. So good that I moved my hips even more, which only slid his thumb in even a tiny bit further. He didn’t move it, just kept it still, stretching me, letting me adjust to the feeling of something there, even if just negligibly.

  It made my hands clench the hard muscles of Walker’s arms as I lifted and lowered my hips, circled them. It was so warm in the room that sweat broke out on my skin. I knew what it felt like to come now and I was close.

  Walker murmured dirty little things in my ears, about how he couldn’t wait to open my ass up more with the plug. Luke whispered about
how much I liked their touch, how much he couldn’t wait to get his cock back inside my tight heat.

  Everything coalesced into bright, hot need and when Luke curled his finger in some magical way, I came. Nothing could hold it back. Nothing could hold back my scream of pleasure either as I clenched down on them inside me, as if my body didn’t want them to leave, but wanted them deeper instead.

  Walker’s thumb slipped from me first, his other hand sliding up and down my sweaty back. Luke moved his finger in a way that wrung the last bit of pleasure from my body. Only then did he pull away. I moaned at the loss, for while I enjoyed the dexterity of his finger, it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t long enough or thick enough. I needed his cock.

  “Luke,” I moaned as he stood and began to strip, eager to join us in bed.

  I watched as his body was quickly exposed. He was heavier than his brother; where Walker was lean, Luke’s build was more muscular and solid. His hips were narrow and I didn’t even take a moment to look at his legs, for his cock was right there. It was thick and long as I remembered it, but the color in daylight was a ruddy red and I couldn’t miss the thick vein that ran down the side of it or the clear fluid that seeped from the tip.

  “Fuck,” I heard Walker mumble, just before he shifted me so I was on my back, my head on the pillows. He pushed the sheet back and climbed from the bed, not looking back. My mouth fell open as I watched him move across the room, rejecting me.

  Luke took his place, kneeling on the edge and then moving on top of me. Braced on his forearms by my head, he cupped my face with his hands.

  “I’ll prepare for our departure.” Walker’s voice came from across the room and I heard clothes rustling, then his bare feet on the wood floor as he left the room.

  I frowned, but Luke’s thumb stroked the crease in my brow away. “Didn’t I… please him?”

  Luke sighed. “He will protect you, Celia, from anything that might harm you. But he also protects his heart.”

  I just stared at Luke as I considered his words. “I’ve known you both less than a day. Is his heart that much in jeopardy?”


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