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A Wanton Woman

Page 8

by Vanessa Vale

  Luke ladled some stew in a bowl and held it out.

  “Eat, doll. You’re going to need your strength.”



  I didn’t say much over dinner. How could I? I’d bared my one and only secret to them. They’d taken the dangerous fact that Carl was following me with an easygoing nature. What frustrated me was that they’d been much more upset that I’d lied to them. Clearly, they didn’t like secrets. They didn’t like not knowing of any kind of danger or problem. I couldn’t blame them, but the fear of rejection had been too great of a risk, and resulted in a sound spanking.

  But I hadn’t been turned away. In fact, they wanted me more. Their care and concern for me was obvious. I highly doubted Walker took just anyone over his knee. The action was solely for me. While it had hurt, and the heat and sting of it lingered, he’d done it because he cared, because I had not been forthright with him. It made me feel… protected and oddly cherished. I was at odds with how that could be. He’d spanked me and yet I felt protected. I should feel embarrassed or appalled. I felt neither.

  When they had me admit the truth, that it had been arousing as well, I’d felt overwhelmed and dominated. Hadn’t that been what I’d wanted from them? That I’d asked for just the night before? They’d given me exactly what I’d wanted, what I’d needed, without my even realizing it.

  But when I thought of being controlled, I had thought of how John had taken his mistress, tied to the bed. While eager, Luke had not been overly dominant the night before. Walker had yet to fuck me.

  Now though, they waited downstairs, allowing me time to bathe. I even took a few minutes to look over my shoulder and stare at my pink bottom, to think about the spanking, how I’d responded to it, to them. They were overwhelming and I was able to catch my breath.

  Not for long, as they were below. I had no choice but to join them. Not that I wanted to do anything else. I’d been wet and eager for them. I still was and this delay only made my need even greater. This delayed pleasure was a punishment I did not enjoy. I looked down, saw my nipples clearly against my nightgown. Hard and tight, they ached. So did my pussy, eager for their touch, for their cocks.

  Barefooted, I went down the steps and into the library by the front door. The lanterns offered a soft glow and the heat from the fireplace beckoned. The men stood at my appearance. They’d unbuttoned the tops of their shirts, rolled up their sleeves to show off solid forearms. While I thought the room a comfortable temperature, they probably considered it too hot.

  I was suddenly shy, even after everything they’d done to me, with me, in the past day.

  “I thought we didn’t purchase a nightgown,” Walker said, his eyes raking over me from head to toe, but settling on my breasts. The rough timbre of his voice had my nipples tightening. The idea of being touched, being taken, by these two as they’d said was heady. It was also arousing, and definitely daunting.

  “We didn’t. That must be one she’d brought from Texas.”

  I ran my hands down my hips, drying my damp palms. Yes, it was just as I’d imagined. They didn’t want me in a nightgown.

  “You won’t be wearing that to bed, doll,” Walker said, only confirming my words.

  “It’s… cold out.”

  Luke stepped closer. “I assure you, you won’t be cold between us.”

  No, I didn’t think I would.

  He stepped forward. “My brother was an idiot and didn’t take you this morning. I did, and I want you again.”

  Taking my head in his hands, his gaze dropped to my mouth. I gasped when his lips met mine, for it was not a kiss. Not a kiss I knew. Warm lips touched mine, so soft and gentle I was confused, then he slid them back and forth over mine. His tongue flicked out to lick the corner of my mouth, then the other.

  His mouth wasn’t firm or his lips chilled. Nor was it chaste. This was hot and carnal and it was just a whisper of a kiss. A sound escaped, making Luke groan. It was then that the kiss changed. With my lips parted, his tongue licked into my mouth, tasting me, learning me. Tentatively, my tongue met his and it was like lightning, a heated spark that shot through me.

  “Hey, I wanted her first,” Walker said, his voice a rough growl.

  Luke lifted his head long enough to snarl back, “Too bad.”

  I loved the idea that these brothers were fighting over me, that they both wanted me enough to argue. They were like two toddlers fighting over a toy. And that was me. They were going to play with me, taking turns, and perhaps as they’d told me this morning, together.

  Luke’s hand cupped my head, tilted my head so he could take the kiss deeper. I didn’t object. I couldn’t, nor did I want to. I wanted this kiss more than my next breath. It wasn’t just a merging of mouths, but a merging of souls. It was as if he knew just what would make my skin tingle.

  I felt other hands on me as Luke continued the kiss. I never wanted it to end and by the way he continued and continued, neither did he. Warm air caressed my calves as I felt fingertips slide up the side of my leg. It too, was soft and gentle and yet I gasped.

  “Walker.” I gasped his name, surprised by his boldness.

  I turned my head in Luke’s grasp and looked down. Walker’s eyes were so dark, so filled with passion I caught my breath.

  “Luke’s got your mouth. I get the rest of you.”

  I studied him briefly, but Luke’s moved to my ear and licked along the delicate shell, then nipped at the lobe. My eyes fell closed as I breathed, “Yes.”

  Walker made a rough sound of assent as his hands returned.

  They weren’t being rough at all. Domineering, yes, but I felt no fear, no worry that they would take and take. There was no take. They were giving to me. I was awash in sensation, especially when I felt Walker’s fingers higher and higher on my thighs. I gasped again, but Luke didn’t relent and turned my head back to claim my mouth again, to swallow all my sounds of surprise and desire.

  Walker’s hands stroked me, front, back, and then between. One hand moved to my bottom—still a little sore from the spanking—and cupped me as the other brushed over my curls and then in between. I couldn’t split my attention between what Walker was doing with his hands and the way Luke was kissing me.

  “She’s dripping wet,” Walker growled.

  “You’re always wet for us, aren’t you?” Luke whispered against my mouth.

  “Aren’t you, doll?” Walker asked, raking his fingernails over the tender skin of my bottom, awakening the hint of pain from his earlier spanking. It focused my mind on him, on their questions.


  “I want,” I breathed, my body heating. “I want to keep feeling like this.”

  The corner of Luke’s mouth tipped up.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Just two little words that had me thinking that Luke and Walker were doing my bidding. They were touching me to make me feel good, not themselves. They were unselfishly giving me what I wanted. It was so unfathomable to me that I was left reeling. John would have never done something I wanted. It has always been about him. If I’d even mentioned wanting him to kiss me, or touch me, or fuck me, he’d think me wanton. And yet, he sought out a mistress who wanted just that.

  John was gone, dead and buried and in my past. If Luke and Walker wanted to touch me and doing so made me feel... bliss, then so be it. I relaxed my shoulders as Walker’s hands crept back between my thighs once again.

  “That’s it, doll, give over.” When he pushed on the inside of one thigh with his palm, I moved my right foot. “Good girl, let me in.”

  Their praise made me feel just as much as their kisses and touches. I was pleasing them and they were definitely pleasing me. When one of Walker’s fingers circled my entrance and then dipped inside, I broke Luke’s kiss and cried out. “Oh my God!”

  Pleasure, so sharp and bright pulsed through my veins. It was just the tip of his finger stretching me open and I was lost. I couldn’t wait for one of their cocks.

  “She’s tight,”
Walker said, moving just the slightest bit further into me.

  Luke began kissing along my jaw, nipping the tender skin as he worked his way to my ear.

  “I know. She’s so snug, she fit my cock like a glove. You’re going to come for us,” Luke added, biting my earlobe again. “We’re going to get you nice and soft and wet so you’re ready for our cocks.”

  I clenched down on Walker’s finger and he retreated.

  “No!” I cried, wanting him to continue.

  “Don’t worry, doll. I’m not going anywhere.” Instead of one finger slipping back inside me, he worked two in, scissoring and turning them to stretch me open. I felt the burn of it, the tight fit and I hissed out a breath. Even after having Luke inside me twice, I was still unused to such attentions.

  Luke returned his mouth to mine, kissing me as Walker gently worked my body. When he put his thumb over my clit and circled it, my legs almost gave out. A hand banded about my waist to hold me up. My eyes were closed and I didn’t know whose it was. I didn’t care, for I wanted what both of them were giving me. I felt surrounded and cherished, possessed and pleasured. I felt like I was the center of their world.

  “I’m going to... I need, I can’t—”

  “Let go, doll,” Walker murmured, never stopping his ministrations. “We’ve got you. We’ll keep you safe.”

  The pleasure morphed into a swirling ball of heat that spread from between my legs outward. My fingers and toes tingled, color swirled behind my eyelids. It was as if the pleasure was lifting me up so high that there was nowhere to go but down.

  I gripped Luke’s forearms, my fingers digging into the hard muscles, holding on. I was coming apart, as if seams on my body began to unravel. With one surprising curl of Walker’s fingers, the string was pulled and I came apart. I was flying, soaring, falling, but I didn’t care.

  I cried out against Luke’s mouth, his kiss swallowing the sounds. My body shook, my hips shifting to ride Walker’s fingers, to continue the pleasure he wrung from my body, to never let it end.

  Before I returned to myself, I felt lifted, the room spinning and then the cushion of a couch at my back. The long hem of my nightgown was pushed up so it bunched about my waist. The warm air of the room cooled my skin from the bliss they’d wrung from my body. I should have been ashamed that my lower body was exposed to both of the men, but I had yet to recover. My skin was heated and coated in perspiration, my breath was ragged. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see Walker looming over me, the two fingers he’d had inside of me in his mouth. I realized that he was licking up my wetness, the desire from between my thighs that clung to his skin.

  “You have to taste her, brother,” Walker told Luke, who was kneeling on the floor beside the couch.

  With deft hands, Luke lifted one of my legs up onto the back of the couch, the other he widened so my foot was on the floor, my knee bent. I was spread so wide he was able to move between them. Hands slid up my inner thighs to have his thumbs run over the crease between my leg and my pussy.

  “Just look at her,” Luke marveled. I tried to push my legs together, but his hands held me apart. “No, sweetheart. Let us look at you. So pretty. Pink and plush. Walker had a taste. It’s my turn.”


  “If you don’t like it, I’ll stop.” His warm breath fanned my tender skin.

  I couldn’t offer a retort, for he lowered his head then and ran the flat of his tongue over my most intimate flesh.

  “Oh my God, what are you doing?” I pushed at his shoulders, but when his thumbs parted my folds and opened me wide for his tongue to lick and circle my entrance, then higher where Walker had circled his thumb, I grabbed onto his head and pulled him closer. “Yes, right there.”

  “I don’t think she’s ever had her pussy tasted before,” Walker said. “Isn’t that right, doll?”

  I moaned then, my only response. Luke said he’d stop, but I didn’t want him to. Ever. Luke’s mouth was decadent and so very wicked. I could feel his hair brushing against my inner thighs, the whiskers on his jaw rasping my tender skin. I arched my hips, tilted my head back and stared vaguely up at the colorful shadows from the fireplace that danced across the ceiling.

  “Luke’s going to get that honey sweet taste of your pussy on his tongue, then he’s going to make you come again. Then you’ll be ready for our cocks.”

  Walker kept talking, a long string of dirty words that only heightened my arousal.

  You’re so beautiful. So perfect for us. I love the way you’ve got your legs spread so wide for Luke. I can still taste you on my tongue. I’m so hard for you.

  Of course, with Luke’s head between my thighs, the raspy feel of his whiskers on my sensitive skin had me close to the brink so quickly, but it was the dirty words that had me crying out.

  “Do you want our cocks, doll?”

  “God, yes.”

  Luke’s mouth wasn’t enough. Walker’s fingers hadn’t been enough. I wanted to be filled.

  “She just got wetter,” Luke said, his tongue lapping it all up. “She likes the idea.”

  Yes, I did like the idea very much.

  “Come first. We’re both big and we don’t want to hurt you.”

  I shook my head, but I wasn’t really sure what for any longer.

  When Luke slipped two fingers into me as Walker had, curling them over a certain spot as his tongue flicked a very sensitive bundle of nerves, I came again. My body stiffened, every muscle tightening. I clenched down on Luke’s fingers as my mouth opened wide, but no sound could escape. My fingers gripped his hair as I rocked my hips to make the feelings linger as long as possible. This time it wasn’t as intense, the pleasure rolling over me like a thunderstorm across the prairie. It was still powerful and I was wilted and sated, overcome with pleasure. I was drenched in it.

  With a gentle kiss to my inner thigh, Luke lifted his head. “Like the sweetest candy,” he said, wiping his wet mouth with the back of his hand.

  Walker scooped me up and settled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms about me. My nightgown came down over my pussy, but my legs were still exposed. I pushed at it, trying to cover up my thighs, but I gave up. The steady beat of Walker’s heart soothed my ragged emotions, calmed my breathing. His cock, hard and thick, was insistent against my hip, but he made no moves to do anything about it.

  Luke stood and moved to the chair across from us, lowered himself down so his legs were stretched out before him. He was breathing raggedly, his cheeks flushed, his eyes narrowed and dark. A glistening hint of wetness still marked his chin and I knew that was from me. I should have been ashamed, but how could I? They’d made me feel so good.

  After working one suspender over his shoulder, then the other, he undid the front of his pants. I could only watch as he gripped his cock and pulled it free. Then I couldn’t look away.

  “This is why we had to get you ready, sweetheart. To get you all slick and swollen, soft and open.”

  Luke’s cock was thick and long with a wide crown at the top. A bulging vein ran down the length of it, the color a ruddy red. But as he slid his fist up the length of it and a bead of clear fluid seeped from the tip, it looked angry and needy. I realized then how much restraint he had. By the heavy press of Walker’s cock, him as well.

  My pussy clenched in anticipation, but I was thankful that I was, indeed, wet, for that would not fit without some assistance.

  “Are you ready for Luke’s cock, doll?” Walker whispered in my ear. “He’s ready for you. Fuck, I am too, but I want to watch you take my brother for a ride first.”

  I rubbed my cheek over the feel of his suit jacket. “Ride?”

  “Do you want his cock?” Walker asked.

  I nodded against his chest.

  Walker lifted me so I stood before him, his hands on my hips to keep me steady. “Then go straddle his thighs.”

  Luke watched me approach, his gaze narrowed, his jaw tense and leisurely stroked himself. Fluid continuously dripped from the slit and down over h
is fingers in a blatant sign of his need.

  “Take off your nightgown.” Luke’s voice was dark and raw. While it was commanding, he wasn’t trapping me, wasn’t forcing me. It was my decision, my choice to follow his command.

  His order sent a shiver through my body and I eagerly complied, lifting my nightgown up and over my head, letting it fall to the floor. I knew both of them could see me then, see how hard my nipples were, see my arousal slick and shiny on my thighs.

  I put one knee on the seat cushion right by his hip, then placed a hand on his shoulder for balance as I moved the other.

  As I hovered above him, Luke continued to work his cock as he looked at me, at my breasts, which were right at eye level.

  “Drop down, sweetheart.”

  I lowered myself; his blunt head nudged my pussy and I shifted my hips, letting the wet tip slip over my swollen folds and then settle against my wet entrance.

  He kept a hand about his cock as his other went to my hip, guiding me to lower down. Slowly, ever so slowly he parted my folds and worked his way in, stretching and opening me up. My eyes flared wide as he went in. He felt bigger than the previous night, but perhaps it was the position.

  I lifted up at the hint of discomfort, took a breath, then lowered again, this time dropping a little lower. I did that, up and down over and over until he filled me to the brim, his hand moving away. There was a slight nip of pain at being too full. My breath came in little pants as I shook my head, knowing I hadn’t taken all of him.

  “Luke, I... you’re too big this way.”

  He shook his head, looked at me with hooded eyes.

  “Shh, I’ve got you.”

  His hands on my hips, he tilted me back just a bit and that changed angle had him sliding in all the way. We both cried out at that. I slumped forward and rested my forehead against his, our breaths mingling as I adjusted to being so completely full. My inner walls clenched and pulsed around him, adjusting to his size as he remained still.

  They’d been right, I’d needed the preparation, the two orgasms to soften my body before I could accept such a thick and long cock. I couldn’t remain still any longer and I began to lift and lower myself, all the pleasure and need returning in full force. I wanted to come again. The way Luke gripped my hips, he was just getting started.


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