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Hotshot Deceiver: A Hero Club Novel

Page 3

by K E Osborn

  Shaking my head from the thought, I jump out of my truck and move around to grab Pixy. I’m still not really sure where to even start with my search, but I owe it to her to try to find her owners.

  I can’t help but smile as I open the tailgate. She licks my arm, so I scratch behind her ear. “I’m gonna get you home today, Pixy. I promise.”


  A cool shudder runs down my spine while all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I can’t place the feeling that’s washing over me. Footsteps thump behind me. I spin around to a man with a broad chest, chiseled smooth jaw, and dreamy eyes. He’s a fucking gorgeous lump of loveliness, and he’s walking my way. He’s wearing a dark blue suit sans tie, and he screams sex appeal. My mouth goes dry just from staring at him as he saunters toward Love and Lavender with purpose in his stride—that is, until his eyes meet mine.


  I’ve read in romance novels how they say your heart skips a beat with just one look. Well, my heart is a freaking drumline. One rampant heavy beat after the other in rapid succession.



  I don’t know who this guy is, or what the hell he’s doing walking toward my shop, but I’m completely under his damn spell.

  I can’t move.

  I can’t think.

  All I can do is stare.

  I’m being ridiculous, and I know it.

  I’m sure I look like something from some weird comedy movie—a woman holding onto a goat outside the front of a florist shop. Yeah, there’s got to be a punchline in there somewhere, right?

  His eyes wander up and down my body, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, until his gaze shifts to Pixy and his eyebrows crease. “Hey, I, ahh… think I know that goat.”

  Chapter Three

  His voice is deep, husky, and thick like honey. I’m entirely lost in it, caught up in its smooth velvety tone. That is until he clears his throat, and it computes what he’s actually said.

  My eyes widen. “Oh, shit! You do? Man, that’s so good to hear. She hopped into my truck yesterday in Hermosa Beach, ate all my damn roses, then, of course, we were short… on Valentine’s Day. The customers were unhappy because we had nothing, but what can you do? I mean, I told them a goat ate my roses, and they were all like… yeah, whatever, lady. Then I took Pixy home—”

  “Wait, did you say Pixy?”

  I exhale. Fuck, I’m glad he interrupted my rambling. I’m like a madwoman who won’t shut up. Show me a hot guy, and I turn into a pre-pubescent teenage girl.

  Get a grip, Lyri!

  “Yeah, it’s what her name tag says.”

  His soft lips stretch upward, but it doesn’t quite reach his stunning eyes. The way such a simple gesture lightens his entire face has me weak at the knees.

  It’s gorgeous—he’s gorgeous.

  Shit, I’m drooling.

  Am I drooling? I casually wipe my mouth in case I am.

  “Does it faint?”

  “Huh?” His eyes, oh God, they’re stunning.

  He smirks. “The goat? Does it faint?”

  “Mm-hmm.” Pull your shit together, Lyri. You do not need to hum at him.

  He walks over to Pixy. She instantly cuddles into his side as if she knows him. “How did you get all the way over here, little Pixy? They’re going to be beside themselves.”

  My ears prick up, breaking me from my trance. “They?”

  He nods. “His owners.”

  I jerk back, a little confused. “Wait! What? She is a he?”

  He chuckles. “I know the name’s confusing. The owners are a little quirky.” He laughs. “Seems Pixy chose the right person to run away with.”

  I raise my brow. “You saying I’m quirky?”

  “I’m saying Pixy is picky. If he chose you, there’s a reason.”

  I purse my lips, then frown. “Well, he chose my truck… but that’s mainly because it had a ton of roses in it. Seems hunger overrode everything else.”

  He laughs.

  Hotshot over here’s laughing at my predicament.

  “I’m essentially here to buy some flowers. I know my bunch won’t make up for the flowers you lost to Pixy’s stomach but let me help. Every bit counts, right?”

  Curiosity runs through me. “Oh, for your… girlfriend?” I ask before I think.

  A sly smirk covers his features. “No, for my mom. Dad forgot to get her a bunch yesterday. He’s too busy today. So, he sent me on an errand to grab them for her… thought I’d get some for her, too.”

  My heart skips a beat. He’s a family man. Swoon. “You’re close to your relatives, then?”

  He dips his head like he’s pondering the notion. “We don’t always see eye to eye, but for the most part, we’re close.”

  I let out a scoff. “I feel you on the not-always-seeing-eye-to-eye part.”

  He tilts his head. “Your family the same?”

  I roll my shoulders, sore from carrying Pixy around. “You have no idea.”

  “So, ah… you work in the florist here long?” he asks, turning to glance back at my shop.

  My face alights, and I feel warmth flood through me. “You could say that... I own it.”

  His eyes find mine again.



  My breath catches in my throat as he stares at me.

  “That’s a great accomplishment. Your shop has quite the reputation in LA. It’s why I came out here to get a couple of nice arrangements.”

  Opening my eyes wide, I’m a little shocked. I knew business was booming, but I had no idea word had spread so fast.

  This is great news.

  “Wow! Thanks for telling me. It’s nice to know we’re doing well.”

  His killer smile greets me again, and I liquefy inside. “Well, one thing I do know is if you deliver a quality product time and time again, you will reap the rewards.”

  “Spoken like a true salesman.”

  He glances down at Pixy once more.

  Suddenly, I realize, this hotshot is the problem solver to my bigger issue. “So, you know Pixy and her owners, right?”

  He dips his head. “Sure do. He belongs to Aubrey and Chance Bateman back in Hermosa Beach. I can call them to come get him if you like. They’ll be worried sick.”

  My stomach churns with my guilt. “Oh, no, that’s not necessary. I can take him back to them seeing as I kinda took him on a road trip. I just need their address.”

  He rubs his chin, the move sexy as sin as he ponders. “Why don’t I come with you? I haven’t seen Chance in ages, and I need to catch up with him anyway.”

  I tense.

  Is he seriously asking to take a small road trip with me? I mean, we’ve known each other all of five minutes and this god-like hotshot wants to spend time—with me?

  “What’s the catch?”

  “No catch. I get to see an old friend, plus make sure Pixy gets back safe. And you get to return the goat you stole.”

  I blurt out a laugh. “I didn’t steal him. He’s more of a stowaway.”

  “Either way, it’s a win-win for both of us. C’mon, what d’ya say?”

  I guess a small road trip will be fun. There are benefits in getting to know this mystery man in front of me. But first, I need to know a little more.

  I hold my palm out for him to shake. His eyes widen as he takes in my sudden gesture. And as his lips turn up, his bright white teeth greet me. For a moment, just a moment in time, everything stops, and it’s like all the bad in my life vanishes as he takes my hand in his. His large hand encompasses mine completely, his warm palm slides against my skin, and as it does, a tingle shoots through me. A sudden shot of adrenaline pumps into my veins, or maybe it’s like touching an electric fence. There’s something about this guy that has all of my atoms firing off at once.

  My breathing hitches as my eyes meet his again. “I’m Lyric… Lyric Griffin. But you can call me Lyri. Nice to meet you.”

  His eyes bulge open like he
can’t believe what I’ve just told him. He shakes my hand. Those sparks continue to surge through me as he tightens his grip.

  “I’m Edward Malone, but you can call me Eddie.” He doesn’t let my hand go. Instead, we stare at each other, hands locked together as I feel this pulse. I bite down on my bottom lip while a comfortable silence forms between us. Eddie’s thumb gently strokes the top of my hand. Butterflies flutter through my stomach as my breathing hitches. I’ve never felt this way just meeting someone. I’ve heard of instant attraction, undeniable chemistry, lust if you want to call it that. But this? This feels like something else. This feels deeper. It’s not love at first sight, that would be crazy, but there’s something about Eddie which has me under his spell.


  Both our heads snap to Pixy as he nudges into my side while giving off his weird goat smile. I grin at Pixy, finally letting Eddie’s hand go. I turn back to Eddie with a small exhale. “Road trip, huh?” I utter. The corner of his lips turns up, and it touches his eyes. “You, me, and a fainting goat? What could possibly go wrong?”

  He lets out a gentle chuckle. “Great! When do you want to go?”

  I check my watch—it’s early morning. Maybe we should go now—then I can be back for the afternoon rush. “Are you free?”

  He looks up to the sky, his face conveying that he’s thinking hard. I wonder if he’s going to bail on me already. Then his eyes meet mine. “I’m all yours as long as you want me. So I guess we’ll be together for a long time.”

  I snort. “Wow… okay, cocky much?”

  He shrugs. “It’s in my nature.”

  I roll my eyes. “Well, keep your nature someplace else while you’re with me, sir.”

  He stifles a laugh. “No promises.”

  I giggle like a damn school girl. D’oh!

  “I’ve just gotta go tell Paisley I’m gonna be out for a few. You okay to watch over Pixy?”

  Warmth grows on his face—it’s genuine. “Yeah, we got some catching up to do, Pixy and me.” A longing expression crosses over his features. Not in a weird way, but in a way that tells me they have history.

  “I won’t be long. Don’t steal him, or I will hunt you down and cut you while you sleep.”

  His eyes widen as he assesses me, but he lets out a small snicker while raising his hands. “I promise. Nothing illegal while you’re gone.”

  I bob my head once, then turn, hurrying toward the entry.

  When I step inside, Paisley’s grinning so wide it’s like she’s going to burst. “Oh. My. Wet. Little. Panties! Get in here, girl, and tell me how he smells.”

  I quickly shut the door behind me, hoping he didn’t hear her excitement. “Paisley… shh. What are you, sixteen?” Ha, that’s rich, coming from someone who just giggled like an adolescent only a few moments earlier.

  She fans her face with one of our brochures. “I’ll be whatever age that hunk of man meat wants me to be.”

  I burst out laughing as I rush over to the desk, trying to avoid the topic of how utterly gorgeous Eddie is. I have to spend the next couple of hours with the man, driving to and from Hermosa Beach to drop off a goat. I don’t need to be thinking about his stunning face or what his abs might look like beneath his crisp, white business shirt. Or how thick his thighs are, and what they might feel like pounding against me. Or how big his co—

  Suddenly, a pair of snapping fingers are in my line of sight as I break out of my daydream.

  “Earth to Lyri. Where did you go just now? It was a sex daydream, wasn’t it?” Paisley asks with the biggest of smirks as I try to catch my frantic breathing.

  My cheeks heat as I shove her shoulder over the counter. “No. And anyway, a man like him would not be interested in a woman like me. He was probably flirting because it’s in his DNA. So, can we drop it? I’m in here for a reason.”

  “Well, that’s good. Because if he’s not into you, then can I take control ‘cause I’d love to ride his gear sti—”

  “Paisley, concentrate!”

  “Sorry… continue.”

  I exhale, exacerbated by her overzealous hormones even though I totally understand them. “He knows Pixy’s owners, so he’s coming with me, then I can return Pixy to Hermosa Beach.”

  Paisley’s suddenly very quiet. Her eyes linger out the window on Eddie like she’s assessing him. “You don’t know him.”

  I furrow my brows. “I know.”

  “He could be a serial killer.”

  “You were his number-one fan a second ago.”

  She folds her arms over her chest in defiance. “Stranger danger, Lyri! Your precious goat won’t protect you.” She lowers her voice. “He could be a felon, a serial rapist… who knows?”

  My heart leaps into my throat. I turn to take him in again. Eddie’s sitting on the back of the tailgate, cuddling into Pixy, his shoulders bobbing up and down in laughter. The whole look tells me he’s a good guy. I can feel it. There’s no way he has ever been in any kind of trouble—he’s too clean-cut.

  “You honestly think the guy cuddling into a goat like that…” I point at him, “… is a serial rapist?”

  Paisley observes him for a few seconds. I see her mind ticking over, just the way mine does when I look at Eddie. He seems to have an effect on women. I need to be aware of that fact and not get caught up in anything here.

  She shakes her head. “You’re right. There’s no way. Sorry. Go… have fun. Just keep in touch. Message me often. Let me know you’re okay.”

  “Love you, Paise. Thanks for caring.”

  She waves her hand through the air. “Bitch, please, I have a heart of steel. Now, go on your adventure. I got this end covered.”

  I turn to walk for the exit. “Don’t forget to order the—”

  “Out,” she yells, pointing to the door.

  Pushing slowly on the handle, I step through.

  Eddie glances up at me from his cell. He was typing something into it. As I approach, he stands from the tailgate, shuts it, then gives Pixy a scratch behind the ear. “It’s good to see you again, boy.” Then he walks around to the driver’s side of my truck.

  I let out a long laugh. “Oh, hell no, I’m driving. Thank you.”

  His eyebrows scrunch together tightly. “But I know the way.”

  I walk to the driver’s door, yanking it open. “And you can tell me where to drive. But dude, you are not driving my truck.”

  He dips his head and turns, making his way to the passenger’s side mumbling something unintelligible under his breath.

  As we both slide inside, the outside noise of the day disappears, and silence filters around us. I glimpse sideways at Eddie, but his eyes are straight ahead like he’s unsure of what to do as well.

  We’re alone.

  Truly alone.

  And neither one of us knows what the protocol is. The only thing I do know is the energy I felt before is back, only this time we’re confined, and it’s making me want to reach out and touch him. But that would be fucking weird. Instead, I start the truck, pulling out of the parking space.

  “So…” I murmur as I head for the main road back to Hermosa Beach.

  He peers at me with a sly smile. “So…” he replies awkwardly.

  We sit in silence for another minute, give or take, then Eddie’s the first to speak. “I called Chance while you were in your shop. Told him we have Pixy, and we’re bringing him home.”

  “Oh, you did? That’s good. At least he knows Pixy’s safe. Is he angry I took so long to find them?”

  “No. He’s just happy Pixy’s coming home.”

  I bite my bottom lip, feeling sad to be saying goodbye to the goat so soon. I kind of wanted to hang out with her—no, him—a little more. But I know he needs to be with his family.

  Maybe I can find a fainting goat of my own?

  Though if Pixy’s interactions with Polly are anything to go by, that’s not such a great idea. The goat would be out of it on the floor more than it would be standing. Polly can’t keep h
is mouth shut most of the time.

  “You’re deep in thought.” Eddie’s voice is soft and caring as he startles me from my own mind.

  I chance a look at him. He seems concerned. The thing about this guy is I’ve known him for, what? Half an hour? And somehow already, I feel like I’ve known him my whole damn life.

  I figure, fuck it!

  “I know this sounds horrible, but a part of me didn’t want to find Pixy’s parents. I think that’s why I kept putting it off. I really like him… he’s so cute. He made me feel like someone, you know… needed me.” I let out an exhale. “God, when I say that aloud, I realize how much of a whack job I sound.”

  He exhales. “Pixy has that effect on people. He makes you forget all your problems… he just makes you feel better about yourself. That’s why he’s such a damn good friend.”

  “Speaking from experience?”

  He tips his head down. “You could say that.”

  “Oh, now this I do want to hear.”

  “Another time, maybe. For now, I think you need some gas.”

  My eyes dart down to see the red light flashing. “Fuck! Yeah, okay, pitstop. Maybe we can get some road trip snacks, too.”

  Eddie bobs his head. “Good idea. There’s a Chevron up here on the right.” He points to the blue and red sign, and I signal for the turn. I pull up to the pump, then jump out. Pixy greets me at the side of the truck, so I reach out, petting his head.

  Eddie surprises me by jumping out and coming to stand with me as I push the nozzle into the truck.

  “Let me pay for the ga—”

  “I’m not a charity case, Eddie. I can pay for gas.”

  “I know you can, Lyri, but I want to. This is as much my trip as it is yours. I’m going to see an old friend. I’m a part of this, so please… I insist.”

  I roll my eyes as he pulls out his card, moving to the pump, ready to pay. Pixy lets out a little baa making the people in the car on the opposite pump glance over. It’s not every day you see a goat in the back of a pickup in the outskirts of LA.


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