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Hotshot Deceiver: A Hero Club Novel

Page 8

by K E Osborn

  Yeah, hotshot, you think you’re the victor. Ha! You drive—I get the view.

  Lyri – 1

  Hotshot – 0

  Yeah, that’s not creepy at all.

  He sinks into the seat like he belongs there and grips the steering wheel like it’s his beloved new toy. “You’re letting me drive.” At least he hasn’t forgotten what a privilege it is he’s receiving right now.

  “Yes. So, don’t screw this opportunity up, hotshot.”

  “Noted. You’re gonna love it. Buckle up.”

  I reach across, doing up my belt as he turns on the truck, then we’re off. It might be night, a complete contrast to how we were last time we were in this truck together, but I can’t help but flashback to taking Pixy home. I miss him. I hope he’s doing all right, the cute little billy goat.

  “He’s fine, I promise. Chance and Aubrey love their goat more than themselves, I think,” he answers my unspoken question.

  “You a psychic now, Eddie?”

  He laughs. “No, I just know that look. Trust me, Pixy’s fine.”

  I nod as he drives up Jefferson Boulevard, then turns down Hetzler Road with signs leading toward the Baldwin Hills Scenic Lookout.

  I’m confused.

  It normally shuts at five in the afternoon. So why the fuck is he bringing me here?

  He pulls up, turning off the ignition. The gate’s closed, but he still moves to get out. “Feeling rebellious?”

  I open my eyes wide. “Ahhh… what? Can we get arrested for trespassing?”

  He tilts his head. “Yeah… probably, if we get caught.”

  I giggle at his blasé attitude. “Then, hell, yes.”

  He seems surprised by my immediate acceptance as I jump out of the truck. We round the front, then head for the gate. I duck down, keeping my steps lighter than usual, trying not to make a sound. I move, hiding behind the bushes while Eddie walks normally, being completely obvious and not hiding at all.

  “Eddie. Psst… Eddie, you’re being too conspicuous. Get over here,” I whisper in a stern voice.

  He strides up to the gate, rattling the lock with careless abandon. I tense as he peeks up and over the fence.

  “You don’t expect me to climb over that thing, do you?” I whisper loudly.

  His eyes wander me up and down. “Could you?”

  I tilt my head while he fiddles with the gate. “I mean… I guess, but my dress is long and my shoes aren’t really appropri—”

  Suddenly, the gate is open.

  I stop talking as my eyes widen. “How the?”

  “Tricks of the trade, m’lady. C’mon.” He reaches for my hand, so I step out from behind the bush. We’re breaking and entering, and hell if it doesn’t feel freaking exhilarating.

  He pulls me to him, and we start to run, laughing as we go. We rush out onto a giant concrete opening on the edge of the hill, coming to a grinding halt as we pant for breath, just taking a second to peer over the edge. The city lights of LA surround us below, and it knocks the breath from me. I gasp as Eddie’s hand tightens on mine.

  It’s fucking stunning.

  I’m in awe as I take it all in. The twinkling lights glisten against the richness of the onyx sky. It’s like something from a fairyland. I never knew it could be this incredible up here at night. I’ve been here during the day many times as a kid, but that was so different. Then, it was just a scenic lookout. At night it is a romantic’s paradise.

  Eddie leans into my side, and I feel the air pressure change. The atoms in the atmosphere alter their chemistry, exploding all around us like sparklers. We’re not even looking at each other, and I feel the heat of the lust in his eyes. My heart pounds frantically while I try to right my breath, but nothing I do is making it happen quickly.

  I’m speechless.

  From the view, from emotion, from Eddie.

  I chance everything, turning to face him. Instantly, the moment intensifies. The stare in his blue aster-colored eyes electrifies me so much I’m shaking.



  Eddie’s breath is coming fast and shallow. His hand’s still holding mine. His other hand comes up, swiping a piece of my hair that’s blowing in the wind away from my face. His palm gently caresses my cheek as I nuzzle into him, needing to feel him so badly. My stomach flutters like never before as I inch closer.

  Eddie steps nearer too. The chemistry between us is so palpable you can almost see it wafting around us. This man, he does something to me. Wraps me in his blanket of warmth, making me feel secure, but also letting me know I have my own strength at the same time. There’s something so powerful in that. He’s a giver. He has the strength to know how to take too. There’s a connection here, and it’s leaving me gasping for air.

  His fingers gently edge my head toward him. My heart rapidly fires, while my eyes don’t leave his.

  I lick my lips.

  This is it.

  Eddie’s going to kiss me.

  He leans in, his hand moving from my cheek into the back of my hair, his fingers threading through my locks and pulling me ever so gently closer. My heart leaps into my throat, my lips scorching hot, begging to taste him.

  We inch closer, closer. His breath wisps against my mouth, then slight pressure moves against my lips as they pop and sizzle. His lips brush mine again when a sudden flash of light appears from the direction of the gate.


  Eddie and I yank apart, making me mourn the loss of our first kiss as we both turn dramatically to see a tubby security guard wielding a flashlight walking toward us.

  I freeze, raising my hands in surrender, but Eddie grabs one of my hands, yanking it down, then pulls me hard as he takes off running. My stomach lurches as I gasp. “Holy shit! Are we going to be arrested?”

  “Not if you keep up, hummingbird.”

  I let out a squeal as I use all my energy to run as fast as I can along with Eddie. We bolt straight past the security guard who shakes his fist at us. My feet slam heavy on the concrete.

  We make it back to the truck. Eddie jumps in, starting the engine as I climb in hysterically laughing, so much so that my stomach hurts.

  “Oh God, I’m trying not to pee,” I say aloud, making us both laugh even harder as Eddie backs up, then speeds off in a flurry of dust and tire tracks.

  Eddie turns to me. “You’re just so goddamn adorable.”

  I giggle as I calm down when we finally turn back onto the highway.

  “That was a close call.” Eddie exhales like he’s relieved.

  I sigh. “I didn’t feel much like going to jail tonight.”

  He glances at me, a strange look crossing his features. “Me either, hummingbird. Me either.”

  I sit taller, letting out a gasp. “Shit, my plates. What if the guard wrote them down? What if I get a fine or something worse?”

  Eddie chuckles. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it if you do.”

  Sitting back in my chair comfortably, I snort out a laugh. “You’ll take care of it, Mr. Hotshot… you always know just what to say, don’t ya?”

  He glances at me sideways trying to hide his smirk but continues driving. A comfortable silence filters through the truck. It was fun, and we barely kissed. I’m still reeling from it. It was probably a little irresponsible. But hell, if it wasn’t some of the most fun I’ve had in a while.

  Eddie flicks on the radio as we drive. Rock music flows through the truck, and I softly sing along. I’m in the best mood I’ve been in for years. Eddie turns to me, his eyes widening. “Can you sing?”

  I stop singing immediately, not realizing I was singing loud enough for him to hear. I normally don’t sing in front of people. I must have been feeling really relaxed to do that.

  I need to cover this up. “Oh, umm… no. Not really.”

  His gaze shifts from the road, back to me, then back to the road again. “Well, from what I just heard, you have a beautiful voice, hummingbird. “

  “No,” I reply fir
mly. “I don’t sing.”

  The mood in the truck changes, a frosty breeze washing in. I know it’s caused by my attitude right now, but this topic is a contentious one for me.

  He needs to drop it right now.

  His muscles are tense. “I’ll take us back to the restaurant.”

  I nod.

  Quiet falls over the truck and continues the entire way back.

  When we arrive at The Grove, uneasiness washes over me. I’ve had such a great time tonight, then I had to go and ruin it by being weird.

  Eddie steps out of the truck, and I follow. He walks around to me, and I hand him back his jacket.

  “I’m sorry for pulling the whole night down with my attitude,” I blurt out.

  He weakly smiles. “It’s totally fine. Didn’t even notice.”

  Of course, he did.

  I bite my bottom lip at the awkward tension between us. I don’t know what to do. We kind of kissed, but now, after I’ve caused this strangeness between us, I feel like trying for another kiss would be extremely weird. I lean in for a hug instead, but he reaches out to shake my hand at the same time. His hand is bumped by my sudden movement, and his palm pushes up, landing directly on my boob.

  “Fuck,” he swears under his breath as I back away, suddenly feeling a heat flush my face. He holds his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, I misread that. I swear, I wasn’t going for a feel.”

  “That’s the most action I’ve gotten in a while.” My hand slaps my mouth immediately.

  A slow smile creeps up his face. “You weren’t meaning to say that, were you?”

  I stand tall, placing my hands on my hips. “There’s nothing wrong with putting my career first… you know, over dating.”

  “Of course not. So, can I feel you…” His eyes bug out. “Shit! I meant see you. Can I see you again?”

  I burst out laughing at his faux pas. “Not so suave now, are you, hotshot?”

  He tilts his head. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  “It’s nice to know I’m not the only one in this relationship who says the wrong thing.”

  Shock covers his face. “Relationship?”

  I tense. “Ahh… fuck… you know what I mean.”

  He leans in, his eye contact making it hard to think. He’s all around me, eclipsing my surroundings as he leans in so close I can smell his woodsy aftershave. Eddie’s breath wisps against my lips reminding me of our almost kiss. It makes me want to lean up and see what it would be like to actually taste his lips.

  “I’ll see you soon, hummingbird.”

  My breath hitches, my stomach somersaulting. I close my eyes, pursing my lips for his imminent touch, then I feel it—the moment his lips connect.


  They don’t touch my lips—he’s kissing my cheek.

  My eyes flash open as I melt even at that simple touch, the energy surges over me. His supple lips on my cheek send a wave of euphoria through my soul as he slowly backs away, and I stare into his eyes.

  “Holy shit,” I murmur under my breath.

  He smirks as he heads off, walking to his car.

  My knees wobble. “Get a damn grip, Lyric,” I mutter to myself as he turns, slowly waving goodbye as he watches me, waiting for me to get in like the gentleman he is.

  I slowly hop in. Resting my head on the steering wheel, I let out a deep breath. “Holy flipping fucksicle… what the hell was that?”

  Chapter Eight


  Eddie and I have been texting a whole bunch this past week. Our banter has been making me giddy. I’ve really wanted to see him again, but both of us have been busy. The week after Valentine’s Day is generally pretty steady for my business with all the men who forgot Valentine’s Day coming in for make-up flowers for their significant others. It’s been hectic, so it’s a saving grace in some ways that Eddie’s busy at work too. But I’m so glad he’s kept in touch via text message and the occasional phone call.

  We’ve arranged another date, and this time I feel comfortable enough to let him pick me up from my home. I know we’ve only really had a minor road trip, and one whole date, but sometimes you just get a feeling about someone.

  Eddie’s taking me somewhere. He wants it to be a surprise. I have no idea where, though.

  My cell dings suddenly, which sends my heart into a rapid cycle of heavy beats.

  Is Eddie canceling?

  I quickly grab it and notice a picture text coming in. I swipe the screen without looking at the sender, and there’s the cutest picture of Pixy munching on a carrot wearing a party hat.

  I burst out laughing as I realize it’s from Chance. I’m so excited that I type back a reply instantly.

  Me: He looks like he’s celebrating by eating a carrot. I hope he’s having a great time. Happy carrot day, Pixy! lol

  I giggle to myself as I sit staring at the picture. I really miss that fainting goat. I should take some time to go visit.

  Chance: It’s Aubrey’s birthday, but Pixy got into the veggie garden. Bloody mutton making a mess. Anyway, I’ll send more pics in a few days. Taking Pixy to the cotton candy festival with CJ and Aubrey. That should be fun LOL

  I smirk, imagining Chance walking around a cotton candy festival with a goat in tow. The kids will probably think he’s a sideshow attraction. Poor Pixy.

  Me: Can’t wait for the pictures! Thanks for keeping me in the loop! Happy birthday to Aubrey <3

  The doorbell rings grabbing my attention. My heart does a flip-flop as I place my cell in my bag. Inwardly, I berate myself for behaving like a sixteen-year-old girl and walk with my head held high. I swing open the door, and Eddie’s there dressed in a suit, as always, and looking edible.

  Shit! Maybe we should forgo the date? Stop it, Lyri! Keep your panties on, girl.

  “Hey,” I say nonchalantly.

  “Hey... you look gorgeous,” he replies.

  “So, ahh… come on in. I just have to feed my bird.”

  Smooth, Lyri, real smooth.

  He steps forward, shutting the door behind him. “You have a pet?”

  “Yeah, my father gave him to me for my twenty-fifth… my present to make up for his lack of presence.”

  He grimaces as I lead him through the living room out to the sunroom. “Geez, nice try, Dad.”

  I scoff. “I know, right? Good thing I love the little dude.”

  “Rawrr... little dude,” Polly repeats.

  “It talks?” Eddie asks in surprise.

  “Yeah, he ahh… has quite the vocabulary.”

  “Rawrr… fuck off, fuck right off,” Polly screeches loudly.

  I roll my eyes as Eddie opens his mouth wide in amusement. “See?”

  Eddie nods as I shove the container of apple in his hands. “Can you put it on the bottom of his tray? I gotta grab something.”

  Eddie takes the container from me as I race into the kitchen to grab my bag and cell. “So, what’s his name anyway?”

  “Polly…” I call out.

  “Cute,” he replies.

  “Polly Parton,” I finish.

  Eddie bursts into hysterics as I step back in the room. He’s holding onto his stomach from laughing too much. “Oh shit, you’re serious? But you’re calling it a him? It’s a boy, but his name is Polly Parton?”

  I shrug. “Didn’t know she was a he when I named him.”

  “Rawrr... bullshit, bullshit,” Polly screams most inopportunely.

  Eddie chuckles as he hands a piece of cut-up apple to Polly, who takes it from Eddie with his foot and starts to nibble on it, then swallow it down.

  My eyes widen as I take in the bowl to see half the apple already gone. My stomach tightens as goosebumps cover my skin. “No fucking way!”

  Eddie looks to the bowl in confusion. “What?”

  “Polly’s eating the apple?”

  Eddie shrugs. “Yeah?” His eyebrows crease. “Isn’t that what I was meant to do?”

  My body slumps as I wa
tch Polly take another piece from him and eat it like he’s loving it. “Let me try.” I grab a slice, handing it to Polly, and he stares at me like I’m some sort of idiot. Fucking parrot.

  “Polly, you gotta eat this for me, too, you know?”

  “Rawrr... you suck,” he calls out as he leans over, taking a piece directly from Eddie’s bowl instead.

  “Ha… he’s never taken fruit from anyone before, Eddie. He must like you.”

  Eddie leans in, running his hand down Polly’s green and yellow feathers. “I think he’s pretty damn cool, too. This also means I’m going to have to come over more to feed Polly his fruit. No excuses now… you guys need me.”

  I let out a laugh. “Oh, we do, do we?”

  “Rawrr... fucking oath.”

  “Geez, now he sounds like an Aussie. Did you teach him to swear like this?”

  I snort out a laugh. “No. That delight goes to my younger brother, Clef. He thought it would be fun to teach him to swear, and he added in some Australian words and other languages as well. God only knows why. ‘Cause now I am stuck with it.”

  “Well, Polly, I’m a fan.” Eddie hands Polly the last of his apple, and he eats it with no hassle. I’ve been trying for three years to get Polly to eat his fruit.

  Do you think I could get him to even go near it? Not on your life.

  In walks Mr. Hotshot and bam, first go.


  Eddie glances at his watch, then to me. “We should get going if we’re going to make it on time.”

  I take the now-empty bowl from Eddie with an exacerbated exhale and place it on the counter. Polly’s staring at Eddie like he’s watching his best friend. It doesn’t upset me. I’m glad Polly likes Eddie.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  He nods. “Bye, Polly.”

  My heart!

  “Rawrr... cya, cya.”

  I raise my brow at the connection Eddie and Polly already seem to have.

  Eddie grabs my hand, walking with me back toward the front door when his gaze shifts to me. “What?” he asks.


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