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Tales of Golmeira- The Complete Box Set

Page 74

by Marianne Ratcliffe

  Chapter Nine

  Kylen pushed open the door to her cabin. She felt feverish and her legs wobbled like those of a Golmeiran lordling in his cups.

  ‘I hate council meetings,’ she said to no one in particular, although Hylaz had followed her in. Due to the limited housing, he shared the cabin with Kylen and Zax. A bamboo screen in one corner provided him with a little private space. ‘No lectures, Hylaz, please. I did what I had to.’

  ‘Zastra is the one person who has stood up for us, again and again, yet today you treated her like the enemy.’

  She lowered herself into a chair, wincing as the knife-wound in her side snagged against its dressing.

  ‘You were there when Borez accused me of being too close to Zastra. I can’t let my people believe he was right.’

  ‘That’s why you asked Beregan along? To put on a show for her to see.’

  ‘I needed a new deputy. Thanks, by the way. For saving my life.’

  ‘Only doing my duty. What will you tell Zastra?’

  ‘We can’t say anything. If word ever got out about what Borez was planning, the Golmeirans will never trust us again.’

  She moved about in the chair but couldn’t get comfortable. Hylaz tapped a barrel of spiced wine.

  ‘A drink, my lady? It might help with the pain.’

  She gave a half smile. ‘Please. Although I have a more important job for you than being my cup bearer. I need you to go to Aliterra. It is vital Zastra is kept safe and since I cannot go myself…’ Hylaz looked genuinely anguished.

  ‘My lady, I beg you. Do not send me away. Not with things as they are. Why not join the expedition yourself?’

  ‘You know I cannot. Who knows what poison Borez was spreading? I cannot leave while my people have such doubts about me.’

  ‘My lady, I beg you…’

  She rose.

  ‘This I ask of you, Hylaz,’ she said in a formal tone. He dropped his head. No Sendoran could disobey such a command from his liege lord. Kylen would miss him, but gifting such a man to Zastra would make some amends for the awful way she had treated her. And if Kylen failed to regain the loyalty of her people, Zastra would need all the protection she could get when she returned from Aliterra. ‘Take Lorzan with you,’ she added. ‘He’s one of our best climbers. He will prove useful when you reach the Smoking Mountains.’

  ‘You wish to be rid of him?’

  ‘Lorzan has much influence and was not afraid to express his doubts. Regaining the loyalty of our people will be easier if he’s not here. However, that’s not the only reason. By spending time with Zastra, I hope he will come to understand what you and I already know. That she is worthy of our trust and… respect.’

  ‘Don’t let her go with this misunderstanding between you.’

  ‘Right now, it is Zax who I must talk to.’

  Hylaz bowed his head.

  ‘Go easy on the lad. What Rastran did broke him.’

  ‘Please, Hylaz, just find him for me.’ She held herself together until the big man had left and she then closed her eyes. Who knew that leading her people would be so hard?

  Chapter Ten

  ‘Please let us come!’ Kastara pleaded for the umpteenth time. ‘It’s so unfair. You never let us have any fun.’

  Zastra tipped a canister of crossbow bolts onto her bunk and began to examine the tips.

  ‘Kastara, only you could think a journey through mountains that spew burning rock will be fun. Besides, we need experienced mindweavers. You and Findar are still learning.’

  ‘But we can help. If you get lost, Fin can ask the birds for directions.’

  ‘Um, it doesn’t quite work like that,’ said Findar.

  ‘And I can make my bubble as big as this room now.’ Kastara spread her arms and a small dimple appeared between her eyebrows, a sign that she was concentrating. ‘Come on, throw a knife at me.’

  ‘Annoying as you can be, Kastara, I’m not going to throw a knife at you,’ Zastra said with a laugh. Kastara stamped her foot.

  ‘You never take me seriously.’


  Zastra picked up a large palm-nut and lobbed it towards her sister. It hit her square on the head.

  ‘Impressive,’ Zastra remarked. Kastara screwed up her face in annoyance.

  ‘Not fair, I wasn’t ready.’

  ‘If Thorlberd attacks Uden’s Teeth, he won’t wait for you to be ready. And he’ll be bringing more than palm-nuts.’

  ‘My bubble works on everything. It’s impenetrable. Why won’t you let us come?’

  Zastra picked up another bolt and ran her finger over the tip. It needed sharpening. She put it to one side.

  ‘Come back when you can get this barrier of yours big enough to protect everyone in Port Krysfera.’


  ‘I have faith in you. Although it would help if you practise a bit more.’

  Kastara pouted.

  ‘If it weren’t for all these extra chores, I’d have more time to focus on mindweaving,’ she said sulkily.

  ‘If you stopped flagrantly disobeying me, I wouldn’t have to punish you.’

  ‘You sound just like Gildarn. Why can’t Dobery be our teacher? He gave much better lessons that time you sent Gildarn off to Golmeira on some secret mission. Dobery was a council member, wasn’t he? I heard Gildarn wasn’t even properly trained.’

  ‘As it happens, I’ve asked Dobery to give you all extra lessons while I’m away, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to Gildarn. He knows things that aren’t covered in the official training. It saved me and Fin once – did you know that?’

  Kastara’s eyes widened, and for a moment she forgot to be outraged.

  ‘What happened?’

  Zastra told them how a small troop of Kyrgs had recognised her as she fled towards the Borders with Findar.

  ‘I was younger than you at the time and Fin was only a baby. Gildarn, like many others, was heading for the safety of the Far Isles. He was curious to know who the Kyrgs had caught. Even though I can resist mindweaving, Gildarn found a back door in my defences. When he found out who I was, he incapacitated a dozen Kyrgs and he and his husband Dray took us halfway to the Borders, even though it was a death sentence to anyone who helped us.’

  ‘Gildarn has a husband?’ Kastara’s eyes widened in disbelief. ‘But he’s so old!’

  ‘Not any more,’ Zastra said sadly. She had recognised Gildarn amongst the Far Island refugees who had ended up at Uden’s Teeth and had been upset to hear that Dray had been killed during the fall of Mynganard. She remembered a small man with a sharp wit and dry sense of humour. ‘Pay attention to your lessons while I’m gone. Maybe when I get back, you will have learned enough to take part in the next expedition.’

  ‘Who will be in charge while you’re away?’ Findar asked.

  ‘Kylen will lead the alliance. As for you two, I’ve asked Myka to move into the cabin.’

  ‘Myka? He’s barely older than me,’ Kastara protested. ‘Why do you keep treating me like a child?’

  ‘Perhaps because you keep acting like one.’

  Kastara folded her arms.

  ‘You’re not our mother. I bet she wouldn’t have treated us like this.’

  Zastra turned back to her packing.

  ‘You never tell us anything about her. Or Father,’ Kastara continued.

  ‘I try not to think of the past.’

  ‘It must hurt,’ said Fin softly.

  ‘What were they like?’ Kastara asked. Zastra’s throat closed up and she sank onto her bunk and waited for her breath to return. It took a while. She realised her brother and sister were looking at her expectantly.

  ‘I wish you could have known them,’ she said at last. ‘Our mother, Anara, was… I wish I could find the words, but there are none that can truly capture her goodness. She could meet someone for only a few moments and yet understand what they were feeling. And she could always do or say the exact thing to make you feel better.’

  ‘You must take after our father,’ Kastara asserted bluntly. Zastra choked back a laugh.

  ‘You’re probably right,’ she admitted. ‘He certainly wasn’t good at understanding teenage girls.’

  She recalled the last time she had seen him, handing her Kastara, then just a baby, and charging her with keeping her brother and sister safe. Make me proud once more, Zastra. She squeezed her eyelids together, but the memory would not go away. She jumped up.

  ‘I don’t have time for this. I must pack.’

  ‘But—’ Kastara began.

  ‘But nothing,’ Zastra snapped. ‘We cannot change the past. Nor will I change my mind about you coming.’

  ‘I hate you!’ Kastara cried and stormed out of the cabin.

  ‘Join the queue,’ Zastra muttered.

  ‘She doesn’t mean it,’ said Findar, enveloping her in a hug. Like Anara, he always seemed to know what to do. She pressed her lips together.

  ‘I thought you would take Myka with you,’ her brother added. ‘Because of his healing thing.’

  Myka had the ability to mend broken bones and would certainly be an asset. Zastra had good reason to be grateful for his skills. But she felt better knowing Myka was with Findar and Kastara. She collected herself and squeezed her brother’s shoulder.

  ‘I have an important job for you while I’m away. Will you take care of Orika? Dobery isn’t really well enough.’

  ‘I’ve already talked to Pitwyn,’ said Fin. ‘He’s put aside extra supplies for me to take across. Orika and I agreed a signal. An orange flag means it’s me, and she doesn’t have to be scared.’

  Zastra kissed the top of his head. ‘Good lad. Always so kind and thoughtful. I wish the same could be said of your sister.’

  ‘You know, you could be a little less hard on her. She only wants to impress you.’

  They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Zastra jumped up. Perhaps it was Kylen, come at last to explain herself. Or Kastara, returning to apologise. She couldn’t hide her disappointment to find only Justyn waiting outside.

  ‘I can see you are delighted to see me,’ he said drily. Zastra apologised and invited him in, but he held up his hand.

  ‘I can’t stop. One of the lugger captains says she thinks she’s found a river delta a few days northeast of here.’

  ‘A river? Could that be the route Urbek was talking about?’

  ‘It’s somewhere to start.’

  ‘Agreed. Tell the others. We leave tomorrow, on the morning tide.’

  Chapter Eleven

  Zax had vanished. Even Hylaz had been unable find him.

  ‘He’ll be back,’ he said. ‘The lad just needs to get his head together.’

  Kylen was forced to agree. Zax would come back when he was ready, and then they would talk. She had debated whether to take Hylaz’s advice about speaking with Zastra, but decided against it. Their last meeting had been painful enough, another would only make things worse. Yet on the day the expedition was to depart, she rose from restless sleep as dawn lightened the sky and found herself walking towards the lower slopes of Krysfera’s highest mountain, where the forest was still relatively untouched. It took her some time to realise she was walking towards the secluded clearing where Zastra practised her fighting skills. Perhaps fate was leading her footsteps. She resolved that if she found Zastra in the clearing, she would speak to her. If not, then she would take it as a sign that she was right to let Zastra depart without a word.

  The clash of wood against wood informed her the clearing was in use. Peering between the tree trunks, she saw Zastra and Justyn sparring with weighted wooden sticks for swords. Zastra was competent at sword-fighting, but no more than that. Her real skill lay in her uncanny accuracy with the crossbow, yet she held her own. Justyn had better technique and greater strength, but Zastra was fast and graceful. Away from those she led, she wore a simple vest and three-quarter length trousers, freeing up her movements. The vein running down the side of her neck bulged beneath her tanned skin as she locked swords with her opponent, her bare arms glistening with sweat as she danced away from each blow. Justyn attacked with a flurry of strikes that looked certain to win the contest. Zastra defended desperately as Justyn pressed her back. She sank to one knee as if thrown off balance and Justyn lunged in for the kill. Quick as blinking, Zastra whirled beneath his arm and struck Justyn’s thigh with her stick. Justyn grunted and held up his hand, bending over to catch his breath. Kylen gave a low chuckle. She should know never to underestimate Zastra. She stepped forward to reveal her presence. Now she was here, it would be cowardly to just slink away. Justyn nodded towards her, retrieved his coat and departed. Kylen wasn’t sure whether to be grateful for his consideration or wish he had stayed.

  Zastra stared after Justyn, her lips tight. Kylen folded her arms and hunched her shoulders.

  ‘That was an interesting move. I was sure Justyn had the best of you.’

  ‘I don’t like to lose.’ Zastra threw down her stick. Three knives had been placed, hilt upwards in the ground. She picked one up and flung it towards a circular target that had been nailed to a tree trunk. More than half the blade disappeared into the centre of the target, such was the force of the throw. Kylen winced.

  ‘Pretending that’s me?’

  ‘Could you blame me if I did?’ Zastra reached down and plucked the second knife from the ground.

  ‘It was politics, not personal.’

  ‘Since when did you care about politics?’

  ‘Since someone taught me that not everything can be solved with a solid punch in the face.’

  The corner of Zastra’s mouth twitched. Was that a hint of a smile? She hurled the second knife, left-handed this time. It landed a hairsbreadth from the first. She did not seem inclined to speak further. She wasn’t going to make this easy. Kylen opened her arms but then, not knowing where to put her hands, she folded them again.

  ‘I bet you’re glad of the chance to stretch your legs after being stuck here for so long,’ she offered eventually. Zastra picked up the last knife and balanced on her palm, feeling the weight. For the first time, she looked straight at Kylen.

  ‘I have always relied on you to speak the truth to me, even if it is painful to hear. Have you no explanation for undermining me in front of the council?’

  Kylen could see the effort it was taking Zastra to speak, and the spark of hope in her dark eyes as she asked the question. But it was impossible to confess the shameful truth; that her people were a hairsbreadth away from betraying Zastra and seizing Uden’s Teeth for themselves. She stared at her feet and shook her head.

  ‘Then we’ve nothing more to say to each other,’ Zastra said, turning away.

  ‘I only wanted… to wish you luck. Try not to get yourself killed.’ Kylen’s words came out fast and awkward.

  ‘If we are talking politics, my death might suit some Sendorans very well.’

  Kylen flinched. Did Zastra suspect the truth?

  ‘I would hardly be sending Hylaz with you if I wanted you dead.’

  Zastra swatted at a swarm of blackfly that had gathered around her head.

  ‘Another bodyguard – just what I need. Ithgol is bad enough, following me everywhere. This morning, I had to sneak out while he was in the bath house.’ Kylen felt a momentary flash of exasperation. Didn’t Zastra realise how much she was giving up by offering her Hylaz?

  ‘If you’re so angry, why reward me by putting me in charge?’

  Zastra gave a short, bitter laugh.

  ‘You’re mistaken if you think it’s a reward.’ She swivelled, balanced on one leg and threw the knife underhand. It landed just beneath the other two. A nice grouping, Kylen thought admiringly, as Zastra dried her palm against the side of her thigh before turning back to face Kylen.

  ‘I doubt you’ll take advice from me, but try to listen to the others. They can have useful ideas. If you need someone to talk to, Dobery is a good listener. And no renaming that island New Sendor.’

>   ‘Don’t worry. I like the name you chose.’

  Zastra retrieved her knives. They were so deeply embedded that the muscles on her forearms corded as she tugged at them.

  ‘It was politics, not personal.’ Zastra threw Kylen’s comment back at her.

  Kylen watched her head back towards Port Krysfera at a brisk jog. She’d been right. The meeting had been every bit as painful as she had predicted. Zastra was hurting and Kylen could do nothing about it. She longed to run after her, to apologise and to explain everything, but the alliance they had worked so hard to build was more important than personal feelings. Yet she watched Zastra’s slim frame disappear into the trees with regret. It might be the last time they would ever see each other, and they had parted like enemies. She suddenly felt very much alone.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lorzan’s linen shirt stretched around his broad shoulders as he dipped his paddle into the water. Zastra watched him closely from behind, following his lead. Her arms burned from the effort of paddling the heavily-laden canoe against the current. Hylaz and Polina worked equally hard on the opposite side. There were eleven of them packed into the canoe, including five mindweavers. Dobery was not strong enough for such a journey, so Morvain and Polina had volunteered to lead the younger ones; a spiky-haired youth called Waylin and two recently graduated trainees, Gwylla and Zenarbia, young women who seemed awed by their companions. Ithgol, together with Justyn, Urbek and the two Sendorans made up the rest of the party. Zastra wasn’t sure what to make of Lorzan. As soon as they began paddling upriver, the dark-haired Sendoran rolled up his sleeves to reveal muscular forearms covered in scars. Sendorans believed scars demonstrated both experience and courage. Lorzan had been making a point. He proved more taciturn even than Ithgol, barely talking even to his compatriot Hylaz, who seemed in low spirits. In contrast, Morvain had an opinion on every decision and offered frequent advice that was either unnecessary or demonstrated his lack of experience of such rough travelling. It seemed Zastra would have to rely on Polina and Justyn for sensible conversation.


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