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Tales of Golmeira- The Complete Box Set

Page 102

by Marianne Ratcliffe

  ‘Did you leave anyone at all on Uden’s Teeth?’ asked Zastra, looking at the large column following behind Mata.

  ‘A handful only, with the littluns. No one wanted to miss this battle. We thought it would make a new chapter for the Legends of the Warriors.’

  ‘No such luck,’ said Kylen, with more than a hint of disappointment. ‘There was barely any fighting at all.’

  ‘You did well,’ Mata said. ‘A victory with few casualties is a good one.’

  ‘Kastara and Findar deserve most of the credit.’

  Findar looked embarrassed while Kastara glowed with pride.

  ‘Typical, giving credit only to the Golmeirans,’ said Kylen, in mock outrage.

  Zastra laughed. ‘I’m very grateful for your contribution. Although I’m sure you got as much pleasure from kicking Rastran in the head as you did from saving us.’

  ‘Fair point.’

  Their eyes met. They both looked away and Kylen cleared her throat.

  ‘Um.… now that everything’s over, can I talk to you? In private.’

  Zastra caught Findar and Kastara exchanging grins. What’s amusing them?’ Kylen took her to an empty chamber and closed the door. She leaned her forehead against it, suddenly pale.

  ‘Are you ill?’ Zastra asked in concern. ‘You didn’t breathe in any of that gas, I hope?

  Kylen shook her head. The relief that everything was finally over began to flow through Zastra. Words burst out of her in a torrent.

  ‘I can’t believe we’ve just won. That it’s finally all over. Of course, there’s much to do, but we should have some kind of celebration. We need to find food for all these people, and the—’

  ‘Zastra, please.’

  ‘What is it? What’s wrong?’

  ‘For the first time in my life, I know what it is to be afraid.’

  ‘Afraid? You? Impossible. You’ve never backed away from anything, not in all the years I have known you.’

  ‘Zastra, please, just shut up and listen!’

  Kylen stepped away from the door and began to pace up and down the room.

  ‘I’m going to stand down as Lord of Sendor,’ she said at last. Zastra was shocked. Of all the things she thought Kylen might say, this was the last thing she expected.

  ‘You can’t,’ she protested. ‘Not now. Not after all we’ve fought for. Why would you even say such a thing?’

  ‘Because I love you.’

  Zastra’s heart swelled so violently she couldn’t speak. Kylen stopped pacing.

  ‘I tried to fight it for so long, but it was one battle I could never win. Against you, my defences never stood a chance.’

  ‘Oh, Kylen!’

  ‘Before I met you, I thought I knew what bravery was. But your courage has put mine to shame. The things you have suffered, the responsibilities you have shouldered on behalf of others… Zastra, I told you once that you have no idea how special you are, and you still don’t. It’s one of the many reasons I love you. But loving you means I must stand down. Someone else must speak for my people from now on, for I could deny you nothing. Only… dare I ask…?’

  Zastra caught hold of Kylen’s hands.

  ‘How could I not?’ she said softly. ‘You gave me strength when I had none. Without you, I would have been lost long ago.’

  Kylen’s eyes glistened.

  ‘Can it really be true?’

  Zastra nodded wordlessly. Kylen broke into a smile.

  ‘I suppose I did save your life. And not for the first time.’

  ‘I think we’re about even on that score,’ Zastra remarked. ‘But who’s counting?’

  ‘To think I almost didn’t have the courage to tell you. I wasn’t sure you felt the same way. Especially after the way I behaved, pretending I hated you.’

  ‘I was hurt then, but only because some part of me knew that I loved you. But I wasn’t ready to acknowledge it. You know, I think I’ve loved you ever since you punched Rastran on the nose.’

  ‘But that was years ago,’ Kylen said with a disbelieving laugh.

  ‘Well, you were impressive, even then.’

  ‘I remember you took my punishment. Never told them it was me. Why did it take us both so long to realise?’

  ‘Between duty and grief we didn’t allow ourselves space for love. And, in a way that I can’t explain, I think we were right. This wouldn’t have felt right until now. Oh, I’m not making any sense!’

  Kylen reached out tenderly and caressed her cheek.

  ‘It makes perfect sense to me. But are you sure? Do I really have your love?’

  ‘Always,’ whispered Zastra. She rested her head on Kylen’s shoulder, feeling that she might burst with joy.

  Chapter Seventy-one

  ‘I’m delighted for you both,’ said Anara, opening her arms to Kylen as they returned to the others. ‘Welcome to the family, my dear.’

  ‘How did you know?’ Zastra exclaimed. Anara smiled at her over Kylen’s shoulder.

  ‘Findar and Kastara told me.’

  ‘How did they know?’ Zastra turned to the twins, who were grinning like children at a birthday party.

  ‘You’re not as good at hiding your feelings as you think, Zastra,’ said Findar. Anara reached towards her.

  ‘After everything you’ve both been through, you deserve happiness.’

  ‘You don’t mind that I’m in love with a Sendoran?’

  ‘My darling, I don’t care who you love, so long as you’re happy.’

  ‘I hope my people will be so generous,’ said Kylen, ‘but I doubt it.’

  ‘Don’t be so pessimistic,’ said Hylaz, who was lurking at the back of the room with Ithgol. ‘Zastra’s a good match for you, my lady. Better than you deserve.’

  ‘Thanks, Hylaz,’ said Zastra, flashing him a grateful smile. ‘That means a lot.’

  ‘Yes, thanks Hylaz,’ said Kylen drily. ‘I would discipline you for insubordination if I didn’t completely agree with you.’

  That evening, Zastra and Kylen held a celebration with those who had played a key part in their victory. The House of Brandicant had only a small dining hall with a single table, which limited how many people they could invite. The best wine was brought from the cellars and platters of hot and cold food spread all along the table. A herb-encrusted vizzal steamed in the centre, flesh melting from the bone. It was surrounded by squares of freshly cut cornbread and piles of roasted vegetables. Silver tureens of sauces added to the savoury aromas that filled the candlelit hall. A table to the side held desserts of cakes, jellies and candied fruits. Jelgar arrived with Lungrid and Ithgol to make up the Kyrginite delegation. Rafadal, Urbek and Bekka came from the Aliterran camp, and Yelina, who had made the trip from Uden’s Teeth with Mata, ensured the Far Islanders were represented. Polina and Morvain attended on behalf of the mindweavers, and Zastra insisted Gwylla and Zenarbia be invited too. The two young women sat towards the bottom of the table, shy among such company, but enjoying the air of celebration all the same. Myka sat with Findar and Kastara. He had brought Dalbric and a young man with a shrivelled arm. Zastra took a moment to recognise him

  ‘Podrik?’ she exclaimed in delighted surprise. His round face broke into a beaming smile

  ‘You remember me?’

  She hugged him.

  ‘How could I forget the boy who befriended me when I was all alone? You must join us.’ Podrik bowed. Dalbric too, seemed a little awed at being invited.

  ‘All these lords and ladies, and guthans and whatevers,’ he said. ‘I think perhaps I’m better off back in the camp.’

  ‘Nonsense,’ said Zastra. ‘You are family, you belong here as much as anyone else. Where’s Hanra?’

  ‘She stayed at Uden’s Teeth with the littlun.’

  ‘What do you think you’ll do, now it’s all over?’

  Dalbric shrugged. ‘I’m not sure. I miss the borders but Hanra likes it on Uden’s Teeth. And I’ve found I enjoy carpentry more than farming. So, we may stay. At least we have a
choice now.’

  Kylen and Zax led a Sendoran delegation that included Hylaz, Beregan and Lorzan.

  ‘Glad you two have finally realised what was right in front of you,’ said Zax, giving Zastra a kiss on the cheek. Mata and Nerika made up the last of the party. Nerika sat a little apart. Seeing her alone, Zastra grabbed a bottle of spiced wine and sat down beside her.

  ‘Nerika, I have a favour to ask.’

  ‘Don’t I even get one night to celebrate before you start giving orders, Grand Marl.’ Nerika sounded as bitter as ever. Grand Marl. The title sounded odd to Zastra. Something she would have to get used to.

  ‘Forgive me, Nerika, but you don’t look like you’re enjoying yourself.’

  ‘I just wish… Justyn were here.’

  ‘Me too, but aren’t you glad that we’ve won?’

  Nerika turned to her.

  ‘Zastra, you have won. Nothing has changed for the poor people in our society.’ She jerked her head towards the food on the table. ‘What we have here tonight would feed a village for days.’

  ‘That was what I wanted to ask. I want you to draft some legislation for me to look at. Think about how we can enshrine in law the right of all our people to a free and happy life. A law that will apply to everyone.’

  ‘Including the grand marl?’

  ‘Of course,’ said Zastra. ‘No one should be free to act like Rastran and not be held accountable.’

  Nerika’s expression softened.

  ‘Freedom is all very well, but if you have no property or money, the law is just empty words.’

  ‘I agree. The rich will have to give up some of their lands.’

  ‘Justyn always said you would keep your word.’ Nerika’s voice cracked. Zastra had a moment of realisation.

  ‘Oh Nerika,’ she said, ‘you loved him, didn’t you? I had no idea.’

  Nerika turned her head away, but when Zastra rested her hand on her forearm, she did not pull it away. After a moment, Zastra stood and called for silence.

  ‘Before we eat, let us take a moment to honour those who have fallen so that we may see this day. We thank them for their sacrifice.’ She raised her glass.

  ‘To Dobery,’ she said.

  Nerika stood up beside her. ‘To Justyn,’ she said, her eyes bright with tears.

  ‘Orika,’ said Polina.

  ‘Brutila,’ Anara added quietly.

  Other names were spoken, each name greeted by silent contemplation. Then, at last, Zastra bid everyone sit and eat.

  The plates were being cleared away. Myka, his belly pleasantly full, helped Kastara to a mug of hot chala.

  ‘It’s good to see your sister so content,’ he said, nodding towards Kylen and Zastra, who sat with their heads together, unable to hide their happiness in each other’s company.

  Kastara wrinkled her nose. ‘I hope that means she’ll be nicer to me in future. Or better still, just leave me alone.’

  ‘You don’t mean that,’ said Myka. ‘Everything you’ve done since she rescued you has been to get her attention. Except you’ve been going about it the wrong way. Until today, that is.’

  ‘Is that a compliment?’

  ‘I helped too,’ said Findar, leaning around his twin. But Myka didn’t seem to hear him.

  ‘Kastara, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you,’ he began hesitantly. Kastara pushed back her chair.

  ‘Oh, look! Zastra’s called Polina and Morvain to her,’ she exclaimed. ‘I bet she’s going to ask one of them to be Highmaster. I need to find out what’s going on.’ She hurried away to the top of the table.

  ‘Don’t worry, Myka,’ Findar said, as the Southlander stared after her forlornly. ‘At some point she’ll be glad to hear what you have to say. Just not today.’

  ‘I wish I could believe that,’ said Myka with a doleful sigh. ‘Kastara will only be happy if she’s with someone very rich or very powerful. Preferably both.’

  ‘Give my sister some credit. She may be excited now by what’s new and shiny, but she’ll eventually figure out that honesty and loyalty are more important.’

  ‘I’ll see what she’s doing,’ said Myka, trailing after Kastara. Anara, who was sitting opposite, shook her head.

  ‘My poor darling. Myka is a special young man but there’ll be someone else for you.’

  Findar gave a rueful smile. ‘I’ve always known he’s not for me,’ he said. ‘If I see them both happy, there’s nothing to be sad about.’

  Zastra addressed Polina and Morvain as Kastara and Myka hovered in the background.

  ‘Polina, I hope you will agree to serve as my Highmaster.’

  Polina flushed. ‘Me? But what about Morvain?’

  Morvain cleared his throat.

  ‘While I cannot deny I desired the role of Highmaster…’

  ‘True,’ murmured Myka.

  ‘…I also cannot deny that Polina is the more powerful mindweaver and more deserving of the honour.’

  ‘Also true,’ Myka added, in surprise.

  ‘I would, of course, be delighted to serve on her council,’ Morvain finished.

  ‘That’s more like it,’ Myka muttered. ‘Nice way to bag himself a prime job.’

  ‘What about me?’ Kastara thrust herself forward. ‘I want to be on the council too.’

  Myka almost choked in astonishment. Surely not even Kastara could be so bold?

  ‘But you are too young, dear girl,’ said Morvain with a pitying smile.

  Kastara rounded on him. ‘This “dear girl” protected Zastra and Myka from an entire army,’ she said. ‘I doubt your qualifications are better.’ She turned to Zastra. ‘Well?’

  Zastra raised an eyebrow.

  ‘What do you think, Pol?’ she asked.

  ‘She’d be the youngest council member in history,’ Polina replied.

  ‘I think she’s earned the right to ask.’

  ‘Very well,’ said the new Highmaster. ‘You have great power Kastara, you might as well learn some responsibility.’

  Kastara screamed in delight, grabbing hold of Myka and twirling him round in celebration.

  ‘Do you think Polina knows what’s she in for?’ Kylen asked.

  ‘The poor woman has no idea,’ Zastra returned. ‘Speaking of leadership, I wish you would reconsider this notion of giving up the lordship of Sendor.’

  ‘How can I negotiate for my people when I’m in love with the grand marl of Golmeira?’

  ‘What does Sendor want exactly?’

  ‘Full independence, with no more tribute. And reparations for the destruction of Golgannan.’

  ‘Granted. What else?’

  Kylen pulled back and looked at her.

  ‘Our people should be allowed to travel freely into Golmeira and trade without tariffs.’

  ‘Granted, provided Sendor allows the same rights for Golmeirans.’

  Kylen tilted her head.

  ‘That seems fair. But what about the border region? And Castanton?’

  Zastra pondered that for a while. The Borders had always been contentious. In the past, raids from Sendor had led to full blown wars, and the port of Castanton had changed hands many times. Its ownership had long been disputed.

  ‘The Borderline River makes a sensible boundary between our countries. Castanton bridges it, so let half belong to Sendor, half to Golmeira. Perhaps we can establish a city council made up equally of your people and mine.’

  ‘Will that work?’

  ‘It might, as long as our people can get along.’

  ‘Hmm. Sendorans and Golmeirans living and working together? They will need someone to show them how it’s done,’ murmured Kylen, kissing her full on the lips. Zastra flushed deeply, unable to suppress a smile as she pulled away.

  ‘Stop trying to distract me. If Sendor accepts full independence and we’ve solved the border issues, then there’s nothing more to negotiate. What better than a marriage between the grand marl of Golmeira and the liege lord of Sendor to show that we can live together in
peace and harmony?’

  ‘You have a very romantic notion of marriage.’

  ‘I’m relying on you to prove me right. Starting tonight.’ She took Kylen by the hand and led her away from the crowded hall.


  Kylen accepted Zastra’s proposal and Sendor was granted full and perpetual independence from Golmeira. The Far Isles too, were released back to its people, and a new triumvirate of equals promptly elected. The Kyrginites settled in the land to the west of Aliterra and over the years they grew numerous and content, the culling ceremonies of the past long forgotten. In return for Zastra’s gift of land, Jelgar pledged that the Kyrginite nation would protect Golmeira should it ever come under attack. He was succeeded by Ithgol, who saw off all challengers to become the new chief guthan, and renewed Jelgar’s pledge.

  As for Golmeira itself, excepting a brief and unsuccessful marl rebellion, peace reigned. The rebellion was perhaps inevitable, given how radical Nerika’s new laws turned out to be. Even though Zastra led the way in giving up half her family lands, there were plenty of marls who resented the loss to their personal wealth. Others objected that the law was taken away from them and placed in the hands of a special judiciary of trained mindweavers and scholars. Zastra, with the help of her allies, dealt quickly and firmly with the rebellion and also found a way to ensure that mindweavers did not become too powerful. She reinstated traditional controls on use of such powers, particularly related to personal privacy. Any mindweaver who refused to abide by this law was sentenced to prison on Murthen Island, garrisoned by druin-ji, who had been chased out of Aliterra. Their strange ability to drain power from mindweavers made them perfect goalers and Zastra granted them sanctuary on condition they live on Murthen Island and give up their practices of sacrifice. The unique attributes of the druin-ji were enough to frighten most mindweavers into obedience. Even the Lady Jintara, after spending a few years on Murthen Island, was happy to pledge allegiance to her niece and retire to the comfort and quiet of Bractaris Castle.

  Zastra and Nerika followed up their initial changes with a scheme to create free schools, so that all who wished to pursue scholarship had an opportunity to do so. Nerika’s energy and commitment to improving the lives of the poor made her the perfect choice to lead such a project. At the very beginning of her reign, Zastra established an advisory council made up of mindweavers, marls, merchants and farmers, so that she might be guided by the opinions and needs of all her people. Anara was a valued member of this council for many years, until she succumbed to an infection of her lungs. Her death was mourned by all, particularly her children. However, they cherished every extra moment they had with the parent who had been miraculously returned to them.


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