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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 5

Page 3

by Yukiya Murasaki

  —So it was a bad idea!

  Shera tilted her head quizzically. “Does the military slay Demon Lords from other worlds, too?”


  “Fuahahahaha!” Diablo laughed loudly, trying to mask his own anxiety. “I shall not run or hide! Anyone wishing to die may step before me! I shall etch the true meaning of horror into their bones!”

  “Oh no...” Horn was shivering in terror.

  Diablo was shivering in terror, too, in his mind.

  Laminitus raised her left hand high into the air. “Heh... Quite the bravado you have there. As you desire, We shall bring you to ruin! Return to your eternal slumber, Demon Lord! All hands, at the ready!”

  The troops aboard the sand ships took aim with their Magi Guns.

  Diablo was surprised. Magi Gunners were an advanced class of high level Archers. Only those who polished their skills in archery to the level of mastery and developed their capacity for magic could achieve this class. And there were this many of them here?

  —Come to think of it, Summoners are far more popular here than in the game. Maybe all the Archers have a reason to specialize in becoming Magi Gunners?

  If that many were to attack him at once at his current HP, there was a good chance they’d actually kill him. It all depended on their level, but...would he have to take them all out before they shot!?

  “Please wait!”

  Lumachina stepped forward. “I am the head of the church: the High Priest, Lumachina Weselia. Even though this man claims to be the Demon Lord, he is no enemy of the races, nor is he someone you should direct your animosity against!”

  Laminitus glared at her. “Ha! So those swindlers’ boss is siding with a Demon Lord!?”

  “Surely you recall how this esteemed gentleman pushed back the magical beast that threatened Zircon Tower. If he was truly a threat to the races, why would he save you?”

  “The Sand Whale was controlled by the Fallen. Who would believe a measly Elemental Sorcerer could push it back in the first place!”

  “Lord Diablo is a talented Sorcerer! He defended this town, saved me, and has fought every step of the way to protect others!”

  “They why does he call himself a Demon Lord!?”

  —Because if I don’t, I can only speak in “Uhhh”s and “Hmm”s!

  If he could say that, he’d be able to worm his way out of this problem, but whenever he tried to speak with his own words, his voice got stuck in his throat. Every time he considered saying the truth, the thought of the others scorning, mocking, and getting mad at him reared its ugly head...and he froze.

  But if it was an act, no matter what negative reaction came his way, he could explain it away with, “I was role playing a Demon Lord, so it’s not my fault.”

  He knew how awkward that was, but that’s just who he was. Besides, he couldn’t just say, “I was just pretending to be a Demon Lord, teehee~” after all this time.

  It wasn’t just Laminitus; imagining how the people who called themselves his companions would react made him stiffen in horror.

  —Staying alive may be important, but the shame alone would kill me! Maybe not physically, but emotionally speaking I’d be totally dead!

  Just the thought of it caused him to sweat profusely and shiver in terror. Everything went blurry.

  Diablo pointed 《Tenma’s Staff》 at the sand ship.

  “Step aside, Lumachina. If these fools choose to stand in my way, I have no choice but to obliterate them.”

  “P-Please forgive them, my Lord! They, too, are righteous men and women working to defend the lands of man. Even if you can only see them as an obstacle to your lofty goals, please, spare their lives!”

  Lumachina spread her arms, standing between them. This small girl was trying to stop this conflict from breaking out, all on her own.

  —She’s amazing...

  He was genuinely impressed with her. Even now, with a curse that may take her life in a manner of days eating away at her, the desire to defend others still drove her to action.

  If he was in a situation where his life was in the balance, he doubted he would even consider someone else’s survival.

  Diablo lowered Tenma’s Staff.

  “You little fool. Out of respect for you, I will pardon their insolence. But just this once.”

  “Thank you for your kindness!” Lumachina lowered her head deeply, then turned her gaze to Laminitus. “Lady Laminitus, would a Demon Lord save or even spare a life? Lord Diablo has saved mine on more than one occasion. And he has also proclaimed he would grant upon us an item that could cure this city of the Death Knell disease. While this esteemed gentleman may be a Demon Lord, I have no doubt in my heart he is a benevolent one!”

  A benevolent Demon Lord...

  Laminitus would likely never believe those words. Diablo could only think of the moment when the order to attack would be issued.

  Rem stepped forward, standing beside Lumachina.

  “...Governor of Zircon Tower, please listen to what I have to say, as well. We were about to set out to a certain dungeon, and Diablo said he could lead us to where a treasure that can cure the Death Knell disease lies.”

  Laminitus eyed Rem suspiciously before spitting out, “Nonsense—”

  “So please! If we come back from the dungeon empty-handed, you may cast your judgment on Diablo then. Decide again, based on his actions, if he is a Demon Lord or not. Is that not fair!?”

  “We cannot approve of that. We pass judgment on you first! If you have done nothing wrong, you will be free to go wherever you please. Assuming you’ve done nothing wrong!”

  “...Please... Please wait. One of our companions is infected with Death Knell disease. We truly haven’t the time to spare.”

  Laminitus’ eyes narrowed. “You are not lying, are you? Show Us proof.”

  “Our proof is—”

  Rem faltered. At that moment, Lumachina raised her voice.

  “Your proof is right here.”

  She raised the hem of her priest’s garb, revealing her thighs. A girl her age would probably be terribly distraught by revealing herself like this before such a large group of people... And yet she did. That was how earnest her desire to stop the fighting was.

  Seeing the mark on Lumachina’s flesh, Laminitus heaved a sigh. “I see... We never thought even the High Priest would be infected.”

  “I believe this is a trial the Lord has placed upon me. Perhaps this is all his way of spurring me to bring back the treasure, and save all those afflicted by the plague.”

  Things were gradually becoming more serious.

  —But what will we do if that dungeon is the wrong one, or doesn’t have the White Ox Statue?

  The thought of that occurrence sent an ominous shiver down Diablo’s spine.

  “We are no close-minded fool.” Laminitus nodded. “We understand your side in the matter. Indeed, time is not in your favor. As for the so-called Demon Lord... It is true; if We are to judge him, it would be merely to prosecute him based on his actions. There is truth to your words.”

  Lumachina and Rem beamed up. On the other hand, Laminitus’s words were apparently too complicated for Shera to follow, who tilted her head in confusion. Horn also still appeared to be panicking.

  But Diablo remained on his guard. He didn’t see Laminitus as the type who would accept their request unconditionally.

  Sure enough, she would go on to say one thing they couldn’t accept—

  “Very well. You may go and retrieve your treasure from the dungeon! We will accept it as proof of your innocence.”

  “Thank you very much!” Rem said in gratitude, but Laminitus shook her head.

  “Wait. We have no guarantee you will return.”

  “What? But we would need to go through the dungeon to...”

  Lumachina’s confusion came from her lack of experience as an Adventurer. This was something they should have naturally considered.

  Laminitus was a shrewd woman.

  “We must take into consideration the possibility of there being another exit from the dungeon. You will leave one of your companions behind. We should... Yes, should you fail to return in seven days, they shall be beheaded. They will likewise be beheaded if you return empty-handed. If you are willing to leave them, We will believe in your words.”

  Coming from that stubborn governor, this was actually quite the compromise.

  —But in the worst case scenario, the treasure might not be there...

  “Horn. Which way from here to the dungeon?” Diablo asked in a whisper.

  “Huh...? I-It’s north of town.”

  “Good. When I give the signal, run.”

  “S-Sure thing, Boss!”

  Rem and Lumachina looked astonished.

  Diablo prodded the ground with Tenma’s Staff.

  “《Earth Bounce》!”

  It was the first time he used it in a desert, but... Just like in the game, the screen—the ground began quaking. The earth rumbled, making his field of vision shake and waver. Earth Bounce was an Earth elemental spell, after all.

  The sand ships the troops were aboard began rocking, jolting up and down.

  “W-Whoa, what is this!?” “I-It’s shaking... The ship’s shaking!” “Who told you guys to move the ships!?” “The ground is moving!” “He did that with magic!? How is that...!?”

  The sand ships began lurching forward, and the soldiers raised their voices in horror.

  Living in Japan, Diablo was somewhat used to earthquakes, but this wasn’t the case for residents of this world.

  Within a moment, Diablo felt his consciousness waver, as a desire to curl up in the sand and do nothing overwhelmed him.

  He was out of MP. His body became sluggish, taking after his now lethargic mind.

  But right now he had to save Lumachina. He couldn’t afford to be caught by the governor now.

  Diablo broke into a run. “Stay close to me! This tremor is the work of my magic!”

  Earth Bounce’s effective radius was thirty meters around the caster. Beyond that, it had no effect. But the ground’s shaking made it hard to walk and leave said area.

  Following his instructions, Rem, Shera, Lumachina, and Horn all tagged behind him. With the ground trembling beneath them, it should be hard to aim a gun at them properly. The sole exception was Laminitus, who could use Crimson Wings to levitate in the air and attack them regardless of the spell.

  However, her right hand was injured, so she wouldn’t be able to fully exhibit her skills.

  Besides, for a sole opponent, levitating up in the air would make them easy pickings for a Sorcerer. All you would have to do was use a spell with a wide range of attack that the opponent wouldn’t be able to avoid.

  With that in mind, Diablo glared at Laminitus. Not exhibiting even a hint of panic, she stood on the sand ship’s deck, her own gaze fixed back at Diablo.

  She was calm, as if she had predicted Diablo would use magic to create the chaos needed to escape.

  —What is she thinking? Did she feel like we’re stuck in a stalemate because of her injured arm? Or maybe...

  She had her position to consider. Perhaps her methods were more complicated than just capturing the Demon Lord and killing those that defied her.

  Slipping through the confused soldiers, Diablo and his group escaped the siege of the sand ships.


  Rem, Shera, and Horn were all moderately experienced adventurers.

  Lumachina, however, was struggling to keep up. Even so, they were somehow able to escape Zircon Tower’s army without Diablo having to carry her in his arms.

  They paused to hide behind a large rock. As Lumachina caught her breath, Shera handed her a canteen. Shera was surprisingly well-prepared.

  “I don’t have much, but have some water. Looks like walking this much is hard on you... Is it because of the Death Knell disease?”

  “N-No... It’s just that, running on the sand...made me a bit tired. Your stamina is amazing. As one would expect of seasoned adventurers.”

  “Oh, I’ve been wanting to go on a journey forever, so I made sure to keep my legs in shape,” Shera said, a bit awkwardly.

  Rem nodded in agreement. “I’ve been training to build up my leg strength as well. Pantherians are also naturally good at running.”

  “Same here! Not being able to walk means death in a dungeon, after all,” Horn said, a hint of pride in his voice.

  Diablo didn’t really work to stay in shape, but his level 150 body wouldn’t be fatigued from a little running. This body was different from his real-life body, which would have him gasping for air just from climbing up a flight of stairs.

  “You’re all amazing.” Lumachina narrowed her eyes, smiling. “I should make it a point to exercise, as well.”

  “Let’s take a break here, OK?” Shera sat down next to her. “They won’t be able to find us so easily here, and if they do show up, Diablo will work something out!”

  “Very well.”

  “Lumachina, you don’t go outside much, do you?”

  “That is true. My position doesn’t allow me to leave the sanctuary in the capital’s Cathedral very often.”

  “Ohhh... So you were kinda like me.”

  “Like you...?”

  “While she may seem be a bit dense,” Rem interjected, “Shera is the Elven Princess. She’s currently running away from home, though.”

  “Oh my!” Lumachina’s eyes were wide with surprise.

  After an embarrassed “Teehee,” Shera shouted out angrily, “Wait a sec, Rem! What d’you mean, dense!?”

  “...Pardon me. ‘Dense’ was a bit too vague, so I should have been more clear. Quite a blunder I’ve made there.”

  “I’m not dumb!”

  The two began quarreling loudly like always. Their little catfights were an everyday occurrence by now.

  Diablo turned, looking at the canteen Lumachina was holding.

  Noticing his gaze, she asked, “Oh, do you want some water, my Lord?”

  “No, that’s not it.”

  But she was right, actually. After all the fighting last night, he was indeed thirsty. But he couldn’t. If he were to take the canteen Lumachina had been drinking from, and put his mouth to it...

  —Wouldn’t that be an indirect kiss!?

  It would definitely show on his face. That just wouldn’t be fitting for a Demon Lord.

  As Diablo was tormented by the thought of how embarrassing an indirect kiss would be, Rem nodded in understanding.

  “...You are being mindful of our rations and water, aren’t you, Diablo?”

  Diablo nodded sagely, with far more shallow thoughts on his mind.

  “Indeed I was.”

  “...Having run from the army, we can’t return to town anymore. But heading for the dungeon without food and water would be reckless.”

  “You can just leave that to me!” Horn rose to his feet.

  “...What are you planning? I hope you’re not intending on pilfering from the town.”

  “Of course not! I’m a Seeker, not a Thief!”

  Diablo remembered how Horn had snuck in to steal some curry last night, but chose to keep quiet about that.

  “The soldiers know what I look like,” Horn carried on, “so there’s no way I’m going back to town alone. We can’t return to Zircon Tower without the treasure, at least.”

  “...So you’re suggesting we stock up from the peddlers on the city outskirts?”

  “That’s not a bad idea, but I have something else in mind. So leave it to me. I’m gonna show off how useful I can be!”

  “We won’t just be needing food and water until nightfall, but a place to rest, too, you know?”

  “I’ll take care of everything!”

  “...I will admit I am a bit dubious as to what you are planning, but since you are willing to say that much, I will trust you for now. You are the most experienced out of us all when it comes to clearing dungeons, after all.”

Leave it all to me!”

  Diablo had to admit it was hard to take him seriously when he was that easygoing about it.

  “How far is the dungeon from here?”

  “A small sand ship could get you there in half a day, so on foot it should take you...two or three days or so?”

  “I see.”

  Diablo’s dungeon didn’t appear on the field map in the game, it only existed as part of the setting. The place they were headed to was a place he knew better than anyone, but at the same time, was still shrouded in mystery...


  That evening—

  They found themselves near one of the many rocks that dotted the desert. Taking refuge under the shade of the rock, they brushed the sand away to reveal a wooden plank.

  A door...

  Opening it, they discovered a hollow and a wooden staircase leading down into it.

  “Wow, is this the dungeon!?” Shera asked with a shrill voice.

  Rem heaved a sigh. “He said earlier the dungeon is still two or three days away. Isn’t this a sand ship?”

  “Yup!” Horn nodded to her question. “A shipwreck. Couldn’t find any traces of people on it, so I think a monster sunk it.”

  That meant the crew either jumped ship, or were eaten by the monster.

  They walked down into the ship’s cabins, the wooden staircase creaking under the weight of their footsteps. Rem brushed her fingers across the wall, the surface crumbling briskly against her touch.

  The place seemed quite old.

  “...There’s food and water here...?”

  “A-yup! This is my secret base. It’s super handy, so we can restock here for the dungeon without going back to town.”

  “...Wouldn’t digging this up fetch you a small fortune?”

  “I wish, but the cabins are the only thing left whole. The stern and bow of the ship are both gone.”

  “...I see.”

  Lumachina looked around the cabin. She brought her hands together in prayer, maybe to give thanks to God for providing them with this place, or perhaps to pray for the deceased souls of the sailors.


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