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Rebecca and Zaire (Manchester Pack Book 1)

Page 4

by Christina Escue

  “Don’t be afraid of me,” I tell her, and she closes her eyes again.

  “I’m not,” she responds. “I’m afraid of my father.”

  “And of mine?” I ask, and she nods. “I will not let anyone harm you.”

  “You keep saying that, but you aren’t the alpha of either pack.”

  “Maybe not, but I am something a hell of a lot more important,” I tell her and reach out to stroke her cheek. When she opens her eyes again, I see the tears filling them, and they nearly break me.

  Sliding closer, I lift her from the ground and settle her in my lap, folding her into my arms, and tucking her head under my chin.

  “I feel so safe with you,” she tells me, and my wolf nearly purrs in contentment.

  “You are safe with me,” I assure her as I stroke her back.

  “No one has ever held me like this,” she mutters into my chest and my hand stills on her back.

  “Tell me about your childhood,” I say softly, and she inhales deeply before she starts talking.

  “I was born in Thomas, West Virginia. My father is alpha of the Douglas Falls pack. When I was young, I had a very good life. My mom loved me beyond reason, and she didn’t care if her and my father ever had another child, but he did. He wanted a son, so he’d have someone of blood to take over the pack. My father is a very cruel man, but he loved my mother. He would have pulled the moon from the sky and given it to her had she asked him to.” Sobs rock her body, and her tears soak my shirt, but I hold her close as she tells me everything.

  “When I was eight, my mom and I were at the lake near our estate. She was with child, and my father was over the moon happy because he was sure it was the son he’d longed for. Security was tight because there had been a threat to the pack, but mom begged father to take me to the lake. I had turned eight the week before, but the estate was on lock-down after two of our enforcers had been killed, so we didn’t get to do our traditional birthday picnic at the lake. Things had been calm, so father let us go. He sent six enforcers with us, but that wasn’t enough.”

  Tears fall from her eyes in streams, and I hold her a little tighter as sobs rock her tiny frame.

  “We were attacked. Three of the enforcers fell to the rogues who attacked us, but the other three were getting the upper hand on them. Mom shifted and I climbed onto her back. She knew she could run faster in her wolf form, and her only thought was getting me to safety. We were less than a hundred yards from the estate when a lone wolf darted from the trees behind us and snagged me off mom’s back. Instinctively, she turned and faced the animal who took me from her. I still remember the sounds coming from her when she attacked the wolf who’d dared to touch me.”

  “Shh,” I sooth her as I rub my hand in small circles over her back. “You don’t have to finish.”

  “Yes, I do,” she responds and struggles to control her sobs. Giving up after a moment, she grasps my shirt and continues speaking. “My father and most of his enforcers came from the estate, but they were too late. Mom’s side had been ripped open, and the pup’s lifeless form had been ripped from her. Mom was dead before father reached her, and his howls of grief echoed around the pack lands. When another wolf emerged from the trees, he ripped the wolf who’d killed mom apart, and father let him join our pack without question.”

  “And that wolf was Asher,” I breath and she nods against my chest.

  “I didn’t remember his wolf until just now,” she says and lifts her head from my chest. “He was one of the wolves at the lake, though.”

  “So, he had a part in your mother’s death,” I say and a growl rumbles in my chest.

  “Yes,” she answers and sighs. “My father never said it, but I know he has always blamed me for my mom’s death. If she and I hadn’t been at the lake that day, she’d still be alive.”

  “Were you injured that day?” I ask as my wolf tries to come out to protect her.

  “When the wolf grabbed me from mom’s back, he ripped my shoulder open and broke my arm. I was still a pup, so I didn’t heal as quickly as I do now.”

  “So you have reached maturity?” I ask, praying she has.

  “Yes,” she answers, and I sigh deeply. “I know I’m small, but I’m not a pup any longer.”

  “And how old are you, Rebecca?”

  “Eighteen,” she answers, and I smile.

  “Good,” I answer then slide my hand under her chin and raise her head up, so our eyes meet. “Because I would hate to be accused of taking advantage of a pup.”

  She looks at me in confusion for a second before my lips brush over hers.

  I mean for the kiss to be soft and comforting, but when she grips my shirt in her tiny fists, my control slips a little and I delve in.

  Her plum and molasses scent surrounds me as I open my mouth and run my tongue across her lips. When she parts them for me, I delve deeper into the recesses of her mouth, and I lose myself in her taste.

  Her arousal spikes, and I can’t stop myself from sliding my hand up her leg. I brush over her through her jeans, and she gasps into my mouth and pulls away.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, slightly disgusted with myself. I meant to comfort her, not grope her.

  “No,” she responds and pulls back a little more. “It’s just…”

  “What, Rebecca?”

  “This is a little embarrassing,” she says and tries to pull form my embrace. When I hold her tighter, she growls softly, and I chuckle.

  “I’m not letting you go until you tell me,” I tell her then lean down and kiss her forehead. “So, you may as well talk because it’s going to be getting dark soon, and if we aren’t back, dad will send enforcers out to find us.”

  “Fine,” she relents and sighs deeply. “No one has ever touched me like that. No one except me has ever touched me there.”

  “Wait,” I say and lift her as I rise to my feet. I sit her on her own feet, then cup her cheeks in my hands as I look into her eyes. “Are you telling me you’re a virgin?”

  “Yes,” she answers and tries to dip her head to look at her feet. I hold her steady and lean down to kiss her softly.

  “Then I will take my time with you,” I whisper in her ear. My warm breath against her skin causes a shiver to run down her spine, and I smile.

  “You sound sure you’ll get the chance,” she counters, and I chuckle.

  “I am sure,” I tell her. “You, sweet Rebecca, are my mate, and I will have you in every possible way. Now, come. Let’s get back before dad sends Nate and Matias to find us.”

  “Yeah, okay,” she responds, and I can tell I threw her for a loop.

  “We’ll talk more later,” I assure her, and she nods. “Now let’s go.”

  “Lead the way,” she says and shifts.

  I shift then look at her for a second before turning and heading back. Dad had been trying to chat with me the entire time I’d been gone, but I blocked him out until now.

  On our way back, I tell him as I start to run toward home.

  Good, because we have several things to discuss, he responds, and I cringe a little. I know I shouldn’t have taken off like I did, but I needed to get to Rebecca, and as a mated wolf I knew he would understand.

  I’m sorry, dad.

  Me too, son, he responds, and I sigh. He, Rebecca, and I need to sit down and talk, but that will have to wait until after we discuss whatever it is he needs to discuss. I may be the true alpha of the pack, but until I step into that role, he’s still in charge.

  Kicking up my speed a notch, I hear Rebecca behind me, and I know everything will be fine as long as I have her with me.

  Chapter Seven


  Mate, my wolf says in my mind as I follow Zaire back to his father’s home. I’m not sure how I didn’t know he was my mate, but after he said the words, I knew they were true. It’s the only thing that makes sense. I don’t let men touch me, not even the man I was engaged to, but I let Zaire do a hell of a lot more than just touch me, and I wanted him to
do a lot more.

  He’s who drew us to this place, my wolf tells me. I’m not sure I agree with her, but I know he’s the reason we will be staying here. My father may have a stroke, but I will not be going back to West Virginia. Not now, not ever.

  As we approach the edge of the trees surrounding what seems to be a horse ranch, Zaire stops and shifts back to the tall, dark, and sexy human I am so looking forward to getting to know better.

  “Shift back so we can talk to the others,” he tells me, and I shift immediately. Shifting has always been easy for me, but once I hit maturity, it became second nature. Once human, I walk to his side and take one of his large hands in both of mine.

  “No matter what’s happened, we will face it,” I tell him, and he relaxes marginally.

  “Together,” he says and brings our joined hands to his lips. He brushes a soft kiss across my knuckles, then raises his free hand to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. “Let’s go see what’s wrong.”

  He tugs me gently, and I let him lead me out of the trees and into the opening surrounding the ranch. I have never been on or even near a horse. My father would have freaked if he’d even thought I’d been around one of these huge, beautiful animals, and before maturity, I would have never done anything like I am now.

  “What’s going on?” I hear Zaire ask, and I look up to see a woman I haven’t seen yet. She’s tall, nearly as tall as Zaire, and is as dark as he is. I realize this must be his mother.

  “Your father killed Asher,” she said, and I hear a slight catch in her voice.

  “What happened, mom?” Zaire asks, pulling her against him in a one, armed hug. I try to tug my hand free so he can hug her properly, but he refuses to release me.

  “Ash started talking about the past, about you,” she says, and Zaire growls deep in his chest. Instinctively, I reach out with my free hand and gently rub his back. He calms at my touch and tugs me closer to him.

  I know mates have the capability to calm each other, but I had not seen it in action since my mom was killed.

  “What did he say?” Zaire asks once he has me tucked against his side.

  His mom looks between us for a second before focusing on him again.

  “He started telling everyone in the barn that you’re his son,” she says, and I gasp audibly. I have no idea what’s going on here, but I know Zaire is Lucas’ son. There is no way he’d have those eyes if he wasn’t.

  “Is it true?” I hear Zaire ask, and his mom shakes her head.

  “No,” she tells him and reaches out to touch his cheek. “His son died a year before you were born.”

  “What?” Zaire asks, and I hear shock in his voice. His body tenses, and I reach my hand out and lay it on his hard abs. I trace the contours of his stomach, and heat flares through me. This isn’t the time nor the place, but I find myself wanting to trace those contours with my tongue.

  “Come inside and we will talk,” she says, and I pick up on a deep sadness in her words. My mom always told me I was overly sensitive to the emotions in others, but after everything my father put me through, I didn’t give a damn about anyone back home except myself. Now, I’m finding myself drawn to this pack, to this family, and I’m opening myself to them in ways I never did to my own pack.

  “Mom, before we go inside, I need you to meet Rebecca,” he says and gently tugs me closer to his mom. “Rebecca Grant, this is my mom, Raelynn Blakeley.”

  “My mate mentioned our son had found his mate,” she says, and I blush slightly. “He did not, however, mention that you look like one of the porcelain dolls I collected as a child. You and my son will make beautiful pups.”

  “Mom, you’re embarrassing her,” Zaire tells her. His tone is protective, and I poke him in the stomach.

  “I’m fine,” I tell him when he looks down at me. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Blakeley.”

  “Call me Rae,” she responds, and I smile up at her. I feel very tiny next to everyone here, but I feel safe, and cared for. Not at all like I did in my own pack.

  “Thank you,” I tell her and smile shyly. “Now, let’s go find Lucas. There are things we all need to talk about.”

  “Many things indeed,” Rae says and turns on her heel. She leads us through the clearing, past the stables, where I can hear the horses moving about, and to the steps of a rustic cabin.

  “Mom?” Zaire asks, and Rae stops before walking up the steps. “Why here?”

  “Because this is where it all started,” she answers without looking at him. “And this is where it needs to be finished.”

  Without another word, she walks up the steps, opens the door, and disappears inside.

  “Zaire,” I say quietly, and he shakes his head.

  “I’m sure you’ll know everything soon,” he tells me then bends and kisses my forehead before leading me into the cabin.

  We stop at the door, and I peer inside. It’s larger than it appears from the outside, but seems very homey.

  “Son,” Lucas says from where he’s standing by a window in the small kitchen.

  “What’s going on, dad?” Zaire asks, and I hear the worry in his words. Something about this cabin has him and his wolf on edge.

  “Come, sit, and we will talk,” Lucas says and motions to the small table.

  Zaire nods, and tugs me toward one of the chairs. He sits and pulls me into his lap then looks at his parents and Matias. I’m not sure what his part in this is, but I know he’s the head of the pack’s enforcers.

  “You know I’m not originally from this pack,” Rae starts and looks at Zaire. He nods, and she continues. “My family and I moved here when I was still a pup. Your father was away at the time, serving in the Army, but Asher was here. I met him the day we arrived in the area, and was intrigued. I had never been around men other than my father and brothers, and he showed me the attention I craved.”

  “Mom, you don’t have to do this,” Zaire tells her, but she shakes her head.

  “I do, son,” she responds and looks at me for a second before looking at her hands. “I reached maturity a couple of months after we arrived here. My wolf knew immediately that Asher wasn’t our mate, but I didn’t care. I really liked him, and he seemed to be in love with me. When he asked me to marry him, I agreed despite my wolf’s objections, and we married that spring. Shortly after we were wed, I discovered I was pregnant, and he was over the moon happy. He knew he would never be alpha, that was Lucas’ destiny, but he finally had something his brother didn’t have.”

  She pauses, and Lucas rises from his chair to stand behind her. When he places his hands on her shoulders, she reaches up with her own and grasps them.

  “When the pup was born, he wasn’t like the other pups in the pack. He was missing a leg, but that didn’t matter to me. I loved him beyond reason. Asher was furious though. He blamed me, and my bloodline, for our son’s differences. You see, I am not a full-blooded wolf.”

  “That doesn’t make a difference though,” I say and look at Zaire. “Wolves mate with humans all the time and have healthy pups.”

  “I know,” Rae says and looks at her mate for a second before focusing on her son again. “Shortly after the pup was born, your father returned home, and my wolf recognized him as our true mate.”

  “I knew instantly she was meant to be mine, but she was married to my brother, and they had a pup,” Lucas picks up the story. “I stepped back and didn’t interfere with what they had, but I watched. I knew of the pup’s difference, and I knew my brother. He was not a forgiving man, and I was afraid he would try harming Rae or the pup.”

  “It was a good thing he was watching,” Rae says and shudders a little. “The pup was only a couple of months old when Lucas returned home. He was born with several medical issues that don’t usually affect wolves. Other than his leg, he had a problem with his heart and his kidneys didn’t function as they should. Our doctor kept an eye on him, but told us he probably wouldn’t live to be a year old.”

  She stops to wipe th
e tears from her cheeks, and I look at her. She’s broken, and I know this is tearing her apart, but she seems to know she needs to tell Zaire everything.

  As he listens to the story, I can tell he’s holding his emotions in, and I do my best to remind him I’m here.

  “He died when he was four months old, and Asher lost it,” Rae continues, and I listen but don’t take my eyes off Zaire. “He got super drunk, which takes a lot of alcohol for a wolf, and when he came home, he beat me. He beat me so bad, I thought he was going to kill me.”

  “It happened right here,” Lucas picks up and looks around the cabin. “This is where Asher and Rae lived while they were married, and this is where their son died. The night the pup died, I knew my brother was unstable, so I kept watch over the cabin. When he came home, I knew he was drunk, and I should have stopped him from entering the cabin, but I didn’t. I will regret that for the rest of my existence, but there’s nothing I can do to change it. I watched, and waited for something to happen. I heard Rae’s screams as he wailed into her, and I made it inside just as he was pulling a knife from his boot. I should have killed him that night, but getting to Rae was my only thought.”

  “You saved me,” Rae tells him, and looks up into his eyes. “Just as you have many times over the past twenty-four years.”

  “I have failed you, though,” Lucas tells her as his eyes fill with tears. “Asher left the pack that night, and once Rae was healed, she and I mated. A year later, Zaire was born, and two after that we had another son. Both were healthy, and vibrant pups, which sliced through Asher’s theory that Rae’s bloodline was the cause of their pup’s medical issues.”

  “Then Asher returned,” Rae tells us. “He came back, and seemed to be a different man. He had stopped drinking, and wanted to find a place in the pack once more. Lucas took over as alpha just after we mated, and he allowed Ash to return under the stipulation he stay far away from me and our boys. Ash agreed, and swore he was a changed man, but Lucas never really trusted him again.”

  “And he had every right not to,” Zaire comments, and I look at him.


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