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Switching Leagues

Page 1

by Lexi Archer

  Switching Leagues

  Lexi Archer


  1. Connie

  2. Paul

  3. Connie

  4. Paul

  5. Connie

  6. Connie

  7. Connie

  8. Connie

  9. Paul

  10. Paul

  11. Paul

  12. Paul

  More from Lexi Archer

  Switching Leagues

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2019 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, July 2019

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  I felt the eyes on me as I was finishing up the last of my cable crunches. Sure I could do the old fashioned crunches, but there was something about using weights that always felt better to me for some reason.

  Not to mention I wasn’t in the mood to throw out my lower back or anything.

  I looked up and tried to pinpoint where the eyes were. It’s not like eyes on me in the gym were all that out of the ordinary. It’s not like this was some sort of huge musclehead gym or something like that down in the city where the bodybuilders did their weights out in the gym itself and their ‘roids in the locker room.

  This was just a quiet sort of place in the suburbs where the day crowd of stay at home parents, mostly moms, could come and work out during the day, and the evening crowd of professionals still fighting the ever losing battle of the bulge could come in the evening to try and work off the thousands of calories that came with their fast food lunch by burning a few hundred calories, tops, doing a half assed walk on the treadmill.

  My eyes moved to those treadmills now, and that’s where I saw him. A guy who looked like he’d had a few too many large fries in his day. To his credit he was hanging out on the treadmills trying to work some of that excess fat off.

  To his discredit, is that even how you said that? Whatever. He was busy staring at the asses of all the girls around him working out. Yeah, if staring at asses and tits bouncing as women did their thing on the treadmill had been an Olympic sport then this guy definitely would’ve been able to go for the gold.

  As soon as he realized I was looking at him looking at me he turned away. A blush came to his face. Well, maybe it was a blush. It was hard to tell. It might’ve been the exertion of walking on the treadmill with it dialed all the way up to two on the speed meter.

  I grinned and turned away from the dude. I’d caught him sneaking a little peek, but it’s not like that was all that out of the ordinary. At least not these days. I’d been spending the past year or so getting myself back into fighting shape.

  Honestly I was in the best shape of my life now. As I looked at the mirror attached to the free weight side of the gym I saw a fit woman staring back out at me. My yoga pants, oh so comfortable for working out in, hugged an ass that was tight and curved at the same time. I’d made sure to spend an extra little special amount of time getting that part of me to look perfect.

  I hadn’t even lost all the baby weight in my tits, though I had lost the baby weight everywhere else on my body. Let me tell you, getting a little bit of extra oomph in the chest department had been a pleasant side effect of the whole having kids thing.

  Once I’d managed to get everything else under control.

  Yeah, there’d been a time when I could walk through the front door of that gym and I wouldn’t get a second look from any of the dudes who haunted the place, but those days were well and truly over now. I was getting glances from all around the place.

  They were trying their best to not look like they were looking at me, but I saw them. It was pretty fucking easy to pick out the ones who were trying to catch a little sneak peak.

  It always sent a thrill running through me. I couldn’t exactly explain it. Just that there was something about knowing these guys were staring at me and thinking about me and fantasizing and knowing they couldn’t actually have me. That I was the hottest thing in the room, which was saying something considering some of the hotties who regularly came through here, and they all wanted to fuck me and they couldn’t have me.

  I was all for my husband. Now if only I could get the lazy bastard to actually come into the gym and do some working out of his own. I sighed, and made my way for the lockers.

  Though as I made my way towards the lockers I did see something that had me changing where I was going just a little bit. It’s not like it was a huge deviation to go past the squat rack and check out Liam where he was doing his thing.

  He smiled and gave me a nod. He was leaning against the bar right now, which meant he was probably in the middle of a rest set. He pulled one of his earpods out and grinned.

  “How’s it going Connie?” he asked.

  “Pretty good,” I said, using the towel to wipe some sweat that’d suddenly magically appeared on me away.

  I told myself it was just from my workout, and not that I was getting hot and bothered looking at Liam. He was usually here most mornings working out, and I’d started timing those workouts to make sure I got to be here around the same time as him.

  It was a little odd to time my workouts around another man, but I figured if there were other dudes around the gym who were going to be checking me out as eye candy then I was going to do the same thing to the few dudes in the place who also qualified as eye candy.

  “Get your calves in today,” Liam asked, pointedly looking at my calves and only my calves.

  “You know it,” I said, grinning and trying to hide my disappointment.

  Why is it that of all the guys in the gym who checked me out, the one dude who I wanted checking me out was the one dude who only wanted to look at my body to give me pointers about my bodybuilding? It would’ve been enough to make me think he was gay, nothing wrong with that, but he’d talked about some of the girls he’d gone out with.

  Maybe it was just that he was younger than me. He was in his twenties, going to college and still living at his parents’ house to save some money, and I was in my thirties with two kids. Two young kids, mind you. I might as well be the Cryptkeeper for all this guy was concerned.

  Still, he was a nice kid. Not to mention he was always willing to spot me and give me some pointers about how to get over a plateau.

  Not for the first time I found myself wishing that I could get my husband to care about fitness as much as Liam cared about fitness, but I already knew that was a losing battle.

  “Well you make sure you keep it up,” he said, giving me a once over that was all about assessing my progress and not at all about looking at me like a woman, which was endlessly frustrating. “Wanna make sure you don’t backslide or anything!”

  “Yeah, thanks for the pep talk,” I said, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

  There really wasn’t any more excuse for me to be hanging around here. I blushed as I realized that I was hanging around and not being any better than some of the fat fucks who were always checking me out. I mean there was nothing wrong with someone coming into the gym with a little extra weight on them to try and get it off, but most of the dudes who stared at me were the kind who did a halfassed effort at best.

  Whatever. It was time for me to get going before this got awkward. Time to go shower, get dressed
, pick up the kids from the childcare at the front, and go from being the goddess of our suburban chain gym, beloved by all in my tight yoga pants, to merely being mom where the only time someone looked at my tits with hunger was when they quite literally wanted a snack.

  Well I was past that, thank God, but whatever. The point stood. It was time to leave this little bubble of fun and head out into the real world where I was just another suburban mom in tight yoga pants doing her thing.



  I took one final bite of the hamburger and then crinkled the paper and tossed the thing in the bag. The fries at the bottom of the thing looked inviting, so I took a few more of those. I figured I might as well enjoy myself while I could.

  I wouldn’t be able to enjoy any of this when I walked through the door and Connie was there to nag me about making positive choices in my life. As though I had time to make positive choices in my life when I was so constantly busy at work that it’s not like I had time to think, let alone worry about things like whether or not I was going to diet or spend time in the gym.

  It pissed me off sometimes that she spent so much time at the gym getting in shape. I mean I didn’t mind the end results. She was every bit as hot today as she’d been when we first met. Maybe hotter, if I was being perfectly honest.

  It’s just that she was always acting so judgmental about some of the choices I made, and it was frustrating when I was the one working to bring home the bacon so she could hang out around the house and go to the gym. The place even had childcare so it’s not like she had to watch the kids while she was doing that. It must’ve been a nice little break she got to take every day.

  I sighed. Ran a hand through my hair. It wasn’t helping anything to think like that, for all that the annoyance was threatening to get the best of me the same as it always did. I needed to put on a smile and try to forget the stress of the work day.

  “Daddy!” someone screamed as I stepped through the garage half a minute later. A munchkin slammed into me and I pulled her into a huge hug, then set her down.

  I looked up, and sure enough there was Connie loading dishes into the dishwasher. I wasn’t surprised that I’d gotten here too late for dinner, and when I saw some of the salad stuff she was tossing down the garbage disposal I was kinda glad that I’d had to stop and dine on the finest fast food our exit had to offer.

  Connie turned around and hit me with a long suffering smile that said she wasn’t happy that I’d been working late again. What the fuck ever. I felt another stab of annoyance that she could stand there judging me like that when I’d been late because of an emergency at the job that kept food on the table and let her stay home with the kids.

  But I smiled and didn’t let any of that show. There was no point in letting any of that show. There was no point in getting so mad at her that we had another argument.

  The last thing I wanted was to have another argument with her. The last thing I wanted was the kids going off to sit in front of the damned television while we had it out with the door closed in our bedroom. So instead I smiled my brightest smile at her and tried to pretend that everything was okay, because wasn’t that what you were supposed to do when you lived in the ‘burbs?

  “How’s everything going honey?” I asked.

  “It’s fine,” she said, looking me up and down. “Another late night at the office?”

  “Something like that,” I said. “We had a client calling in like it was the end of the world because one of their orders wasn’t going to get to them on time.”

  “And of course you were the only one who could take care of it,” she said.

  I was the only one who could take care of it, as a matter of fact, but I wasn’t going to get into that with her again. She seemed to think that assistants magically grew on trees or something, and that those assistants could somehow do my job.

  “Look, I’m sorry I was late,” I said. “But you know how it is at the office. If we want to keep living around here then I kinda need to do what they ask me to do around there.”

  She sighed. “I know

  You have to do that stuff, but could you at least come home to what I cook for you? You know we’ve been on a health kick lately.”

  I took the opportunity to look my wife up and down. The truth was she was the one who’d been on the health kick lately. I thought I still looked pretty good. Sure maybe I’d put on fifteen or twenty pounds since graduating from college all those years ago, but I looked damn good compared to some of the other assholes in the office who drank themselves to one hell of a beer gut.

  Not that I said any of that to Connie. She was on the kind of health kick that had her in the best shape of her life. As I stood there looking her up and down in her suburban mom uniform of a pair of tight yoga pants and an even tighter tank top that showed off what that gym membership gave her, well it was difficult not to think what a blessing it was that she’d been putting in that extra time at the gym.

  For all that there was no way I was going to have the time to do something like that. No fucking way at all, thank you very much. Some of us had to work for a living while she got to fuck around at the gym having a good time with all her friends out there.

  “Maybe tomorrow,” I grunted, knowing full well that I wasn’t going to touch the leftovers she’d send with me, thank you very much.

  “Okay,” she said, sounding disappointed, but whatever. It’s not like I could feel all that bad about it. She was the one who was constantly nagging me when I was just trying to do my damn job.

  “I’m going to be in the mancave if you need me,” I said.

  Connie rolled her eyes. She’d never liked that name I’d given the basement, but what the fuck ever. She’d also never liked that I’d pretty much taken over the whole place, but I figured if she could have the rest of the house to decorate as she pleased then I could have that one room to decorate as I pleased, thank you very much.

  “You don’t want to stay up here and…”

  “I just need a few minutes to decompress, is all,” I said. “So if you don’t mind…”

  The look Connie gave me said she very much did mind, but she wasn’t going to say anything in front of the kids. Which was probably a good thing. I’m sure it wasn’t good for them seeing their parents getting into a fight a few times a week. No, she’d keep the peace, and she’d let me have just a little while to decompress and not have to worry about anything.

  A guy needed that after a hard day of work, thank you very much. Everyone was way too touchy-feely these days about that kind of shit. Dads had to be involved all the time and all that shit. I loved my kids and family, don’t get me wrong, but after a hard day at the office there were just times when I needed to decompress.

  A few hours later I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned to the stairs, thinking that maybe one of the munchkins was coming down to see me, so color me surprised when I saw Connie standing there at the top of the stairs looking down at me with an unreadable expression.

  Though she certainly had my attention with the clothes she was wearing. She was in a sheer pink nightie that showed off her body and then some. She also clearly wasn’t wearing a bra, and the points of her nipples were straining out against the top providing an inviting view.

  My cock stirred, and I motioned for her to come down. She hesitated for a moment, which sent a pang of anger running through me. Why the fuck would she hesitate to come down and see her husband? Honestly. It was like she didn’t appreciate a damn thing I did for her or this family.

  “I put the kids to bed,” she said, finally descending the stairs and coming to stand by my couch. “They’d like it if you came up and at least said goodnight to them.”

  “Sure thing,” I said, putting an arm around her and thinking that the kids could wait. There were far more interesting things on offer here tonight than going up to say goodnight to the munchkins when they were probably already asleep.

  “Seriously?” she asked a
s my hand snaked around her, a tone of anger hitting her voice. “You’re going to do this now?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, pulling her down on top of me.

  Oh yeah. She was so hot. I might get annoyed that she was trying to get me to take part in this whole health kick she’d been on, but there was no denying that it’d done wonderful things to her body. God my wife was so hot. I bet all the guys in the gym drooled all over her, and they could eat their hearts out because she was coming home to me, boyos.

  There was something about thinking about all the meatheads who had to be working out at that gym on the regular checking my wife out, and knowing she was coming home to my slightly pudgy butt for the good stuff, that really got me turned on. My cock throbbed against the cleft of her ass, and the way she moved around as she wiggled on my cock was delicious.

  Only she still didn’t sound happy about something. Honestly, she could be so ungrateful sometimes.



  I sighed as Paul pulled me into his body. It was something he occasionally did when he’d had a little too much to drink down here while he was catching up on whatever the fuck it was that he watched down here.

  I knew I should’ve tried to be more understanding. At the very least I should’ve tried to be a little receptive to what he was doing here. I mean wasn’t not having sex one of the big things that broke apart marriages?


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