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Switching Leagues

Page 3

by Lexi Archer


  I could feel the eyes on me. The eyes were always on me when I was in the squat rack. I mean we were talking an exercise where I was dipping down and thrusting my ass out, and it was an ass that looked very good thanks to all the sculpting I’d been doing over the past year or so, thank you very much.

  So I knew there were a bunch of men watching me. Looking at my ass. Wondering what it would look like outside the yoga pants I always wore to the gym. Probably wondering what it would look like if I was backing that ass onto their cocks as they stared down at me.

  Oh yeah, that was getting me all hot and bothered. For some reason that always seemed to push me to working out harder. Maybe it was that the end goal for working out like this, health benefits aside, was to look good for the opposite sex.

  Why the hell else would someone spend hours a day in the gym trying to get into perfect shape? I mean sure there were people who were into sports and all that stuff, and I’m sure they had to work out to be good at whatever sport it was they were playing, but most people were in here because they wanted to look good so they had a better chance when they were going out to get laid.

  I wasn’t like that, of course. I was a married woman. I could get it whenever I wanted back at home.

  Assuming I even wanted to get it at home. That was a voice that’d been getting louder and louder over the past year. The more time I spent exercising and making sure I looked as good as I did back in college, maybe better now, the more frustrated I got thinking about my husband not taking the hint and doing the same thing.

  That fueled me as I pushed back up. I was going for a personal best here today. I didn’t grunt. I just stared at myself and thought about that pitiful session I’d had with Paul the night before.

  Well, it’d been pitiful in some ways at least. The way he’d left me high and dry there at the end after he’d managed to get his rocks off had been frustrating. The way he’d stared at me like he didn’t think I was going to give a damn that he’d just gotten off and wasn’t going to do anything for me had been even more frustrating.

  It was enough to fuel me through another dip, then coming back up. I couldn’t believe that he’d be such a selfish lover like that. There’d been a time when the only thing he cared about was making sure I had a good time, because making sure I had a good time while we were fucking was the most surefire way to make sure he had a good time while we were fucking.

  Then again there’d also been a time when he was all about keeping himself in shape. A time when all he could think about was going to the gym and making sure he had all the muscles he needed to really get me going when he tore his shirt off.

  I wasn’t so stupid as to think that he would stay a bronzed muscular god for the rest of his life or anything stupid like that. Time and age came for everyone, after all.

  But was it too much to ask that he do some basic maintenance to make sure that he at least sort of looked good as the years went on? He was starting to turn into his dad, huge gut and all, and that wasn’t a good thing. That old chestnut about looking at the parents to be able to see into the future was hitting me now, and it wasn’t a good future. I’d never fuck Paul’s dad, for all that the creepy old man occasionally looked at me like he wouldn’t mind having a go at it when he thought I wasn’t looking at family gatherings.

  “You look like you’re working through some shit,” a familiar voice said from behind me.

  The only thing that kept me from dropping the weights in the squat rack, something that could be dangerous even with the rack there to catch them if they fell, was that I was already putting them back on.

  As it was I stumbled just a little, but Liam was right there to help me out. His arms appeared on either side of my shoulders, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Thought about how good it felt having his arms wrapped around me like that.

  Which naturally led to thoughts about how good those arms would feel if they were wrapped around me in another context. And that led to me thinking about fucking Paul the night before. How I’d been imagining it was Liam’s cock pressing inside me. That got me to thinking about how selfish Paul had been there at the end, and by the time I whipped around on Liam the practical upshot of all those thoughts was I was good and pissed off.

  “Whoa,” Liam said, holding up his hands like he was trying to ward off an attack or something. “Whatever I did to you, I’m sorry!”

  I paused for a beat, realized what I must look like to him, then sighed.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “Just having a little bit of trouble at home, and you startled me, and…”

  And I trailed off, because the last thing I needed was to admit to him that part of the reason I’d been having some trouble the night before was because I’d been thinking of him while I was fucking my husband.

  “Totally understand,” Liam said, flashing a winning smile that had my guts twisting. It also hit me in a very primal place. Like we’re talking there was an ache, a longing, that started just behind my belly button and then traveled down, down, until it hit that spot between my legs where I could feel myself getting slick with desire.

  Not a good thing, considering the only thing separating that desire from the world was the thin material of my panties and my yoga pants. At least I wore black, so it wouldn’t be too obvious if I started to stain the damned things.

  Either way I was going to have to call an end to this sooner rather than later, though.

  Liam took a step closer. Reached out and moved a strand of hair off my shoulder. It was such a simple move, something that could’ve been innocent under other circumstances, but with him standing right there staring down at me with a sudden intensity that said he counted himself among the ranks of the men who wouldn’t mind having a little fun with me, knowing that I wouldn’t mind having a go with him, well let’s just say that I suddenly felt myself twisting up inside as I thought of all the things I wouldn’t mind letting him do to me!

  “I mean I guess I can’t really know what it’s like,” he said. “I haven’t exactly settled down, y’know. But I do know that if I was lucky enough to settle down with a hottie like you then there’s not a chance I’d ever do anything to upset you.”

  My eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head at his words. He was hitting on me. He was actually hitting on me right here in the middle of the gym!

  Sure it was sort of violating a rule that was supposed to be sacrosanct around here. The gym was’t a meat market, and so you didn’t go around hitting on people while they were doing their thing at the gym.

  Only this was a case where I very much wanted him hitting on me. It was a surprise to realize I felt that way, but after the way Paul had treated me yesterday, after the bitchy way he’d been acting towards me ever since I started this fitness kick, I realized that I was good and pissed off at him.

  And maybe a little bit of attention from one of the hottest bodies at the gym was just what the doctor ordered, when you got down to it. Maybe having a little bit of flirtatious fun with Liam, not doing more than that thank you very much, was exactly what I needed to get a little bit of the old mojo back.



  “So what would you think to maybe taking a trip to the sauna?” I asked.

  Liam nearly skipped a beat as I said it. He’d turned and was getting ready to walk over to whatever he was doing next, already seemingly forgetting the fun we’d had together, but it was clear from the way he nearly tripped and fell on his face that I had his attention with that line.

  He turned and stared at me long and hard. Like he was trying to figure out if I was messing with him.

  He knew I was married, after all, even if he didn’t know the starring role he’d been playing in my marriage so recently. His eyes went down to where my wedding ring sat on my finger, and then back to my face.

  “Um, I sort of have a workout to finish and everything,” he said, his tone telling me he was still having some trouble believing that I�
��d be offering him what he thought I was offering him. “Maybe after that if…”

  “Oh that’s okay,” I said, sashaying past him and making sure to put some swing into my hips. I felt his eyes moving down to my ass and smiled. That was exactly what I was going for, of course. “If you decide you want to head to the sauna then you know where I’ll be.”

  “Right,” he said, his voice strained as he said it.

  If anything my grin only got broader. Oh yeah. That was a man who was going to be eating out of my hands soon enough. Even if he didn’t realize it. It’s not like he was going to pass up the opportunity to get with me.

  Even if there was a part of him that still wasn’t very sure whether or not what I was offering him truly was a chance to get with me. I couldn’t help but smile all over again as I thought of him standing there mulling it over and wondering if this really was the opportunity he’d been hoping and praying for since the first time he laid eyes on me.

  Well, maybe not since the first time he laid eyes on me. The first time he laid eyes on me, to be fair, had been back when I was going to the gym again for the first time. Back when I’d still had a good chunk of the baby weight.

  Now, though, he sure as fuck wanted me. I knew he wanted me. I wasn’t even trying to be egotistical or anything thinking about how much he wanted me. It was a simple statement of fact.

  Every time he looked at me he was thinking the same things that everyone else was thinking when they got a good look at me. How much he’d love to bend me over one of the benches he was working out on and do what came naturally to someone who was bending a woman over one of the benches at the gym.

  I was sure that was his number one jerk off fantasy when he was thinking of me. The thing he couldn’t have known, until now at least, was that my number one fantasy when I was fucking my husband was something that was very similar to what he was thinking about when he was getting himself off.

  I started shivering as I reached the locker rooms. Sure there was a part of me that was having fun doing the whole seductress routine here, but there was another part of me that was having trouble believing I would do something like that.

  I was married woman. I wasn’t supposed to be teasing other guys like this. I wasn’t supposed to even think about other guys like that.

  Okay, maybe it was okay to think of other guys. Forsaking all others was something you were supposed to do in the real world, not something you were supposed to do in your head. I didn’t care what some of the more whacked out religious types in my old town said about sinning in your mind and lusting in your heart.

  Everyone looked. The point was I wasn’t supposed to touch because I was supposed to be a happily married woman. I was supposed to be getting everything I wanted from my husband.

  Only I wasn’t a happily married woman. I was a married woman who wasn’t close to getting everything I wanted from my husband. That right there was the rub.

  The shivering finally subsided. I took a couple of deep breaths to try and get myself under control. I thought about how crazy this was, but then realized that it was also just a little bit of harmless fun.

  Sure I’d just invited another man to go back to the sauna with me, but it’s not like he was going to take me up on that offer. It’s not like I’d walk out there towards the pool and he’d be waiting in there for me. I’d go in there and enjoy a little bit of time in the heat, give myself some time to come down from this impossible high I was feeling from doing something so naughty, and then I’d go home tonight and have more unsatisfying sex with my husband while I thought about Liam fucking me in the sauna.

  Which would be something that totally hadn’t happened in the real world, but it would be one hell of a fantasy to enjoy while I was fucking Paul. It would be about the only way that I’d actually be able to get off with Paul, for that matter.

  I probably should’ve felt bad about that, but I had trouble working up any fucks to give. He was the one who’d dismissed me and been such an asshole the night before, after all. He was the one who didn’t seem to give a fuck how I felt or whether or not I had a good time when we did fuck.

  So why should I give a fuck what he thought? I shouldn’t, damn it.

  I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about my situation at home. It just wasn’t fair. I should have a husband who enjoyed what I was doing. Who enjoyed it enough that he picked up on the hints I was always dropping that he needed to get his ass to the gym and make sure I had something fun to look at while I was bouncing on him!

  Because if he didn’t do something like that… Well let’s just say that thoughts of Liam were filling my mind more and more. It’s not like I thought anything was actually going to happen, but the more I thought about it…

  I shook my head. I wasn’t going to think about another man like that. The last thing I needed was to think about walking into the sauna and seeing him standing there with sweat dripping off of his body. With his pecs right there slick with how hot he was for me.

  I didn’t need to think about him sitting there with nothing but a towel covering his unmentionables. I didn’t need to think about how hot it would be to see his cock tenting up. Or what it would feel like to get down on my knees as he pulled the towel to the side revealing that he wasn’t wearing anything under it and…

  I shook my head. What was wrong with me? What I needed was to go and sit in the sauna with my eyes closed for a little while so I didn’t have to think about how crazy I was acting. Yeah, that would be just the ticket.

  So I stepped out of the locker room and listened to the familiar sounds all around me. In one direction it was the sound of people getting their workout on. Chatting on the ellipticals or clanging weights around. In the other direction it was the sound of the pool accompanied by the faint scent of chlorine that would start to get stronger as I headed for the sauna which was right by the pool for anyone who wanted to heat up after they’d spent time cooling off.

  I walked in that direction. I didn’t hear anyone in the pool. That was good. I wouldn’t have anyone interrupting me in there. Usually it was pretty quiet in there, but I wasn’t in a mood to have someone checking me out while I was trying to relax.

  Not when I was already so keyed up. I had visions of being so turned on that I’d jump whatever guy walked in there and make his day, and I really didn’t need to do that. If I was going to jump someone then it was going to be Liam!

  So imagine my surprise when I pushed open the door to the sauna and saw only one other person in there. And of course the one other person was none other than Liam, looking absolutely delicious.




  I paused at the entrance and stared at Liam. Sure I'd seen just about everything he had on offer before. It was difficult not to see everything he had on offer. Not when he was constantly wearing impossibly tight tank tops and shorts that left very little to the imagination when he was in the gym working out and stretching those muscles. No, he was one of those guys who wanted to make sure there was absolutely nothing left to the imagination.

  Only there was something different about looking at him now. Staring at him and seeing that sexy and confident smile as he looked back at me. A smile that said he knew exactly what was going on here.

  And why not? He'd been with plenty of women before. He'd had plenty of women throwing themselves at him. I’d seen some of them throwing themselves at him in the gym, and I’d seen him taking some of them up on what they were offering. So why wouldn't he know exactly what was going on here? That I was doing the same thing? That I desperately wanted him. Needed to feel him.

  I stared at him and all those thoughts ran through my head in a matter of moments. Though there was one overriding thought that filled my mind as I stared at him.

  The thought that what I was doing here was wrong. That this was cheating on my husband. Sure all I’d done was step into the sauna so far, but that didn't change the fact that I was stepping into t
he sauna and seeing only him standing there because I all but invited him to come back here and join me in the heat. I’d been promising him something if he came back here. Sure I’d been doing it subtly, but still. The promise had been there. That promise was the whole reason he was here, and a man like Liam seemed like the kind of guy who would expect me to make good on that promise.

  God it made me weak in the knees and so fucking wet thinking about making good on that promise.

  "Liam," I said, proud that my voice didn’t waver.

  "Connie," he said back to me, nodding ever so slightly. Like we were just two people meeting randomly in the gym sauna and he hadn’t come back here because I’d invited him back here while thinking about fucking him.

  Oh God that wasn't good. He was looking at me with such intensity. Such passion. He was looking at me like I was a piece of meat he’d love nothing more than to devour, and right about then I’d love nothing more than to be devoured.

  Goosebumps rose all over my body, despite the impossible heat in the room. I looked over to the oven, or whatever the hell they called the thing. I looked at the sign that warned against pouring water over the thing because it was just an electronic approximation of the actual heated stones you’d get in a real sauna where you could actually throw on some steam. Then I looked back at Liam who was a source of far more heat than I was ever going to get from a bunch of heated stones in a sauna, whether they were fake or real.

  He patted the wood bench next to him. "Want to join me?"

  Oh God did I want to join him. Only now that I was in here, now that this was happening, now that all the naughty things I’d been thinking of were actually within the realm of possibility, I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was that sitting next to him would be crossing a hell of a line. For all that it was just sitting next to a guy in the sauna, which should’ve been innocent enough.


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